do it all unto the Lord

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 10:23-33

Text: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

Maybe this goes without saying – and maybe it’s been said in a few ways in this study already – but fasting is for one thing: God’s glory.

It is for our drawing near to Him, yes.
It is for mourning our sin, yes.
It is for interceding and returning and repenting, all those things.
But all those things are for His glory.

We can fast from food while feasting on our own pride.
We can withhold indulgences while noting them as accomplishments.
It may not be easy to fast, but it is quite easy to make our fasting about us.

We don’t set out for it to be this way, but we are sinners and so it is. Even our most selfless deeds – our efforts to deny ourselves and take up our cross – require His grace.

In the book of 1 Corinthians, Paul spends several verses explaining to the Church that what they eat is not as important as why they eat it. The qualifications of the menu are not as important as the company sitting around the table. “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,” Paul says, “do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Keep in mind the bigger picture, he says (my paraphrase). There is more at work here than a set of rules. The Lord is building a Kingdom!

Today, Sisters, whatever we eat or drink, whatever we don’t eat or don’t drink – whatever we do – let’s do it all for the glory of our God. Because our fasting and feasting, our prayer and confession, our meditation and our study – it is about so much more than us. It is about His kingdom. It is about Him.

(35) Comments

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35 thoughts on "do it all unto the Lord"

  1. Robin says:

    Amazing words!
    My mother introduced me to your website. I recently got upset at my devotional I’ve had for years and I felt like it was leading me away from God. Today, after serving, I got back home and found this website again in the App Store. God was showing me that I need to fast (physically and spiritually). I’m not overindulging in food as I used to. I’m clinging to the cross and I’m “eating the scroll” haha!
    Thank you! May God truly bless you forever and keep you :) Amen!

  2. michele says:

    To be stripped bare of all we thought of who we really are To be able to face the truth nothing else matters. We died with Christ we rose with Christ we are sitted at the right hand of the father our thoughts of this image of being this perfect person after we become closer with god and truly know who we are through repentance and change out self doesn’t matter! The awesome thing I came to realize is that everything we thought that is the key the word .[what I thought] iits what My Awesome Savior Jesus Did! through my trials we come face to face with our self we try to be good mommy a good friends trustworthy good wife that gives us security self confidence we all want to have some sort of recognition for the self jJeuss said deny thyself I’m learning to really grasp that that’s awesome to know what God thinks of us is far better than what we or anyone else thinks We are to have the mind of Christ Renew our minds daily and to meditate on His Word that is a challenge daily with the way the worlds system is. I love Truth it’ really is freedom!

  3. Amanda says:

    I just keep singing "The Heart of Worship" as I read this. It's one of my favorites, but it's a reminder…"It's all about you Jesus"
    This passage was a little confusing when taken out of context, but I appreciate your post! It was what I needed to hear today :) Remember WHY and WHO this is all for! And to remind us it's in our sinning nature to turn things around to be about us, and raise some awareness in our own hearts.

  4. dearlyl0ved says:

    So verse 25 confused me.
    Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience.
    I asked my fiancé, a pastor. He said that one of the issues Christians faced was whether or not it was okay to eat meat that had previously offered to idols. The Christians would walk around the market asking if the meat had been offered to an idol first. What Paul is saying is that kind of makes Christians look a little too judgmental of non-Christians. His advice was to just buy the meat and don't worry yourself with that because it isn't your job to condem them and God knows your heart.
    I think that is true for us in this season. We do to worry ourselves about others observing the season, but we should be concerned with our own heart attitudes. :)

  5. AnnaLee says:

    Someone said this earlier, but fasting is less about self-persecution and more about learning. I had no idea, when I started lent, that God was going to use many, many things to completely crush me…
    Please pray for me today. I need to stop trying to heal myself of pain. I need to stop saving myself. He'll lift the pain He's given me in His time.
    Pray I'd let myself be feeble. That I'd wait upon the Lord.

    1. DianeM says:


      Prayers are being sent your way! I know personally what healing oneself is like. Earlier this year there was a. plan here on SRT that talked about being quiet and still; listening for His word; quiet and listen. My prayer is on its way!

      In Christ's Love

      1. AnnaLee says:

        Thank you Diane. Bless you!

  6. hazelmaddie says:

    I haven’t written in a while, but I’ve been active in this study. I’m participating in Lent this year for the first time in a few years. The encouragement and guidance has been amazing. I didn’t receive that the other time I participated! I received scorn and closed hearts from other believers.

    I am really seeing now how prideful I can be. I’m really trying to get a heart focused on God, but the pride is there still. That’s going to be my focus to day. Not to us but to his name be the glory.

  7. Valisa says:

    Off topic but the “typo” of the reference led me to some verses I needed to see today :)