Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Psalm 118:1

Text: Psalm 118:1

We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

This week we’ve chosen a reminder of our reason for thankfulness:

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.

-Psalm 118:1

 Write this verse down—copy it twenty times if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.


We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?

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187 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Lindsey Squires says:

    Love it when there’s songs that I know to go with verses – get those words sunk in deep Lord

  2. Emily Perkins says:

    God is so good!! Love you, God. Amen!

  3. Lexy Palacios says:

    God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

  4. Allison CashGoodwin says:

    Having a blah day. An irritable day. But on this not so good day, I’m thankful for a God who’s FAITHFUL love endures forever. He loves me on my bad days just like He loves me on my good days. ♥️ im thankful this verse fell on today of all day. Valentine’s Day, when I’m feeling the woes, just a simple God wink reminder such as this verse.

  5. Karen Collins says:

    All thanks and glory to Christ Jesus!

  6. Christine Cesa says:

    It’s sometimes hard to embody this truth

  7. Mary Reese says:

    Such a great reminder to memorize scripture!

  8. Robyn Romain says:

    We said this as a family at the dinner table every night for a year, my daughter was 2, she memorized it and at 12 has a deep appreciation for it and how it was remembered. All the family time we spent around the table. God is so good

  9. Mollie Pittman says:

    His love endures FOREVER. Everyone should have this kind of love in their life, and it only comes from God.❤️

  10. Chelsea Schneider says:

    “This is reason enough for giving him thanks; goodness is his essence and nature, and therefore he is always to be praised whether we are receiving anything from him or not. Those who only praise God because he does them good should rise to a higher note and give thanks to him because he is good.” – C.H. Spurgeon

  11. Kimberly Z says:

    @Rhonda J. Sometimes we forget what would have been a perfect moment to do something like praying out loud for your friend but the fact that you’re even stepping out in faith like that is amazing! I can tell you right now I don’t think I could do it so props to you!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning and Happy Sunday! (or afternoon!) We had such a blessed, but long morning at church! We are greeters so start early, but I also stepped out in faith to be an alter call prayer-person! I am so uncomfortable with out loud praying for people, but God has been calling me to step out and follow His prompting! Seek His will, not my own! Surrender my wants to His!! (“First Thing First” song! playing)

    The sermon (message! lol) was so good about coming to church and being edified (which is wonderful)…but then in turn, be the church that serves others that come. As in Jesus eating with his disciples, but then taking off his robe and putting a towel around his waist to wash their feet! All the dirty, accumulated yuck, on their feet…we are to wash the feet of those coming into church to minister and pray for and with them. Be a serving church, not just coming to play our role, but to truly want to give what we got, to others that are needing redemption! It’s a beautiful message! To be able to take someone’s hands, and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit for their requests and needs is such a powerful gift from God! It doesn’t have to be in church though, right, we know we can give prayer as we come across anyone in need! There IS nothing that can heal like our Almighty God! Joy to God!
    I had a friend drop by unannounced on Friday after leaving work upset and crying. She just needed a hug. After she left I was sad I didn’t say a prayer for her outloud. It would have been a powerful way to show Jesus to her. Although I did slide in a few phrases of finding our “God -given purpose” and texted her a prayer verse later, it was unfortunate that I didn’t step out in my awkwardness to pray then and there. I’m a work in progress! :)

    Have a great Sunday! Praise the Lord!
    Oh, and lots of prayers for your interview Sarah D!!!

  13. Kimberly Z says:

    Which was so fun to watch! If you’ve ever been fly fishing you know how hard it can be! I forget I live in such a beautiful country out here in Montana. Praying for you all this week to have a wonderful week!

  14. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D. Prayers for your next interview!! Every step of the way you become stronger! Happy Sunday ladies. I spent Saturday on the river for a friends birthday and it was so much fun! We even saw a black bear on the side of the water as we went by. My friend has been practicing her fly fishing and she finally caught one by herself

  15. Cee Gee says:

    Oh, HEIDI, bless your heart! As I have been praying for you and your family I was thinking of all the things that have landed in your lap these past weeks. Joining in prayer for your niece.

    MICHELLE – Beautiful words and encouragement!

