Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
Over the course of this reading plan, we will memorize Ephesians 4:1–6, where Paul calls his fellow believers to live in unity as the body of Christ. This week, let’s memorize the first verse.
Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope at your calling—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.
—Ephesians 4:1–6
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29 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
Lord, You are through all and in all and above all. Amen ❤️
I’ll check that out! Thanks!
Lord God, please help me to walk worthy of your name with the characteristics of humility, gentleness & patience as I interact with others in general and believers especially.
I the prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received
I have finally caught up. When I looked at day 1 there were over 850 comments( and now there are more than 1,000). I was determined to read each one. The following days had tons of comments and I have finally read them all. I am Linda from Tinley Park Illinois. I don’t know how many years I’ve been reading SRT. When I 1st started reading I didn’t read the comments. 1 day I wondered what the comments were about and a whole new world was opened to me. I met Shes who had questions and concerns just like me. I appreciate the “realness” of the women in this group. I appreciate that women share their vulnerabilities. I appreciate that other women come along side with encouragement, scripture or personal testimony to encourage one another. I love it that I can ask for prayer and know that others are praying for me and not only that, Shes such as Searching, Kelly (NEO) are always inquiring about those who ask for prayer. This group has been a blessing to me as sisters share what is on their hearts. In turn I have prayed for those experiencing anxiety, illness, grief, health concerns and so many other issues. I am thankful to be a part of this group♥️
Unity has been part of every message I have heard for 2 weeks now. I need to listen and follow God’s direction!! Thank you, Lord for Your Holy Word!
Good to be reminded to walk worthy of our calling & that unity is important to God, specially when we’ve been through horrible stuff.
I pray that I would walk worthy of the calling of Jesus ❤️
I would like to share the Call to Worship from my service today (any emphasis is mine):
“BLESSED are you who realize there is simply NOT ENOUGH — time, money, resources.
BLESSED are you who are tired of pretending that RAW EFFORT is the secret to PREFECTION. IT’S
NOT. And you know that now.
BLESSED are you who need a gentle reminder that EVEN NOW, EVEN TODAY, GOD IS HERE. And somehow,
that is good.”
In response to the verses for today, I wrote this in my Bible:
Father, God help me to walk worthy of YOU, CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT. Remind me, I’m not perfect and I need to allow others their faults with humility, gently and loving-kindness. Help me to remain peaceful with everyone I meet and know. In the name of the Triune, amen.
Be blessed and remember kindness is contagious.
I love the memorized verses today. Thank you SRT. These are like a knife piercing through my heart. With all lowliness, gentleness, long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. So many times I have wanted to give up. It is too hard to be long suffering in the face of pride from other sources, while maintaining my lowliness. And yet, I told myself those who give up live out of their own strength. God never fails. May I lean on Him. He is always much more long suffering than I am capable of. Glory be to God who called us and who will sustain us to be able to suffer long for the sake of unity.❤️ be blessed dear sisters.
Our pastor has been going through a series about Church unity and what that means for our church specifically. It is so cool to see how God has been lining up my Pastor’s messages with what I am learning here in this space. Such an encouragement to me :)
Thank you Jennifer Loves Jesus for the context! Understanding the context is really important and helpful with scripture memorization.
Have a blessed and restful Sunday, She’s.
