Imagine with me that it’s a bright sunny day and you’re meandering through an amusement park. Your phone is tucked away inside your back pocket, and you’ve got your sunglasses on, casting a dim shade over the kaleidoscope of activity. As you walk, taking in the sights and sounds (and that irresistible smell of freshly popped kettle corn), what do you see?
You might see a scene filled with strangers walking their dogs, toddlers squirming in their parent’s arms, or a young couple kissing under a tree with iced coffees in hand. Crowds bustle with restless movement as they wait in line for the carousel or a roller coaster. You watch people of every age, race, and life station, and eventually, voices coalesce into an ambient blur of sounds.
Perhaps you find yourself contemplating how little you share in common with these people (other than a thirst for fun, of course!). Maybe at first glance that’s true. You may have entirely different educational, cultural, socioeconomic, and spiritual backgrounds. You may have vastly different tastes in music and politics.
Yet according to the book of Ephesians, each one of us shares in common the most important thing of all: Jesus. We are all made one in Christ. “But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ,” says Paul (Ephesians 2:13). In giving His life, Christ opened the door for all to experience this new life in Him. An abundant, eternal, unifying, Spirit-driven life. How mind-blowing it is that the God of heaven and earth has drawn near! This is one of those realities that, no matter how often we hear it preached or sing about it on Sundays, is still hard to fathom. Fortunately, we can also find common ground with each other as we wrestle with this reality together.
Unity is not only our divine inheritance, but it’s our goal now as fellow believers. Once we receive this gift of mercy and grace through Christ’s sacrifice, we are invited to extend that same mercy and grace to others. We can pursue true unity together even if we disagree on almost everything else. Just like the Jews and Gentiles, or the people we pass at amusement parks, we are no longer simply strangers or foreigners anymore. We’re part of a family now. Christ’s blood has brought us near, and everyone has equal access to this good news (vv.18–19). God makes no distinction between age, race, or life station. Instead, He cleanses our hearts by faith (Acts 15:9).
Okay, now go ahead and buy that kettle corn you’ve been eyeing and enjoy the rest of your day at the park!
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74 thoughts on "Unity in Christ"
Amen to this!
Amen, Tina! I am so thankful for SRT and the amazing SHEs who have lifted me and my family to the Lord time and again. I have felt every prayer since my husband died and it has meant everything to me! When I wonder “what happened to all the willing helpers who were there at the time of his death” I come here and see my sisters lifting me up – still! It is truly extraordinary! Thank you all and I humbly ask that you continue praying! This is so hard!
This one was so good!!
Happy Friday shes. It’s getting cooler already up north and i needed a sweater today. Our kids will start first day of elementary school on Tuesday. There has been tremendous overload for the school with hundreds of extra new students. My little Emma is entering grade 1 and she was placed in a new class with a male teacher. I am asking the principal that she be transferred to another grade 1 class with a wonderful and strong female teacher we had with our son before. The school is overloaded, I am worried and concerned they may not approve. Would you please pray with me that the (new) school principal will see my email and approve my request for this arrangement? I really admire the sacrifice of teachers, which many of you beloved shes are to care and pour love onto young children. Thank you shes. Lifting you up in prayers. @RHONDA J: praying that you heart be light and filled with joy, any back pain be gone. @SEARCHING: praying you sleep well and recovery (with no pain) is progressing. Happy Labour day long weekend. Be blessed dear sisters.
Hi ladies. Just catching up after starting back to work teaching this week. Laura I wanted to add a “ditto” to your comment yesterday about understanding grace has been a process for you. I am still in that process. It’s not that I don’t know I have sinned, I do! It’s not that I don’t feel bad that I have sinned. I do! It’s more like I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that Jesus died to set me free. Like I know it in my head, but it hasn’t dropped to my heart. The other thought I had was that I haven’t really sat and really given time to think about it. It’s read, pray, listen to worship, but not really just sitting and pondering and letting the HS speak to me.
A couple years ago I got to see Elevation Worship in person. There was about 12,000 people there, all worshiping the same God. During the worship, I just stopped singing and looked around at all the people. In my mind I was thinking “These are all my brothers and sisters in Christ, we will all be in heaven together, what a beautiful sight and sound.” Unity doesn’t mean all thinking the same thing at the same time, it means being part of the whole. Like our physical bodies have different parts, we have different parts but we are all included in the body. How beautiful to see the diversification and yet inclusion. Look at nature, with all the different species and variations, yet all part of God’s collective creativity. The United States is One, and yet there are 50 states, all with different cultures, resources, climates. Look at all the different races, people groups. Different but all part of God’s people. Lets not make “unity” something that it isn’t. How boring if we were all cookie cutters of one template.
Hi Kris. I recently went to an Elevation Worship night and wow!! Just like you said! So many different people yet all there for the same reason! Jesus!
Unity- it’s one of those concepts that seems so simple, yet, we still argue and disagree. Which discernment and standing firm on the WORD IS necessary to avoid and debunk false gospel, But..otherwise we are to be ONE in Jesus Christ! It is so important to remember and know that He chose us, He brings Him, it’s not by works or anything WE can do, but accepting Jesus by faith into our heart sincerely! And then…we must hunger for a relationship with him, to WANT to grow in him. If we aren’t growing in him, we are inadvertently slipping away from him Don’t let that happen dear sisters! He is our everything, he is worthy of our praise and obedience and trust!
Praying for your needs and celebrating your praises along with you sisters – TRUE sisters! Love you all no matter what continent you live on! ❤ Have a great weekend – holiday for us in the USA!
This song also immediately came to mind this morning!
He Reigns by Newsboys
It’s the song of the redeemed
Rising from the African plain
It’s the song of the forgiven
Drowning out the Amazon rain
The song of Asian believers
Filled with God’s holy fire
It’s every tribe, every tongue, every nation
A love song born of a grateful choir
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
Let it rise above the four winds
Caught up in the heavenly sound
Let praises echo from the towers of cathedrals
To the faithful gathered underground
Of all the songs sung from the dawn of creation
Some were meant to persist
Of all the bells rung from a thousand steeples
None rings truer than this
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
(He reigns)
It’s all God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
(He reigns)
And all the powers of darkness
Tremble at what they’ve just heard
‘Cause all their powers of darkness
Can’t drown out a single word
When all God’s children sing out
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
(He reigns)
All God’s children sing out
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns”
(He reigns)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns, he reigns” (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
All God’s children singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns” He reigns
All God’s people singin’
“Glory, glory, hallelujah”
“He reigns”
Songwriters: Steven V. Taylor, Peter Furler.
“Unity is not only our divine inheritance, but it’s our goal now as fellow believers.”
I hadn’t read the Baily’s devotional before I commented so just wanted to add how wonderful it is to be a part of this community that is so diverse in every way, yet – we all share one common thing – Jesus Christ. It is by His blood that we can be united with one another. Praise God. Thank you Jesus.
Love you all! ❤️
BAILEY – I saw some blips about the Minnesota State Fair on the weather last night. That gave my brain a boost at imagining the scene you described this morning. Great analogy!
“We’re part of a family now. Christ’s blood has brought us near, and everyone has equal access to this good news (vv.18–19). God makes no distinction between age, race, or life station. Instead, He cleanses our hearts by faith (Acts 15:9).” ~ Bailey
I immediately thought of this song by the Gaithers.
I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God,
I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
For I’m part of the family,
The Family of God.
You will notice we say “brother and sister” ’round here,
It’s because we’re a family and these are so near;
When one has a heartache, we all share the tears,
And rejoice in each victory in this family so dear.
I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God,
I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
For I’m part of the family,
The Family of God.
From the door of an orphanage to the house of the King,
No longer an outcast, a new song I sing;
From rags unto riches, from the weak to the strong,
I’m not worthy to be here, but praise God I belong!
I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God,
I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His Blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
For I’m part of the family,
The Family of God
This song brings back memories too! ❤️
I sit here with tears streaming down my face as I realize that God didn’t have to choose me.