  16. Michelle Patire says:

    Happy Sunday :)

    Prayers for your niece, @Heidi – that the Lord would continue to work on her heart and help her see Him in the miracle of a new life growing inside her. Prayers you @Sarah D- that God’s voice would be clear as you follow Him to where He is leading you next. He is faithful. I think about how in Psalm 139, it says all of our days are written in His book. Before we even take a breath on earth, He knows our beginning and end. Take heart, Sarah, and the rest of you ladies, myself included. We have a GOOD shepherd. He knows what is best for us. Even if it feels hard and not so good – know that He has His eye on us and is familiar with all of our ways, weaknesses, and doubts. May He bless us and sustain us to live for Him. God be our vision. Have a blessed and fruitful day, friends!

  17. Heidi says:

    Good morning ladies! Not much time this morning, I will be back to read things later, but I woke up to a text from my niece from late late last night asking for prayers about her thoughts in her mind… She struggles greatly with this and with the pregnancy I can only imagine it’s going to be an even more difficult mental season. Thank you so much for praying for her! ❤️

  18. Ehi A says:

    Give thanks to the LORD for HE is GOOD. HIS faithful LOVE endures forever. AMEN.

  19. Kirsten Femson says:

    Forever – the only 100% constant thing in life,

  20. Claire Nolen says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever!

  21. Salma C says:

    Thank you fo your loveeee

  22. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    His love endures forever ❤️

  23. Felicity Clark says:

    This verse is the epitome of how we should be towards God. Eternally grateful, He will love us not until the end of the world, but forever. His love endures forever.

  24. Roxy Brouphy says:


  25. Kimberly Rasberry says:

    It feels great to have God support!

  26. Rachel Blessum says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithful love endures forever!

  27. Callae Elenbaas says:

    Thanks be to God

  28. Katie Sheldon says:

    Thank you Lord❤️

  29. Caroline Mauldin says:


  30. Jenna Tyson says:

    I don’t deserve the things you bless me with, thank you for that Lord

  31. JaLynn Matlock says:

    Thank you God for everything ❤️

  32. Chris Pennington says:


  33. Cecelia Taylor says:

    His Love endures forever

  34. Angie Popp says:

    Lord we thank you for your faithfulness even when we’re not!

  35. Tatiana Perez says:

    Thank you lord for being good and loving

  36. Kelsey Hankins says:

    Thank you Lord for waking me up today!

  37. Sarah Minton says:


  38. Nicole Green says:

    I thank you God for who you are! Not just for what you’ve done.

  39. Stephanie Okundi says:

    Dear God, thank you for keeping me. Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful life. Remind see the light even when life seems to be full of darkness.

  40. Kaitlyn Noëlle Zayas says:

    AMEN he is always faithful and always good

  41. Meredith Hunnicutt says:

    He is good always!!

  42. E Hong says:

    it’s comforting to know they God’s love is forever

  43. Laura Park says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His steadfast love endures forever!

  44. Savannah Heath says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good! His steadfast love endures forever ❤️

  45. Rachel Morris says:

    So glad it endures forever!!

  46. Alyssa Randall says:

    His love endures FOREVER. Thankful for that promise. ❤️

  47. Baylee Mullen says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever! ~ Psalms 118:1

  48. Quaesha Taylor says:

    Dear God,
    Thank you for having mercy on me!

  49. Pier Shea says:

    Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do in my life.

  50. Haley GreenWatters says:

    Grateful for your continuous love Lord

  51. Ava Rideout says:

    Thank you Jesus. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for loving who I am. There is no other so sure and so steady my hope is held in your hands.

  52. Estelle Deacon says:

    Thank you Jesus that Your love continues for ever!!

  53. Tiffany Bristol says:

    I am beyond grateful to my Abba, for he loves me. His passion is enduring.

  54. Elizabeth Kelly says:

    Gives thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever!

  55. Jerecia Lee says:

    Thank you for continuing to love and forgive me. Amen

  56. Alyssa Silvester says:

    Thank you for your faithfulness, your love.

  57. Allee Harrell says:

    Give thanks to the Lprd for He is good. His faithful love endures forever!! Amen!

  58. Nicole Price says:

    Thank you for loving me no matter what, Jesus!

  59. Molly Gilbane says:

    Thank you Jesus for your everlasting, never failing, all-encompassing love!

  60. Paige Martin says:

    His love endures FOREVER! No matter what happens His love is there. It will not fade

  61. Donna Hendrickson says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever. ❤️

  62. Bailey Braden says:

    His love endures forever. Amen!

  63. Samantha Alexander says:

    Thank you God for surrounding us with your love each moment of our life’s

  64. Kayla Coleman says:

    Thank you God for a love that endures all.

  65. Brooklynn says:

    I’ve been struggling with stress, and forgetting, or choosing to not do my devotions. I come back to this wonderful reminder of God’s goodness to me. Thank God for his amazing love!

  66. Kensley Goodman says:

    When you are down God knows just the thing for you to hear to pick you up!

  67. Rosella says:

    Forever God is faithful!! His love endures forever! Perfect verse for today, God never disappoints.

  68. Molly says:

    Thank you God that your faithful love endures forever!

  69. Molly says:

    It’s so simple!! We give thanks because He is good!

  70. Emma Toland says:

    I know that God will love me even when I push Him away or resent Him. He is SO good. I love you, God!

  71. Tricia says:

    Lord, you are good. Completely. Always. Joyfully. To me. You are good. Thank you! Not only are you good to me but you are also good to the ones I ❤️. I’m even thankful that you are good to my enemies, for you loving kindness leads people to repentance. Love you, lord.

  72. Amanda says:

    Thank you God for loving me!

  73. Christina says:

    This spoke to me today because I thought about all the ways human love quits. Human love quits when relationships get hard. Human love quits when we succumb to the pride of our hearts. Human love quits when we give up on others. In a world full of divorce, affairs, and strife, it is comforting to my heart to know that there is a love that never quits and endures forever.

    1. Susana Stewart says:


  74. Valerie says:

    Memorizing scriptures can be sometimes difficult but this approach is made it easier.

  75. Latoya Irving says:

    I give thanks to my heavenly father for all the small things and big things he has blessed me and my husband went to God be the glory praise God I give him my all I thank God for what he’s doing in my life and then my family Life looking forward to 2017 and I know that 2017 will be my year to come 2016 has been a tremendous blessingfor my family and I thank God thank you Jesus I’m so thankful God bless you all.

  76. Lainey says:

    Thank you for showing up when I’m at my most broken point…thank you for loving me without requirements, limits, or terms of condition. Thanks for being the good Father that you are and for being the only true constant I have had in my life. Amen

  77. Charissa says:

    Thank you God for loving me!

  78. Ariel McFarland says:

    He deserves every bit of praise! He is such a good father and his love endures forever! Such a great verse!

  79. Aliciafae says:

    “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever !!!!!

  80. Shoni says:

    “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever” Thank You My Savior for all you have done with this lowly person

  81. Giving thanks anchors our focus on the Who rather than the what. It keeps us centered on the big picture instead of the small details that can be distracting. This is something I’m praying for myself, that it would go from head knowledge to heart knowledge.

  82. Brooke says:

    “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.” I don’t always believe it but I will alway say it- continuing to remind myself of who God is in all circumstances!!!!

  83. Bethany says:

    God performed mighty wonders for the Israelites in the desert, that is why they sing, that is why they make a joyful noise to the Lord. They remembered what God has done. He is victorious in everything. We do not have to doubt who will win. We know who wins!

  84. Starla says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His faithful love endures forever. Psalms 118:1

  85. Bethany says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 118:1. God’s love is truly forever and it will never end. I am reminded of this in many ways but forget to give gratitude to the giver of love, grace, and forgiveness.

  86. Gabby says:

    This plan has been so life giving. Thank you she reads truth for helping me rediscover the beauty of the Word.

  87. Kelley says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD and his faithful love endures forever. Psalm 118:1 ~ Thank you Lord for loving us even when we don’t deserve it. You are always faithful

  88. Loria says:

    Yes he is worthy of all praise and I thank him daily for who he is and he is good and his love and mercy endures forever

  89. Jenni says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His steadfast love endures forever. Thank you Jesus ❤️

  90. Sue D. says:

    A good verse to read as a prayer: I give thanks to you Lord because you are good! Your faithful love for me endures forever. Amen.

  91. Moriah Gibler says:

    Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!

