Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Revelation 21:5

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

For the first three weeks of this plan, we’ll memorize one of our key verses, Revelation 21:5, and for the last three weeks we’ll memorize the second key verse, 2 Corinthians 5:17. This week, we’ll memorize the first half of Revelation 21:5, remembering the foundation of this study is God’s promise to make everything new.

Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.” 
—Revelation 21:5

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50 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Isaly Acevedo says:

    Funny how I write letters to a husband I don’t have but have faith God is preparing us both ❤️

  2. Dori Brown says:


  3. Leslie Killinger says:

    God is Faithful and true!

  4. Ulata Moors says:


  5. Sarah Henderson says:

    Faithful and True!!!

  6. Misty Portland says:


  7. ashley cary says:


  8. Laryssa Hiller says:


  9. Megan Weyandt says:

    Look ♥️

  10. Jacquelynn DeSimone says:


  11. Emily Walton says:


  12. danielle lemaire says:


  13. Tara B says:


  14. Wanda Woehlert says:


  15. Elizabeth Diaz says:

    Everything new through Christ.

  16. Karen Breaux says:

    ❤ I am loving my mornings and enjoying the daily readings. God is showing me peace found in His word.

  17. Michelle Patire says:

    Hi Cherrie Brewer ❤️

  18. Michelle Patire says:

    Gayle, all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    Romans 10:13

    God does not lie.
    Believe God’s word over the testimony of man.
    There are many false Christians who believe their works can save them. But truly, only Jesus’s finished work can. Trust in His word. ❤️

    Thank you for the prayers ladies! I am not 100%, but I was able to shovel my car out today and plan to work tomorrow, God willing. :)

    God has been reminding me of the armor of God regarding my family. I am trying to remember it upon waking (Ephesians 6), as well as reading the Word daily (as I normally do).


    1. Claire B says:

      Michelle Patire, Exactly

    2. Gayle Craik says:

      Than you!

  19. Brandi Mahoney says:

    Starting a 21 day fast tomorrow so this scripture is perfect!

  20. Kendal Ragland says:

    I haven’t heard of many studies with a in depth detail and Revelation, and I’ve absolutely loved reading it. I was super excited about the study and it didn’t disappoint!❤️

  21. Alayna P. says:

    I listened to the podcast yesterday and I really wish I had listened to it on Monday. I got so much out of it. I feel like so much clicked with me. I wrote two pages of notes. Anyway, Happy Sunday ❤️

  22. Emily Walton says:

    Praise God for his promises!

  23. Donna Wolcott says:

    Gayle I hope the treatments help. How’s that new little grandson? I believe if you have faith and try to live the best you can, serve and love the Lord, we will see Him.❤️

    1. Gayle Craik says:

      The new grandson is perfect


    But, I definitely wonder too, because He says he hates Lukewarm.


    Gayle, I feel & scripture tells us that God can do miraculous things; so maybe the size of Heaven won’t matter. It’s stated in the Bible that all believe in Jesus will be with Him again. Maybe not as close or as soon as others? But, we are already in that Book of Life; staying in His Word only draws us closer to Him and to do His will. So, I firmly believe that if people truly believe in their heart that God sent his Son to save us, we will see Him again in Heaven.

  26. Bee Miller says:

    I don’t need to understand all the finite details and arguments over what heaven will be like or what the literal interpretation of Revelation is. I’ve felt & seen Jesus work in my life & I am sticking with Him.

  27. Gayle Craik says:

    So if it is only 1380 miles long, wide, high etc that’s not very big! I read about a pastor in the 70s that died & he said only 2.5% made it to heaven while he was there(15 min). Thoughts? Seems like most of us who call ourselves Christian’s won’t make it? Yes I know many who would call themselves a Christian who donor read his word, worship or praise him. Many lukewarm Christian’s. Dear Heavenly Father I beg for salvation for me, my children & many generations to come. Amen.

    1. Gayle Craik says:

      Who don’t read his word. I think those of us reading his word, praying& praising on a normal daily basis are in the minority.

