Wedding Day

Open Your Bible

Song of Songs 3:6-11, Psalm 144:1-15, Luke 12:22-31

Text: Song of Songs 3:6-11, Psalm 144:1-15, Luke 12:22-31

These are the unforgettable words my best friend chose to exchange with me, her maid of honor, before walking down the aisle:

“Don’t faint up there…or else.”

While most would have taken these words as a warning regarding the air conditioning-less chapel we’d soon be standing in for the ceremony, I knew we were both bracing each other for something else. The incoming emotional swell that would accompany this banner day was headed straight for us, and we weren’t quite sure where it would land. Maybe on tear-stained cheeks or sweaty palms, or in the excitement of our hurried steps?

Before we could manage to prepare for its arrival, it was my turn to walk down the aisle, followed closely by hers. The swell arrived as a flurry of tissues and gasps overcame the guests, each as bewildered as I was by our luck at witnessing such a glorious event.

Her face was ablaze with joy, but the feeling didn’t culminate until I glanced over at the flame’s source—her groom. His stance remained as steady as the stream of tears that fell from his face. It was the day of his heart’s rejoicing, and his joy caused a swell in our own hearts too.

I brace myself with this same kind of anticipation when we get to Song of Songs 3. Scripture tells us the wedding guests participated in Solomon’s own rejoicing as his attendants rose from the wilderness like clouds of smoke and his mother placed a crown on his head. Beauty and nature linked arms for this lavish celebration of love and promise, every detail covered and each onlooker provided for.

I hope the wedding guests didn’t miss it. I hope they turned their heads to behold the groom’s face, the evidence of his heart’s rejoicing. I hope we don’t miss our Groom’s joy, either. As we observe the details of this elaborate wedding day, we may feel like we’re only onlookers of Solomon and Shulamith’s vows. But we forget, the same vows have been made to us by God.

“Consider how the wildflowers grow: They don’t labor or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these! If that’s how God clothes the grass, which is in the field today and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more will He do for you—you of little faith?”
-Luke 12:27-28

Not even the day of Solomon’s heart’s rejoicing compares to the way our own hearts rejoice— partly now, in knowing Christ, and fully then, in seeing Christ (1 Corinthians 13:12). This passageway called Earth is the aisle we walk to our perfect love, perfect peace, perfect Prince. May we never take our eyes off Him, acknowledging the way His heart rejoices over His bride. Amen.

Happy are the people with such blessings.
Happy are the people whose God is Yahweh.
-Psalm 144:15



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33 thoughts on "Wedding Day"

  1. Rachel says:

    I love love love the visual of my eyes being fastened on Him (and His on me) as I walk down the aisle, even as the world’s gaze is fastened on me. Does the world notice me looking at Him? Or do they see my eyes wandering, not really focused on Him?

    Lately, I’ve had a hard time with making time for the Word, and spending time with Him, and I’ve been disappointed in myself for that. I want to just want to spend that time with Him, to not have to make myself do it. When/how does this change? I often wonder what is wrong with me that that desire just isn’t there. Or, it doesn’t feel like it is. Yet, I keep finding myself wandering back to spending time with Him. Is it because I actually want to, or just because I feel like I should? I don’t want it to be the latter, but I’m afraid it is.

    I pray that as we continue through this study, that God kindles a desire in me for Him, for spending close time in communion with Him, that it becomes less of a chore (because I hate feeling like that – both on the giving and receiving end of that), and more of a joy.

    1. Sue D. says:

      Amen to that!

    2. Sadie says:

      “Does the world notice me looking at him? Or do they see my eyes wandering, not really focused on him?”

      WOW. So powerful, sister.

  2. Katalina says:

    This was so special to me because I literally cannot wait for the day I’ll be walking down the aisle to my prince… but even more, the minute I do, i don’t know how much I’ll be holding it together because of how grateful I’m going to be that God has delivered on His promise. This has been a dream since kindergarten (not kidding). And then to know that He looks at me the same way my groom will on my wedding day? God will always be my First love from the very beginning. The amount of love He has for me and for all of you is honestly so overwhelming and so fulfilling <3 I'm so happy to have the relationship I have with Him. I trust Him with everything I have which is why I just can't worry. He's always there and I know He hears me. Don't be afraid to talk to Him, He's always listening.

  3. Daniella Moore says:

    I am in tears. That last paragraph hit me like a wave. We just don’t think like this. I believe we all have witnessed a wedding ceremony, and like you, I am so moved by the groom. We are moved because the joy in his heart is illuminated in his face. To think that this is only a fraction of the way that God is looking at us as we journey through the aisle towards him just breaks my heart. Beautiful, honestly.

  4. Fancy says:

    Wow Kaitlin, that visual just blew me away. So so beautiful!!

  5. Sue D. says:

    I love the visual of this earth is the aisle we walk on toward Jesus, toward our eternal groom. When the bride walks down the aisle all eyes are on her as her eyes are on her groom. Am I walking this passage way in a way that brings glory to God? When the thought of people watching me and how I live my life is humbling and makes me realize I better watch how I am living my life. Am I keeping my eyes on the groom and pointing others to Him?

    1. Bethany says:

      Absolutely!!! Great thoughts to ponder.

    2. Nads says:

      Amen! Beautiful story. Powerful call to how I must live my life.

    3. Katie D. says:

      That’s my mom ^^^ <3

    4. Michelle Critcher says:

      really great analogy! I love where you took it

  6. Churchmouse says:

    It has been 38 years since I walked down the aisle toward my beloved. And it has been 38 years since I walked down the aisle toward my Beloved. Two commitments made, one earthly, one heavenly. The walk back down that aisle out into my life journey has been the happiest and the most challenging. This world and those commitments on my end are sometimes Oh so very hard. Yes Kaitlin, your words are wise. Thank you for them. On this journey, it’s wise to never take our eyes off Him. Three cords are not easily broken. Me. My beloved. Jesus, my Beloved. Three cords twisted tight. We walk together.

    1. Nads says:

      Churchmouse, please pray for me. I feel like a few of the chords are starting to frey in my own life… or perhaps simply loosening the braid and connection to the Beloved.

      For my part, I need to refocus on Christ but have been (if I’m honest) lazy to take the practical steps to make it happen.

      God bless.

  7. Ellen says:

    I, too, am enjoying my daily commitment of spending time in Scripture using the SRT resources. I found the hospitality study eye-opening, challenging and encouraging , and it came at the right moment in time. I am also so inspired by each of you in this community of believers. Thank you! You are in my prayers!

  8. Trees says:

    I am really enjoying this study, as I did the one on hospitality. I’m getting back in the habit of daily bible study and feeling better for it. So grateful for this resource and the community that surrounds it.

    1. Trees says:

      Enjoying it so much I posted twice ;-)