  92. Tracey says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! His faithful love endures forever! Thank you Lord!

  93. Kimmy says:

    Give thanks to the Lord
    For He is Good
    His faithful love endures

    Thank you, Father God! You love me no matter what!

  94. Jennifer says:

    Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever!

  95. MissM says:

    Give thanks to the Lord
    For he is good!
    His faithful love endures

  96. Sara says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever Psalms 118:1

  97. Amanda says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever! I love this community

  98. Rebekah says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his faithful love endures forever.

  99. Audra says:

    Psalm 118:1
    “Give thanks to The Lord, for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever.”

  100. Hannah says:

    Psalm 118:1

  101. Hannah says:

    Give thanks to the lord, for he is good; His faithful love endures forever

  102. Amy Klassen says:

    Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 118:1

  103. Morgan says:

    I will teach my heart to sing gratitude

  104. Rachel says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever! Psalm118:1 This is going on my work computer.

    1. Sue D. says:

      Good idea! I’m going to do that too!

  105. Amber says:

    “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever!”
-Psalm 118:1”

  106. Ingrid says:

    I like putting reminders like this everywhere! thank you! God is with you, He is blessing you girls!

  107. Megan says:

    I love the idea of putting this on my phone and everywhere I will see it. it’s a constant reminder of his love!

  108. JackieO says:

    Amen, his love endures forever and ever !

  109. susiedoozie says:

    What a beautiful love it is! ❤️

  110. Marcelina says:

    His love endures forever!!! His love was there before everything/anything was created and will last for eternity!!! He is so faithful to us. Thinking of how complex and deep His love is for us is so hard grasp. Gods love is extraordinary

  111. Van says:

    My husband just got laid off. We are/were a 1 income family. I am home with the kids. I HAVE to trust that He will provide. Oh God. Please come through. We really need this.

    1. Bri says:

      Van, He is always good, no matter the circumstance! The scriptures says his FAITHFUL love endures forever. Our God is faithful and he WILL provide! I am standing with you in faith believing that a miracle is going to happen for your family!

    2. Emily says:

      Any updates yet Van??

  112. Heather says:

    So, so thankful for God’s love that never ends.

  113. Brittany says:

    Proud to say that I am a believer in Christ! I am his beloved daughter! His love for me is unconditional and never ends!

  114. Caitlyn says:

    I absolutely LOVE this commitment challenger! It is so important for us to be Ina community of scripture readers and memorized :)

  115. Katharine says:

    I have been wanting to begin memorizing scripture, but have been unsure of where to start. This seems like the perfect verse to begin with. Sing praise to God for he is good and loving! scri

    1. Katharine says:

      Oops, ignore the typo at the end!

  116. Rachel says:

    Sing praise! Forever You are faithful! Forever you are strong!

  117. Victoria Loyd says:

    Hallelujah! Resting in this truth!!

  118. Julie says:


  119. Alex says:

    How blessed are we??! His faithful love endures FOREVER!!!!

  120. Grace says:

    Thank-you Sophonie for those words of encouragement. :)

  121. Sophonie Matthews says:

    When I was younger I loved to remember his words, but at some point I lost my fire. The world seemed to knock me down and take my joy. But I got it back all glory to him. When he’s with you he never leaves you no matter how much you feel like you’re alone. You can always come back home and he’ll welcome us back with open arms. You can never go to far we’re always and forever will be welcomed back home ❤️

  122. Charlie says:

    God is good. He works all things into good. Today God answered my prayer from a year ago and yet the way was surprising. He is faithful, never forgets about me, never forgets my pleas and prayers. The answer is not what I thought it would be, but then I am human

  123. He is my savior and my father I thank you LORD

  124. Ashton says:

    Oh He is sooooo good!!!!!!

  125. Samantha says:

    I give thanks unto the Lord, for when I think about they ways His faithful love has endured in my life I am overwhelmed…in a good way! The Lord has been so good, and I don’t even know the half of it; God has been good to me, loving me and showing me kindness, grace and mercy even in times that I didn’t see it or recognize it! I am so grateful to be loved by Him, faithful and loving God that He is!

  126. Shannon says:

    Praying for you Holly!

  127. Holly says:

    If someone could please pray for me, I’m really struggling in my faith right now. Thank you!

