Scripture is God breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go.
This week we will memorize Genesis 33:11, Jacob’s reconciliatory offer to Esau and a reminder of the ways God provides in the middle of humanity’s imperfection.
God has been gracious to me and I have everything I need.
—Genesis 33:11b
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71 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Good afternoon She’s! I took a week off of commenting as it was a busy and anxious week as we had my daughter’s heart follow up. The good news is is that as of right now the doctor thinks we don’t need another open heart surgery! Praise God! Thank you to all who prayed for my little girl. Sending love, She’s!
Praise the Lord! What great news!
That verse reminds me of something I once read… Every day might not be good, but there is good in every day. ❤️
A little late here this morning, but here I am. My friend Gretchen texted me a few hours ago this morning regarding the verse for today and how it reminded her of me and how OUR Jehovah Jireh has been providing for my kids and I. Stories to share of how this has been so true since we moved here to my parents home in July of 2017. Something I’ve said on repeat, “I may not have everything!” BUT “I have EVERYTHING I need!” God is good and will always be! Most recent, HE provided through all-of-you and I am forever grateful and pray blessings upon all of you precious She’s! I hope its OK to share something I shared with Gretchen this morning. I’ve mentioned it before and will always remember it and will mention on repeat. When my kids back then, 16 and 11 years-old first came here, literally fleeing from the place we once called home, WE witnessed God providing for us. One of my mom’s friend’s dropped off two bags full of clothes and they “actually-fit.” I still have a shirt that meant so much to me! Nothing special about the shirt but serves as a reminder MY JESUS had me! And that following weekend another friend of my mom’s had had a big birthday party and had a whole pizza and salad left over and brought it here as she knew my kids and I were here. AND many more stories to tell of MY JESUS’ faithfulness! Happy Sunday sweeties!!! God is SO good!
Praise the Lord for His provision and faithfulness in your life❤️
Dear Sister Shes
Many of my fears revolve around the notion of enough ness. Am I enough? Have I enough? Will there be enough? Lord, the Father, answers & assures “Yes”, my daughter. “Yes”. Then, Sweet Spirit, by His Grace, lead me, too, into generosity.
YOU,sweet Gwineth52 are more then enough! YOU are the daughter of the Most High King! So blessed to be doing life here at SRT and can’t wait to meet you someday!
The key thing in this verse that caught my attention is that Jacob was in the process of offering a gift when he said these words. Generosity is the key to remembering, recognizing and walking out life with the mindset that we have everything we need in God.
That’s SO good, ty Marlo!
I also love to see new names!
Hi, Marlo! Well said! ❤
God has been gracious to me and my family and I have everything I need – given by His hands! Praise the Lord!
She’s if you wouldn’t mind praying for my brother, Michael. He is 51. This week doctors found a cyst/tumor on his heart and he became septic. Praise God, it has been removed and the sepsis has gone. He will be at the hospital this week recovering, but please pray it was a benign cyst. I am so grateful he is ok. Pray for his life to be changed by this! Thank you She’s. Have an amazing day in the Lord!
God is good!
Praying for your brother Tara..for comfort, healing and strength
Lord, we lift up Tara’s brother to you, that he receives complete healing.Thank you for curing the sepsis, what a praise, we thank you Lord. We pray that the cyst is benign, and like our sister said, that this will be a life-changing, altering time, where he sees life is precious and precarious at any given moment, and we need to know the Maker of Heaven and Earth, that He holds ALL together in His mighty hands. Lord call to Him, lead Him to you Lord!! In Jesus name Amen!
Agreeing with MARLO and RHONDA for Michael’s healing/salvation! Praise God the sepsis has cleared out! ❤
Joining my sisters in prayer for Michael ❤️
Joining our she’s praying for Michael.
Praying for your brother, Tara B.
Reminds me a bit of Philippians 4:19, “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” HE will supply all we need!
Yes, AMEN!! Thank you Lord!!
Yes!! Amen!!
YES, HE will!!
Thank you Lord for your provision in all ways, and that I have all I need.
Prayed for you all that are part of this sweet community of sisters. Have a blessed Sabbath✝️
So thankful for His provision and grace! Praying for all!
Good morning, precious sisters! Last week was hard. Jack is declining and I am struggling with decisions that need to be made. I want to take the best care of him that I can and need strength and wisdom to know what that looks like.
