Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Romans 15:7

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

In this study we will memorize our key verse as a reminder of why hospitality is a core value for us as Christ followers. We’ll start by memorizing the first half of the verse. 

Therefore welcome one another, just as Christ also welcomed you, to the glory of God.
—Romans 15:7

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60 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Latoddra Mason says:


  2. Brandi Young says:

    What I love about that first part is that there are no qualifiers to be welcomed. We are just to welcome!

  3. Mari V says:

    “Come as you are” is what comes to mind. HE welcomes us no matter what you and I have done in our past! He is ready to accept us with OPEN arms. NOW that’s OUR JESUS! Therefore giving us the ability to welcome “others” even when its hard. And like so of you here, Hospitality is not my gift, BUT I am a “good-listener” I tell friends if they ever need to get something off their chest or simply just “vent” Here I am. Love you all SO much! Enjoying my sister Patty!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I can’t wait to sit with you in heaven, with our cup of coffee, enjoying the sunrise. (then wishing you well as YOU go off for your run! lol) ACTUALLY, “I” will be made new…SO I CAN RUN WITH you like I used to LOVE!! yippee!!

      Wishing you such a blessed time with your sisters and all ya’ll being together! My sister is going to see my dad today, I am kinda sad I didn’t make the trip, although it would have been hard!

      1. Mari V says:

        Aw…Rhonda!!! I would LOVE to go on a run with your someday. My sweet friend whom I go with every Saturday is not a runner, so we “speed walk.” When I’m not with her I run. BUT we talk, vent, laugh, cry, pray. As we got to my house she mentioned we had not prayed yet, so prayed by her car before she left. We were enjoying talking and looking at all the beautiful colors of Fall all around us. There’s is a street near by that is SO beautiful which you probably saw on IG.

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          Yes, I saw..I don’t even think of Fall tree colors in CA, lol.

  4. Brittanie Dix says:


  5. Gwineth52 says:

    Greetings, Dear Shes,
    the Sunday before Thanksgiving!
    Giving thanks again & again for the hospitality & heart felt prayers, wishes & kind offerings expressed by & within this community. Not just on Sundays.
    Givings thanks again & again for my place of morning worship & community of believers.
    This evening we host Sunday Supper, as happens the last Sunday each month. Turkey, of course on the menu. All are welcome at the table. To be fed spiritually. Whatever the hard times or good times.
    Giving thanks again & again to the One who makes this giving of ourselves, to one another, possible.
    “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
    Praise Him all creatures here below.
    Praise Him above ye heavenly host.
    Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost”.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s wonderful!! Cooking for others is not something I feel called to do, lol. Many blessings for your evening!! Envy the ones that like to cook and do so for others like me to come and partake!

    2. Tami says:

      I love the idea of Sunday supper! We do it as a family but now you have made me think… how does it work?

  6. Aimee D-R says:


  7. Maria Baer says:

    The message behind this verse is one that has been at work in my life over the past year, because in an introvert (who can be an extrovert when needed), and honestly— I like to be in my own. But I think the biggest mind shift for me has been not only about welcoming, but accepting everyone where they are in their journey. And it has been profoundly impactful for me. I wish everyone a beautiful Sunday.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I was just saying the same. Everyone can grow and change, and they are on their journey. When we ADD Jesus Christ to the mix, and now live for him, we are transformed! (Or should be.) It’s the “special sauce,” the “BAM!” We are off with the old, but on the new. We are forgiving, and we need to be aware of that great sacrifice. It brings me to tears to want to honor him by standing on his truth. We are never perfected on this side, but we are, because of the then, now, and when sacrifice.

      You are still in my prayers for your loss, and current state of living in the interim. (with your in-laws?).

  8. Crystal Pitzer says:


  9. Tami says:

    Good morning ladies. I posted a link to Lectio on our FB page. This entire week they have been talking about hospitality. Today was allowing God to welcome us. So good! Have a blessed Sunday!

  10. Danielle B says:

    Between looking at the title of the series, the verse, God’s work in me, what caught my attention is we not only need to make room for others, but we need to make room for God. Resting in Him and in general are not my strong suits. I pray today we can all make room for God, as well as others.

  11. Rhonda J. says:

    GM!It’s Sunday! The day of Worship!

    “The Blessing” by Kari Jobb and Cody Carnes” is summing everything up beautifully as it plays right now!

    “May His favor be upon you
    And a thousand generations
    And your family and your children
    And their children, and their children

    May His presence go before you
    And behind you and beside you
    All around you and within you
    He is with you, He is with you
    In the morning, in the evening
    In your coming and your going
    In your weeping and rejoicing

    He is for you, He is for you.”

    If we keep the Lord in the center of our life, everything will flow from there. it isn’t all rosy though, Jesus caused a ruckus and division, called out the Pharisee and sin, and many despised and spit on him. I think we tend to think the Christian life is all beautiful and without conflict, but in fact our faith will rub most all people wrong because the dark is exposed. The world is in sin, all around us, and they don’t want Christians telling them it is just that. We can say live our life as an example of love, which we should, but we can’t appease people and approve what they feel is right when it’s not. And the time for overlooking and letting it go has passed because now it affects our children and grandchildren and even our rights to worship, and the sanctity of life and more. I don’t like division but it clearly says that will happen, even in our families. We pray and follow the Lord at all cost, and it is a cost. Laying down our life for him, we will be persecuted as well. It’s not a happy thought.

    We actually watched the episode of The Chosen last night where John and James asked to sit at the left and right of Jesus in the Kingdom, and Jesus said you don’t even know what you are asking. Are you ready to drink my cup!? Are you ready today to drink Jesus’ cup? It is not easy in the least. It is hard. But Jesus makes us strong and courageous, he equips us, and gives us what to say and when. I am thankful for that.

