Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Psalm 46:10

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize a verse that expresses God’s heart for his people to rest in His sovereignty.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”
—Psalm 46:10 ESV

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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84 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Sunday ladies! I am so grateful to be able to spend the weekend with some friends at the hot springs just soaking and enjoying each others company. @Rhonda J. Love the song Gratitude as well! It was always brings me such peace. Praying for your pain! @Sarah D. Praying your job shadowing went well last week and that you can find out this week what the outcome is!

  2. Arina says:

    I wanted to share part of what I read in the Enduring Word commentary about this verse. Maybe this helps @Katie L, praying for you and for Heidi.

    “Be still, and know that I am God: The idea is not that the faithful reader should stop activity and stand in one place. The sense is more that argument and opposition should stop and be still. This is done in recognition of God’s glory and greatness, as mentioned in the previous verse.

    i. “In this verse there is a change of person, and Jehovah himself is introduced, as commanding the world to cease its opposition, to own his power, and to acknowledge his sovereignty over all the kingdoms of the nations.” (Horne)

    ii. The idea is something like this: “As you know the glory and greatness of God, stop your mouth from arguing with Him or opposing Him. Simply surrender.”

    iii. “Be still…is not in the first place comfort for the harassed but a rebuke to a restless and turbulent world: ‘Quiet!’ – in fact, ‘Leave off!’” (Kidner)

    iv. “In this setting, ‘be still and know that I am God’ is not advice to us to lead a contemplative life, however important that may be…. It means rather, ‘Lay down your arms. Surrender, and acknowledge that I am the one and only victorious God.’”

  3. Cee Gee says:

    HEIDI – Joining in prayer for you all the moms facing the heavy schedule that comes with the end of the school year. Praying you find the right therapist and in the meantime some calming exercises. Considering what has transpired in your life in recent weeks (from being in the area of the shooter to all the family/school obligations), it would be amazing if you didn’t have a panic attack! Thanks again for bringing us together here. Theses Psalm studies have blessed my heart.

    Rhonda J – I agree with Searching in being doubly amazed by what you accomplish even with the chronic pain. Your church and community is so blessed by your spirit!

    BE STILL – surrender and acknowledge that HE is God, the One True sovereign God. He is in control, not me, thankfully!

    Keeping you all in prayer and looking forward to diving into Amos with y’all!

  4. Searching says:

    RHONDA J – praying for pain relief and management. Your enthusiasm is so inspiring that at times I forget your daily struggle with pain – thank you.

    SARAH D – happy belated birthday, praying for you job-wise

    SUSAN – happy belated birthday to you also. Continuing to pray for you and your family.

    MICHELLE PATIRE – praying for Kim

    HEIDI – praying for you in this upcoming week full of things going on, and for YOU overall. I am so proud of you for dropping those classes – I feel there was so much wisdom in that decision ❤️ Your challenging schedule reminded me of something I heard years ago – that each day is like a jar that holds 24 hours, no more & no less. When we overload ourselves (raising my hand on this too) and attempt to cram more than 24 hours of things into it, it bulges to the point of breaking -and since we are the “jar”, it is us that breaks :(. The advice I read way back whenever was to prioritize the larger things in our lives – maybe more important (God & family), more time consuming (job/school), more time/deadline critical (rest, among other things) and then fill in remaining available time with less important, less time consuming and/or less critical/more flexible things. There are only so many large things that will fit, so that’s what I start trying to identify first. Love you!

    KATIE L – being still is something I struggle with too, and we aren’t alone in this. I’m working on including time to be still when doing my morning devotions, and also on taking time to focus on praising Him!

  5. Katie L says:

    Thank you all for your prayers and support and insight these past few weeks in our mini-group, thank you Heidi for arranging, it’s blessed me so much to feel “seen.”

    Heidi – I’ll be praying for your panic attacks, having suffered them for years myself I know how awful they are. I read a quote that said “success is a regulated nervous system.” Praying you find the right mental health professional ❤️

    I have been struggling lately with my insufficiency. I feel guilty reading about rest because I’m very good at doing nothing, I need help doing SOMETHING. I become overwhelmed and then just shut down. I know I cannot earn God’s love or salvation but I also know there are things we are supposed to be doing and I feel like I’m failing at that. I don’t know that I’m discipling my children well enough, I know I’m failing at keeping my home, I’m praying and in the Word daily but it doesn’t feel like I’m spending enough time or diving deep enough. It feels like the enemy (or maybe just my own sloth) is using this feeling of insufficiency to render me useless. How are we supposed to “be still” but also do all the things we are called to do as Christians?

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Sisters, can I recommend a video on YouTube by Hillsong United. It is called Still and interspersed in the song is scripture and pictures of our Lord. There are a few versions but I use the one that opens showing Christ with out stretched hands.

  7. Donna Wolcott says:

    Prayers Heidi. It whatever stillness of this day, may you find peace and Him.

  8. Heidi says:

    RHONDA- love that verse, SO much strength in it! :)

    It has been lovely having our little sub-group for just a minute and getting to spend these weeks together:) Amos will be refreshing to get into tomorrow!

    Prayers over this coming week please! So much happening with it being the final week of school (final week of elementary school for Kin!!) for my “big kids”. Lots of scheduling and “life” happening this week.

    It has been quite some time since I have had issues with panic attacks and last night while “relaxing” on the couch with my man, I had one. Pretty big one. Took some time to come down from. I need to start seeking a good, Godly therapist again as I don’t have one anymore. Prayers for that too! :)

    Know that God has each of you pop-up in my mind throughout the day and I pray for you each time :) Enjoy your day of rest, ladies!! ❤️