Before I commit to memory scripture, I am led to first understand it. In Ephesians 4 Paul urges us to live (or walk) worthy of the calling we have received (v. 1). Before we can walk, he tells us how to sit in salvation (chapters 1-3). And I go back further to remember that Paul (Saul) was an enemy of Christ. He stood in agreement, watching, as Stephen was stoned to death in martyrdom. Stoning takes a while to kill- horrific. Such contrast in the life of this teacher and preacher we now follow the words of. And, such a miraculous testimony of the power and mercy of Jesus. Rather than give Saul deserving punishment for his mission to destroy the Church, Jesus chose to transform him. And he got a new name. Paul gained the wealth of the Kingdom, and went on to share how to walk worthy of the calling of Christ. From prison he spoke of freedom. In chains, unable to walk anywhere, he talked of living worthy. As we walk, we learn to stand in the warfare of the now, in the waiting for the not yet. Waiting and walking worthy of this calling. Being humble and gentle, patiently bearing with eachother in love, keeping unity in the Spirit through the bond of peace. All of this is to be done whether physically walking and/or/also spiritually if we cannot “walk”. I breathe in deep… pausing to reflect how vital it is to practice the disciplines of peace. Remember, a peacemaker goes out to make peace. Where there is none… we hold the power in Christ to make peace in every circumstance or relationship. It’s all in how we respond. Or walk. Or talk. Or type. Or live. Or even think. Sometimes, the only peace attainable is through the Jesus given contentment and calm we make within ourselves. Because He lives I can face whatever tomorrow (or the next moment) brings. With peace. With a response worthy of the calling I have received from my Father. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
@Laura Beth Peters I was just experimenting with The Bible Memory app. I think it might work for me. Something to check out.
Happy Sunday SRT sisters ☀️. It’s a gorgeous morning in sunny California. Modesto to be exact where it’s been in the 100’s last couple days! “making every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace”. I don’t wanna come across as a push over but sometimes staying silent is best. Especially at my workplace. But may I have a boldness to speak up when I need to. All in love of course. PLEASE PRAY as we Drive almost 4 hours to the San Luis Obispo area for a much-needed getaway for my kids and I. We go with no agenda other than coffee shops and the beach and one nice dinner.
A high calling indeed. Each day we put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Lord Jesus, thank you for walking alongside me,it’s the only way I can do this. Thank you for the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Father above, we praise your name. Happy Sunday She’s!
Write it down, and put it in several places. I like to put it on my bathroom mirror, on the dash in my car, on the Lock Screen of my phone…places you look every day. That way, you’re constantly seeing the verse to be memorized, and you’re constantly saying it. It really helps me to remember it!
Happy Holy Sunday. May we trust in You, Lord, each day and avoid becoming entrapped in the things of this world. Help us to keep our eyes, hearts and minds focusing on Your goodness. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for the body of believers, the Church. May we as your body be the hands and feet of Christ Jesus. May we show the world Your love. Help us to worship with our hearts and minds open to Your spirit today and may our worship be worthy of You. Help our minds and hearts not to wander. Thank you for loving us all the time even when we don’t deserve it. Happy Sunday! May we rest in your peace today knowing You have won the battle!
God is ABOVE AlL, and through ALL, and IN ALLL!
I love Paul’s writings so much.
This study about the established capital C Church, is so good! I encourage you to listen to the podcast! It really highlights the foundational truth. It can be confusing today with so many denominations and churches. We like this one, we don’t like that one. We think we are right and they are wrong. But Jesus is the Church, His people that have faith in Him alone. The one and the only way to God. That is true, and our foundation! The rest comes with growing and learning, being in the Word daily, and letting the Holy Spirit work in us!!
Have a blessed day! I’m always so thrilled to be able to go and worship my Savior with my brothers and sisters in Christ! We are lucky to have that freedom! The world is changing fast and daily, we shouldn’t take this gift and blessing lightly. :)
“Walk worthy of the calling you have received “ is such a powerful reminder of the way I should be. I know that I can’t do this on my own. Help me Jesus!
Does anyone have a good method you use to memorize scripture?
I have to write it down multiple times and then I usually write it on sticky notes and put it around my house like my bathroom mirror, on the spice cabinet door, in my planner, on the whiteboard by my front door, on the bottom of my TV.
He goes before us in this call! So thankful for the Spirits guidance!
Amen ❤️
Some days are so hard, but God’s mercies are new every morning and that gives me hope.
To walk worthy of my calling is impossible without the Lord’s mercy, wisdom, and grace. He knows that and does not expect or even want me to do it on my own. In His kindness, He empowers me to do His will. I need only abide and obey – rest.
May your worship today be a balm for your soul, Shes