Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go.
As we read through Ezekiel, keep in mind the story of redemption and remember that this book is a part of our larger redemption story. During this plan, we will memorize Ezekiel 36:26–28, where God promises to restore Israel after they have experienced His judgment. This week we will memorize the first part of verse 26.
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place my Spirit within you and cause you to follow my statutes and carefully observe my ordinances. You will live in the land that I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God.”
—Ezekiel 36:26–28
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52 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
I’m believing this scripture for family members that have left the faith – Thank you Jesus for your mercy!
Create in me a new heart and a right spirit within me
This was my verse for my first pregnancy
This is so powerful! It cuts to the heart of what in our humanity really need. We were meant to abide with our Father.
Powerful scripture! Idolatry-your altars will be desolated, your shrines smashed, I will lay your corpses in front of your idols!,Fall of Jerusalem- fall by the sword, famine, and plague!, The end-Doom is on its way! Very powerful! Their silver and gold will not help them in the day of God’s wrath!
Powerful scripture! Idolatry-your altars will be desolated, your shrines smashed, I will lay your corpses in front of your idols!,Fall of Jerusalem- fall by the sword, famine, and plague!, The end-Doom is on its way!
A new heart! ❤️
I love having this beautiful scripture on my Lock Screen.
So glad you are here.❤️
@RHONDAJ my email is [email protected] let me know how to find you. I have a Facebook page for work I could use to connect!?
This scripture really touches me too. I have been a believer my whole life and my faith is ever changing. I hope you find peace in this Lenten season!
Tina, Amen
I feel this piece of scripture in the deepest parts of my soul. The last few years have hardened my heart. I’m a nurse. I have not been a believer long; I started reading the Bible last year and doing a lot of research, reading, and attending different churches. Finding Jesus has changed my life and I feel He has given me a new heart and a new spirit.
I feel this piece of scripture in the deepest parts of my soul. The last few years have hardened my heart. I’m a nurse. I really have not been a believer long, I stater
This has been a hard week of reading. My heart is heavy for the world, my children and my own sin. Oh but the beauty of the hope and promise we have in Jesus! Thankful that He continues to pursue me and never give up on me! I hold onto that same hope for my children that they would run to Him.
@JenniferlovesJesus Some of us have connected on social media which is nice to directly talk to each other and put a face with the name! So if you are on any, let us know how to connect!
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS thank you for your beautiful post, put words to the struggle a lot of us face each day. Most days I wish I could just sit and read my Bible all day. But we must go shine light in the world and yes that leaves be ragged and bruised. I stumble and fall into old sin patterns more often than I’d like to admit. I’m thankful for this community of strong women who keep me encouraged to stay in the word and take it one day at a time ❤️ praying over you all today!
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS thank you for your beautiful post, put words to the struggle a lot of us face each day. Most days I wish I could just sit and read my Bible all day. But we must go shine light in the world and yes that leaves be ragged and bruised. I stumble and fall into old sin patterns more often than I’d like to admit. I’m thankful for this community of strong women who keep me encouraged to stay in the word and take it one day at a time ❤️ praying over you all
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS thank you for your beautiful post, put words to the struggle a lot of us face each day. Most days I wish I could just sit and read my Bible all day. But we must go shine light in the world and yes that leaves be ragged and bruised. I stumble and fall into old sin patterns more often than I’d like to admit. I’m
JENNIFER LOVES JESUS thank you for your beautiful post, put words to the struggle a lot of us face each day. Most days I wish I could just sit and read my Bible all day. But we must go shine light in the world and yes that leaves be ragged and bruised. I stumble and fall
@RHONDAJ!! Yes and amen. I would love to gather all the She’s in person to see your faces to praise and pray and chat over coffee ☕️ NEVERTHELESS I am so grateful for this virtual community. Prayers lifting daily for each one.
Last post, sorry for multiples- Dorothy I am praying for this community. GramsieSue praying for you and Steve. Brooke P, praying for you and baby.
Morgan Latham, I agree!! Sometimes I wish I were a nun but I know God had called me to live in the world but not conform to it.
A new heart and a new spirit is exactly what I need ! Praise God for this word. I prayed a lot last night about the fear and condemnation the enemy has been throwing at me during this study and feel much better today. Mari V- yes we are due this month can you believe it? What a journey it has been, I am thankful for all of it as it has shown me God in a whole new and personal way. The official due date is the 24th but we may have c section on the 16th bc he is breech. Thank you for thinking of us and praying for us.
Good Afternoon She’s!
I copied and pasted what you put Jennifer Loves Jesus! So beautiful and speaks to where I am!
Church was so good, about God working in your foundation first, the temple of your heart, so it went perfect for today’s scripture verse. Secondly, He hears how you talk to yourself, Your Self-talk, God wants you to know how He views you, not how you see yourself. And what you are saying in your home, to your family, to your friends. He loves you unconditionally. No matter what you think of yourself, You are enough for God’s unending love, no matter what your past says, or you say! Your heart is renewed in HIM! Thirdly, Your purpose- God’s purpose. He will use you beyond what you know if you are following Him in obedience. You don’t know the big picture, and what is taking place with all those jigsaw pieces…coming together for God’s eternal glory and plan! Have you seen the back of a stitching that looks like a mess, but when turned over it makes the pretty picture! That is the story of our lives. They don’t always turn out beautiful in our perspective, But God- makes it beautiful IF we come to Him!! We will be in awe one glorious day when we see how our faithful steps led to a beautiful portrait!! Doesn’t that pump you up, invigorate you?! I feel like Jennifer, it is such a great peaceful feeling—-and then we go into the world! lol. Let’s keep the beautiful picture in the forefront as we go through the week! Start the day with Jesus (and coffee) and come back to Him in the evening (not meaning a full break all day!) and let Him feel you back up! My little sign in my bedroom..
