Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 43:1-2

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.

During this study, we will memorize the key passage for this plan, Isaiah 43:1–2. Here we find reassurance that we don’t have to be afraid, because the God who redeemed us and calls us His own is with us. This week we will memorize verse 1.

Now this is what the LORD says—
the one who created you, Jacob,
and the one who formed you, Israel—
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you,
and the rivers will not overwhelm you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be scorched,
and the flame will not burn you.
—Isaiah 43:1–2

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46 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Hännah Bockrath says:

    I love getting to memorize scripture abain❤️

  2. Ashara Perry says:

    I will replace my fear, worries, and doubt with total trust in the Lord. Thank you for being there for me ❤️

  3. Nathalie Gomez says:

    I like how it gives us the goal to memorize the verse, I’ve never really memorized a verse like that for my own but I will definitely do this one ♥️

  4. shelby tate major says:

    I have called YOI by name ♥️

  5. Kristin Olesen says:

    There’s a song based on this scripture ❤️

  6. Heather MetzgerAblondi says:

    I have nothing to fear because He has called me by name.

  7. Jen Beck says:

    Love that i have an amazing God who calls me his own in spite of all my flaws and not because of what i can do for him but because he choses to.

  8. dabria mong says:

    pray for my family friends

  9. Manasseh Muleya says:

    Amen Lord ❤️

  10. LuAnn Mink-Alford says:

    Pray for my family

  11. Abbie Merhoff says:

    definitely need to memorize more scripture and this one is so beautiful!!!

  12. Victoria Lynch says:

    MICHELLE SATTERLY praying for both you and your precious pup.

  13. Kim Parsons says:


  14. Tara Beatty says:

    Amen ❤️

  15. Kirsten Scheller says:


  16. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Evening Shes…I live on the west coast so I always come late to the game…comments have been underway for hours before I arrive in my study nook. But here’s an Alleluia & Amen to She, Jennifer Loves Jesus, for some good preaching Feb 13 @ 9:24 AM! Loved her opening line, “God is with me in the going & the doing”. Preach, girl. I read through everyone’s comments daily & journal excerpts that “ding” & “sing”. And I take time & thoughtfully recommend your listening to the podcasts…a beautiful segue into the week’s study. Where I also find key points & phrases to jot down as well. That’s my “weekly truth”! Thanks be to God.

  17. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This is a good reminder today. I know and believe this truth, but it can be hard when things do seem too overwhelming and hard. I know that I can’t always trust my feelings. I need to trust in your truth Jesus.

  18. Rhonda J. says:

    I have started the bible study “Armor of God” by Pricilla Shriver. It is so good already. I have to admit, being a Christian my whole life, I don’t really think of the spiritual realm, of the battle going on all around us every day, directed at us every day. Truth be told, most churches don’t ever speak of the devil and how he has come to destroy us! Yikes, who wants to think of that?!! BUT that’s where a lot of our fears come from. The fear is not of God, it is of the darkness. God is Light, strength, and wisdom. God sent his Son Jesus for us so that in Him we have won this war already! But, that doesn’t mean we don’t need to be on guard and fight the battle all around us. Can I get an amen?! And better yet (as Jesus says), he left The Holy Spirit to dwell INSIDE of us. If that doesn’t make us sit up straight, raise our hands in the air, and sing hallelujah, I don’t know what will! But yet, we grow complacent, or feel weak, or inadequate….and yes, fearful. But God, he is gracious and all-mighty, we just need to pray, read the word, listen, and enact! Remember this in your week!! Go forth wearing your armor she’s! And prayers for you all!

  19. Victoria E says:

    Welcome Stacey! Glad the Holy Spirit has brought you here at the time when you needed it. Please let us know how we can pray for you.

  20. Abby D says:

    @KELLY (NEO) The surgery was moved to the 16th – so coming up this week. Thank you for asking! SRT – please pray for my co-worker Tammy’s husband, he is having open heart surgery to repair an aneurysm.

  21. Mari V says:

    Stacey, I’m so glad you’re here with us. This is a Safe place and filled with prayer warriors. This is a beautiful community of sisters. Please feel free to let us know how we can pray for you.

  22. Cathalina Kung says:

    We are created, formed, redeemed, called, and His… All found in Isaiah 43:1

  23. Michelle Satterly says:

    Im rebuilding my relationship with Jesus. My dog is going through chemo for lymphoma

  24. Heidi V says:

    Angie, I finally had time to go back and read the pictures I took of your post from Monday. My heart and mind have been processing and contemplating very similar themes. Thank you for sharing this perspective. It’s giving me food for thought and helped me ask new questions. For me in my walk right now it comes down to remembering to be in frequent communication with God and then trusting my discernment for how he is directing me. It’s not easy, just yesterday morning I set an intention during my quiet time and ended up forgetting about it as the day progressed. Today will give me another opportunity. So grateful for the insights that are shared here! Thank you for sharing from your heart!!

  25. Crystal H says:

    Amen! Beautifully said, Jennifer!

  26. Heidi V says:

    What a blessing that we are all here in the right place at the right time for this study!

  27. Donna Wolcott says:

    John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
    May you feel His peace this day.

  28. Dorothy says:

    Kelly (NEO) and others that have asked for updates — my friend, Angie is one of the ones I’m getting together with this afternoon, she is still rehabbing but getting stronger every day. My nephew, Jake is out of jail, my understanding of the whole situation is that he plead guilty to and got charged with a misdemeanor, he got out and bail and probation and has to meet certain requirements — one of which is to find a half-way house to live in instead of with my sister. I believe, I’m not sure, this is so they can make sure he takes his medication for one thing. I don’t know anything new right now on Dani’s, my d-i-l, mom, I will know more next Sunday b/c I’m going to Dani’s and Andrew’s, my son, house Saturday for dinner for my birthday , can’t wait (I get to see my granddogs.) Susie said she is a little better but it’s a slow process. So continued prayers for all are needed, thanks. Please know I pray for all prayer request I read also.

