Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 6:9

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry the gospel with us wherever we go.

This week’s verse is a prayer for continuing to do the work God sets before us.

But now, my God, strengthen my hands.
—Nehemiah 6:9

Save the image below as a lock screen for your phone so you can read these words throughout the day.


(21) Comments

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21 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Lynne Stephenson says:

    Amen. GOD will continue to give me strength as I work theough the tribulations that are set before me. I am so thankful for a father who gives us strength even when we are weak.

  2. Kristine says:

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. And may all I do be done for the greater glory of God

  3. Susan says:

    This is my prayer, Whatever you have for me, give me the strength to do Your Will, Your Way!

  4. Kelly Chataine says:

    My husband and I have a lot of therapy to accomplish this summer. Praying for strengthened resolve, will, minds, hands, arms, legs and more. God is good!

    1. Kelly Chataine says:

      Sorry for the repeat. I received an error message that the page was not working.

    2. Brandi says:

      Praying with you!

    3. Michele Nickerson-Swanson says:

      Kelly, I will be praying for you and you husband!

  5. Kelly Chataine says:

    My husband and I have a lot of therapy to accomplish this summer. I pray for strengthened resolve, will, minds, hands, arms, legs, and more. Thank you, God!

  6. Churchmouse says:

    Intimidation. Discouragement. Hopelessness. The antidote : prayer. “God, strengthen me! “

    1. Victoria says:


    2. Susan says:


      1. Janice says:

        Thank you, Amen!

    3. PamC says:


    4. Kay says:


  7. Sarah J says:

    God, strengthen my hands! What the devil means to hurt us can help us remember how much we need you. I need you! Help me to constantly be aware of that.

    1. Michele Nickerson Swanson says:

      Thanks Sarah for expressing your thoughts that way. I was having a similar thought, but couldn’t put it into words.