Wednesday: Jesus Is Anointed for Burial

Open Your Bible

Matthew 26:14-16, Mark 14:3-11, Luke 22:3-6, Zechariah 11:12-13

Growing up with two brothers, there were times I felt a little outnumbered. Once, I came home from dance class to find my favorite doll held hostage in a game of cops and robbers. Shrieking, I dodged foam darts to rescue her from the basement war zone. I sulked away, dreaming of ways to avenge my doll’s honor. I was in no mood to share.

As an adult, the things we hold most dear might be our family, time, or resources. But when someone tries to lay a hand on our precious commodities, you’d better believe we can still throw a toddler-sized tantrum. Our fists close tighter and tighter around the stuff that gives our lives meaning, and we lose sight of the only one who can bring true meaning to our lives.

There are many accounts throughout the Bible where God asks people to loosen their grip for the sake of the gospel. One such story is found when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac (Genesis 22). We can all immediately recognize the costliness of being asked to give up a child. Abraham obeyed even that most painful instruction because he trusted God. Ultimately the Lord spared Isaac and provided a lamb for sacrifice, painting the illustration of things to come. God would give up His own perfect Son as the Lamb on our behalf. In doing so, God Himself paid the price we deserved.

While many of us struggle to hand over our idols when pressed, there are some followers of Jesus who freely give without even being asked. Mary of Bethany (according to John 12:2–3) was one such saint. Nobody guilted her into an offering, and yet she took what was probably the most expensive thing she owned, a vat of perfume, and lavishly broke it over the head of the Messiah. The Pharisees criticized her generosity, feigning concern for the poor, but Jesus saw through their calculating hearts.

Christ praised Mary’s extravagant gift, saying her act will forever be “told in memory of her” (Mark 14:9). Mary chose to live open-handedly, and it was counted as eternally significant. She gave away treasures on earth to store up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19–21). And in doing so, she built a legacy that mattered. Before Mary even walked the earth, her actions were affirmed in the wisdom writings: “A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth” (Ecclesiastes 7:1).

Both Mary and Abraham earned good names for themselves by living as one anointed for death. We, too, are called to live anointed for death. Jesus said that if we want to follow Him, we must die to ourselves and take up our crosses (Matthew 16:24). As Christians, that means we must loosen our grip on earthly things and focus our eyes on heavenly things.

When we think about the impact we want to have in our lifetimes, let’s remember Mary of Bethany, who poured out her gifts for the ultimate gift giver. By dying to ourselves and joining with Christ in His anointing for burial, we are covered in the perfume of grace. Then our legacy will become a fragrant offering of Christ to the world (2 Corinthians 2:15).

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56 thoughts on "Wednesday: Jesus Is Anointed for Burial"

  1. NanaK says:

    Often, our devotions and/or things that are shared bring songs to mind. Today it is “Only Jesus” by Casting Crowns…the refrain especially:
    And I don’t want to live a legacy
    I don’t care if they remember me
    Only JESUS
    And I’ve only got one life to live
    I’ll let every second point to HIM
    Only JESUS
    Jesus is the only name
    Jesus is the only name
    JESUS is the only name
    to remember.

    Lord, I pray that my thoughts, words, and deeds would be a positive reflection of You to the world today.

  2. Heather HillHardy says:

    As I read this on my back porch I’m surrounded by the sweet fragrance of my lilac bushes. This is the first morning I can smell them, what a fitting surrounding for this scripture.

  3. Hope says:

    Thank you God for your word, and for this community of women seeking you.
    Lord, I am so afraid that what you’re speaking to my heart is that my husband is my Isaac, and that my husband is the expensive oil that you’re asking me to give. My heart breaks for my daughter, especially since I remember you speaking this to my heart before we ever got married.
    If your will is to turn these ashes into something beautiful, please lead us. If not, Lord, give me the strength to make this sacrifice in YOUR name. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Christina Van Het Hoen says:

      Hope, I’m not sure what you’re going through but I know that surrendering everything to God is the hardest and most difficult thing. Let Him take care of it. He is your loving father who knows better than you do and can do anything. Praying for a miracle for your family!

