Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

John 1:1-5

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go. 

This week we will memorize John 1:4–5. Here, John continues to draw on the themes of the creation narrative, pointing to Jesus as the source of both life and light. Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus not only identify Himself using these terms, but fulfill them with the actions of His ministry (Jn 11:25; 8:12). Jesus is the Light that has overcome the darkness.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it.
—John 1:1–5

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31 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Andrea Ingersoll says:

    I’m so glad that I will never be in true darkness, because he lights my path. I’m so great full that He is in me and that I belong to Him

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord we thank you for everything Jesus you are worthy to be adored and praised!

  3. K O says:

    Praying the joy of being with God in the morning stirs you out of bed.

  4. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Praise God, Lord help me

  5. Colleen Politanski says:

    And He is ours and we are His !!

  6. Adrienne says:

    Hello, sisters! Can I ask for prayer (that is pretty insignificant in light of other heavier requests)? I have been enjoying my SRT time in the morning. It totally makes a difference in my mornings at preschool and then throughout the day. HOWEVER, I am having such a HARD time getting out of bed. (I grew up in Southern California and these Missouri mornings are c-c-c-cold! (You would think I would be used to it after 30 years here!) The bed is so warm and snuggly! Thank you!

  7. Dorothy says:

    The Light is all I really want in my life. At times I think it would be nice to have someone to go and do things with, I’m divorced, but I have family and friends for that. My God, My Jesus and My Holy Spirit have been with me in the good and the bad, in the hard and the easy, in happy and the sad. The Light is where I know I can turn in my darkest of times.
    Be blessed and always remember to turn to THE LIGHT sisters.

  8. Victoria E says:

    Maria praying for your family now. GramsieSue I emailed you again last night, I realized I left out a letter in your email! Cindy Hanna I also love verses 4 and 5 here, the darkness has not overcome the light no matter how it looks! Amen !

  9. Maria Baer says:

    Thank you everyone for your prayers. We appreciate them more than you know. We continue to pray to for his healing and recovery, if it’s God’s will. But if it’s not, than we are also praying for comfort and acceptance. Docs are doing tests this morning and we will know more later. Thank you all so much again.

  10. Brooke P says:

    My prayers are with you all. ❤️

  11. Mari V says:

    Good morning sisters. Happy Sunday. Praying for all the requests here this morning.

  12. Rachel says:

    MARIA – Oh my goodness, how terrifying and traumatic. I am so sorry. Praying for you all.
    RACHEL H – Praying for you as you love and nurture this new to you little one and that the grace you need for each day will meet you in abundance…”His mercies are new every morning…”
    DIANA – Praying for your husband’s healing, for your heart, and that the day will be extra-special in spite of the circumstances.

  13. Suezi Gurzi says:

    Maria, praying for your FIL and your family! Lord, we boldly ask for complete healing for Maria’s FIL.

  14. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Sunday She’s!

    @Kelly, my dad is good thank you. He has had these breathing/health issues for years and years, so I don’t expect any major improvement, but he was going through a tough spurt with pneumonia, but that is gone for the time being! I copied/paste the verse you shared with us this morning, thank you!

    My God is still the same! That is the song playing right now. It’s amazing how our God stays steady like a rock, all these centuries, how The Word has endured through these thousands of decades. It’s really crazy to think about that, yet there is still so much disbelief. So many people living their lives without a thought of above. Or flat out saying it isn’t so. This was the case with my niece and nephew recently. Young adults flat out saying they don’t believe in God. It breaks my heart. I pray that God will prepare their spirit to be open, and the seeds might take. I have to believe that.

    Have a good Sunday! I can’t wait to go to church this morning and raise my hands high, or bow my head in reverence- but to worship my God, my Lord and Savior for all he has done, is doing, and will do in my life!!

  15. Cindy Hanna says:

    I always find verses 4&5 of John 1 so uplifting. Prayers for Maria’s FIL, Rachel and husband’s rest and Diana’s husband’s recovery. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:4-5. Beautiful.

  16. Margaret W says:

    In view of all these prayer requests, remind us, Lord, that You bring light even in our deepest darkness. No darkness can snuff You out. May we seek our comfort in You today and always.

