Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Daniel 9:17-18

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the good news of Jesus with us wherever we go.

This week, we will build on the verse we memorized last week by focusing on the first part of verse 18 from Daniel’s prayer.

Write the passage out by hand, say it aloud, or test your knowledge with a friend.

Therefore, our God, hear the prayer and the petitions of your servant. Make your face shine on your desolate sanctuary for the Lord’s sake. Listen closely, my God, and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolations and the city that bears your name.
—Daniel 9:17–18a

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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29 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Rebekah Glassy says:

    I needed this tonight. I’ve been feeling very off (not the best term to sum everything I’ve been thinking but yeah it’s what I got at the moment) the last few days about a certain male friend of mine, and I am content in our friendship. He asked to date me a few years ago and I didn’t think anything of it because I wasn’t in a place that would want to date anyone. Now I’m not so sure. I see the potentiality of a relationship with him, but there are still unwavering flags that I need to decipher if they are green or red flags. I need to pray more and more about this. Thank you for the beginning prayer on this matter.

  2. Brandy Deruso says:

    I love to dwell in the lord

  3. Lauren Isaly says:

    Big prayers for Kim going up right this second. ❤️ amen, we know the Great Physician.

  4. Melissa Mcronney says:


  5. Emily Evans says:

    I would like to request prayer for may sweet friend Kim. She has been battling since she caught COVID 4 months ago. The doctors now think that she has ovarian cancer and that is why she is not getting better. I claim healing over her because I know the Great Physician! I just ask that you all lift her up. Thank you!

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Agreed with you in prayer for Kim! ✨

    2. Shannon Lowry says:


    3. Brandy Deruso says:

      Prayers of healing in jesus name

  6. AZ Walker says:

    Joining you Churchmouse. Dusting off fear, worry and emotional feelings that hijacked my weekend. Focusing on God’s truth and promises. Praying for all – smooth recovery for Rita Ann’s surgery – loving thoughts for all ❤️

  7. Mari V says:

    Thank you Jen Brewer for your praying. That was so sweet. I definitely feel loved.

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      You are so welcome, Mari. ❤️

  8. Mari V says:

    Yes, LORD, fill us afresh. Thank you Churchmouse for this reminder.

  9. Maura says:

    Welcome Angela, praying for you and knowing you will be so blessed by the Word and this community. May you feel God’s love around you as you spend time in His word.

  10. Rita Ann says:

    Good morning SRT ladies. I am so grateful for each of you and encouraged each day by your posts. I would like to request prayers for an upcoming surgery I am having this Thursday. For me, surgery is frightening. Trusting and praying gets me through the anxiety but sometimes the tears still flow. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Mari V says:

      Just now prayed for you Rita.

    2. Jen Brewer says:

      Praying for you Rita ❤️

  11. Maura says:

    Morning Ladies, Yes Vickie it does feel like rather commanding, I wonder sometimes if that is in translation, or if the pleading is so desperate that it just comes across that way. Thank you Churchmouse loved your words “I will meet with God in honesty and transparency, with my ears ready to listen and my hands ready to do what He says. I wait expectantly. Join me, friends? Let us pray and worship together, wherever we are, desolate no more. Holy Spirit, fill us afresh to overflowing. Amen.” Indeed Churchmouse, Amen and Hallelujah to our King, Jesus, who is worthy of all our praise and walks with us. Lord fill us, and give us the ears and the heart to hear you and go where you send us with your love and grace, ready to serve. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  12. Hedren Dougherty says:

    Yes Vickie I feel the same way. I don’t like the way it makes me feel.

  13. Vickie says:

    Churchmouse, thank you for that striking imagery. Yes, I will join you!✝️

    Is it just me or does anyone else feel we are commanding God to do something when we claim a passage like that?

  14. Angela Ferebee says:

    Good morning! I’m new to SRT. I’m already excited. Pray for me as I begin my journey to read Gods truth with you! Have a blessed day!

    1. Joanna Griffin says:

      Welcome Angela!!

    2. Laura Beckom says:

      Welcome Angela I hope enjoy SRT it is great,

  15. Kim HughesWerdebaugh says:

    Church mouse I love reading your posts. You are so knowledgeable!!

