Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
Over the course of this Study Book, we will work to memorize our key passage for this reading plan, Matthew 7:7–11. This week, let’s memorize verses 7–8, where Jesus encourages us to ask for what we need in prayer.
“Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Who among you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”
—Matthew 7:7–11

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48 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
He is a good good Father.
God is a good good Father. He knows me better than I know myself. He knows what I need. He knows how to provide. Ask and God will give. He is giving and he is caring. God gives the best gifts of all!
Seek and you will find
Ask and you shall receive ❤️
Todays verses are great encouragement to stay persistent in seeking answers and resolution, even when we feel stuck. Life’s rejection is Gods redirection!!
SRT Bible studies are the first Bible studies I have done that carve out time for memorizing Scripture! I memorize so many other things, and I am SO thankful that, now, Scripture is one of them!
Thank you God that you are a man of your word!
I love this and memorizing God’s word. That I can ask and I will receive but I have found the more I read and seek God the more my will turns to His will! So I pray for that his will is in my life and guidance is from Him alone
Thankful for this study ❤️
God I just want to say thank you. Spending a full week reading your word and praying to you has truly made me feel at peace. Thank you God for never turning your back on me.
As I work my way through this study, there have been so many little reminders from God that I am in the right place. I am thankful for all He has given and pray that He checks my heart and uses me for His glory. Praying for all of you as well!
My moments with God lately have been electric. I absolutely love His presence. Thank you Jesus ❤️
Amen, thank You Jesus
I needed this more than I ever thought I did. ❤️
@Nitz praying for you! Please know you’re not alone. In a hard season of life for me currently I too feel what you have described. Please know this won’t last and that you are loved. Praying for all you She’s tonight and that it’s a great week!
Meghan Fox I love this song! I first heard it while going through IVF last year and it really spoke to me. God can do anything ! Is anything too hard for God? Traci Gendron and Martha Hix, still praying for you. May the God of all comfort comfort you. Nitz, I pray for you as well, it is inspiring to see you praising God in the middle of the pain you are describing. God bless you
Nitz, The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Ps 34:18
It warms my heart that this passage is the center passage for this study. Just a few weeks ago I came across it and printed it out to tape to my desk at work. Just God’s way of foreshadowing the importance of this passage, and that I still need to read it and feel every word of it. ❤️
Lord, I’m brokenhearted, I’m dissappointed. I don’t understand. Like Job I curse the day I was born. But here I am, I worship with the angels and I cry holy, holy are you Lord God almight heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hossanna in the highest, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Amen, Amen and Amen
@Traci: thinking of you today, 13/11. I remembered last year, you said it happened on a Saturday. May the Lord comfort and strengthen you as He holds your hand to walk through the process.
@Michelle Patire: hope your event today went well, and your leg injury is fully recovered.
@Meghan Fox: I loved the lyrics you posted. Thank you for sharing.
@Gwineth52: wondering where you are on your trip. Miss your checking-in every now and then. Praying for safe travels and lots of joy wherever you might be.
I hope you all have a wonderful blessed Sunday & a great new week ahead, dear lovely wonderful she’s.
@Meghan Fox love that song!!!!
Oh @Lexi B, that sounds like a FUN “business!” But- I too had a “fun” job opening my own fitness studio and learned quickly that it was a lot, a lot more to it being the owner of a business, even though the joy of what your doing is just that! So prayers for you as you pass the one-year mark, and many more years to come! I was newly divorced when I opened my business and had a 4-year-old. It was scary, yet I knew God had opened the exact doors that I needed to follow through! For many years I left my christian music on the radio and made it known God had blessed my business!! It’s amazing how you can touch people for God in all areas of your life if willing!! Love ya!
We are doing the study on Hearing God at church! So good! Today it was on sitting with Him as a friend and conversing! I really need work on the hearing! I love to praise and worship God, and pray without ceasing throughout my day…but listening-not so good!! (Maybe you realize this with all my posts of talking???!)- Don’t answer that! But I am setting a timer after my bike ride and before my worship to block my mind of all things and hear God. The first day I heard the word “discipline.” So discipline it is! Thank you God Almighty, my heavenly Father, my friend- for letting me sit at your feet, by your side, or in your lap. I lay down my life for you, and will praise you for the rest of my days! Hallejuhah!
@Megan Fox- I too love the song by Brandon Lake, basically all songs by him! So neat that you got to see him, my friend just saw him in Chicago a week or so ago!
and @Mari, we love you too so much!
@JLJ- good word as always!
@She’s–Have a great Sunday, love you all! (Special prayers for you @Traci and @Martha
Theresa: I loved what you said about prayer- “He will sort out the answering part, I don’t need to worry about it. My job is to come.” I am like you, I struggle to bring the little things to God, forgetting He wants me to come to him for all things.
I am so thankful- yesterday marked my one year anniversary of my first business client. I started out with one, backpacking in the snow for 2 days and it was amazing. Yesterday I took a group of 15- we went ocean kayaking with 12 and 3 joined us later for dinner and a light show. To see where I started and to see where God has brought me with this business; I feel so blessed. It has been quite a journey and I love it; the good and the hard. Thank you God for answered prayers! Happy Sunday She’s!
These are things we can do ways. Ask questions about God, seek the answers, knock on the door of forgiveness and mercy. God is good all the time. Amen.
