Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Genesis 15:6

Scripture is God breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

This week we will memorize Genesis 15:6, a reminder of Abram’s ultimate trust in the Lord. 

Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. 
—Genesis 15:6

(62) Comments

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62 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Paula Mourin says:


  2. Nicole Powell says:

    Thank God for his rightgeness

  3. Teresa B says:

    The reading guide has been a fantastic source!

  4. Jennifer Jackson says:

    I love the story of Abram/Abraham. It really shows how big God is and how much (or little) Hr requires of His children. God does not count our sins against us (even though we will have consequences for them); instead He counts our belief in Him and credits that to us as righteousness! That is amazing. God’s ways surely are not my ways and His thoughts are not mine. I am so grateful that I can pray and ask Him to align my thoughts with His. His redemption through Jesus Christ is true love. God loves us so much.

  5. Aimee D-R says:


  6. Wanda Woehlert says:


  7. Cee Gee says:

    I just googled the song Sharon shared and saw this video. It is so fitting for the theme of this study! I know we can’t copy and paste web pages so I am sharing this heading so you can check it out on Youtube:
    God Who Sees | Featuring Nicole C. Mullen LIVE
    Live at Brentwood Baptist Church | Brentwood, TN | brentwood.church
    May 2021

    1. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Ooh, I’ll have to look that up because I love Nicole C Mullen. Thank you Cee Gee!!

    2. Tara B says:

      Can’t wait to look this up. Thanks Cee Gee

  8. Brittanie Dix says:


  9. Michelle P says:

    Happy Sunday, Shes ❤️
    May God’s grace and peace be with you all.
    Hope you are all well.

  10. Karen Breaux says:


  11. Mari V says:

    Good morning and Happy Sunday ☀️
    Great message last night and WORSHIP! There’s a new song (new to me). “Make Room” and it was lead by one our HS student who had expressed earlier in the day she was nervous during a walk. The other leader and I encouraged her as we know she genuinely sings from her heart to JESUS!! And WOW!! We know the Holy Spirit guided her as it was SO beautiful and the presence of the Lord was with us!! Please continue to pray for the student I mentioned yesterday. I have to go as students will be ready soon and I need to r ready before them.

    1. Rhonda J says:

      Glad you are having a wonderful time and worshiping with the youngins!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praying this last night brings sincere life changing moments for the kids and workers! ❤

  12. Searching says:

    MARGARET W – praying for your son’s employment situation, for the right new job for him. I think at least some autism diagnoses are covered under the ADA – and could he go into a potential employment situation and say upfront whatever would help him succeed?
    Like, I’m really interested in the xyz work this company does, I’m hard working, loyal and I’m also autistic. What that means is that while I’m educated and smart, it helps me understand and absorb things better when I’m given detailed expectations, or in writing, or whatever his specific needs are for the job requirements to be fully understood.
    Wondering whether there are any upcoming job fairs in your area, any assistance/guidance available from his or a nearby college, or from a state employment or reemployment office.

    1. Margaret W. says:

      Yes, I know that he is entitled to some ADA protections; I guess he needs to figure out how and when to bring this topic up. Too soon, and he won’t get a job, too late, and…well, that has happened to him a couple of times. He has worked steadily since graduating, but only in jobs he was very overqualified for. He needs a mentor, and no one in my family is willing to do it. IDK about his dad’s family; but today’s sermon was about the importance of living in community. He lives far away from me, but I’m going to encourage him to seek community in a local church and to find fellow autistic people online to encourage him. Thank you for your prayers.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        I pray he heeds God’s leading to just the right community! Are you in the Facebook group, Margaret? If so, there is something more I would like to share.❤

  13. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Abram believed as he looked forward to the promise of being fulfilled – we believe as we look back and see the promise fulfilled.

    There are times I doubt God, not who He is, but His ways. I have no need to – He is who He says He is. He is always faithful.

    Lord in times of doubt, help me to remember who You are and the marvelous gift of Your love.

    I Believe (Charity Gayle)

    From the beginning
    You’ve been unchanging
    Age to age You stay
    Constant You remain
    Every mystery
    The questions I’ve carried
    Are safe within Your will
    So I trust You even still
    I believe You are who You say You are
    You do what You say You’ll do
    You’ll come through, You are always able
    I believe You’ve already made a way
    So I’m running through parted waves
    Straight to You, You are always faithful
    Jesus, You’re for me
    Holding me steady
    Every word You speak
    Is a promise that You keep
    This firm foundation
    Cannot be shaken
    My God, You never fail
    Never once, You never will….

    One of my favorites!

    Happy Sunday She’s!

    @Kelly Neo – Natalie is recovered and doing well! Thank you for asking! ❤️

    1. Searching says:

      Thank you, Sharon, great song!

      And thank you for the update on the ministry situation for us non-Facebook sisters ❤️

      1. Rhonda J says:

        Agree…GREAT song!! Thank you!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Sharon, that song is new to me. So beautiful; thanks for sharing! ❤

    3. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Thank you, Cee Gee. I love commentaries.

