weekly truth

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 8:10

Text: Nehemiah 8:10

We long to be a community who not only reads and studies God’s Word, but also writes it on our hearts so we can lean on it throughout our day, speak truth to ourselves and others, call it to mind and have hope.

Today let’s memorize this gem we’ll uncover a little later in our study of Nehemiah:

“And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10b

What a beautiful promise! Jot it down a few times in your journal, tape it by the kitchen window or on your desk at work, save the image below as the lock screen on your phone – do whatever works best for you to allow this truth to sink into your heart and mind as you walk forward in this new week.

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64 thoughts on "weekly truth"

  1. Paige Marie says:

    What stood out to me was what was said directly after Nehemiah 8:10.

    “The Levites calmed all the people, saying “be still, for this is a holy day. Do not grieve.”

    I love that they were told to be still.

    Everyday I am constantly running around, working anxiously and worrying over seemingly small things, yet God commands me (just like the Israelites) to be still.

    How amazing is it that we have a God who commands us to be still, to refocus our hearts, minds and souls upon Him and let Him lead and work through us. It’s never about us or our ability, but it is through our stillness and surrender that God works. It’s about Him, his story, his power and spirit within us.

    So many times I find myself and my soul coming apart at the seams, part of that comes from my need to control situations and part of it comes with my struggles with anxiety. I’m constantly trying, trying, trying yet God speaks and says “be still my child. Let me give you peace and rest.”

    What an amazing and such generous God we serve that It is Him who gives us Joy. God reminds me that he doesn’t just want the work of my hands but that he desires my heart.

    Let’s take time to be still before God and spend time in his presence. ❤️

    1. Melissa Aydelott says:

      This is a constant struggle for me. I am a “do-er” type person and being still is hard. Thank you for taking the time to share. “He doesn’t just want the work of my hands but that he desires my heart.”!!!!

  2. Emily says:

    This is the verse that helped me through the very difficult delivery of my daughter two weeks ago. I had this as my lock screen and printed it out as an 8×10 and put it in a frame for during labor. Yes, the joy of The Lord is our strength.

    The thing that hit me is that it doesn’t say “be joyful and you’ll be strong.” It says ” the joy of The Lord is your strength.” Basically, it’s His joy! I had been trying to be joyful the last few weeks if pregnancy and totally failed. Once I asked God to give me His joy, to work through me, to change my heart… That’s when I was finally able to be joyful. It’s all from Him.

    1. Emily, thank you for sharing with us! I am so thankful that God\’s Word proved to be a light for you in a hard time! Love to you!

      xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  3. Shannon says:

    I realize I’m super behind, but this is where I am in the study and wanted to comment anyway.

    I love the verse. What I love most, is that the Levites just finished reading the law of Moses and explaining what it meant. The Israelites are mourning and weeping at hearing the law. They know they have not followed it. It is revealing their sin and it is revealing the grandness of God. This is causing them to weep. Nehemiah saiys, “Do not be grieved, the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Once they understand that’s despite their sin, their God is still good. Their God made away to build the wall, to protect and save them, in spite of their rebellion. His joy, the joy of YHWH accomplished this out of love for his people. Then the Israelites go away celebrating what The Lord has done.

    I think a bigger picture of the verse makes the meaning even richer. Despite my weakness, The Lord works for my protection in HIS joy–which he also makes accessible to me so that I might be strengthened. It’s beautiful and freeing knowing that The Lord goes before me.

    1. Leslie says:

      Hi Shannon: I am also late late to this study, but found the Lord asking me to work through this over the summer. Thanks for your comments. I have struggled with depression off and on throughout my life, and I love that I am not the one responsible for generating up joy for myself and my family. He is! I can depend on Him for my joy, He will give it to me, and I will take it. I love that Man. Be blessed!

  4. napturallymary says:

    I am thankful to God for this online community; it has been a wonderful supplement and encouragement to my physical community.

  5. Hesaved83 says:


    God is using you on SRT (speak to, encourage, intercede, etc) in so many ways; you remind me of a Chaplain :)

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Thank you, sister. He is so good indeed. The Lord is doing a good work here, that's for sure. Please pray for me, as I get weak and discouraged daily and will need strength today! Thank you sister. Love you.

  6. Angela says:

    I clicked the link, AnnaLee. It says not valid.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      I made it private for a bit while I finished the letter since I was half way done when I switched over. It's public now if you click on the link. I hope it works now– if not, my email is [email protected] and I can send it that way.

  7. LaurenC_ says:

    Praying for you Angela, that you will fly free from your pain and guilt. Give it God. He wants to heal you.