  17. Tina says:

    Praying MARIA BAER…Praying with all for all to be well.. for with God ‘It is well’

    Sending hugs sister!❤

  18. SEARCHING says:

    Praying for:
    MARIA BAER – healing for FIL
    TRICIA CAVANAUGH – recovery from surgery, how are you doing?
    GRAMSIESUE & LYNNE FROM AL – healing, guidance and wisdom
    KRISTIN TAYLOR – your family’s needs in reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, patience
    TAYLOR – for the anxiety to flee, and that you will be able to focus on God’s word, friends that love Jesus and you. You are loved by your SRT sisters!
    ANGIE – your mom’s surgery
    RHONDA J – Brayden
    DIANA DAVIS – healing

    MARY WARREN – re multiple postings, I’ve seen comments from those using the app that hitting the ‘enter’ key can cause that. I use the phone app but make my comments at the SRT website (phone, iPad or computer) rather than the app.

  19. MARTHA HIX says:

    Praying for all the requests. ❤️

  20. Diana Davis says:

    Good morning! I’m in need of prayer today. My husband has been sick with the Rona since last Monday. We are grateful we don’t need medical assistance, he’s more nauseous than anything, but he’s tired of feeling like crap. Today is our 6 year anniversary and we can’t celebrate like we would like to. I’m sure God has a plan in there somewhere. I’m negative so I’ve kept my distance but I long to just be able to kiss him on this special day. I should be thankful he’s here and things aren’t worse…I’m just feeling let down and sad that he isn’t feeling well. Thank you for letting me air my frustration!

  21. Rachel Haussler says:

    I’m just now getting caught up on the last few days. Wednesday my husband and I took in a 6 week old baby girl to foster. Sleep and routine has been all out of whack. Please pray that we can all get rest and feel connected to the Father during this time.

  22. Sarah Adams says:

    Lifting your FIL and family in prayer, Maria ❤️ As I type this, Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) by Shane & Shane is playing. These lyrics, I am praying them over you this morning. “Lord of Hosts, You’re with us
    With us in the fire
    With us as a shelter
    With us in the storm
    You will lead us
    Through the fiercest battle
    Oh where else would we go
    But with the Lord of Hosts”

  23. Jessi says:

    Maria, I will pray for you and your family. What a traumatic situation, but thankfully your husband and the manager jumped into action quickly and didn’t give up.

  24. Sarah J says:

    Maria. I am praying for your FIL to have the healing that you’re praying for him to have. I’m also praying for you. I know that must have been awful and terrifying. I am praying for your heart that must be hurting and that he erases all your fear. In his Holy name.

  25. Jennifer Palumbo says:

    Praying Maria!

  26. Jennifer Letner says:

    Praying friend ❤️

  27. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
    Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
    And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.” Psalm 37:4-6

    MARIA BAER – praying for your FIL and your family!

    KRISTEN TAYLOR – praying that the Lord will lead you and your husband on a path of healing and restoration.

    KARRIE – how is the reconciliation process going with your husband? How are the children doing?

    RHONDA J – how is your dad doing?

  28. Lauren says:

    @Maria Baer, I just prayed for you and your family.

  29. Growing Faith says:

    Praying for your FIL, Maria.

  30. Maria Baer says:

    Sisters, we need bold prayers. Yesterday we— hubby, my two teenage stepsons and myself— had lunch with my parents in law. We were having a good time when suddenly, my father-in-law started chocking on his steak. My husband and jumped into action doing the Heimlich, but it wasn’t working. The restaurant manager jumped into to help while 911 was on the phone guiding them through what to do since the maneuver wasn’t working. My FIL stopped breathing and turned blue. The rest happened so fast, yet slow— it’s all a blur of action. Finally through compressions, they were able to get the steak out and his pulse back on just as the paramedics arrived. Y’all— he was without oxygen for a long time. He was taken to the ER then moved to another hospital. His heart is pumping strongly and he is breathing on his own, which the doctor is amazed about, but has not regained consciousness. He also has Parkinson’s disease and apparently, choking is one of the common ways for Parkinson’s patients to die. And so we wait. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been in the military. So please— please send a prayer his way. My father-in-law is the sweetest person. He has always welcome me, from day 1. I am putting all my trust in the Lord, our creator, Jehova Rapha— the Lord My Healer. And continue to pray for his recovery. Thank you in advance for all your prayers, friends because this was a traumatic experience for all of us.

  31. Jody Lynn says:

    Happy Sunday everyone!! ❤️