    2. Claire B says:

      Gayle, I do not know who this pastor was, but it was the 70’s and not stellar in the Biblical realm. As I often say the size, shape, substance of Heaven is of little importance, my family and me being there is. The Gospel is true and infallible. Jesus said he was going to prepare a place – that is the fact to recognize. I lean heavily on what the Bible says and not what people say. There are some great studies by Pricilla Shire, early Beth Moore, SRT, & others that you might find helpful.

  28. Mari V says:

    Happy Sunday sweet She’s! Didn’t sleep well. I knew better then staying up late with my daughter to watch a movie. I was trying to get up early to get back into the routine of school/work. Glad that SOMEDAY we won’t have to worry about sleep!

  29. Cheryl Blow says:

    Yes Lord! Help me to remember that you make all things new! Praise God for all He does in and through us!

  30. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen! Lord I believe You are faithful and Your Word is Truth!

  31. Sarah Scheaf says:


  32. Searching says:

    The promise in this verse, Amen!

    DONNA WOLCOTT – praying for your dil and family ❤️

  33. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Love this verse! He is making everything new and it will happen because He is Faithful and True! Amen & Amen.

    @Tina – God has been putting in my mind and heart these past few weeks Hebrews 12:2 – “Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”. My intention this new year is to be mindful of looking to Him or as the KJV puts it – “fixing my eyes on Him.” and yes, when we look to Him, it takes our eyes off of self. Thank you for sharing!

    Have a blessed Lord’s Day, hopefully you’re not snowed in! We didn’t get the whole 8-12″ that was predicted, only about 4″, so church is on but only “1/2” church today – no praise team, just the sermon. Blessings to you all my dear sisters!

  34. Ada McCloud says:


  35. Rhonda J says:

    GM, Happy Sunday She’s!
    I just realized yesterday was a normal day, and not a catch up!

    I love this verse! He is making all things new! What a hope He is giving us to hang on to. We talked about this in my group yesterday as we read a devotional called “Unstuck.” So many of us women feel stuck and at different times in our lives whether it be in a career, an emotional state, or even physical. We can get very discouraged and feel defeated, and that brings lots of pain and feeling stuck. BUT GOD, He is a God of miracles, moves mountains and saves us in the fire, brings us out of the pit and makes us new! Don’t ever think your situation can’t change, it can and it will. Trust in God. Trust in God. Hold on and Trust IN Him.(We sing that song “Trust in God” by Elevation Worship in jail and to see them singing and lifting their hands in their circumstance gives me such joy every week. With God, they can look at their situation from a different angle, help them through, change and grow, spend time in the word, stay away from the things they should! So good!)

  36. Cee Gee says:

    What a challenging and affirming week of study! Prayers for all!

  37. Stephanie Wilsey says:

    Let it be so. Amen.

  38. Theresa Storie says:


  39. Humaira Dale says:


  40. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Lord Jesus, King of kings, how glorious it is that YOU are seated on Your throne, deserving all honor, praise, and worship.

  41. Liz Bonnett says:

    Praise God.

  42. Tina says:

    , “Look, I am making everything new.”

    I have written it, here. I am writing it on my mirrors, where I will see it every day. I am writing this promise on my heart!
    The fact that God is telling me to LOOK, and LOOK close, tells me that if I down tools and stop focusing on me, me, me, and stuff that take me from Him and His truth, things of this world thst are fleeting, I may just be able to see the His promise in action, coming to being.

    Lord God, today my eyes are on You, and my heart holds fast to these your words of making things new. Thankbyou for caring so much for us and always having our backs, in the small and the large. Thankbyou that you see us, and you hold us, and you continue to love us even when..Thsnkbyou Lord God, Thank you!

    LOOKING, Lord God, looking.

    BUT GOD.


    Happy Sunday, my dears, covered in love and hugs and wrapped in a whole heap of prayers, requested and for all. He is near, always!❤️

  43. MARTHA HIX says:


  44. Adrienne says:

    He is on His throne, sweet sisters, and is making all things new. Let us let Him make us new!

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:
