Walking in God’s Presence

Open Your Bible

Matthew 4:18-25, Luke 8:1-3, Luke 10:38-42, Mark 8:34-38, John 15:1-8, Galatians 5:16-26

A few years ago, I started taking long walks at a local park. Because it was springtime, the surrounding fields were vibrant and the aroma of honeysuckle lingered in the air. These walks became my evening pilgrimage. No matter how restless my heart and body became during the day, this steady, put-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other rhythm of movement restored me to balance by the end of each mile. Disharmony and agitation were exchanged for peace and surrender.

During a lonely three months, Jesus kept me company on these walks. I’ve always felt closest to God in nature, and there’s something about the art of walking that draws me in even closer. Maybe it’s the sights along the way or the forward movement itself that feels like taking action. Whatever the reasons, I feel invited into something—into new ways of seeing and being that are unlike what I experience sitting under a cozy blanket or at a cherry-red stoplight.

Walking with God isn’t limited to the act of walking, though. After all, what about those who don’t have that physical capacity? Walking with God is about accepting the invitation to keep company with Him. As we intentionally keep company with our Savior, we become more aware of His presence and learn to move to the rhythms of His love.

When Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee, He called out for Peter and Andrew to follow, and the disciples “immediately they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:20). Jesus also called out to John and his brother, James, the son of Zebedee (v.21). He then drew crowds from the regions of Galilee, Jerusalem, the Decapolis, Judea, and the Jordan (v.25). You might call Him a collector of people because of how His presence compelled others to follow Him. Of course, this wasn’t a lust for attention; it was because there was something about Jesus’s company that transformed people. This was an invitation into companionship with Jesus. It was an invitation into new ways of seeing and being. It required action—and not just from their feet—also from their hearts.

It’s easy to grow distant and inattentive to Jesus’s presence. But because the Holy Spirit inhabits us, we know that God never leaves us. We can’t escape Him, but we can walk toward things that draw us away. This is why Jesus said, “Remain in me, and I in you” (John 15:4). Walking with awareness of God brings us intimacy and abundant life that just isn’t possible apart from a relationship with Him.

There will always be activities and anxieties that feel urgent. I hope we learn the slow, steady practice of walking with our God every hour of the day because it’s here that we grow in our relationship with Him and learn the rhythms of His love. Whatever our hands find to do, I hope we carry a willingness to drop our nets when He calls and to keep company with Jesus.

(41) Comments

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41 thoughts on "Walking in God’s Presence"

  1. Taylor G says:

    In this world, it can be hard being a Christian. There are temptations everywhere and many people around us persecute us for being followers of Christ. But today’s readings remind us to take up our cross and follow Him regardless. We are reminded that without Christ we will wither away and be tossed into the fire. It is only through Him that we can prosper. If we fall victim to sinful desires and walk away from the Lord, we will not inherit His kingdom. So, although it may be difficult being a follower and obeying God’s commands, I find comfort and peace knowing that by walking with Jesus in my heart and by following His will, I am working toward gaining the greatest gift of all-eternal life in Heaven with our Father. Much love to all of you. Happy Wednesday ❤️

  2. Cheryl Blow says:

    It’s easy for me to be a busy little “Martha.” But spending time at Jesus’ feet restores me and refreshes me. I need to remember the vibe, apart from Him I can do nothing! Time spent with the Lord is time well spent!

    Praying for everyone!

  3. Donna Wolcott says:

    For those who don’t get the books, there was an extra today. It was titled, Psalms, Worship and the Presence of God.
    First – Seek, Psalm 63:1-5
    Second – Rest, Psalm 91:1-4, 9-10
    Third – Lament, Psalm 88:13-18
    Fourth – Celebrate, Psalm 95:1-7

  4. Julia Kiefer says:

    She’s thank you.
    Thank you for praying for each other and build a community online.
    God’s love is seen by people who have never seen each other in person.
    I confess i often sit on the sidelines and just listen or scroll past the comment section completely.
    This next two weeks will be a good time but a hard time. I resigned from my job and gave my two weeks because i could no longer support the abusive workplace. I will still be working there for two more weeks without the protection that my boss is trying to keep me. I am nervous but confident in God.

  5. Allison Bentley says:

    Struggling this morning with what the flesh desires! Trying to convince myself the Spirit isn’t screaming at me to turn around!!!! Prayers today for clarity and discipline! Happy Wednesday She’s! ☮️❤️ to you all

  6. Justina Robinson says:


  7. Claire B says:


  8. Mari V says:

    I can relate to walking and talking to God! I love this time of year. Actually it starts at the beginning of Spring when all the trees start to blossom and I ENJOY the beauty our Father God has created for our eyes to to enjoy! Its during these walks (and sometimes runs) that is MINE and JESUS time! I talk. I cry. I sing. I praise. Sometimes vent my frustrations. LOVE it! On Saturdays, I walk with my sweet friend and we do the same, talk, cry, praise, pray for others, VENT. On one of our recent walks, as we headed UP the walking overpass, we could hear someone screaming and crying. AS we came down the overpass we saw a young sitting against the wall of some apartments and the look on her face with frustration as she cried and yelled to whomever she was talking to. RIGHT away my sweet friend and I started to pray for her! All this to say is I think of this young lady and hope she’s OK. I can remember being in such a place of the UNKNOWN and turning to JESUS! MY JESUS who gave me comfort. I forever will be GRATEFUL to my Jesus and all those who came along side me to support me.