Walking in the Light

Open Your Bible

John 12:23-36, Proverbs 4:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:5, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 1 John 1:5-10, 1 John 2:8-11

Section 2: People of the Light

Most of us rarely find ourselves navigating in total darkness. There are always the small lights to guide us where we need to go, even if it’s just the tiny flashlight on our phones, and when we do find ourselves dodging furniture on a midnight trip to the refrigerator, the familiarity we’ve walked in the daytime helps us make our way without getting lost. Even in the darkest winter nights, we don’t need someone to drag us around and shout directions. We have become so familiar with the terrain that we can safely navigate without fear.

This feels true in our everyday lives too. In today’s reading, we see Jesus teaching something a little different than how we often think of the Christian life—keep these rules, do these steps, check these boxes. Most of the time, following Him is less like taking orders and more like making our way with Jesus in the dark.

From the start of His ministry, Jesus made it clear that His role wasn’t what the Jewish people expected. He didn’t come as a conquering king to overthrow Rome. Instead, He spoke of being lifted up—the literal type of death He would die—in order to draw all people to Himself and to God. For so long, His followers assumed that the Messiah would come and reign among them, but when they press Him on the issue, He answers, “The light will be with you only a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn’t overtake you…become children of light” (John 12:35–36).

Instead of a conquering king, He points them to light. And light shows us reality—every clear path, every obstacle. Light, sometimes, is just enough to see by, like the beam of a flashlight cutting through the winter gloom.

When Jesus invites us to become children of light, He invites us to sacrificial love and humility. It means loving our brothers and sisters, because God is love and God is light and “the true light is already shining” (1John 2:8). It means seeking deep familiarity with the reality we’ve been shown, and living as “a people for his possession, so that [we] may proclaim the praises of the one who called [us] out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1Peter 2:9).

And when we walk as Jesus walked, we can re-enter the darkness without fear. Even there, the light still shines.

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69 thoughts on "Walking in the Light"

  1. Catherine Woodberry says:

    Love this. Thank you. ❤️

  2. Traci Gendron says:

    I’ve always felt that I needed to have this big calling. A direction. Like “taking orders”. I have realized it is in the small moments that my love for God shines. Today at the hair salon I was able to share my faith in dealing with Tanner’s death. One woman cried. I never thought about how those moments speak volumes about God. I’m going to trust that those small moments are made big by God not myself.

  3. Jenna Taylor says:

    John 12:35-36 was just what I needed

  4. Kathie Varney says:

    Praying Lexi

  5. Amy says:

    Love the quote “Most of the time following Him is less like taking orders, and more like making our way with Jesus in the dark.” How many times do we ask for the big flashing sign to tell us exactly what to do when really, we should be seeking the comfort of holding His hand as he leads us through the dark.

  6. Dorothy says:

    Oh WOW!! I’ve heard the first part of the reading in John, through verse 27 but I don’t remember hearing the rest of the Scriptures we read from John today. I highlighted almost all of it starting with the second half of verse 27 through 36. Verses 35 and 36 really stuck out to me, especially since we are studying Jesus and His Light.

    Jen’s devotion is very powerful. Wrote down many parts of it. Her last two sentences really resonated with me, “And when we walk as Jesus walked, we can re-enter the darkness without fear. Even there, the light still shines.” I want to “re-enter the darkness without fear” everyday of my life.

    Sisters, be blessed and remember you the Light will help you “re-enter the darkness without fear”.

  7. PamC says:

    Good Morning She’s. Kelly, we finally heard from Fran and her surgery went well. I can’t wait until we can spring her from that care facility. It’s been 3 years!!! Thank you for your faithful prayers.
    I have a request for prayers for my sister. She posted a bit on Facebook yesterday about her “dark side”. I gave it the little crying emoji. She wanted to know why. 1st of all, that she would post in pride about a “dark side”, 2nd the the name was something like devil in disguise….gives me the heebeejeebees…our verses today from 1John 2:8-11 were perfect so I put 1 John 2:6 on there & then said I hated the name. She would claim to be saved, But….please pray. And pray there’s no huge fight & drama because she does that really well & even though this was done in love, she could see it as an attack & criticism.
    Thanks to you all. Hugs & love

  8. Karen Foster says:
