Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Judges 2:11–12

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

This week we’ll continue to memorize Judges 2:11–12a. We’ll continue by memorizing part of verse 12, a reminder of how God’s people continue to abandon Him for other gods. 

11 The Israelites did what was evil in the LORD’s sight. They worshiped the Baals 12 and abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt.

—Judges 2:11–12a

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15 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Michelle Patire says:

    <3 love all you ladies!!

    Happy Sunday! Going to be praying for you all after my time with the Word. Hope your group went well @Rhonda J! @Kimberly Z- that's so great you do makeup bags- you are very crafty! Praying you can finish them in time, too! @Tina :)
    @Cee Gee <3

  2. Deb says:

    Precious sister Aleida, praying for Victor, you and your husband. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and give you strength and Peace.

  3. Rhonda J. says:

    GM She’s!

    Happy Sunday! Thank you for listing all the prayers to make it easier for us to remember each!! Definitely a blessing!

    It’s nice getting time to lay around with the extra hour this morning, usually it’s a quick rush to get to church early!! I’m blaring my praise music, singly my love and worship to the Lord!

  4. Tina says:

    God of our forefathers (and mothers), those not so perfect saints that have gone ahead, on whose shoulders we stand, I pray that in the same way You brought them out of Egypt, so, You will bring us out of the our ‘slavery’ and chains that hold us back from seeing You, and From worshipping You and You alone, Lord God.. Thank you Lord God, for Your great love that continues to follow us, redeem us and bring us hope.. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.. in Jesus’ name I pray ..


    Happy Sunday.., much love..❤️

  5. Kelly (NEO) says:

    God of my ancestors, may I live to bring You glory so that You will be the God of my descendants!

    Worship Him with abandon today!

  6. Tina says:

    Hello, my beautiful SRT Family..

    Praying through requests…

    CEE GEE. Hopeful your respiratory issues are subsiding and thst you are able to sleep better..❤️

    ALIEDA. Continued prayers for you and yours, especially Victor.. God be with you.. x

    LANIE. This may be late,, but still, Holding you up in prayer, hope-filled you will know His presence always..❤️

    LYNNE FROM ALABAMA. You go praise Him today! ‘Cos, I’m right there with you! Praising! Continued prayers for Jack and yourself..❤️

    MARI V.. Always in my prayers… hope all is well with you and yours. ❤️

    ADRIENNE.. The gentleness of the Psalms after a week of ‘torture’ Amen.❤️

    SEARCHING. Indeed, am I standing firm in faith? I absolutely pray so! Sending hugs across the pond dear friend.❤️

    MICHELLE PATIRE.. I love Psalm 119:105, it so is my go to wheen life throws me lemons!❤️ Hope your visit with your friend went well..❤️

    BETH.. Thank you for the help in differentiation between a Nazarite and a Nazarene.. bless you.❤️

    A. WALTON..Praising God with you gor your sons healing. He is good! Praying alsovyour approaching trip to the States is whst God ordered and that your return will yield some miracles you did not envisage, re the house..
    Blessings, covered in prayers for a God blessed today..❤️

    KELLY (NEO).. REMEMBERING, dear sister. I remember well.. Thank you!❤️

    GRAMSIESUE.. And Steve, always in my prayers, and will continue to do so.. BUT GOD..❤️

    RHONDA J.. BUT GOD, right❤️ Prayerful your small group went well❤️

    TRACI GENDRON.. Praying for your friend to feel His presence.. also lifting your dear heart up in prayer, for you to know peace. ❤️

    GAYLE CRAIK.. Continued prayers, dear sister. God knows, God see, God hears.. He is with you on this journey, He will never leave you, nor forsake you and yours.. hold fast..❤️

    JRNNY SOMERS.. Thank-you for your kind words. Prayerful you navigate life with the Lord holding your hands. ❤️

    MOLLY R..❤️


    CHRISTINE LOUGHMAN.. thank you. ❤️

    CLAIRE B.❤️Right back atcha!x




    And to all a very Happy Sunday covered in love and hugs, and so wrapped in prayers ❤️❤️

  7. Dana says:

    Aleida, my heart prays for you, your husband and Victor. Please Lord, breathe miracles into this family. In the Name of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ, Amen! ❤️

  8. Aleida says:

    Happy Sunday my sisters! May you all feel God’s presence in your lives despite all the wickedness that surrounds us, much like what we’ve read in the book of Judges.
    I’m so thankful to God for sending us Jesus, the lamb without blemish to atone for our sins. And for reminding us of having patient endurance for the things we long for the most according to His perfect will.
    Please continue praying for our wayward son, Victor – that the Lord would turn his life around for his good and His glory! Listening to the podcast this week I cried when the speaker spoke to mothers like me. I still have so much hope and faith that the Lord will use all of this pain to bring forth a strong warrior in my son Victor. His name means triumph and I know the Lord has carried him through so much pain at such a young age. But He is not finished with him! Pray for me and my husband as well. We’re right in the middle of our move and we have broken hearts over our son. Pray that we can continue to place all of our trust in Jesus and in the plan He has for our family. Thank you so much you beautiful She’s. I too ask the Lord to bless each one of you and lift you up in my prayers❤️