Walking Worthy of God

Open Your Bible

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Luke 6:43-45, Hebrews 4:12

I’ve been a wannabe long-distance runner for the last decade or so—“wannabe” being the key word there. A few years ago, I decided to run a marathon: 26.2 miles. I loved it so much, but my knees did not. This conundrum led me to a physical therapist who watched me jog back and forth a few times in her office. She looked at me and said, “Your knees don’t point the right way.” 

I looked down, and she was right! My kneecaps don’t point straight ahead. In fact, they point pretty far inward. If a laser beam were to be shot out from each of my knees, the beams would cross almost immediately, which is not ideal for long-distance running. When my gait was off, it threatened the integrity of my entire stride. It placed more strain on certain muscles, causing them to stretch in ways they were never intended to stretch. So, I bought new shoes with better orthotics, and I began the slow retraining process of running with my knees facing out.

When Paul talks in 1 Thessalonians 2 about “walk worthy of God,” he is diagnosing the church in Thessalonica. If the mechanics of their walk were off, their witness would be too. And so, like a good coach, he jumped in to show them the right way to walk. He tells them, “Like a father with his own children, we encouraged, comforted, and implored each of you to walk worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory” (vv.11–12). 

Paul gives the Thessalonians a template for walking worthy of God by reminding them of how he lived among them. He spoke “the gospel of God to them in spite of great opposition,” without “greedy,” self-seeking motives or “flattering,” empty words (vv.2,5). Paul did not seek his own glory, but walked with gentleness, looking after them like a nursing mother “nurtures her own children” (v.7). 

Paul shared his whole life with the Thessalonians—not glimpses of his piety made to make him the hero. While with the Thessalonians, he conducted himself “devoutly, righteously, and blamelessly” (v.10). These words, in particular, strike me: “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us” (v.8).

Paul describes the joy of his missionary journey to Thessalonica not only in sharing the gospel, but in sharing life with his dear friends. He talks as much about his actions, demeanor, and motivations as he does his words. And perhaps that’s the goal to walk away with. Not walking “perfectly,” but walking together. Walking in the same direction, toward Jesus, with gentleness, humility, and community. We cannot walk worthy if we are always alone, but we can walk alongside those who lovingly correct our steps, reminding us of the finish line, and sharing in our burdens—not for their own glory, but for Christ’s.

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70 thoughts on "Walking Worthy of God"

  1. Maiya K says:

    Not walking perfectly, but walking together. That right there.

  2. Tina says:

    My sister is a model. So once, when I was younger, and visiting her in Italy, I went on an assignment with her.. I learnt a few things about modelling..
    For instance, the walk.. the catwalk.., its definitely not a walk in a straight line..far from it, there is a sway and a swagger, you almost have to trip yourself up crossing the left leg over the right and vise versa.. oh yes but there is an art to the walk..of the cat, who I might add, has four legs to rely on for that majestic and delicate walk!

    Seriously though, I am reminded of some words from a Bishop friend who said..
    “If you want to go somewhere in a hurry or a rush, go alone, but if you are taking it at a regular pace go with a friend..”

    Life is meant to be done with others, that is why we are given family, biological or otherwise..
    Life is meant to be shared, and shared well, by listening, encouraging, loving, with the Fruit of the Spirit as our guide and help.

    I love journeying with you, ladies.. sharing our lives and hopes and our love of Jesus and God’s Word. I have learnt to ‘Walk worthy of God’ as I steep my life in His word each day with you. As I walk, not as the ‘cat’ or that fashionable walk, but close to Him who gives me purpose to walk in His love and grace.

    But God..


    Blessings wrapped in awe filled gratitude for you all and love.❤

    I did an update on my niece and ollie last night..
    Both got through surgery and the surgeons were pleased. Today, I got word that Ollie is doing WELL, and that he is even producing creatinine( which is super important) and peeing loads..
    Early days but today is a good day.
    Thank you ladies for your support and prayers, but all praise goes to the God who heard our prayers and was present.

    Please continue to pray for Ollie as his journey is a long one!

    Blessings wrapped in love ❤

  3. Katherine Bandy says:

    Thank you for sharing this. This is exactly where I’m at as well. It’s not very easy finding a community where you feel welcomed and fit in with the crowd or can get on those deep personal levels in a community group. It has definitely been rough especially now that I don’t have an excuse not to find one. Feeling the conviction after reading your comments and it is nice to hear that I’m not alone in experiencing this struggle.

  4. free indeed says:

    Ladies, I need your prayers today. My relationship is in a bad place. My boyfriend’s mental health is suffering, and he is resistant to getting help. He has turned to alcohol. He isn’t keeping up with his responsibilities and sleeps most of the day and stays up all night. I am terrified for him and for us. I have so much resentment in my heart. I need to learn how to lovingly correct. I look back and see the ways I have used shame to try to motivate him. What a cruel thing!! Jesus took our shame, it has no place being used as a weapon against someone I truly love. I have repented and I truly want to move forward with a new heart and attitude. I pray the Lord gives me wisdom about my relationship. That He softens both of our hearts to each other. That He show us both the next steps that follow His will for our lives. Ladies, please lift this situation up. I know there are more important things going on in the world, but this is my whole world and it feels like it’s crumbling right now. I know the Lord hears our prayers. I know that if it is important to me, it is important to Him!! Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!!

  5. Dorothy says:

    In today’s devotion Melanie writes about Christian community and how it is much needed. I so agree. Right now you my sisters in Christ are my main Christian community and I know how I have often been able to turn to you. But through out my years my Christian community has been there. When my son died I had two different Christian communities I was involved in and they were there for me.
    Lord I thank you for these wonderful women that make up these Christian community. Thank you for letting me a part of them and directing me to them. Allow me to continue to be a part and not stray from them but especially not from You. Lord keep us all safe from the evil. Amen.
    Sisters have a blessed day.

  6. Erin _ says:

    I’m praying for that community in my own life. I have close friends who are believers but I miss having a church that feels like home to grow in and grow my kids in. Side effects of Covid: becoming content with watching church online, never truly plugging in, and being discontent with the churches in my area because they “don’t match up.” Not looking for the perfect church, just a genuine community of diverse believers who love others more than they love rules and know it’s ok to fail sometimes. Lead me there, Lord!

  7. Jill Lee says:

    I’m so thankful for the believers in my life who have shared themselves with me as they shared the gospel. Lord, help me to follow their example with generosity and integrity. Amen!

  8. Jessica Henning says:

    I have had trouble finding the devos and community boards until today! Wow, I’m so glad to be here and be among all of you wonderful and amazing women who are walking worthy of God! Thank you for sharing your hearts. I am excited to be part of a new community and to see God at work!