GOOD morning and Happy Sunday sweet sisters! I am filled with JOY to read the comments. I love our sweet community of BEAUTIFUL sisters gathered here from all over the WORLD to worship the ONE true GOD and unite as sisters in one accord. I love how we all gather here to lift one another up in prayer. No prayer is too small or to big for our God! I love you all so much! Have a wonderful Sunday with your families. And remember WE are not alone.
We’ve seen cancer disappear
We’ve seen broken bodies healed
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
We’ve seen real life resurrection
We’ve seen mental health restored
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
We’ve seen families reunited
We’ve seen prodigals return
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
We’ve seen troubled souls delivered
We’ve seen addicts finally freed
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
We’ll see cities in revival
Salvation flood the streets
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
We’ll see glory fill the nations
Like the world has never seen
Don’t you tell me He can’t do it
‘Cause I know that He can
Our church is doing a series on worship right now and I am loving it. Today, we spent about 80% of the service in worship and boy did I need it! We sang one of my favorite songs which I just heard Brandon Lake sing at his concert last week- Too Good to Not Believe. Tears sprang to my eyes as we sang the verses about families and prodigals. I sing this over all of you today; no matter what you’re going through, our God is with us and He does miracles every day.
God is great all the time. All the time, God is great!!
“The verbs ask, seek, and knock are present progressives: “be asking,” “be seeking,” “be knocking.” Note the synergy: our effort is commanded, but never apart from the immediate help of God. We ask in prayer; seek by learning God’s truth; and knock by doing God’s will.” (OSB) Father God, I am asking, I am seeking, I am knocking… Open the door of your will to my heart. I lift up the prayers of all the hearts seeking you. Hear us o Lord. Incline your ear and remind us that you hear us. Comfort the hearts that are stricken, rejoice with the hearts that are joyful. Be with us today and give us the strength and perseverance that we need. Have mercy on us. Both now and forever, unto ages of ages amen. Maranatha.
Psalm 63v1 “O God You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You”.
To sit at His feet, to rest in His presence, with no agenda but to be in His will.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength, dear sisters ❤️
Thank you God, who is our Father, for loving us and allowing us to bring our requests and praise to You. You are greater than my human mind can conceive but You love me all the more. Help me to stay in Your word so I can hear You speak to me. Happy Sunday She’s! May we worship God with all of our heart and mind today.
“All who ask receive” praying this morning for Holy Spirit to open my eyes to be more aware of the receiving, even if – especially if – God gives in a way I didn’t expect.
Thank you Kelly (NEO).
I often hold back my requests from God, feeling like what I want or need is so insignificant and that God has much bigger things to worry about. What was impressed upon my heart this morning is that God wants me to bring it all before him. The big and the small. He is big enough to care about the vast problems the world is facing AND my requests for the little things. He will sort out the answering part, I don’t need to worry about it. My job is to come.
TINA – I thank God at every rememberance of you. You are a testimony to the faithfulness of God through the ups and downs of life. Thank you for walking with us
TRACI GENDRON, MARTHA HIX, TINA, YVONNE, DANA COOK, SUSAN, and all who are missing loved ones as the holidays approach-may the Lord be uour comfort and peace.
TAYLOR, thinking of you and hoping your heart is knowing peace, and that wherever you are at today, know that God covers you in His love.. it is well dear heart..❤
ROBYN PANKOK I am sorry for your troubles… praying.❤
SUE HOLLAR,praying for your daughter and your marriage..
Nothing is ever lost in God’s eyes.. NOTHING..❤
ANGIE MILLS, Thank you for always being here..❤
SEARCHING, what a prayer warrior you are. My prayer for you is double portion of blessings..
I love you sis..❤
KELLY(NEO) Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. You an absolute blessing to us here.
Blessings right back wrapped in love..❤
MIA FAITH, I’m sorry for your loss too, Praying peace over you.
RHONDA J. Thankful for you, always..❤
VICTORIA E. Prayful all is well with you and you little family. Praying God continue to watch over you, and actually praying Numbers 6:24-26 over you and yours
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.❤
MEGAN FOX, Praying..❤
MARI V. Prayerful over your toes to get better, but also for you to perk up in health and spirit.. hugs.❤
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS, Your words were beautiful, yesterday, thank you!
Indeed, Come Lord..
I also need to thank you for the shout out the other day among the list upon list of names. Felt like a roll call.. but WOW, amazing! ( your finger must have hurt after all that typing, lol)
Seriously though, Thank you wrapped in hugs..❤
CHURCHMOUSE, May I bask with you? We for sure are not alone..
So very thankful for you!
Sending you hugs tightly wrapped in love dear heart..❤
I am so very thankful for ALL here. I am totally and utterly blessed to share my mornings and the Word with you, my amazing sisters here at SRT..
Sending hugs across the pond this Remembrance Sunday ..❤
@MARTHA HIX Thinking of you too, as you gather with family to remember your husband..
Sending you love, hugs and prayers for your heart to know His peace, and for the gathering to be covered in wonderful memories..
It is well dearest…it is well. ❤
Thinking of you @TRACI GENDRON today as you mark the anniversary of your wonderful son Tanners calling home. May the sweet memories warm your heart, and if the tears should come, as I know they will, let them. For where there was great love..
Sending you much hugs wrapped so very tightly in love and prayers..❤
Oh Jesus, Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Happy Remembrance Sunday, dear hearts.
Be Blessed, wrapped in love,hugs and prayers…❤