    1. Maggie says:

      Praying for you now Holly! Give the Lord your surrendered heart and let him fight for you.. Praying you’ll trust him and continue to seek his truth above all.

    2. Ashton says:

      Praying for you!

    3. Lindsay says:

      I’m praying for you! The best advice I can give is for you to pray too! If you don’t understand God’s plans for you, or you feel like your faith is being tested, or even that you’re having a hard time having a relationship with God, talk with him. God ALWAYS hears our prayers, and no matter how far away from him you get, he ALWAYS wants to bring you back. His love for you is unconditional, and his Grace and Mercy are without bounds ❤️

  128. Ash says:

    Beautiful reminder of being wholly loved.

    1. M says:

      Wholly loved. Oh, my soul….

  129. Natalie says:

    Pray for me please…going through a difficult time right now and I’m not sure what to do..,please pray for me. Thank You

    1. Kristi says:

      Hi Natalie, praying for you, sister. Praying that you will be enveloped by God’s faithful love and overcome with peace

  130. Grace says:

    I needed this reminder! GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD!

  131. Michelle says:

    I needed this reminder today. I am feeling pretty overwhelmed and discouraged. I am going to give thanks to the Lord anyway!

  132. Heidi Turner says:

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever!

  133. Leeann says:

    Give thanks to the lord, for he is good! His love endures forever!!

  134. Emma says:

    Keep your eyes on Him, not on the water. Yet it is so easy to focus on the water of struggles and downfalls but when we focus on Him and give thanks we’re safe and peaceful in Him. That’s the lesson I’m learning. I’ve been disappointed in someone I really care but I’m reminded that God has a bigger plan than my disappointments and broken dreams.

  135. BlessedandFavored says:

    This is a great reminder to keep in my heart at all times.

  136. Christina says:

    Beautiful reminder. I’ve found that even in times I’m struggling to REALLY surrender to the Truth, bombarded by partial truths or full out lies in my mind, this has kept me afloat. When Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, his way of combating it was to quote scripture. At times, it’s easy to think, well of course Jesus withstood the devil, he’s Jesus. But to flip that statement, consider how easily Jesus could have ruled nations or turned stones into bread. He actively chose to surrender to God and hold to His promise. It’s amazing! “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his steadfast love endures forever.”

  137. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good his steadfast love endures forever

  138. Jenny says:

    I am trying hard the last few weeks to keep a positive attitude and heart of thanksgiving. I know I should not allow other people to bring me down and cause me to be discouraged. My husband and I are dealing with a son that has a serious addiction problem. He has done much better, but there are hard times still.

    1. Kendra says:

      Jenny~ I just prayed for you. For a peace that passes all understanding and for redemption and grace for your son. His love endures forever!

  139. Grace says:

    I have been really learning how to lean on God’s promises lately. The burdens of life and my health issues have been very intense lately. I am tired of being strong, I’m tired of being weak and crying over it all. My husband has been a wonderful listening ear for me. I know that it is a season and I will get through it when I rely on God, but it is still really hard though.

    1. Brooke Watts says:

      Praying for the Comforter to come as you call upon Him, and flood you with His presence and peace. I pray that He reminds you of those dear promises God has made you and that in His arms you find your rest and all you need. He sees and understands you like no other can, and is so Faithful to His promises to You. I have been so encouraged during rough seasons of my life with this song, and I hope that the HOPE of all the world floods your soul Grace, as you listen to it:

    2. Lauren says:

      Praying for you and also your husband. May you cast your cares upon God because he cares for you. May God also give you strength to get through your days. You will be healed. Thank God for the good and the bad, give him everything you’ve got even when you feel weak. God loves you and want’s to bring you out of this season. God bless.

  140. Emily says:

    Thank you for keeping up the Weekly Truth posts! I have missed having them the last few weeks.

  141. Stephanie says:

    I need some prayer, honestly it really feels like I am under direct attack this week. My car blew a tire and I honestly have no money to fix it, I had to take a second job to make ends meet and it feels like I am barely keeping my head above water. I have kept tithing and being faithful and I know that God will never leave me nor forsake me, it’s just hard to see right now.

    1. Joanna says:

      Praying for you Stephanie.

