Unity and Diversity in the Body

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Romans 12:4-5, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

Have you ever felt called to serve God in a specific way, but there didn’t appear to be a need for your gift? 

I once heard someone say, “I feel like I’m trying to answer questions nobody’s asking.” This is hard because we want to believe our days have purpose; we hunger to be useful and leave a lasting impact like so many faithful believers we read about in Scripture or other stories. But the desire for impact can blind us to the importance of ordinary days when it seems like there’s nothing particularly exciting to do. 

Usually, when I slip into doubt and discouragement, it’s because what I really want is to be seen using my gifts. I want my ministry to be affirmed (loudly and often) by others. I don’t want a life of obscurity, no matter how many times I’m told it’s the way of Jesus. Obscurity scares me. Since our culture is so visual, the message we often metabolize is that if we’re not seen, then we don’t matter. Well, not mattering also scares me because I want to spend my days well. 

What a battle! It’s an anxiety-inducing cycle that doesn’t have much to do with serving God, does it?

Scripture tells us that every spiritual gift is given by the Holy Spirit. This means every gift (including the one we feel like we’re not using) is necessary for the flourishing of the body of Christ. “There are different ministries, but the same Lord,” shares Paul (1Corinthians 12:5). I feel like he’s saying, ”Remember friends, we’re all on the same team with the same mission: serving Jesus.”

Social media doesn’t help me here. If we find ourselves getting FOMO following pastors, authors, or anyone else with a large platform or more formal (or visible?!) ministry role, we probably need to do a heart check. We have to remember that visibility does not equate faithfulness. It may—don’t get me wrong. There are many faithful believers impacting big communities. But God equips each of us to play a necessary role in the body of Christ.  

When I think about the ministry of encouragement, writing letters, or listening to a friend in need, I’m reminded these usually occur quietly, behind closed doors. Rivalry only happens when my heart craves its own glory more than giving glory to God. There’s enough ministry for us all, and there’s a seat at the table for everyone in God’s kingdom.

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121 thoughts on "Unity and Diversity in the Body"

  1. Jade Gaines says:

    I think it will be surprising yet awesome to see what gifts awaken in the least expected people around us. There are many ways of walking with Christ and showing up, but you can always see God’s hand and sense the spirit in someone even if they’re hidden in their ways of living.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    As someone who feels like I don’t fit in anywhere that I am, it’s so comforting knowing that I belong just the family of God. I pray that I would use my gifts to help and uplift my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  3. Raquel Franco says:

    Thank you Bailey. This hit me hard. I needed it. As a writer who posts on Social Media, I have been so frustrated and too easily affected by engagement and reach. I realize its makes me feel unsuccessful or not useful but that’s not true at all. Like you said there are many ways we are found useful and if only one person is encouraged by my art. That is enough and part of God’s plan.

  4. Caroline Harrington says:

    loved this day so much!!! as someone who feels called to ministry & was formerly a pastor but now a stay at home mom, it can be tough to not compare or wonder if I’m actually using my gifts. thank you Jesus that your glory and your work can be found everywhere and

  5. Kristin Palmer says:

    Cee Gee, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement (which brought tears to my eyes!) and for sharing the beautiful display of your mama’s love in action! ❤️ May our love for others always reflect our Father’s steadfast and everlasting love.

    1. Cee Gee says:


  6. Kim B says:

    I’ve always been a believer but only recently started studying the Bible. I’ve always felt like my calling was something with animals. I have a strong connection to them and they are calm in my presence. I’ve volunteered in many different ways with them. However since I’ve started really studying the Bible, it seems there is no mention of animals. So lately I’ve been fighting it and trying to find a new calling with kids, or people who need help. But I’m always drawn back to animals. Today’s passage makes me wonder if my seemingly insignificant passion just might be enough.
    I’m going to pray on this and hope to find some clarity.

    1. Molly R says:

      I remember feeling JUST LIKE THIS! Loved animals, wanted to find a way to “serve” with/alongside some animal avenue, but had no idea how to go about it…or even make it make sense in my mind that working with animals could be “ministry.” Well, long story short, God heard my heart and I was led to a horse therapy service that used horses for therapy with kids who were special needs. It was in how I worked, how I interacted. The horse part just helped me be me, be filled with joy. People saw that and responded to that, and in turn allowed me to build relationships and impact PEOPLE. Go find your “animal ministry!”

      1. Heidi says:

        YEEESSSSS!!!!! I used to work with children with special needs and I had SO many that would engage in equestrian therapy – it was remarkable the impact it has! K9 therapy is amazing as well… Animals are an absolute gift and our world needs more people loving and protecting them.