  14. Wendy B says:

    At first read, this verse is a bit unclear and so I checked a few translations, my commentary and then my ESV Study Bible on
    Gen 15:6 and this is a succinct explanation. “Righteousness is the fundamental OT virtue characterized by a godly life lived in conformity with the law.
    It is the righteous who enjoy God’s favor. Here the narrator underlines the significance of faith, in that before Abram has proved himself righteous by his deeds, he is counted (that is, regarded) as righteous because of his faith.

    It is my hearts desire to live a righteous life, walk by faith, to fully hold fast and pattern my life tuned and guided to the Truth of God’s Word and His promises. Forgive my doubt and complacency and show me your ways, O Lord ❤️

    Praying you all have a blessed Sunday. In the wee hours in the MST zone of AB, Canada where I am it’s a chilly -32C and will be a cold one getting out the door to church this morning. May the Lord encourage and lift your hearts on this Sabbath day.

    1. Maria J says:

      Thank you for that insight Wendy. And I echo your prayer. It’s -27 where I’m at in AB. Thankful for a warm house and a truck that will start to get us to church.

      1. Rhonda J says:

        O my goodness…I read that as I’m on my sunny balcony in SWF in perfect 70, warm breeze! I can’t DO cold anymore, which is the whole reason we moved from Chicago!! I forget what winter is after living here 5 years now!

        Loved what you wrote Wendy- so good, and the sentence/prayer “Forgive my doubt and complacency and show me your ways, O Lord” ❤️

  15. Cee Gee says:

    Warren Wiersbe on Genesis 15:6
    “And he believed in the LORD . . . .” Promises do us no good unless we believe them and act on them. Abram had already trusted God’s promise (12:1–3) and proved it by leaving home and going to Canaan (Heb. 11:8). But Genesis 15:6 is the first reference in the Bible to Abram’s faith. It is the John 3:16 of the Old Testament, and for this reason, the New Testament writers use it to illustrate salvation by faith. The Hebrew word translated “believed” means “to lean your whole weight upon.” Abram leaned wholly on the promise of God and the God of the promise. We are not saved by making promises to God but by believing the promises of God. In the gospel of John, which was written to tell people how to be saved (John 20:31), the word for “believe” is used nearly 100 times. Salvation is the gracious gift of God, and it is received by faith (Eph. 2:8, 9).

    Later, Abram proved his faith by his works when he offered Isaac on the altar (Gen. 22, James 2:14–24). Abram was not saved by obeying God, or even promising to obey God, but his obedience proved his faith. Sinners are not saved by faith plus works but by a faith that works.
    Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.
    From Vines Expository Bible
    “Believe —
    In Genesis 15:6, we read, “And he [Abram] believed in the Lord, and He [the Lord] accounted it to him for righteousness.” That verse is quoted three times in the New Testament (Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6; James 2:23). The word believe comes from a root meaning “establish” or “confirm.” It is actually our word, amen. God made a promise to Abram, and Abram believed the promise. Whenever the Scriptures state that a person “believed,” it signals that the person has made a decision to treat God’s word as certain and has made a commitment to do what God wants. You and I are saved because we put our weight on the promise of God.”
    Interesting that both commentaries use the example of putting our weight into God’s promises/our belief. That brought to mind again the great hymn Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
    The last verse;

    What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms?
    I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms
    Leaning, leaning,
    Safe and secure from all alarms;
    Leaning, leaning,
    Leaning on the everlasting arms.
    Our churches worship leaders always put emphasis on LEEEEAAAANNING on the chorus! [smile]
    Love, hugs, and prayers, sisters! ❤

    1. Brandi says:

      Love this! Thank you Cee Gee.

    2. Searching says:

      So good, CEE GEE. LEEEEAAAANNING on those everlasting arms today and each day. ❤️

    3. Rachel says:

      For all the promises of God are “yes” and “amen”! (paraphrase of 2 Cor 1:20). I love that hymn…I lived in Kenya for a couple years and had a number of co-workers from a tribe that switched their l’s and r’s. They LOVED this song and with great gusto would belt out “Reeeeeeeaning… reaning on the evelrasting alms!” It was so endearing but I could never stop the giggles. ;)

      1. Rhonda J says:

        How amazing to live there and be among them!!

      2. Cee Gee says:

        Oh, Rachel, what a blessing you were to them. Now I hope I think of that pronunciation every time I hear this song from now on! Thanks for the heart giggle! ❤

    4. Rhonda J says:

      Thank YOU Cee Gee…SO good!! Oh how I want to be surrendered in my life and ways! Our service today was on the exact thing!! Lord make me a servant for you, following your ways. I want my whole heart to follow after you!
      Although a scary prayer, surrendered…I will trust! And lean on His everlasting arms!! (“First Thing First” is playing…which you shared a couple days ogo!!) It goes so well!! I might have to play this in my group!! Yes, I will!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Rhonda, Yes, scary…that is the faith part/believing part, right?!! Our service was mission focused this morning, too. So good! ❤

    5. Tami says:

      Cee Gee. Thanks for looking up the commentary. I needed to read the words “promises do us no good if we don’t believe in them and act on them”. This was a confirmation for me to keep holding on!