  4. Mary Jane Meyer says:

    Interesting that Mary poured out all she had on Jesus’s head, but even that wasn’t enough to save her. He still had to receive the pouring out of God’s wrath meant for her (and our) sins in order to rescue her. Humbling that even our very best and most pure intentions need cleansing before our Lord.

  5. Mary Jane Meyer says:

    Interesting that Mary poured out all she had on Jesus’s head, but even that wasn’t enough to save her. He still had to receive the pouring out of God’s wrath for her sins (and ours) on his head to

  6. Anonymous says:

    As I read this, I am reminded how much I miss Jesus and I pray that what I have holding onto is given up. But, I am in fear of what is to come after it. I want to live my life open handedly, but this one thing I know is in the way. And I know when I live open handedly with my family it is taken advantage of and not received with thankfulness, but greed and forgetfulness. I miss fully residing in Him, but its so hard. Mary’s example reminds me of who I once was, but I have a wall and toxic environment.

    1. Victoria Delorme says:

      Lord, I life up this soul to you. Father protect and strengthen their heart, bring them renewed hope. Lord I pray your protection over the environment they are in and ask that your peace would reign in the walls of their heart. Your word never returns empty, let your scripture be in their mind, reviving and life giving. Father move in the hearts of those around them, give them hearts of flesh so that as you move their hearts are soft and alert and ready to hear your call. Be with this soul give them strength and endurance to walk the path you have called them to walk. In Jesus name Amen

    2. Lynn Painter says:

      He’s right there my friend…. I pray that whatever situation you are in, that you can become free of this bondage that you feel…. he has not given you a spirit of fear, but power love and a sound mind….. I said that one over and over when I was bound with depression over a loved one. He freed me… I still hurt deeply over a loved one, but no longer in chains.

  7. Lizzieb85 says:

    According to John 12 it was Judas who balked at the use of the perfume, not the Pharisees. Another proof of Judas’ greediness.

  8. Tina says:

    The story of Mary of Bethany is one that lives close to my heart..

    This song has me in bits every time..

    When my daughter died, I wrestled with God..Jacob had nothing on MY wrestling!
    I fought. I accused. I questioned. Oh how I questioned!
    One of my questions was why we weren’t given more time.. we should have had more time!!
    In the stillness after that question, and exhausted from my ‘wrestling ‘, as clear as you are reading this I heard God, say..”…and what would you have done, if I had given you more days? ”

    I already knew the answer… I would have asked for more and continued to do so..

    Thats us.. always wanting more and holding tight the things we acquire.. placing them, sometimes above people.., one of the things I am witnessing now in this season is people placing importance on people, and supporting, and helping and being more aware of the neighbour..
    We may not purposely make idols of the ‘bigger or better or go home’ mantra of our world, but we can buy into it before we know it…
    Mary of Bethany, she absolutely knew the cost of the alabaster jar, she probably could have lived comfortably with the monetary cost, and yet…Abraham, he also knew the cost, not monetary, but the gift of this lonnnnngggg awaited son, yet still.. the little old lady with her last pennies.. still.. they were prepared to give back to God what He had blessed them with.. with open hands, not closed fists..

    This is a good reminder to me to not hold tightly to what God has provided,blessed me with..
    May my praise, worship always be of an alabaster jar all..

    In the words/promise/pledge of Samuel’s mother..Hannah..

    Hannah made a solemn promise: “ Lord Almighty, look at me, your servant! See my trouble and remember me! Don’t forget me! If you give me a son, I promise that I will dedicate him to you for his whole life and that he will never have his hair cut.”
    1 Samuel 1:11 GNT


    Happy Wednesday sisters. Praying God turn his face to shine on you and yours whatever your day looks like..❤