He had Israel, His chosen people. But He didn’t stop there. He extended His love, mercy and grace to the Gentiles – to me, to you. “I will gather still others to them…” (Isaiah 56:8) God made a choice for us to hear the gospel and believe. (Acts 15:&) Peter states it as “some time ago God made a choice…” but it was more than just “some time ago”. In Ephesians 1:4, Paul tells us that God chose us in Him BEFORE the creation of the world! Before He spoke the world into being, before He said, “Let there be light” God chose us!!! And now – we are His inheritance! (Ephesians 1:18) Doesn’t that just blow your mind! It does mine! Wow – thank you God!
Thank you God – merciful, wonderful, God for choosing us even before you spoke anything into existence. Thank you for the incomparable riches of your grace. Thank you for saving us and adopting us as your children. To You be the glory God, to You be the praise.
Thank you all for your continued prayers – the treatments are going well, so far.
Have a blessed & thankful Friday! ❤️
YES! It does wow and floor me! The people HE created going against him and forgetting him…yet he still gives us mercy and grace and wants us!! Mind blowing!
SHARO and RHONDA J – I read this in Vines Expository Bible. I meant to share in my previous comment.
“Barriers fill our world. Bitterness, jealousy, and guilt stand between varying races and cultures. However, the gospel comes as the gospel of peace, tearing down the walls that divide. Imagine—deliverance coming wrapped in peace.
The biggest, most volatile war, of course, rages within the human heart. It is not a battle with other people but with God. Our depravity yields an innate hatred toward Him, His kingdom, and His Christ. The Cross ends the hostility between the sinner and God.
Not that God is hostile toward us. In fact, it is the opposite. His love extends toward us even in our hostility toward Him (Rom. 5:8). God’s rich mercy delivered us from our war, saving us from our sin, and bestowing upon us a restful peace, a peace only a saved person can ever experience (Rom. 5:2; Eph. 3:12; Heb. 10:19, 20). No wonder the apostle exclaims that the peace of God defies human understanding (Phil. 4:7).”
Copyright © 2020 by Jerry Vines.
❤️❤️❤️ But God…He is soooooo good. Thank you for being sisters in Christ. While I’ve never commented before, y’all have sustained me for the past two years!! Tina, you especially speak to my heart more times than you can know. His Word will not return void and just know that the many seeds this community have planted in my heart over the past two years bear much fruit in my life. ❤️❤️
Hello Kristen – nice to “see you”! ❤️
I love these comments!! Join us on our FB page as well—SRT She’s! Glad to see your name here!
I love this picture of how Christ has brought us peace and unified us all by His sacrifice. This makes me want to be more bold in sharing the Love of God!
I love how we are all from different backgrounds and locations but we share the love of Christ. We pray and encourage each other! It is beautiful! So thankful for all of you and praying for all of you!
Amen! ❤️
Yes, Amen Cheryl!! SRT is a true gift!!
Good morning Sisters! I’ve been out with my husband camping and fishing all week. Keeping up with the study but not commenting.
Today while studying I had a song come to mind-
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yeah, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.
Anyone remember that one? It’s an oldie. Haha.
Lord, please help me remember that You were kind enough to allow me to be grafted in, an heir. That You give that opportunity to all, not just me. Help me to show compassion and love to others.
Oh wow! I remember – that sure is an oldie!! Haha
That same song has been filtering through my mind over the last few weeks; it’s one I haven’t heard since childhood. So glad others are singing/humming it.
Oh yeah…that is a good, “oldie!” It took me awhile for my brain to connect with it!!
I like this song because our actions must be ones that speak love from the view point of others, not just our intent.
Thank you Tina, Amen and Praise God for this group of women. I don’t comment much but I do pray for you all. Where he leads I want to follow you Jesus.
Unity is a tricky one; especially now with our polarized ways of thinking. Even boil it down to family. So so hard! And as I’m heading into this holiday weekend, I am praying as we have a lot of our family coming over. Many different personalities and different opinions. Lord, help me to be the example of unity!