I’m so excited that today two of Jack’s daughters are coming to hang with him so I can get out. I am making a list of your song suggestions and am going to get some coffee and praise the Lord while I’m out! I’m even going to raise my hands and possibly shout! LOL
Lynne, praying for clarity and peace in the decisions! Have a wonderful time out, sip that coffee, have a treat and sing away. ❤️
Have prayed for you right now Lynne. I’m sorry it’s so hard. Praying that the time you have to get away today will be refreshing for you in every way❤️
Lynne, praying that you would feel God’s perfect peace and steadfast love as you go about your day and that He would renew and refresh your spirit and give you wisdom and strength to make the best decisions for Jack. ❤️
Giddy with/for you for your time away from home! I pray that it is refreshing and restorative. And maybe that as Jack’s girls spend the day with him that they will be given wisdom and direction for ways to help you love and care for Jack well in this long goodbye. Enjoy your day!! ❤️
Yes, amen, praying in agreement with you!
Praying for you sweet Lynne ❤️
Have a wonderful, restful day.
Praying for you and Jack!
Lynne, God put that prayer on my heart last week! I am THRILLED for you that you will have a few hours of normal. Enjoy your coffee and praise, sister; you have earned it! ❤
Joining with and echoing my sisters prayers, Lynne, for this breather being a blessed time with the Lord, of being reenergized, renewed, restored and refreshed and that the clarity, wisdom and guidance needed would be given to you in abundance. Praying, sister, love you ❤️
Oh…sweet Lynne…so glad your able to get out. ENJOY!!!
Please do shout, Lynn!
Blessings and prayers for you and Jack. ❤️❤️
I pray you had a time of refreshment today! May God direct you and the decisions you need to make.
I hope you had a blessed day, Lynne ❤️
God, you are gracious to me, and I have everything I need. ❤️
“God HAS been gracious to me and I have EVERYTHING I need!”
Shout it to the rooftops!!
What a great verse to start the day with ❤️
I was about to stop there…I glanced up to see the most beautiful sunrise!! God paints the skies so beautifully!
Hugs to all of you and prayers for an amazing day for each of you. ❤️
Praise God…after all your trials the last are holding on to our Precious, Gracious, Merciful God! He knows exactly what his children need!
Yes Lord you are gracious! You are everything we need. Help to not lose sight of you and the many ways you provide. Thank you Lord!
Thank you for reminding us that HE is everything we need! I often lose sight on that and think about stuff that I need, rather than remembering that all I need is Him!
GM, Happy Sunday She’s!
I loved hearing everyone’s comments on “hands raised” in church experiences! Isn’t it crazy that really we tend to do what those around us do. I mean, I sit up with the high rollers up front that raise their hands, when I went to my home church last fall and no one was, my hands didn’t get as high! lol. One of the most beautiful experiences at jail ministry last year was that 2 ladies that came for a long time, they would stand together, most everyone else sat, and they would raise their hands and even thank God as they sang to Him!! It is the MOST precious thing that stays with me!! To do that with your peers in that situation is priceless and a lesson for me! The song that was the favorite was “Trust in God!” And they truly were down to only that. Now when I hear it I think of them as well.
So today, I’m gonna Praise the Lord, with however His Spirit prompts me, but with deep devotion and gratitude!!Because, He has been Gracious TO Me and I have everything I need….IN HIM, For Him, TO Him…Thank you Jesus!!
I shared this last night, but I am sharing it again as it goes fits this portion of the study.
For you Zach Williams fans, I just hopped on YouTube to review our SS lesson and saw/listened to a video just posted yesterday (according to the channel info).
Jesus Loves is the name of the song. The line most fitting for this study: “You don’t have to be enough to be someone Jesus loves.”
Have a blessed day of whole-hearted worship! Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤
Forgot to add that this verse reminds me of Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.
Amen! “If I’ve got Jesus, I’ve got it all.” (from Ben Fuller’s song)
Yes! My first thought when I read the verse ❤️
Thank you, Cee Gee!! I’m a big Zach Williams fan. I’ll goo check this out.
May it be on my lips and in my heart continuely!
Have a blessed Lord’s Day, Shes. May you surrender all your worries and cares to the Lord in worship.
I have everything I need. A simple reminder that fills in all the empty spaces.❤️
God is my strength
GOD has been gracious to me and I have everything I need.
Lord, may I go through this day, this week, this month, this year remembering and recognising this truth, in every situation and journey of my life..
Father God, Thank you..
Happy Sunday dear hearts, covered in much love and prayers for a God blessed day for you and yours. ❤️❤️
Same to you, Tina ❤️❤️
Happy Sunday sweet Tina!! Although its probably closer to evening for you!!! Love you sweet lady!