Day 21

Weekly Truth

from the Genesis reading plan

Genesis 26:24

BY She Reads Truth

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize a verse spoken by God to Isaac, reassuring Isaac of God’s presence with him.

“I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you.”
—Genesis 26:24

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

Post Comments (23)

23 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Helen Wilson says:

    I have just started using SRT, would someone please tell me who to download today’s verse as a lock screen? I’ve found some other verses older ones I guess that have a download arrow but not today’s. Thanks in advance.

    1. Bessie H says:

      Helen, what I do is tap the image and a set of options comes up. Click on ‘save image’. Then I go to the settings on my phone and to the wallpaper. There you can go to the image and download it as your lock screen. Not sure that helped, but hat is what I do.

  2. Mari V says:

    Sometimes, I still feel afraid. I feel weak. I’m so thankful God gave us His WORD to remind me “not to be afraid” He is with me. My daughter and I had an extended conversation yesterday. I was transparent with her. I told her that sometimes I’m still afraid of the unknown. I poured out my heart with her, “carefully”. Tears were rolling down her face as she poured her heart out as well. (we’ve had this conversation before)
    BUT GOD…… He goes before us. He is healing us and can heal her too. I told her it will take time but not to give up. In time she will heal. She’ll be able to forgive.
    I am thankful she and I are on this journey “together”. I love her SO much and it breaks my heart to see her hurt, but I need to be strong for the both of us. With God on my side, I can do this.

  3. Anastasia says:

    Ari, I know your ministry event went exactly the way God wanted it to go! I pray you were able to get what God wanted to give you from it as well

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Diana Fleenor says:

    I join you ladies in awe of our God who assures our fearful hearts that he is with us! As I consider that he is “the God of your father Abraham”, I’m reminded that as a Gentile believer I, too, am a child of Abraham. I need this truth to sweep over me daily as I continue to walk in a very isolating illness in which “feeling” like I belong in the family of God can be a challenge. But God…in His word, His presence, and His love, he continues to remind me circumstances don’t define my place in his family; faith in Christ does! Given my past fall into despair, this is certainly a testimony of God’s work in a despairing heart!

  5. Tina says:

    Tiffany, isn’t it????

    I sometimes have to stop, breathe and smile…

    The same God, who was the God of Abraham is MY God!!! My God!!!

    Awesome, awesome truth…

    Thank you God.. thank you!❤

    Sisters Happy Sunday!❤

  6. Melissa Graves says:

    Thanks, Churchmouse, as usual, I needed that!

  7. Tracie Nall says:

    So thankful in every and all situation I walk into and encounter, God is not only with me but has already gone ahead of me to prepare my path, remove the obstacles that would cause me to stumble and prepare the place for my arrival! He accompanies me in the mundane tasks of my dailyness not just the important events of my life, He care about the quiet times and chaotic, He never leaves me for a more important meeting or a more prestigious client, He gives me His undivided attention! I am so thankful for Gods presence in my life!

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  8. Ari says:

    Amen, Audrey!

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