Amen. I agree with you. True unity won’t happen until the day the Lord returns, until the new home in heaven. In our current last days, things are getting darker and darker, gross darkness, division is as strong as ever, any minor differences are drawn out and magnified as tactics of division, right in families and church :((
I had to giggle a tad here at the mention of Kettle Corn. My favorite snack! Maybe not the one from the amusement park or Farmers Market (my fav is the one from Trader Joe’s or Boom Chick Pop). I am, as well as the TK staff SO glad its FRIDAY!! OK, back to the study….so lately extending grace and mercy has been a tad-bit challenging mainly towards a couple of TKers. I have to remind myself they are only 4 years-old. AND they spend MOST of their day with us because MOST of them have working parents. Some because they have to and others….well I really don’t know so I’m trying not to judge. BUT I can tell that these little ones NEED mom! They want mom. They cry for mom. So I take a deep-breath and love on them, even when its challenging due to behaviors. I texted my friend Gretchen who is also a school teacher and we recalled that we were both at-home moms during those years which made a huge difference! AND it also required some sacrifice. My kiddos have never been to Disneyland! I sometimes feel sad about that, but recently both my kiddos said, “its-ok-mom” sigh!! I hope and pray that these tk little ones KNOW they are loved and cared for at our school. I am SO blessed that all 4 of us (teachers and paras) are Christians! God is good!
They are so blessed to have you as their teacher! ❤️
What a blessing for you and them!❤️
We were far but have been brought near, sweet sisters. Amen!
And, amen that we will actually be near to one another one day. It amazes me that even though we don’t know one another here, we will know one another in heaven some great and glorious day.
Mind blown emoji
Yes! and Amen! ❤️
Lord .. give me your welcoming heart ever more and more .. grateful for 21 years of marriage grace today with my hubby .. took us 7 years to find each other but then He revealed it fully to us.. Jesus thanks for taking care of our walls!!!
Happy Anniversary, Lisa!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending much love wrapped in celebratory hugs.. Lisa ❤️
Happy 21st Anniversary Lisa!❤️
Happy anniversary, Lisa! That is wonderful. Continued prayers for love, marriage grace and health for the both of you.
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, Lisa!! May God bless you with many more years of marriage grace! ❤ I love that phrase!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! What a story of God’s faithfulness.
One thing that has stood out to me is that the bulk of Paul’s letter is the gospel, over and over. And then I look at myself, and anytime a friend has asked a specific question, specific prayer, I may find a specific Bible verse to share, but very rarely is my number one answer the gospel. I imagine these people coming to Paul asking a very specific question: “should we get circumcised?” and Paul answers with 15 min of the gospel, followed by one sentence on circumcision (that done in the body by the hands of men) followed by another 15 min of the gospel. It makes me laugh and equally ashamed that my answer to life’s problems doesn’t start and end with the gospel, with maybe one line in the center.
That’s a great observation, Lanie. It would be good for us put that in our conversations with others, not in 1970 kind of way, but in words today’s culture long to hear.
Great observation! This should be the pattern that we all follow! ❤️
Wow, Lanie, thanks for sharing that! Great challenge! ❤
Hallelujah and amen
“Unity is not only our divine inheritance, but it’s our goal now as fellow believers. Once we receive this gift of mercy and grace through Christ’s sacrifice, we are invited to extend that same mercy and grace to others. We can pursue true unity together even if we disagree on almost everything else.”
May it be so, Lord. Forgive us for being so easily divided.
AG – celebrating with you that your friend’s niece went home.
MERCY – joining you in prayer for your mom.
HERSH – prayers for your daughter’s perseverance and healing.
Yes, Lord may we see you as the unifier, so we can draw others to you.
Thank you Kelly!
‘Human’ nature, I suppose, calls us to seek out and highlight our differences. Living in the flesh rather than The Spirit.
As pointed out by LAURA and others yesterday, and has come to light in other studies – pride plays an important part, fueling our stubbornness in attempting to do it our way through countless failures rather than trust God who always has our best interests in mind.