    Have a great Sunday! And stand in strength today She’s this week. I have to get going, our church moved our early service up 30 minutes earlier!! 8:30! yikes!!

  12. Searching says:

    LINDAK – praying for relief from the sciatic pain, and that you are able to get some rest. I deal with different nerve pain and not being able to sleep through it can really wear you down. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I didn’t see the request..but I have had nerve damage down my left leg for 20 years now, and it never has not been. In prayer with you both for healing. It makes us rely on our Healer! In everything, giving thanks and gratitude!!

  13. Lanie H says:

    Hi everyone,

    I have been following along a day behind this time and lifting you in prayers! Sherry, lifting you and your grandson up right now. I have been the recipient of unbelievable hospitality this past week. I have actually had two neighbors we have never even met, drop off handmade blankets. I will never forget the kindness during this sweet season, and it makes me want to be better at sharing hospitality with my neighbors.

    1. Searching says:


    2. Wendy B says:

      Have thought of you often Lanie and hope you and babe are doing well. What a blessing to be well taken care of❤️

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Hi Lanie!! SO GOOD to see you!! Hope you are enjoying these early days of motherhood, where overwhelming joy and stress meet! It makes me want to send other new mothers I know (and yes, there is a young new mother on my street!) a basket just to make them feel like you are describing!!

    4. Mari V says:

      AW…..this brought tears to my eyes!! HOW sweet of your neighbors to bring those homemade blankets!!

    5. Adrienne says:


    6. Cee Gee says:

      So glad to hear from you, LANIE! ❤

  14. Sherry says:

    Sisters,today I come seeking your prayers.
    Tomorrow morning I am having a biopsy. Tomorrow afternoon my grandson is having a biopsy and is facing surgery. When it rains it pours. I know my God is good and is walking with us. Thank you for your prayers. But God.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:

      Lifting you and your grandson to Jesus now, Dear Sherry. Praying for peace and a sense of God’s presence as you wait. Romans 15:13… ”May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace, as you trust in Him. So that you may overflow with Hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit.”♥️

    2. Searching says:

      Praying, SHERRY, for peace and calmness in your heart and mind in the waiting for the biopsies and for the results. It can be easy to let our minds think of countless possibilities and what-if’s when we are faced with medical and other issues – praying you are able to keep focused on God and His goodness to walk with you.❤️

    3. Danielle B says:

      Sherry, praying for you and your grandson in this season of waiting.

    4. Maria Baer says:

      Sherry, putting you and your grandson in my prayers for good results in your biopsies.

    5. Jane K says:

      Praying that all will be benign with both biopsies. Also praying for peace of mind for you both.

    6. Cheryl Read says:

      Sherry, praying for you and your grand son right now, will be praying tomorrow too.
      Lord Jesus give them the strength and the peace that passes all understanding.

    7. Wendy B says:

      Have prayed for you right now, Sherry. I’m sorry you are having to go through this. May you both know the Lord’s peace, strength courage and presence as you navigate these appointments and the waiting❤️

    8. Sheryl Gunderson says:

      Grandson, Sherry. Praresults have

    9. Rhonda J. says:

      Praying, may you feel his comfort and peace.

    10. MARTHA HIX says:

      Praying for you and your grandson. ❤️

    11. Mari V says:

      YOU are covered in prayer Sherry, you and your grandson.

    12. AZ Walker says:

      Praying Sherry along with others for God’s comfort over you and your grandson. Yes he promises to walk with you!

    13. Adrienne says:

      You got ‘em, Sherry. Am happy to lift you and your grandson in prayer.❤️

    14. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Praying for you and your grandson, Sherry.

    15. Victoria E says:

      Sherry, praying for you and your grandson.

  15. Cee Gee says:

    “If the perfect, sinless Son of God was willing to bring sinners into God’s family, how much more should forgiven believers be willing to warmly embrace and accept each other in spite of their disagreements over issues of conscience (Matt. 10:24; 11:29; Eph. 4:32–5:2).” – Warren Wiersbe
    Have a wonderful day of worship, sisters! Continued prayers. ❤

    1. Searching says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, also knowing that all people change with the knowing love of God in repentance. For I am not what I was. I would hate for people to keep pointing out what God has forgiving me for. So giving grace for the now and what could be, and grace to those in transformation!

    3. Elizabeth Oster says:

      Love this. Thank you, Cee Gee.

  16. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Needed some context since the verse starts with a “therefore” so verses 5 and 6 read:
    “Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, according to Christ Jesus, so that you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one mind and one voice.”
    God never asks us to do things in our own strength. Even offering hospitality is something He will enable us to do. (Whew!) :-)
    Praying you experience God’s goodness in church today.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Thank you, KELLY, for the ‘rest of the story’! ❤

    2. Carol J Mylin says:


    3. Searching says:


    4. Danielle B says:

      Thank you Kelly for looking further. It is freeing knowing God will give us what we need to be hospitable.

  17. Melissa Richards says:


  18. Obi O says:


  19. Colleen DeVeau says:

    May we welcome and accept each other as Christ has done with us. May we be unafraid to give others access to ourselves. May we be willing to make room for community, for intimate connections with our fellow humans, the gifts God has placed all around us. Thank You, Father, for the opportunities You have offered us to love as You love and be so loved in return.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen, Colleen! Good to see you! ❤

    2. Searching says:


    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Amen & Amen!

    4. Wendy B says:


    5. Mari V says:

      Love this!