Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Jonah 2:8-9a

Text: Jonah 2:8-9a

We believe memorizing Scripture is one of the best ways to carry God-breathed truth, instruction, and reproof wherever we go. Let’s memorize Jonah 2:8-9a together this week.

Those who cling to worthless idols
forsake faithful love,
but as for me, I will sacrifice to You
with a voice of thanksgiving.
-Jonah 2:8-9a HCSB

Write this verse down and post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?


(19) Comments

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19 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Cassidy F says:

    sometimes laying down our complaints and choosing gratitude is the biggest sacrifice we can make.

  2. Savannah says:

    I’m a little behind but this scripture memorization is awesome

  3. Churchmouse says:

    The sacrifice of offering gratitude when the feeling and the circumstance seem far from thanks -worthy is what I am called to do here. In the midst of my mess, I’m to trust that God loves me still and is working all to my good. Even if the “thank you!” is a weak and wobbly one. Even if my understanding is shaking. Even if the resolution and relief are nowhere in sight. I am called to thank Him for His presence. There is nowhere He is not. So grateful You are here, Lord. Even here.

    1. Krystal says:

      I love this. You put what I have been feeling into words perfectly. Thank you!

    2. Anastasi says:

      I second Crystal!

    3. Jennifer says:

      Amen Ladies!! Amen!!

    4. Jadah says:

      Well said. I’m with you, girl. Hang in there…

  4. JennyBC says:

    Precious Lord, open my eyes to the useless idols in my life. Open my hands to release them and open my heart to your faithful love. You are always enough.

    1. Brandi says:

      Amen and amen.

    2. Jessica says:


    3. Kam says:

      Yes thank you. If my eyes were open enough to see my idols and hands open to let them go. We don’t need to do it on our own, God’s right there thrilled to help us.

    4. Linda Leeper says:

      He is more than enough

  5. Tina says:

    With a very loud voice Lord God I say, THANK YOU…THANK YOU….THANK YOU..
    All praise and Glory to you O God…

    Blessings dear sister’s today and always…Happy Sunday..xxx

  6. Alison says:

    These are verses the on the surface seem like such a simply comand but at the same time so complex. Our idols could be huge things like our experienceive things or our love of money these things seem to be mentioned in Christian circles all the time but what about little things that we might not think about the we have to have do we love our education more than God our friendship circle more than God. Does choosing to have a night in watching TV over volunteering in a soup kitchen for ecample mean we are making an idol out of the TV?

    I am needing some clarity.

    Where do we draw the line between essential things and things becoming idols?

    1. Christy says:

      It can be easy to go down the rabbit hole on this or anything else, certainly! Rather than trying to figure it out on your own, I would encourage you to pray for God to reveal to you what you might be holding more dear than God. Also, our pastor once posed the question: what are you unwilling/afraid to trust God completely with? What are you unwilling/afraid to turn over to Him entirely? Those are your idols. It’s ok to love things, just not more than God.

      1. Churchmouse says:

        Heart – piercing questions I’m asking myself this morning. Thank you for sharing

      2. Alison says:

        Thank you Christy that’s really helpful x

  7. Justine says:

    “I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see.”
    Now I see.
    Thank you God, for allowing me to see. To see You, to see Your steadfast love, to see Your undeserved grace. I didn’t know that I was lost, I didn’t know that I was blind. But now I see. I pray that You would use me to help those who are still wandering and still lost to see what I see.

    1. Brandi says:

      Beautiful. Praying in agreement.