Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Job 19:27

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week we will memorize the last verse of Job 19:25–27, Job’s declaration that his hope lies in his Redeemer. This week we will memorize Job 19:27.

I will see him myself;
my eyes will look at him, and not as a stranger.
My heart longs within me.
Job 19:27

Find the corresponding memory card in the back of this book.

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.

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19 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Angie says:

    Mari V., what a blessing to share Jesus Christ with your friend, a blessing for you and eternally for her. Beautiful!

    Thank you SRT staff and ladies as you faithfully post and pray for each other.
    Chris – Continuing to pray for you as you help young girls choose life for their unborn babies.
    Casi – Lord, give her strength
    Helen – Lord, be near to this woman. If they have decisions to make because of her husband’s cancer, please giver them wisdom and discernment, give them strength.
    Ashley – May the new mom, who is also working enjoy her SRT Bible. Speak to her, nourish her soul and give her the strength she needs every day. Help her to be the mother and wife she wants to be in You.
    Elaine – Lord, if she continues to battle Parkinsons, provide for her treatments, strength and hope for each day.
    Angela – I pray for your faith
    Pam – May God give you peace over depression and struggle with liver problems. May you know the healing of the Father.
    Kristina – Enjoy that precious little one…yes, it is overwhelming, especially with your husband working so much and taking classes…know he feels pressure also. Jesus, provide for them each moment. Bless this little family and guide them according to your will and your plan.
    Anna – praying God has supplied your need for a job.
    Staci – may you have wisdom, courage, and strength regarding your health, finances, and relationships.
    Molly – praying that the difficult times with your family have been saturated in the peace and hope of Jesus.
    Juliann – praying for your father as he battles cancer and that the situation with your husbands lay-off will/has resulted him growing closer to the Lord and a position that will nurture his gifts.
    Megan – gracious oncology nurse practitioner, thank you for your kindness and care to patients daily. May they see Jesus in you and may your unsaved friend see Jesus in you and may you have an opportunity like Mari to lead someone into the kingdom of God.
    First Responders Wife – thank you for your love for your husband and his care for those in the most difficult of circumstances. May God strengthen him and give him peace as he serves.
    Debbie – praying that you and your son have worked through the darkness and rest in the Light.
    Kathy, I am remembering your friend Allison and her husband as I am sure their hearts continue to mourn the loss of the baby. May God’s peace surround them every moment of every day and give them hope once again.
    Alley and Jessie – may Jesus have turned the dark times you faced earlier into those of hope, peace, and Light.
    Cynthia – Your husband lost his only client during this study…may God give you direction and guidance into His plan for your lives. May you recognize Him as active and covering you.
    Alli – you mentioned that the last 2 years have been hard, hang on to Jesus, may He guide you and surround you with His love.
    Momtomany – Someday Jesus will return and we will see the restoration of our lives and lands, oh for that day! May we be His light, hope, and witness faithfully until that day.
    Sandra Jo and Summer – May you rest in our healing heavenly Father and may He fill your arms and hearts.
    Kristen and Meg – I wrote your names down without a message – may God shower you with Himself, His love, hope, and blessings.
    Tracey – May God touch you in your suffering and heal your hurts as only He is able.
    Elizabeth – I am praying you will have wisdom as you follow Jesus, that you will be strong and courageous in Him.
    Leesha – You said once that the worship we give God during suffering is a gift unique to our time on earth…God thank you for that reminder and may we give that gift to your always.
    Bessie H. – Enjoy your mountain view my dear and thank you for the blessing of you.
    Lori Wat – I will continue to lift you up and the diagnosis you received during this study. May our Lord and Savior cover you with His hope and heart. Thank you for the blessing of your witness for Him.
    Tricia – How did your appointment in New York (I believe) go. Praying that your chest is clear. Praying for your protection and healing.

    Lord, for each of these, and any I did not write down provide as only You are able. Help us to draw closer to You, to trust You, to rest in You, even in…especially in our suffering. May we “learn to kiss the wave that throws us against the Rock of Ages,” as Charles Spurgeon said. Thank you for these women who love You and long to serve You. You are our Rock and Salvation.

    Amen and Selah

  2. Natasha R says:

    This is a beautiful and insightful series. Thank you SRT team and sisters in this forum. ❤️

  3. Churchmouse says:

    There is no greater news than that someone accepted Jesus! Rejoicing with you, Mari. And the angels in heaven are having a party!

  4. Mari V says:

    I’M SO EXCITED! I had dinner with a good friend from my old neighborhood. She’s been involved with bible studies at the church I attend but felt something was missing. So I asked if she’s accepted Jesus into her heart. She said no. So I asked if she wanted to. She said YES! Last night my friend V accepted JESUS as her personal Lord and Savior!

    1. Elaine . says:


    2. Meagan Brooks says:

    3. Theresa Zawalski says:

      Praise the lord

    4. Lynne Roth says:


  5. Churchmouse says:

    That day when I see Jesus face to face as friend will indeed be glorious. However, let us not miss seeing Him here, in each believer. I see Him in the thoughtful responses posted daily on this forum and in the prayers so quickly offered up in response to anyone’s need being mentioned. I look upon His face through the devotions that give me a unique perspective on Who He is and how He acts. I’m grateful for those who author these devotions. I see Him in the attention to detail and the extra resources provided in the study books. I see His majesty and creativity in the artwork as well. I am drawn closer to Him by all of you who draw close here. I call you friends. Thank you for each day here in your presence for it makes me also look forward to one day being in His.

    1. Sharon W says:

      Thank you SRT and everyone for your attention to detail and insight in your messages. I really feel a part of these wonderful stories and scriptures that are beginning to make sense to me from an idea to a pattern through the moments of time. Imagine His Glory of crimson thread being sewn through a legacy like a patchwork quilt from Genesis to Revelation. I am in awe of the plans, seasons, creation, stories, truths, history, prophecy, chosen ordinary people, of redemption and salvation from a loving God and so much more pieced together for everyone ‘To Know Him’ as their personal Savior & Lord. He desires for no one to miss eternal life in the new renewed Jerusalem. What a Mighty God we Serve as one day soon every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Messiah.

    2. Tess S says:

      So beautifully said ✨

  6. Shawn Parks says:

    Oh that day!!!!!!

  7. Dorothy says:

    The book Night mention in one of our devotions is available in audio and has two other books that go with it by the same author, Day and Dawn. I enjoyed this study.

  8. Chloe Williams says:

    Wow, I love this verse!!!! The idea of seeing God not as a stranger, which is the way it was always intended, makes me feel so at peace.