Day 42

Weekly Truth

from the This Is the Old Testament reading plan

Acts 13:17-23

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

This week we will finish memorizing Acts 13:17–23 by focusing on the final verse. Strengthen your understanding and memorization of the full passage by writing it on a piece of paper or typing it out as a note on your phone.

17 The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors, made the people prosper during their stay in the land of Egypt, and led them out of it with a mighty arm. 18 And for about forty years he put up with them in the wilderness; 19 and after destroying seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance. 20 This all took about 450 years. After this, he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet. 21 Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years. 22 After removing him, he raised up David as their king and testified about him, “I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my own heart, who will carry out all my will.”

23 From this man’s descendants, as he promised, God brought to Israel the Savior, Jesus.
—Acts 13:17–23

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Post Comments (16)

16 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Kristina Lopes says:

    Hi Everyone – I hope you are doing well. I hope that you would all pray for me. Been going through a depressed funk and I know God is in my corner and has my back. But I pray He helps me remember this as a fact when I’m going through it. Thank you all for your sisterhood!

    1. Miri am says:


    2. Victoria E says:

      Kristina I will be praying for you

  2. Claire B says:

    Missing you and Churchmouse, Tina.

  3. Victoria E says:

    @Hope Trent this posted too soon. Here is the verse : “‘…the joy of the Lord is your strength’” Nehemiah 8:10

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