Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
This week we will continue to memorize our key passage by adding verse 4. This verse is an encouragement of what is to come for believers.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.
—1 Peter 1:3–4
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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Did anyone else have the wrong verse for their reading today? The reference was 1 Peter 1:3-4 but the verses were Genesis 1:3-4
Amen ❤️
Dorothy I am sorry to hear of your sisters’s passing but grateful it was peaceful. Praying for you and your family. Candace praying for your brother in law as well
DOROTHY @ so sorry for your loss. Your sister is experiencing her inheritance. May you and your family experience God’s peace ❤️
Dorothy, I am so sorry for your loss. Though I am glad to hear the relief and the joy amidst this sudden goodbye. May the comfort and mercy of God cover you and everyone in the family through this time. To live is Christ and to die is gain. No more tears, no more pain or suffering is where she is. Pain is remembered no more. Amazing isn’t it. I will keep you and the family in prayers.❤️ May the joy of the Lord be your strength.
Dorothy <3 God be near to you and your family. It is good to know she is truly at rest in Jesus.
Dear Dorothy, I am so sorry, even though I know she had moved to hospice, it is still so hard when they pass. And especially your dear sister that you were so close to and was there for through all her struggles. I pray for her son also, that he will not spiral more, but maybe have an awakening with the loss of so many family members. (Hope that comes out right). I do know that YOUR faith is beautiful and a light to all those around you! Can’t wait to meet you one day.
Speaking of prayer coming out right….I finally stepped out in obedience to do alter-call today. I still feel like “I” cannot do it, but hopefully the Holy Spirit gave those in need that I prayed with what THEY needed. I felt the glowing of the Spirit afterwards. I hope with practice my “Moses’-stuttering-fear-of speaking” will lead me to the purpose God has for me!! The comedian was speaking again this morning and he was amazing at calling people to receive Jesus at the end and told them to step out in faith and come to the alter for prayer, so it was amazing all the people. So I KNOW I needed to be there. Another tidbit (an amazing tidbit!) that he shared was that we are like a house with “that nice room, we used to call it “the front room.” But the one that is always nice and straight that no one uses except for guests maybe. So we have that one nice part of us we put Jesus in, but we need him in our whole life, even the messy part. So many people could really relate to that, and want to start putting him in every room in our house. Plus, we might have even asked him in, but still have the front door shut, or maybe open it every once in awhile when we need prayer, then shut it back! That doesn’t work…open the door….let him in, let him in all your messy rooms too, that’s where you will see HE loves you, he sees you, he can help you clean up. Whatever it is going on in the back room, or the room no one sees….let him in.
@DOROTHY. I know the passing of your sister Carol leaves a BIG hole in your heart that will heal, but never go away. May you find peace in knowing that she knew God.
May we all find peace in knowing that we are unconditionally loved.
Happy Sunday ladies! @DOROTHY I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I’m happy to hear she at least went peacefully. Praying for your family that you felt comforted during this time. Thank you all for the sweet prayers! It overall was a good weekend. Praying as we go forward we can find clarity in the situation and what God wants for us.
Dear sisters I come to you today with a heavy but relieved heart. My dear sister went to be with Our Lord and Savior yesterday afternoon. A good friend of hers came to visit and then shortly after that she died. She went peaceful. I will miss her but I know I will see her again. I also know she is happy with her husband and daughter and our parents. I mourn but I also rejoice because I know she is with the Lord.
Blessed be the Lord. So my son informed me his cat had kittens yesterday also. The cycle of life continues.
Be blessed and no matter what we go through we know God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are by always, Always, ALWAYS BY OUR SIDE.
Happy Sunday everyone. Adding Candace’s brother in law to my prayer list. Rhonda J, praying for your back pain, i pray you find relief. I love hearing about your church activities and your involvement. Searching, my daughter’s group is small and assigned to different locations and schedules but she stays there 2 nights. Thank you for praying. ❤️
❤️ please pray for my brother-in-law. He has been passing out randomly for 6 months, and the drs finally found that he has a blockage. He goes in Tuesday for stress test. He is only 36.
Dear God, thank you for this blessed inheritance. God is good all the time! Amen
Oh Hallelujah!! If that isn’t enough to sing about this amazing Sunday! And everyday. Life is hard, life is challenging. I am in some rough back pain still this morning, but that doesn’t make me any less joyful in the hope I have.
Our church hosted a comedian and his wife last night on marriage, it was so good and insightful. His name was Michael Jr. -Marriage Works tour. I hope we can implement some of the wisdom and techniques we heard into our own relationship. Laughter is always good for the soul.
Have a beautiful day!
We get an EARTHLY INHERITANCE because someone dies.
We get a SPIRITUAL INHERITANCE because Someone LIVES! Thank You, Jesus!!!
Praying in agreement with you precious sisters. Have a blessed Sunday!
Hallelujah! These verses are full of life and hope and God’s awesome love. My heart is singing. ♡ Have a wonderful Sunday!
Our inheritance is imperishable. It’s never going away.
It’s undefiled; absolutely perfect.
And it’s unfading. The new never wears off.
Hallelujah! Thanks be to God.
Have a blessed Sunday.
In heaven, because of Jesus, we have an inheritance that cannot be destroyed. Hallelujah!
Eternal inheritance – so unworthy; so blessed.
On this Lord’s Day, “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge—even as the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you—so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1Cor 1:4-9).