Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Jeremiah 33:14

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize Jeremiah 33:14, God’s declaration of his intention to remain faithful to Israel and Judah.

“Look, the days are coming”—
this is the LORD’s declaration—
“when I will fulfill the good promise
that I have spoken
concerning the house of Israel
and the house of Judah.
—Jeremiah 33:14

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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36 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Kathy says:

    Laura Theobald, Churchmouse, and Tina, thank you all so much for your words this morning. God used them to bring such peace to my soul. My youngest daughter is expecting her first baby any minute. Her due date was this past Thursday. Right now the hospital where she will be delivering is only allowing one person in with each patient, so we will not be able to be with her. My heart breaks every time I think about it, but I am so thankful for things like FaceTime. Hopefully, we will be able to be together after the baby comes. Please pray for her. Pray that this baby boy will come soon so that they can be at home and not at the hospital. Sara is terrified that things will get so bad that Will won’t be able to be with her either. Please pray for assurance for her.
    I am thankful that we are not going through this time alone. We have God and we have our brothers and sisters in Christ. The comments posted during this study offer so much comfort. Thank you, sisters.

  2. Bessie H says:

    Patience is not a concept that I’m very good at, but this sure is a time for patience. The novelty is wearing off and being at home with my family is beginning to test me. Yet, God is good and I find that He calms me and stills my tongue. I join your prayers for this to come to a quick and positive conclusion soon. Yet, God works in His time and His way and we are taught to be patient.
    Be still and know that I am God.

  3. Churchmouse says:

    Tina, my friend, what a blessing you are. Though we have yet to meet in person, we are of one heart.

    All of this downtime gives me opportunity to savor every comment posted by my dear SRT sisters. I go back and reread your words, often taking notes. They feed my spirit all week! Your comments reach from wherever you are to right here – we’re holding hands in solidarity, while maintaining social distancing :)

    Praying for us all to stand firm on His promises, to be grateful for all He’s provided, to pray fervently for all who continue to serve so selflessly. May every one be closer to Jesus because of this time.

  4. Tina says:

    Right behind you Churchmouse..

    If He has promised/declared it, He will deliver us..

    Thank you Lord God.. thank you!

    Blessings and love from across the pond friend..❤

  5. Tina says:

    Does it not amaze you that there is already a promise for this time and season we find ourselves in? That our God, made a promise looooooong ago, and yet still upholds/stands today. The same yesterday, today tomorrow.. His promises have not, will not, never will change.. because He is God, because He cared then, He cares now..and will always care for His beloveds..
    Holding fast to this declaration..

    If God has spoken it, it is true.

    If God had declared it it will happen.

    If God has promised it, it will not be broken.


    Wishing you all a God blessed Sunday! Hope filled for you to see the blessings, even in the confines we find ourselves in right now..love to all, always from across the pond..❤

    1. Erricka Hager says:

      Amen, Tina!

    2. Jennifer Anapol says:


  6. Churchmouse says:

    Today’s Scripture reminds us that God “will fulfill the good promise that I have spoken.” Every promise He has uttered in His Word will come to pass. How comforting, encouraging and reassuring is this fact today! In a world of “what if” let’s rest on the truth that He will. God will deliver on His promises and He will deliver His people.

    1. Angela DeMatteo says:

      God bless you, Churchmouse. Your words are a comfort to me everyday. Sending love.

  7. Tina says:

    Amen Laura Theobold..

    God, our God has the bigger picture in His hands..
    Stay safe with love sent for a Happy Sunday..❤

  8. Laura Theobald says:

    It amazes me that this content was planned out months ago, before any of us had heard of COVID-19, yet God knew this was the scripture we would need right now. As I see temporary hospitals going up around the country, military personnel being called in, and life showing no signs of going back to what it was before, how thankful I am to have the promises of God to cling to for hope.