We Prepared to Rebuild the Walls

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 2:11-20, Isaiah 62:8-12, Ephesians 2:19-22, James 2:14-26

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 2:11-20, Isaiah 62:8-12, Ephesians 2:19-22, James 2:14-26

Ask any of my friends and they will tell you this: I am terrible at the game of Jenga. It’s the one with wooden blocks stacked tall and intricately as a puzzle of sorts, criss-crossed in a stack that begs to remain unbroken. And yet, that is exactly the point of the game: taking turns slowly choosing just the right block to strategically remove, all while keeping the tower standing and intact. The first few rounds include some easy takeaways, but as the blocks continue to be removed the chances of the tower tumbling increase. And trust me, you do not want to be the one choosing the wrong block, causing the tumble, and ending the game.

Many days, it feels as if tragedy is looming and pain is just around the corner. Afraid, we don’t want to be the one to make our joys tumble into sadness, or witness our hopes disintegrating into ruin. No one wants to fall.

Jerusalem’s wall fell. Torn down and destroyed by fire, the walls and gates surrounding Nehemiah’s beloved city whispered a disgraceful story of shame and abandonment. Like standing beside a spilled tower of blocks, Jerusalem was filled with nothing but past memories and lost hopes. That is, until Nehemiah showed up with plans only God could have laid on His heart:

“You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned. Come, let’s rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace” (Nehemiah 2:17).

While we fear destruction and are anticipating all the ways we could mess things up, God has already planned restoration. Where we stand in ruin, He sees new creation.

Unfortunately, I have a hard time remembering this truth when I’m in the midst of painful circumstances. And every time I choose the wrong Jenga block, so to speak, I vow to never play again, wondering what I could have done differently to avoid pain. The thought that doesn’t cross my mind so easily is this: rebuild. I don’t see the point in stacking the blocks up again, only to fall once more.

But rebuilding is not an afterthought to God. Restoration and redemption are His priority. By God’s mercy, He allows our eyes to see glimpses of the restoration plan and invites our hands and hearts into the work. Nehemiah trusted in the good work God was doing through him, even when he could not yet envision the final product. He knew the God of the heavens would grant them success (v.20).

A new wall for Jerusalem meant much more than one more round of Jenga. The rebuilt walls protected a temple, creating a safe and sacred space for worship. In the same way, our God is always building us up to know and adore Him more. This is true restoration. Thanks be to Him.


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107 thoughts on "We Prepared to Rebuild the Walls"

  1. Katie Brown says:

    I love when God shows us a glimpse of his Glory and our future glory with him!

  2. Leslie B. says:

    I love the key scripture today and also echo what someone said about how Nehemiah continues to say “my God”
    I am struggling today feeling like my walls are
    Slowly crumbling around me and no one even notices or cares. I know “my” God loves me but we have had so much over the past 9 years mainly financially but it keeps us distracted and I feel even my marriage is being hurt, we work all the time very hard at our new business we seem to have very little if any left for ourselves or our family. Just asking for prayer today and that “my” God will hear my cries and send the encouragement we need. I won’t give up or let the enemy win . We just need some kind of reprieve.

    1. Jasmine says:

      Praying for you guys!! God is with you, always.

    2. Holly says:

      Praying for you and your family. God is amazing and so loving and is always with us.

    3. Lacey Hundley says:

      Yesterday’s reading I feel like really talks to your struggle…how even in your disappointment, you have to “keep truckin” at work, in the home, etc. BUT GOD still sees each disappointment and struggle. He always provides blessings but it is our job to look for them. Nehemiah has the king ask him his desires and that was a blessing. I pray right now that God provides for your needs and that He will reveal those provisions to you, that your human heart and mind will find reassurance when you are discouraged. :)

    4. Kim Spring says:

      Praying for you all! Yes I get it. We have been rebuilding since 09. Seems we take one step forward and 2 back but I know He’s faithful and trustworthy. He’s fighting for you!

  3. Tamara B says:

    I love that Nehemiah is written with mentioning of “my God” vs 18: And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me.
    It makes Me feel the presence of God even more!

  4. Shelby Lynn says:

    While we stand in ruin, HE sees new creation—Lord let me see this earthly life through your eyes where I see rebuild vs destruction. For that’s was the devil wants us ya to fixate on turmoil, defeat, despair; I AM STRONGER THAN THAT! You created me and therefore I should be a stronger daughter of such a miraculous Father! Lord thank you for this message today and for the women/men helping to get your Word out to every corner of this world. Help me to facilitate that need of spreading your Word as well.

  5. Carol Burnum says:

    After a horrible year in 2017 with clinical depression and anxiety, I am back to my carefree self. I rebuilt walls in my life through a long period of getting off benzodiazepines. Nothing happened over night, it was a day by day process. I’m so thankful I’m better now with the help of my psychiatrist and God’s hand on me. I thank Him for the antidepressants I take that pulled me out of a dark deep pit. I’m rebuilding walls now in 2018 and I am so thankful!!

    1. cindyjof8 says:

      Psalm 40 comes to mind. . Praising the Lord with you sister!

    2. Katie Riegel says:

      I went through a really rough patch like that about 5 years ago. I thought I would never recover. But God is great! I’m thankful you are seeing healing in your life too!

  6. Lindsey Froemming says:

    This is a reminder that we serve the God in heaven and not man on earth, He will bless our work that is for him even if others question or don’t believe in us!

  7. Carley Guillorn says:

    The idea that while we fear destruction, god is already rebuilding and restoring is so overwhelming and something I wish I would remember more often.

  8. Naomi Dibdin says:

    Wow, this is a time my husband I are in, trying to cling to the promise of restoration and rebuilding. That God is in our future.

    1. Mary Foster says:

      Naomi——33years ago my husband and I were in that place too. Staring down divorce due to the brokenness that came because of sin and in particular the sin of infidelity. And here’s the word the Lord continued to speak in my heart…..BUT GOD! We chose to battle through all the pain and rebuild our foundations (because we had made a mess out of them even as believers because we were so busy building our own way….and not allowing God to give us the plan). We really did have to start from scratch, BUT GOD helped us build well this time. For His glory, and our good. And we celebrate 40Years walking together with each other following hard after Jesus. He ABSOLUTELY is faithful and if He can and did do that for us, He will for you too. Pain is a part of tearing out the bad parts…but hang in there. He WILL build a palace out of your marriage yet!

      1. Emily Baudoux says:

        Beautifully said

    2. Emily Baudoux says:

      This was my husband and I two or so years ago and girl, He can restore and rebuild. I know it can be so hard to see it but you can tell Satan to back off and eventually come out of this stronger than ever. We found community and that really helped too. We also watched and read Paul Tripps book and seminar, “What did you Expect”. Keep that head and heart focused on God and His truth!