Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.

In this final week, try going on a short walk—even if it’s just around the house—and repeat the full passage aloud. 

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
—1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

Download our app to get a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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18 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Lizzy Gray says:

    Major praise report. I finished my first Bible plan that’s more than 3-5 days. I’m so happy that I’ve gotten into a rhythm of spending time with God.

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord i will obey!

  3. Susan Crosby says:

    This verse is so good to remind me of how I should do and not how I really do when it comes to these things. I find myself rejoicing sometimes…praying most of the time…giving thanks in most everything…this line from a song comes to mind….a little more like Jesus a little less like me.❤️

  4. Tre'Shonda Sheffey says:

    Amen. I’m grateful for this study.

  5. Kesara Goonawardena says:

    This is Glorious Unadulterated Claptrap. FREE SPEECH! WHERE IS THY STING?

  6. Ana Valenzuela says:

    Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. I have been reciting this to my dogs and writing it in both of my journals and many times in the study book. If I can memorize any other verse this is one I absolutely must remember. ❤️

  7. Mari V says:

    I have been reciting these verses daily. I have it posted on my bathroom mirror along with what Churchmouse wrote the other day. I’ve been trying to make a conscious effort to be aware of what “my face” looks like (does it show love and patience and confidence at work and home), the words I say (am I speaking kindly to the children, what is my tone like, same with my coworkers) and do my actions support my words.. I have enjoyed the study so much! My good friend G has been doing the same study and she challenged her small group young ladies to read a couple of chapters in Thessalonians. My daughter is in her group. I have coffee time with my kids every Saturday morning. Because of an exam my son couldn’t join us yesterday. My heart was so glad when my daughter asked if she could read Thessalonians out loud during our coffee time yesterday. We had a great coffee time talking about God’s Word and life. My mom’s heart was filled with Joy.

  8. Heather O’Malley says:

    @Crystal, it’s The Kingdom of God. It was mentioned in this weeks podcast. Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday!

  9. Kim Gillis says:

    Amen ❤️

  10. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Pray, rejoice and love one another! Jesus is near!

  11. Cheryl Read says:

    Amen Lizzie, Great verses!

  12. Emily McGrath says:

    But God! Amen!

  13. Lara Castillo says:

    I think it’s the Kingdom of God, but I’m not 100% sure.

  14. Andrea Palencia says:

    Rejoice, pray, give thanks!

  15. Jenn Burris says:

    Kingdom of God!

  16. Lizzie says:

    Rev 21:3
    Heb 7:25
    Luke 22:32
    Luke 1:77-79
    His will ♥️

  17. Churchmouse says:

    This verse is a challenge in these troubled times. BUT GOD.

  18. Tina says:

    Beautiful truth to remember each day!

    Happy Sunday to you and your my sisters in Christ..❤