Welcoming the Word

Open Your Bible

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16, Matthew 13:1-9, Acts 13:44-52

Our heart’s readiness to welcome God’s word can be examined much like a farmer examines the ground for planting. There is healthy, usable soil (a ready heart), and there is hard, difficult soil (a heart not yet prepared) that takes a lot of effort and back-breaking work to make usable again. In the book of Jeremiah, the Lord warns Israel about allowing the soil of their hearts to become hard and thorny. He tells them to “break up the unplowed ground” and “not sow among the thorns” (Jeremiah 4:3).

God’s people were planting seeds without having prepared the soil of their souls, and so the seeds of faith had no ground to mature. How do we avoid planting seeds of faith on rocky, shallow ground? How do we practice breaking up the hard places of our hearts to welcome God’s word into our hearts?

I’ve never personally planted anything—caked my hands with dirt, gently cradled roots, or sought the best soil for a plant to grow well. I can barely keep indoor plants already potted in good soil alive. So, I can only imagine the difficult work of removing large rocks, gathering thorns and weeds to be thrown out and turning the ground into something usable. 

Thankfully, when it comes to matters of our hearts, Jesus came to break up the unplowed ground through His life, death, and resurrection. When Jesus was on earth, He brought the good news to the Jewish people—His people—though they had not done a good job of keeping their hearts prepared to receive Him. Welcoming the word of God is more than receiving a Bible passage or following God’s law; it is receiving the person of Jesus (John 1:1). Some people were threatened by His popularity and power, so they constantly looked for ways to silence Him; the soil of their hearts rejected Jesus.

Yet, there was another group of people who received the word of God and welcomed it (1Thessalonians 2:13). These people had hearts with good soil, and when they heard about Jesus, the seeds of faith took root. And to all who received in Him, “he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name” (John 1:12). 

As children of God, we must tend to the soil of our hearts more than once. When growing food or flowers, it’s necessary to prepare the ground seasonally. We can’t simply plant a seed and walk away, hoping to grow good food the next year without any effort. We must regularly practice the spiritual discipline of welcoming Jesus into our hearts. We need to tend to the soil of our hearts, so that it does not become overrun by weeds and thorns. We need to water our faith often with the word of God, replanting some unmet desires through prayer. 

Take time to examine your soil. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you break up your unplowed ground. “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong” (Ephesians 3:17, NLT).

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60 thoughts on "Welcoming the Word"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Praying that God will show me areas in my life that need to be pruned. I know that can be a scary prayer.

  2. Donna Hedger says:

    I love the analogy of receiving the word with joy, and being firmly rooted in Jesus’ truths. I recently was with my brother-in-law, his wife, and my husband at a spring in Deleon, Florida. We saw this massive live oak tree, and we all stood in awe of its grandeur! It was so big, and its roots came up out of the ground and went back down. There was no hurricane-forced wind that was going to touch this tree! It was firm and secure! Then I saw in Ocala National Park miles of thin trees all bent in the same direction, some even broken in half – a wind storm must’ve come through there. It really made me think about how one tree was so rooted and strong – and the others weak and all bent in the same direction. The verses that came to mind were Psalm 1 (we shall be like trees planted by streams of water) and Ephesians 4:14, “Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.” May we be rooted so deeply in God’s word and truths that we don’t get blown down by troubles, temptations, and the current societal influences of our day, but we stand strong in the power of His might, our eternal and unchanging Savior!

  3. Dorothy says:

    Lord help me to tend to my heart and soul. Keep me reaping the benefits of Your Word. Remind me to seek out Your guidance and Your love when I need it. Amen
    Be blessed sisters.

  4. Jennifer Ivey says:

    Praying that God will show me how to cultivate good Soil. That He will grow his word in my heart!

  5. M H says:

    Praying for Baby Owen and Taylor on her first day with patients. Thanks to all you sweet ladies for your posts. I love gardening and the analogy to softened soil speaks to me. The past few months events feel as though they have ripped through the soul of my life and I have felt so broken. It is good to think of God’s allowing of the hurt so soften my heart so that new life can blossom. Holding on to His promises and so very thankful for SRT and you ladies for helping point me to the lover of my soul and the giver of life. God bless each of you today!

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    Crysta I understand completely. My son went to a christian school and most of the women ignored me. I was divorced. I loved fashion and was a hairstylist. That seemed threatening. I agree some churches are not that welcoming. You feel like the new kid walking into class for the first time. Yet I learned we are all human and fall short. I was expecting too much. I was introduced to the bible study BSF. I went to BSF for 7 years. I loved it. I needed a christian friend that would encourage me, but once again we are all human. I wanted Jesus so badly. But then I had a man physically abuse me. God didn’t allow me to be hurt as badly as I could have been. But I felt He turned His back on me. I walked away. Looking back I realize I was a very immature christian. I walked away for about 20 years. I’m so very thankful for SRT. It has helped me to look to God first thing in my day. Please pray for me. Pray that I have strength to endure my sons fatal illness. Pray that I keep my eyes focused on Jesus. Pray that my roots grow strong. Pray that I have soft pliable soil….

  7. AZ Walker says:

    I love today’s devotion to tend to the soul of my heart ❤️. Praying for baby Ollie, Owen and Z and others dealing with anxiety, experiencing hurt and division in their family and church families and new jobs and school decisions, Reading and praying every day. Thank you for those who prayed for my autistic nephew’s baby boy James who has a lot of issues but is thriving with a loving foster mom who was a nurse. Praying birth mother will sign away for his adoption but she is fighting for him and not able to provide in all aspects to give him a nurturing home. Please pray for my daughter and I as we head to a university today and that our trip will be a smooth and positive experience. Blessings to all.

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    Crysta I have felt the same way you have. My son went to a christian school. Most of the moms ignored me. I was divorced. I was a hairstylist and loved fashion, that seemed to be threatening. It hardened my heart more than anything. I agree churches can be caught up in their own groups and not welcoming to the new person. I so needed a loving friend that could encourage me to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. I wanted it so badly. I went to BSF for 7 years and still felt alone. And then I had a man physically abuse me and I turned away. I had prayed that night that God would remove him from me. After the assault I saw that as God turning away. But a few years later I realized God was showing me what this man was capable of yet I wasn’t hurt as badly as I could have been. He got me through. And yet, I still turned away. I realize I was a very immature christian with hard soil. 20 years later I sit with SRT every morning. I read all the comments. And I’m praying for deep roots. Please sisters I ask for prayer. Prayers to help me cope with my sons fatal illness. Prayers to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. Prayers for the soft pliable soil….