Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 6:11

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

Over the last two weeks, we have memorized Ephesians 6:11. Practice saying the text out loud as you reflect on all that you have learned throughout your study of The Armor of God. 

Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil.
––Ephesians 6:11

Download our app to get a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. eileen arredondo says:

    The armor of God, all I need. Thank you God !!!!! I loved reading this.

  2. Marilyn Spikes says:

    Truly enjoyed this study guide and bible plan.

  3. Janniah Evans says:

    Great study. Reminded me to just position myself better and to remain alert in this new season of my life. And to trust God even more.

  4. Heidi Revels says:


  5. lilly roach says:

    loved this study so much

  6. Stormi Messmer says:


  7. Kristie Paradis says:

    This was an awesome study! Being down with Covid has made it a struggle to get into it every day. I missed some days, but with God, I completed the book, and now I am caught up here. Thank you to those who have been praying for me…I’m still down but definitely not out!! Looking forward to starting the new Bible study today! We are equipped and ready for battle ladies, let’s keep marching on! ❤️❤️

  8. Katie Jorgensen says:

    Please pray for me as I prepare for my AP Chemistry Exam today! ❤️

  9. Truth Seeker says:

    LEHUA K.
    Praying for you and for your husband as you seek to guide him to the Lord.
    I pray that you will be strong in the Lord that He will guide you on how to lead your husband to Him. May God grant you blessings abundant on you, your family and your business . May your husband come to see that it is all caused by the blessing of our most loving and forgiving God our Father

  10. Abigail Berger says:


  11. Catherine Falconer says:

    Loved this study

  12. Kasey Taylor says:

    Loved this study!

  13. Lehua K. says:

    I really love this study. I was sharing bits of it with my husband who is seeking and open but not saved yet. We recently went through a challenge with one of our business relationships and we don’t know what else we can do aside from praying and loving them from afar. So I was sharing with my husband how this study has opened my eyes to the fact that we’re not battling other people, but that there’s a spiritual battle going on and that the armor of God and staying connected to our Commander through prayer equips and protects us in these battles. I even told my husband that there’s a He Reads Truth version written by guys, and that piqued his interest. I’m hopeful that we will find a way to use these resources to draw both of us closer to God, and I’m thankful these resources are available. I’m feeling God nudge me to do this study again with him, and to read both She and He versions while he reads the He Reads Truth version. She’s, please pray that I may be patient and diligent with studying with him, and that he will feel God drawing him closer and answer the call. Happy Sunday ladies, make it a blessed day!

  14. K Swenson says:

    I agree with what so many have written! I will miss this study, but I’m looking forward to starting a new one tomorrow. God has different gifts He seems to bestow with each study. Thank you SRT for producing such good material.

  15. Melissa Wormuth says:

    Great study!

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Sunday!

    I am excited to start Timothy 1 & 2 as well! Although I have read all of the Bible, I just started “studies” with SRT about 6 years ago, and what a difference it has made in my growth! It took me a few years to even leave a comment thinking I have no wisdom to share like these other ladies, but really, every single comment is valuable and make up this great community. We are growing, learning, and changing lives!

    Have a great day She’s! -R

  17. Courtney Drummond says:

    Amen ❤️

  18. Terri Baldwin says:

    Great study! Ready for Timothy 1&2 !

  19. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Praise the Lord

  20. Tina Laughary says:

    What a blessing this study has been. I look forward to 1 & 2 Timothy tomorrow!

  21. Stephanie says:

    Here’s a video reading of Ephesians 6:10-17 that popped up on Instagram this morning, which was perfect timing on our last day of this study. Enjoy!


  22. J M says:

    Thank you!

  23. Jenn Burris says:

    J.M. The Timothy study begins tomorrow. ☺️

  24. Heather Hahn says:

    Have a wonderful Lord’s Day, ladies!

  25. Carol M says:

    Thanks for this amazing look into the Ephesians passage on the Armor of God. I especially appreciated how the scriptures from to rest of God’s Word were tied in, once again making us aware of the totality of the truth, intent and purpose of Our Father’s plan for a fulfilled life. Words can’t express how much this ministry speaks to my ♥️! I did not order the book, but am considering doing so, to have all the cross referencing as a resource! I may even go back, and copy each day’s devotional because they were also impactful!! Thanks Again, for your faithfulness! ( I also treasure my She-Sisterhood)!