  16. Churchmouse says:

    Sarah D, Taylor and all the single ladies out there,
    I found this “Liturgy for Dating or Courtship” which is one of the most beautiful prayers for this season of your life. Whether you’re waiting for or actively seeking or in relationship with someone you hope to be your life partner, this is a good prayer to keep your heart, and his, in the right perspective. It’s found in a book titled Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey.

    Here is where I am, Lord –

    I find myself drawn to one in whom I see a striking beauty of personhood, a depth of soul, a sensitivity to goodness and truth, a vibrant intentionality of life and choice.

    I praise you, God, for creating such a person and displaying in them unique expression of your glory.

    I thank you that my path has crossed theirs in this time and place in history. I am increasingly drawn to this one you have created, and I desire to know them more. But I am finite and limited, and I cannot see the path that lies ahead on this journey towards eternity,
    So give me wisdom, Lord.
    Don’t let my emotions get ahead of
    In the time I spend with this your beloved child, let me not act selfishly. Let me not take lightly my constant responsibility for the heart and well-being of another, regardless of the tenor of my own feelings and desires.

    Let me remember that this relationship does not affect only the two of us. It exists in the greater web of loving and sacrificial bonds of parents and grandparents, family and friends, who had already invested years of nurture and care and love and prayer and tears and delight in this person, long before I met them.

    So let me act now, and always in this relationship, in ways that would honor and affirm the tender investment of all who love this person. Let me build on that good foundation, that whatever the two of us create together would be a blessing to all who know us.

    Indeed, O Lord, give us in our shared hours wisdom to build well, that even if all we cultivate in partnership is a small garden where friendship can grow, it will still in its own humble way be a place of encouragement and beauty that would bring a smile and a joy to passers-by.

    Or if we awaken one day to the understanding that what we were creating all along was not just a garden of friendship, but an enduring love, and the foundation of a castle, and a tended ground where the remainder of our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren and all our friendships and all of our service to you, O God, would be lived out together in a bond of wedded love and intimacy, then all the more reason we should build well and with intentionality and unselfish love here at the beginning.

    Give me this wisdom, therefore.
    Give me this grace.
    Give me patience and an eternal perspective that would govern well my choices today, and in all the days to follow.

    Do not let my emotions get ahead of me, O Lord.
    Let me love you by loving this person well, and in kindness and self-restraint let me always choose their greatest good as if it were my own.


    1. Jen Brewer says:

      That’s a beautiful prayer, Churchmouse. Even as a married lady for 10 years, I loved that! Am going to copy that to save to share with my littles when they are grown some day. Thank you! ❤️

    2. Aisha Jack says:

      Thank you so much for this. Exactly what I needed as I just finished praying to meet my husband.

    3. Bridget Vaschak says:

      Good morning everyone. I have been with you, silently most of the time, for several years now. The last part of this passage sums up our standing before our Lord, doesn’t it? We ask of God, not because of our righteous acts or because WE are deserving in any way. We are not. We ask of God based on who HE is. His abundant compassion. His goodness.

  17. Churchmouse says:

    These verses beg the question “how desolate is my sanctuary?” Is the place where I go to meet with God dusty because I spend so little time there? Is the sanctuary in my church desolate because I enter it unprepared to worship and receive? Have I forgotten that I can go confidently because God is compassionate? Whatever my fears and concerns, my burdens and woes, they are welcomed before Him because He cares about me. No matter how negligent I’ve been, how much I’ve offended Him with my sin, I remain His beloved child. I am chosen, accepted, adopted, redeemed, reborn, wanted and valued by God. The sanctuary of the Lord is wherever I go for I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. Today I will take the time to dust it, remove any cobwebs of sin or selfish attitude. I will meet with God in honesty and transparency, with my ears ready to listen and my hands ready to do what He says. I wait expectantly. Join me, friends? Let us pray and worship together, wherever we are, desolate no more. Holy Spirit, fill us afresh to overflowing. Amen.

    1. Cynthia Johnston says:

      Yes, I will join you, Churchmouse. Thank you.