Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.
This week we will continue memorizing Paul’s sermon in Acts 13 by adding verse 29. Start by saying what you’ve already memorized out loud. Then write down the verse and underline each verb in verse 29. As you work on memorizing verse 29, try emphasizing the verbs as you repeat the verse aloud.
27 Since the residents of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize him or the sayings of the prophets that are read every Sabbath, they have fulfilled their words by condemning him. 28 Though they found no grounds for the death sentence, they asked Pilate to have him killed. 29 When they had carried out all that had been written about him, they took him down from the tree and put him in a tomb. 30 But God raised him from the dead, 31 and he appeared for many days to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people.
—Acts 13:27–31
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15 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
@Dorthy, I Love Matt Powell! I still listen to their most popular songs alot! Christian concerts are so amazing! We went to see Toby Mac and some others a few months ago, and it was so great! Definitely want to see more. I too, like someone mentioned, feel like I know you all personally! So greateful for this community. My neighbors and I are starting our first bible study together this coming Saturday, so I am looking forward to digging in a different way with friends in person for the first time in years. We moveda couple of years ago, and have not found a church yet (from lack of effort!) We love our old pastor and listen to him online every week, but I definitely miss the community.
Dorothy… I love Mac Powell… a Third Day CD was the first Christian CD I ever bought! I am north of the KC metro (about an hour). I was thinking about how I feel like I know my SRT sisters b/c of their posts about life and the prayer requests. I wonder where everyone is located? Hope you are having a blessed day, sisters!
Thank you for the lovely prayers and praises this morning, Sisters…they bless my day! Thanks BROOKE PARKER.
CHERI EMERY, Thank you for sharing yesterday; your words were for GRAMSIESUE but, were a blessing all around.
GRAMSIESUE, I’m glad you feel our prayers — please know they continue.
MARI V, I pray that all will be well. I imagine other than the pain of the injury, the event itself couldn’t have been pleasant — God be with you.
NANCY SINGLETON – praying for your family; may each and every one of US also feel so close to our Maker and certain of our eternity as our journey nears its end
JIMIN – Know that you are in my thoughts.
GramsieSue, I am still praying for you and your family. Mari V I will pray for your injury as well. Brooke Parker thank you for this astute insight. Happy Sunday sisters !
GramsieSue, We continue to pray for you. You were on my mind throughout the day yesterday. I was praying for your family on my long run.
God is SO good! I love how HE protects me. I was injured yesterday. It wasn’t too severe and hopefully (this is why am asking for prayer), it won’t get worse. I was on my usual Saturday long run heading back home when I was bitten by a dog on my left calf. It’s only a small puncture but it hurts like crazy!!. I called animal control and they went to talk to the owner who was cooperative and states the his dog has his vaccines and rabies shots. The officer is looking further into this. God is so good as I had a phone appointment with my very own doctor who just happen to be on call. She prescribed an anabiotic but really wants me to find out if the dog had rabies shots. Even though it’s just a puncture it was still painful yesterday. Thankfully it’s better today.
Thank you Brooke for the beautiful prayer. Thank all y’all for your prayers yesterday for our trip. I think every single one was a blessing and protection. Living out in the country makes me forget how awful the traffic is in “big city”. The Lord heard lots of “Jesus, take this wheel!” From us yesterday for sure. But God…we got to sit by our beach. My pain stayed under control until the last couple of hours of the return trip last night. So, thanks again.
Have a blessed Sunday.
I went to an exclusive Mac Powell concert last night and WOW. Mac Powell is one of the two who started the band Third Day. His testimony was just as moving as his music. He also has a sense of humor. I got to go because I help to sponsor one of the Christian radio stations in the greater Kansas City area. He had me praising God and Christ.
Sisters have a wonderful and blessed Lord’s day. May God be praised and may we shout HALLELUJAH to His Name.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. – Psalm 95:6-7
NANCY SINGLETON – Praying for peace as your friend’s husband finishes his race. May your friend and her family and other friends find joy and comfort that they will see him again as his best self!
Celebrate your Redeemer today ladies ❤
Thank you Kelly.
Amen Kelly! Nancy Singleton also praying for your friends’s husband
It is amazing to me how they did not recognize him or the sayings of the prophets that were read to them every Sabbath.
We can be so like that, going to church every Sunday but yet not having the words heard transform the pattern of our lives and thoughts.
Lord, thank you for your word, thank you for Jesus for through whom we were grafted in to your branches. God, strengthen your Sprit within us, open our hearts & minds to know what you’re doing within us and around us. Give us the wisdom and willing mind to learn what you have laid before us in your word. Thank you God for your love and Christ’s endurance, which sustains us. We love you God. Fix our eyes on you and you alone God. Thank you for all your good blessings and our redemption, they are for your Glory. Amen.
And amen!
Thank you for this beautiful prayer!!
amen Brooke Parker !