Give it to God, and go to sleep! He renews our spirit, our heart, every minute, every hour, every day! Your goodness, your daily bread is enough for me Lord!!
Bless you guys…I mean She’s, and see you in the morning! Prayers for those in need. (all of us!) – R
@Victoria E. I’ve been thinking of and praying for you. If I read it right you’re due this month? Time has gone by so fast! I’m praying for you dear sister.
Happy Sunday SRT Sisters!!! Thinking and praying for you all.
TINA and CHURCHMOUSE your reflections have been blessing me for years…no different this morning. Thank you.
Grateful for the gift of my transplanted heart.
JANET – In looking at the broader definition of “charms,” I think “ten thousand charms” means that in Christ we have endless delights. xo
Ezekiel is the story of redemption and I am so grateful to be covering this with SRT!
Holy Spirit, thank You. Pure water cleansed me. A new heart and a new spirit given, completely cleansed and transformation happened. Mind, body and will. All of me new, and yet… Every new thing wears out, breaks down eventually. Going out in the world wears me out. Like leaving Eden, there is toil and affliction beyond the gates of sanctuary. Every morning I sit with God and His Word. I am as close to an Eden-like place as I can be. Rising from here, I go into the world full of fresh wisdom and strength. And each day I return a bit ragged and worn. Before my heart transplant, my stony one was full of bitterness and pride. But this new one… this heart of flesh God gave is supernaturally strong. And this new spirit within my being, the Holy Spirit is powerful and miraculously revives me each day. My rebellious spirit no longer rules me. By responding to God the way I should have for so long, there was a waterfall of relief. I no longer have to try harder. I try a little softer now. God’s divine intervention was received, I was finally and completely transformed. My heart of flesh no longer had the stone pebbles to deal with. LIke a rock on my shoe, the last of my stubbornness is gone. I don’t have to walk with a limp anymore. Thank you Jesus. Lord, please bring Your people to their knees before You. Show them Your plan for their lives. Speak to us in our pain. If there are stones in their hearts, show them the way, the truth, and the life that is in full obedience to You. May we respond to You as we should. May I respond to Your voice and follow You on the path of goodness. Forgive me for my failures. Help me walk in humility.
The world likes to invade my heart, but I want to put a barrier between my heart and the world. I don’t want my heart tainted by the world.
I love your beautiful word picture Churchmouse! Blessings sisters.
Praying for the many requests.
As you celebrate the Lors’s faithfulness today
“may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it” (1Thess 5:23-24).
In today’s hymn, what does the last line mean? “O there are ten thousand charms”?? Charms??
Thank you
I am a teacher and that is so heartbreaking. Saying prayers for you and your school community ❤️
Churchmouse, Thank you for yesterday’s post! Always such wisdom and great encouragement. I needed this reminder!
The Great Physician does heart transplants. Father God, the thought of you cupping my heart in Your hands and replacing it with one fully dedicated to You brings me to my knees. I pray more will sign His consent agreement.
This is my first SRT study and I’m loving it and love reading everyone’s comments. I want to hear God speak to my new heart ❤️ this season of Lent.
I meant to say live in Olathe.
Dear sisters, I leave in a suburb outside of Kansas City on the Kansas side named Olathe and Friday we a school shooting. There were three injured and no deaths, thank goodness. Please pray for those at the high school — Olathe East High School.
I feel many of us need this new heart and new spirit God has for us and maybe, just MAYBE this violence will stop.
Happy Sunday to you too
Thinking over our first week reading of Ezekiel had my mind racing late into the night and made sleep hard to achieve. I decided to reread posts and meditate on yesterday’s and today’s scriptures. So glad I did. Feeling much more at peace.Happy Sunday She’s!
Oh yes please, Lord God! Give me a new heart. Not because i need a new physical one, but spiritually I have a ‘failing heart’.
I have become complacent, I am hardening my heart with the stuff that is going on in the world. I am feeling deflated, and losing my connection to you in a way that is frightening.
Thankfully, Lord God, I remember you… Still, I remember Lord, I remember..
Dear God, indeed, renew my heart, remind me again, please of who I am, whom I serve, whose I have aways been.. and in whom my hope is built..
Thank you Lord God, that even in the verse above my heart is knowing peace, because you Lord are are a heart ‘surgeon’ of the spiritual kind, renewing, restoring, resetting, realigning, re-centering..
Thank you God, for your love wrapped grace and mercy that is always near, always close, thank you Lord God, Thank you..
Yes Lord, absolutely, give me a new heart, renew the one I have .. and a new spirit within me, so that I may never be lost or thirsty again..
Happy Sunday sisters wrapped in ‘renewed’ heart love..❤