  29. Dorothy says:

    Today’s verse brings to mind the song “Rejoice” by Andrew Ripp. If you have time please listen to it. I want to SHOUT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN REJOICE MY GOD HAS REDEEMED ME.

    Father, thank You for sending YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON to save and redeem me. Thank You for sending THE HOLY SPIRIT to fill me, to give me faith and not be afraid. Father, God You know all our needs and You know what is best for us, be there and do what YOU DEEM is best NOT what we deem is best. Help us through our trying times, with YOU AND CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT by our side how can we fail. Amen.

    Sisters, be blessed and remember to rejoice to Lord.

  30. PattyS says:

    Oh, God’s Word is so rich! In today’s Scripture reading, it says WHEN we pass through the waters and WHEN we walk through the fire…not if, but when. Why do trials surprise us? Why do temptations shock us? Why do we think, “Why me?” Why not me; why not us. God advises us and warns us. But He does not leave us there. He provides the way through. He will be with us. What better statement is there than that?! The God of the universe, who created all, is with ME! Alleluia and amen. I’m so grateful and thankful that when trials and temptations come, my God is there, keeping me under His Almighty shadow…

    Psalm 91:1 EHV One who lives in the shelter of the Most High
    will stay in the shadow of the Almighty.

    Psalm 91 is a great follow-up reading for today. Be blessed, She’s.

  31. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    God is with me in the going and the doing. He is with me. Now and when. When… When I go, when I pass through, when I pray, in the fire, in the floods, in the crying out. And in the joy of knowing You, the Creator of all. I belong to You Lord, I am Yours. You declared and commanded me not to fear. I am one of Your redeemed. Jacob was given a new name, Israel, and his seed grew as a remnant of the promise, and King Jesus has invaded the enemy’s “world”. He saved me from my rebellious wanderings. And when I remember, I am not afraid. Fear of the floods and fires turn to faithful endurance. He gives me rest in between. Learning to recognize the sanctuary moments helps me soak up His truth, and I am equipped to keep going. The Son of Righteousness is my life force. My soul is refreshed as I draw near to Him. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus, my King. I am Yours.

  32. Teressa Mahl says:

    Nh nhn

  33. Morgan Latham says:

    We are His! Let’s stay rooted in that truth this week, friends.

  34. Beth Rayburn says:


  35. Beth Rayburn says:


  36. Jen Brewer says:

    KELLY (NEO)—how faithful you are in prayer. I loved that reminder from the podcast too about how this memory verse shows God with us past, present and future. Thank you for asking. Things are going well. She and I have been talking more consistently and with less tension. I am continuing to do my own inner work with a Christian therapist, so my own pain doesn’t seem as acute. Still a long way to go but grateful for what we have though long for further restoration and healing among all parts involved here.

  37. Jen Brewer says:

    KELLY (NEO)—how faithful

  38. AJ says:

    Thank you Lord for always being with us. Forgive us when we forget and when we have disbelief. Help us to trust and obey when things don’t make sense to us but you know all. Thank you for Your Holy Day, today, may we worship You in spirit and truth and rest in your care.

  39. Aimee D-R says:

    Father thank you that Your children pass through the fire and the flames will not harm us. In Jesus Name, Amen

  40. Susan Joiner says:

    So very thankful to be His!

  41. Stacey says:

    I don’t always come to the website or the app. I primarily use the physical books to study and journal my thoughts but today I was drawn to the community. Things have been crazy and while I wouldn’t categorize it all as get, I believe for the first time in my life I am struggling with real anxiety. Just reading the things that you have posted here and the prayers you have written for others brings my heart and mind a peace and joy. The body of Christ truly is community unlike any other. Thank you for just doing what you do here and for being an encouragement to so many more than you realize.

  42. Kelly (NEO) says:

    AMBER MARVIN – praying that the Lord would give you relief from the pain and restore you to full health quickly.

  43. Kelly (NEO) says:

    In the podcast, the girls pointed out that this shows us that the Lord is with us in the past (redeemed), present (are mine), and future (will be).

    Celebrate the LORD today Shes❣

    ABBY D – how did your coworker’s husband’s surgery go?

    JULIE GANUCHEAU – any word on how Cannon Murphy is?

    ARINA – how is your ankle?

    MAURA – how is Tigist doing?

    ERB – how are your friends with the lawsuit doing?

    ELIZABETH GIBSON – is your son doing better at school?

    RACHEL HAUSSLER – how is your sister? How is the little one you are fostering?

    MARI – how is Tammie?

    LYNNE FROM AL – how is Jack?

    ELAINE MORGAN – how is Stacy?

    ASH H – has your SIL found a job?

    LEXI B – how is your toe?

    JULIE ROBERSON – how is Ashley?

    ANGIE – how is your niece?

    JEN BREWER – how are things with your sister?

  44. Allison Mitchell says:


    “Help me, and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, to produce good fruit for You, loving like You *love* us.”

  45. Allison Mitchell says:

    Praying for peace today. The turmoil in the news has been heavy on my mind and heart.

    Dear Lord, may I remember that You have already conquered evil. Please help me to rest in Your peace and assurance, and please help me to be a light in this world. I want to shine Your goodness into the world, giving all the glory to You. Please help me, and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, to produce good fruit for You, loving like You like us. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.

  46. Bethany Wilkerson says:

    This is the scripture we prayed over our 4th baby. We didn’t find out the gender until he was born and it was so amazing to me that God already knew his name. I had a complicated pregnancy and knowing that God knew my baby’s name gave me so much peace and comfort