weekly truth

Open Your Bible

Jonah 4:4

Text: Jonah 4:4

As you know, we believe that memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go – to have God-breathed truth and instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

For our Weekly Truth, we’ve chosen Jonah 4:4, God’s gentle response to Jonah’s prideful anger that God’s mercy spared even the Ninevites. Oh, how often I need to hear the Holy Spirit whisper the same question to my boastful heart! Let’s memorize it together.

And the Lord said, “Do you do well to be angry?”
Jonah 4:4, ESV

Write it down, repeat it, tape it to the mirror or the fridge or both. Save an image of this verse to your phone’s lockscreen, and ask God to write His words on your heart.

We want to be a community that is intentional about Scripture memorization. Join us?

(21) Comments

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21 thoughts on "weekly truth"

  1. S. Pipes says:

    Thanks for the recommendation to plaster my house. Having His words up around make me feel more prepared for when the anger may come. I can look at them & be reminded He offers me strength to hold my tongue & hope in writing a different story for this family in this generation!!!

  2. Liz S says:

    What a great verse to memorize and internalize! Almost always, the words I spoke from anger were ones I had to regret later! Father, please help me to be still, especially when emotions are strong! Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you! If I just remember to live this verse, I know you are my Defender, and maybe I need to learn to be still and know you are God, and NOTHING happens to me that You haven't allowed, for honoring you or for growing my character.

  3. Allison says:

    what a great verse! also, what cursive font did you use for the lockscreen image?

  4. Tiffany says:

    I needed this lesson in the worst way this weekend! Every time I read that verse “Do you do well to be angry?” it makes me think about how no good seems to come from anger. I know God gave us emotions; but I think all too often, we let them get the better of us. Thank you for this lesson.

  5. AnnaLee says:

    This verse just amazes me at how loving, reasonable, and slow to anger the Lord really is. How often am I quick to anger? Quick to blow up, quick to get pouty? How quick am I also to believe that God must be the same way– quick to anger, holding grudges toward me, quick to be violent or wrathful in His demeanor towards me? God isn't like that at all! He's such a loving counselor, such a stabilizing, reasonable, calm Father. He is so just, so perfect, and so peace-seeking… Lord, thank you for being my voice of reason, love, peace and calm when I get so heated and worked up. You are oh so Good to show your daughters and sons how to live like you want them to. Continue to do this good work in us this week, Oh God.

  6. Samantha B. says:

    What a great verse to memorize! Thank you for posting this. Praising the Lord for putting this on your hearts to share as the weekly truth.

  7. Megan says:

    Really like the scriptures as a screen saver. I can memorize it more easily.

  8. Miranda Hall says:

    Thank you for this verse. It is not a one I would have thought to put to memory yet it is the verse I need to be reminded of far too often. Thankful for God's gentle reminder.