Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 43:1-2

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.

This week, we will continue memorizing Isaiah 43:1–2 by adding the second verse. God has promised He will be with us in every circumstance, no matter how difficult or trying.

Now this is what the LORD says—
the one who created you, Jacob,
and the one who formed you, Israel—
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you,
and the rivers will not overwhelm you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be scorched,
and the flame will not burn you.”
—Isaiah 43:1–2

Download our app to get a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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31 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Rhonda J. says:

    Amen and Amen Jennifer Loves Jesus!! So beautifully said!!

    Fix your eyes, Fix your eyes, on Jesus! Oh my soul, bless the Lord, I will bow down in wonder.

    Church was full of blessings this morning. We are doing a study on Enough. He is enough, our Lord is enough- in our singleness, in our marriage, in our hurt, in our brokenness- The key phrase I took away, whatever our current situation- We are perfectly positioned to experience the Lord’s fullness. Let us get rid of every weight we have on us today SHE’s, lets put our eyes on Him today!

    Prayed for you Taylor today! While you are single and want a partner, you have time for the Lord to work in you! Fix your eyes on Him! (encouraging, not lecturing!) You will not have the time of freedom for long probably, and you will be longing for alone time! haha.

    So happy to connect with my SHE’s on Fb and IG! Hope some more of you can friend us! Let’s evolve our little community here, to connect in our “real lives’ as well! (as real as social media is! lol) But it is nice to put a face on our She friends! I feel like being behind the screen, it is easier to be more forthcoming and open, but we need to remove our masks and be willing to share our hearts as we are, where we are! May God keep us growing and searching for Him and to be a light for him, Thank you Lord!

    Also praying for anxiety to flee my dear friends Lord. You know them, you see them. Let them feel your power!

    Victoria E- You must be getting pretty close?!!! I am so excited and feel we are all on this journey with you, holding your hands (like red rover!) When is your due date?

    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Meemejo says:

    Dear sisters in Christ. My daughter introduced me to SRT back in 2013. The studies and your comments and prayers have been a part of my morning devotional for many years. I rarely post as it takes me a long time to write out any responses or prayer requests (this has taken me two days!). Today, I am asking for prayers for my country of Canada. The Prime Minister is using excessive force against peaceful protesters, many of whom are Christians, in our nations capital. Of even graver concern is that he is using this protest to implement measures of repression for the entire country which will give him dictatorial control. May the name of Jesus be exalted across Canada and the words from our national anthem “God keep our land, glorious and free” be proclaimed from sea to sea.

  3. Rachel says:

    Love this passage and JENNIFER loved how you phrased this: “When there is too much, He lifts and carries, when too little He provides.” SARAH D – May I encourage you to stick with a biblical counselor?? The worldview and counseling paradigms of the psychology world will likely be (somewhat) respectful of your beliefs, but they are not able to counsel your heart from a place of Truth and help with the root issues that might be at play. Having someone who can speak truth from a biblical perspective and not just offer behavior modification is worth the extra money. xo

  4. Cindy Hanna says:

    Jennifer Loves Jesus. You related a memory about an empty birthday piñata a couple of days ago that I found delightful. I smile and feel so empathetic with your mother each time I think of it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Cesley Roberts says:

    I believe this is true and I have to remind myself of this daily, but my anxiety and negative thoughts has been pretty bad over the last week, but I know God is in control. Prayers for all! Please pray for me!

  6. Cesley Roberts says:

    I believe this is true and I have to remind myself of this daily, but my anxiety and negative thoughts has been pretty bad over the last week, but I know God is in control. Prayers for all

  7. Mari V says:

    Kelly (NEO) Thank you for your faithful prayers for everyone here.

  8. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Fear not. God is with me when I pass through waters, and when I walk through the fire. I remember water was a symbol used to describe chaos in the ancient world. And as I memorize these words in Isaiah 43 full of promise and hope, the truth is sinking in. The larger story is coming to light. I belong to the Creator and King of this world and eternity beyond. He has called me, along with all believers, by name. Each day I wake wanting more of Him. Each day holds me with His abundance of peace, ready for acceptance. I will feel the heat and know I could drown in the chaos, but my Savior is always with me, so I will not drown, or be overtaken by burning pain. When there is too much, He lifts and carries, when too little He provides. I bow to my Creator, I swear allegiance to my King. Righteousness and strength are found only in the Lord (Isa 45).