      1. Cee Gee says:

        So glad that helped, Tami! That line jumped out at me in a big way, too! ❤

  16. Cheryl Blow says:

    Abraham believed the Lord and He credited it to Him as righteousness! Help us to truly trust you with every area of our life. May we surrender everything to you.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen ❤

    2. Wendy B says:


    3. Rhonda J says:

      Yes, amen! That is my prayer this year…Let’s go 2025!! “Surrendered” might have to be my word instead of “inspire,” it keeps coming up, and it’s the name of the book study I am leading in Feb!! But IF I am Surrendered….it will inspire all around me! And my inspiration comes from YOU LORD, as YOU surrendered ALL for us!!

      1. Elizabeth Oster says:

        That’s how I got my word/words for this year. Surrender/others first.

  17. Jennifer Jackson says:

    Lord I believe, help my unbelief. Mark 9:24

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen ❤

    2. Rhonda J says:

      Yes, amen!

  18. Crystal Pitzer says:


  19. Rhonda J. says:

    GM Kelly (NEO)!!,
    (You are the only one awake this morning I guess!)

    Happy Sunday She’s!
    I wondered if “I” am counted as righteous?! The big questions with a resounding yes..if and only in Jesus Christ. We have the how and why, yet many people don’t want to give up their… “selves,” control, pride, or whatever it is holding them back, dare I say- foolishness?! Course I was a fool-girl for a long time. Making fleshly choices, trying to get my whims and desires, and “fun” in although it only leads to mistakes and hurt, and problems for myself and others.

    Funny how God though, draws us gently (sometimes powerfully!) back to himself, back home, to his precious loving arms. Where there is comfort, love, peace, JOY, tenderness, and care. “Oh, how He loves us” comes to mind. (Maybe that’s not the name, by Crowder, hmm.) But, oh how he loves me/us! God never turns a repenting, longing for Him, heart away. I am so heart-struck- happy-thrilled for that promise! He loves us right where we are, but enough not to leave us there. I love the song “The Truth” but the last line ” He wouldn’t change a thing” is very misleading. We need to have a pliable heart, a sanctifying Spirit, that aligns us with Jesus’ righteousness. Amen? Amen!!

    Have a glorious Sunday! Hopefully to go and praise and glorify our Savior with others!

    Thinking of you Lynn, praying you and sending another long hug this morning.

    1. Mandi says:

      I have the same thoughts about “The Truth.” It’s beautiful and I mostly love the lyrics- except that one line!!

    2. Wendy B says:

      I have heard Alisha Childers response the the lyrics of “The Truth” and she raises the same concern. I too think the heart behind the song is beautiful, but the Truth of Jesus is that He changes everything.

    3. Searching says:

      Swimming against the tide with the way I understand those lyrics, so here goes …

      “I was made in the image of a perfect King
      He looks at me and wouldn’t change a thing”

      I see/hear those lyrics from a “creating of me” and maybe self esteem perspective – that God specifically created me in His image and I only need to look to Him, and not listen to me or others -I am God’s creation. I’ve seen various versions in articles, stories and bumper stickers over the years of God Don’t Make Junk. I look at teenaged family members and wish they could/would grasp this concept in a turning-to-God moment. He made us and He loves us, so let’s cling and draw closer to Him.

    4. Kim Buttonberry says:

      A thought about the phrase ‘He wouldn’t change a thing’- maybe it’s referring to the journey that we all experience leading us to the Lord.
      It’s unique for each of us, and has twists and turns, challenges, highs and lows, but if THAT journey led us to our surrender to Him, we wouldn’t want Him to change a thing about it.
      Then when we fully surrender to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, I agree, the REAL changes begin! Changes from the inside out, and the freedom that comes with it.
      Have a blessed and cozy Sabbath, dear She’s!! (Always praying for each of you as I read the comments daily, too.)

  20. Aimee D-R says:

    Reward my faith, forgive my doubt please Father. In Jesus name, Amen

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Good Morning Aimee!

  21. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief.
    So thankful that God raised the bat by crediting Christ’s righteousness to me. May I press in to Him even more and learn His righteous ways.
    MARI V – praying the young lady finds the help she needs in Jesus while at camp.
    EILEEN DOWD – praying you continue to improve.
    CHRISTY – when will you hear back about the interview?
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – any updates on Natalie?
    ABBY HOPE LANCASTER – praying all is going well with the last few days of your pregnancy

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Kelly! ❤
      Adding my amen to your prayers.

    2. Searching says:

      Joining you in prayer for these sisters, Kelly.
      And praying for a long term solution for the young mama’s housing, and good health going forward.

    3. Kelly (NEO) says:

      (Eye roll) raising the BAR, not the bat…sorry

    4. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

      Thank you so much!! We are very excited for her to be here! ❤️