      When I’m overwhelmed (been there financially too), I look at some scriptures one of my friends printed for me that I carry around. One of them is Jeremiah 29:11

      For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

      This time will not last forever, even if it feels like it does. Hugs to you.

    2. Maggie says:

      Praying for you!!

    3. Kaitlyn Muroski says:

      I completely understand. I got in a car wreck last week and my sister had a flat tire and my family and I are feeling the burden of expenses. Sometimes when we draw closer to God and start living more in His word and following Him we have attacks. We feel as if we are getting attacked. I will pray for you and just know God is always true and just. Knowing that and that He has a plan gets me through everything.

    4. Jenny says:

      Prayers Stephanie. I have to encourage myself at times, that God is for me and not against me. He is on my side.

  142. Churchmouse says:

    Loved that SRT gave us a page like the Weekly Truth, to outline the memorization verse . I dug out some old colored pencils and focused on my inner artist lol. My granddaughter said she didn’t know grandma’s knew how to color! (hope that gives you a Sunday smile!)

    1. Joanna says:

      Adorable! And who would have thought coloring decreases stress in adults?? I do it in my spare time :)

  143. Bree says:

    God has been so faithful to my family and I. I’m so grateful to Him for all He has done for us!

  144. Joanna says:

    Good morning from Wisconsin, sisters! Excited to lead my first spiritual book club today! Praying to God for wisdom and to tame the butterflies as I’m a little nervous. Have a blessed day!

    1. Chelsea says:

      Good luck. You totally have this. And God will help guide you to deliver his message in the best way possible. Prayers your way !

      1. Joanna says:

        Thank you Chelsea!

    2. EmmaElaine says:

      Prayers for you, Joanna!

      1. Joanna says:

        Thank you EE :)

    3. Churchmouse says:

      Let us know your book selections so some of us bibliophiles can read along! Praying all goes well

      1. Joanna says:

        Hi! Our first book was The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospel. It was a quick read and a wonderful conversation starter, especially because it’s written from the women’s point of view. If you have any you can recommend, please do! Appreciate the prayers, it was such a wonderful experience. Jesus was with us!

        1. Churchmouse says:

          Wonderful! Glad to hear a good report! God rewards our obedience and equips us as we step out in faith! Well done!

      2. Rebecca says:

        I’ll have to look into that book. I’m always looking for something new

  145. Allison says:

    There is a great app to help memorize scripture. It’s called Verses. My husband and I have both loved memorizing scripture together through this app and it has help me memorize over 20 verses in almost a month. Give it a try.

    1. Joanna says:

      I will try it, thanks Allison!!

  146. Elizabeth says:

    And take up the sword of the spirit which is The Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). Scripture memorization. This is what use to fight spiritually ladies! Let’s follow Joshua 1:8 and meditate on it day and night and never let it leave our lips! Thanks to God for giving us His Word.

    1. Amen Elizabeth!! Love all of that scripture. So powerful. Been doing the Armor of God Bible study by Priscilla and it is incredible! Talks about how we have to battle with prayer in order to put the armor of God on. Daily time in the Word, prayer, and mediation/memorization of scripture are the best ways to stand against the schemes of the devil!! The Lord is so good! Praying for this week to be filled with joy from being so thankful for all Christ has done for us!

  147. Lindsey says:

    All thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father! HalleluYAH!!!

  148. Loida says:

    He is good no matter the circumstances!

  149. Tina says:

    Thanking God for HE is good…and hands lifted in praise to Him for His faithful love and goodness…

    Happy Sunday….scatter His joy!!! Xx

    1. Clb says:

      “Scatter His joy” – I like that.

  150. Kathryn says:

    Love the memory work. Suffered respiratory failure. I want scripture to live, beathe, pour out of me; it is living, breathing and brings comfort to my soul. It is hard. Nothing is impossible with God. I am here. And veetical. Memory work of every form helps. Imprinting God’s words is sustenance . Thank you.

    1. Dana says:

      “Imprinting God’s word is sustenance.” Amen! Praying for you!

    2. Caroline says:

      Indeed, imprinting God’s words is sustenance precious Kathryn. I’m praying for your recovery and discovery of further joys.

    3. De says:

      Praying for you, and thanking God that you are still here! Indeed, his word is life. In Him we live, we move, and we have our being!
      Acts 17: 28. Life. Breathe. Comfort.