Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

1 Samuel 12:24

Memorizing Scripture is one of the best ways to carry God-breathed truth, instruction, and reproof wherever we go.

As we read through 1 & 2 Samuel together, we are memorizing five pivotal verses from these books. This verse from David’s song of deliverance extols both God’s goodness and His strength.

Above all, fear the LORD and worship him faithfully with all your heart;
consider the great things he has done for you.
—1 Samuel 12:24

Write this passage down and post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about Scripture memorization. Will you join us?


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13 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Audrey Flores says:

    AMAZING!! It continues to amaze me how the Bible is the only word that reads you while you read it. I prayed yesterday and asked for help with my unbelief and he points me here. Thank you Jesus!!

  2. Ethica says:

    My hat is off to your astute command over this tor-cibpavo!

  3. churchmouse says:

    The best antidote for when I’m having a pity party- “consider the great things the Lord has done for you.” The best antidote for when my attitude is a poor one – “consider the great things the Lord has done for you.” The best antidote for when jealousy and envy creep up – “consider the great things the Lord has done for you.” The best antidote for when… Well, just whenever! “Consider the great things the Lord has done for you.” Praying to be a better rememberer.

    1. Sarah says:

      “Count your blessings, name them one by one!” A catchy tune that I learned through SRT and pops up in many places such as your response. Enjoy your most blessed day everyone!

    2. Emily B. says:

      Well said! Thanks for this!

    3. Karen From Virginia says:


  4. Karen From Virginia says:

    Grateful for Sunday. Day of rest and celebrating God. This week was generally good with spikes of being emotionally overwhelmed tearful or sad. Grief is hard. I’m making it, anchored close to the Lord. But even still, sometimes my brain doesn’t work so sharply. That left me feeling vulnerable with my supervisor. Thankfully, he was gracious and understood. It left me sad when with church friends when no one reached out to me to ask what’s going on? What happened or how are making it? Grief isn’t contagious but talking , actually asking about things helps validate it and gives permission to talk about the life changing thing that just happened. Talking helps me calm and not feel alone.
    So each day and week is a journey. Being kind to myself, leaning on Jesus and kind to others. A journey.

    1. Tammy Hammonds says:

      Love your vulnerability! Grief is hard. It seems when we don’t know what to say to someone who is grieving we say nothing, we are uncomfortable and we avoid. We forget that the grief has no time limit. Grief needs comfort. It needs ears to listen. Arms to hug. Tongues to speak words of encouragement, acknowledgment, comfort.

      Lord help us be more attentive to those who are grieving and not shy away or avoid them. Remind us Lord of the presence you were to us in our own grieving. Help us to view those grieving the way you do. Give us courage Lord to be your voice, hands and feet to our sisters and brothers in their time of need.

    2. Mamajonk says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss Karen. Praying you literally feel the closeness of our loving Savior as He walks with you during this difficult time. Praying that in the days ahead you are comforted knowing He holds you in His hands.

    3. Momandorder says:

      Grief is hard. I find myself extending mercy after my daughter died. The ones in my life I expected to reach out didn’t but GOD raised people I didn’t even know to send me cards..bibles..grief books. Since my daughter was 27 she had friends that I didn’t necessarily know about and they came out of the woodwork to tell us how Danielle had touched them in some way. Suffering and the sovereignty of God by John Piper & Justin Taylor has helped me. I would be glad to get and send you a copy if you would like. It haseems been 4 months now and all I can tell you is it gets less raw. Still there…like a wound but slowly scabs over. Prayers my dear

    4. Danya Ho says:

      May the days ahead get easier even as you come to terms with your loss. It cam never be easy but He will lift you up and hide you under His everlasting arms. Tske it one hour at a time and allow yourself to grieve. Postponing grief is the hardest thing to get past.

    5. Adelaide says:

      Superb inafmrotion here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.