Or as RHONDA J mentioned, comparing sins.
Please guide us Lord in looking at others through Your eyes.
HRT today: A German pastor, Daniel Bonhoeffer, wrote the following in As You Believe, So You Receive (1931): “God has arranged it so that all races of humanity of the earth come from one blood (Acts 17:26). Therefore, a defiant ethnic pride in flesh and blood is a sin against the Holy Spirit….Even here the commandment of love urges the Christian to stand up for his neighbor.”
AG – thankful for the improvement in the baby’s health and release from NICU
GWINETH52- Amen, ‘may our hearts ever perceive’
MERCY – praying for your mom
KRIS – I can identify with feeling unseen in different ways. Your comment = gratefulness and thankfulness check on my attitude ❤️
CEE GEE – thank you for hymn yesterday, will look up
ERB – so good to see you, thank you again for your commentaries!
HERSH – oh goodness! Praying for relief and healing for your daughter’s feet, encouragement as she adjusts to college life, and soothing of the homesickness. Feet first, please Lord.
Thank you for your continued prayers, sisters -significant decrease in pain (so thankful!), continuing to pray for full, long term relief. Love y’all! ❤️
Praying for relief from your pain every day, sweet sister! ❤️
Lynne from Alabama, thinking of you and Jack and prayerful over you both to know His peace.. and loving arms in the stillness of your trials.. much love dear sister and a loving hug for Jack..❤️
He cleanses our hearts by faith. Hallelujah
I am overly grateful that God sent His Son to ‘gather yet others to Him besides those already gathered’!! Saved by faith in His grace and mercy alone – Jew and Gentile (or whatever other distinction we seem to need as labels here on earth….) united into one people.
Happy Friday Ladies!
I was happily imagining when my dear friend Jenny came to mind! She was ‘threading’ my top lip! It was painful, I had tears!
I’ll have that candy floss now, for pain relief purposes!!!! Of course!
But seriously, can I just say as we gather here today, I do not know how I would have done life all these years, and there’s been a fair few, without your outstretched arms, hands covered in love and grace and encouragement and comfort and inspiration,and all the while walking together, even with a pond between us, side by side for His Glory and the Kingdom..
I love thst we have never met, not even at a funfair, but we are the best of friends, sharing in His love and Word..
He is good, all the time, He is faithful and true.
He is good!.
Happy Friday, my dears!
Thanking God for each and everyone of you and the journey we are on together..
It is well. It is good. It is for His Glory. ❤️
So true, sister ❤️ Joined in our hearts, though separated by the miles between us physically. I love you and our other sisters here as we join in prayer daily or as we are able.
Looking forward to the day I can feel the squeeze of that hug you sent me yesterday ❣️
Amen, TINA and SEARCHING!!! What a gift each and every sister here is to me! ❤❤❤
Amen Tina! My fellow Shes are such an encouragement and prayer warriors. Though there be a pond, miles, countries and other physical barriers You Lord bring us together and I’m grateful!
I can’t wait to meet all you precious Shes when we can sing praises together!
Amen to all you said Tina! And we are “forever friends” even though we have never met – yet one day we will! ❤️❤️
Amen Tina! I have learned and grown so much in my faith over the past 2 years with SRT! God is good!
Amen dear Tina. I am so grateful for SRT and the studies and all of the ladies coming here sharing, learning and praying, strong and united in our love for Jesus and one another!
Tina can I say that I too don’t know how I would have done life without God and my sisters in Christ. I hold you all so dear and close to my heart. Until one day when we will all meet XO
Amen Tina. The love of our beloved shes has helped me so much on my lonely journey following God through deep waters, fiery trials, the devil’s darts and God’s pruning, it can be so overwhelming. But knowing that we are not alone in our struggles is so comforting. We do life together as you put it! Bless you sweet Tina!
Ditto, Mercy and Tina!
Amen Tina, the blessing of SRT bringing this growing group of Sisters together has made such a difference in my life. Love you all. ❤️