    2. Heidi says:

      KIM! I love that you have a passion for animals – so does your God :) Oh my word – he created them even before he created humans! In fact, there is a verse in proverbs 12:10, the first half states “A good man is concerned for the welfare of his animals…” and another version (CSB) puts it, “The righteous CARES about his animal’s health”… While it’s hard for us to understand THIS part, as it is no longer his plan, but until his son Jesus chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for us, he allowed animals – very specific ones for very specific purposes- to cover our SINS. You can read about in Leviticus (do a quick google search to find the exact passages but I know 1-5 goes over some of it…). He didn’t accept an animal sacrifice because they had no value – otherwise what would be the point? They have great value to him and you can find verses about them throughout the bible. Even in the flood- he allowed mankind to be wiped out, but was certain to call on and save his animals. There is a site I like – openbible . info and if you click on topical tab at the top you can search “love animals” and more passages will come up :) I believe it honors God greatly that you have such a heart for his creation – especially a part of it that is so often left defenseless and considered “less than”. ❤️

      1. Kim B says:

        Hi Heidi! Thank you so much for this! I wrote everything down and I’ll be reading these passages and visiting openbible . I always wondered why God would give me so much passion for animals if it couldn’t be used to serve him. This just makes so much sense!

    3. Amy W says:

      I also love animals and am drawn to them. When someone finds a baby bunny or a kitten that needs to be bottle fed I usually end up with it. Lots of people say a baby cottontail won’t survive being hand fed, but I have had success with many. I do believe He gives us a connection with animals. They are His creatures also and they need our help.

    4. Raquel Franco says:

      Hi Kim! When I was reading this Psalm 37:4 and Romans 8:28 came to mind. As long as we are seeking God I think we can trust that a desire like that is God led. It sounds to me like you’ve been called to do it. You never know what God’s plan is for you and how working with animals can help others. I believe it totally can. I prayed for you that you receive clarity but I think you should go for it. God will show you if it’s the wrong path.

  7. Amy W says:

    I don’t normally like attention. It makes me nervous and when someone says something about me it makes me anxious and I start to blush. I love doing things in the background. There were 2 things I really enjoyed and was proud of at our last church. We were youth leaders for 15 years. Those youth became our kids. We loved them like our own. Our kids grew up and when we got a new preacher we also ended up with a new youth leader. That broke my heart, but I know changes happen. My own daughter who had grown up with our youth didn’t finish her high school years in youth because the second new leader made her uncomfortable. That broke my heart. They changed everything we had done and worked so hard for. After they took that from us, they took away my husband being associate pastor, which was a slap in the face. We quit going as often after that. We still had 1 ministry left that we did for them. For 17 years our youth put on a car show for the community. It was a way for the youth to serve and give back to the community. This year they decided to do it their own way and took our last ministry from us. We have helped another church start a car show and we plan on helping another group start theirs. I truly feel that that is a ministry tool that God has given us. There aren’t many people who know what all it takes to do this. God took us from 8 vehicles our first year to 132-135 cars a year, which is about all that would fit in our parking lot. God made them successful because He got the glory. We knew that without His helping we wouldn’t have been successful. My husband stood on the corner of the church property one year and we didn’t have very many cars in the parking lot and asked God what He wanted us to do. If it wasn’t His will we would quit and not 5 minutes later cars were coming from every direction. I know in my heart that this is a gift from God and it hurt when they decided to change everything we had worked so hard on. We have been searching for a new church. We have another ministry we do with the Christian Motorcycle Association that God led us to in our time of hurt. He was moving us before we knew we needed to be moved. We are still trying to find a church home, but we know we will find where He wants us when the time is right.

    1. Kim B says:

      I am sorry for your struggles but I just love your story. God was preparing you and your husband for the future, even though you didn’t know it at the time. I pray that you continue to find your way!

      1. Amy W says:

        Thank you. I know He prepared us and moved us. I just don’t know where He is moving us just yet other than the CMA. My husband is currently the local chapter Chaplain and it has been such a good move. The people in our chapter remind us of our old church before all the changes happened.

  8. Mary CumbiePrince says:

    I needed this reminder today. Thank you!

  9. Claire Mote says:

    Needed this heart check!

  10. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m the opposite. If I can do something behind the scenes or quietly, I’m in. As a past hairstylist this was a perfect platform for encouraging others. My clients would confide in me and I could try to lift them up. I’m thankful God hasn’t expected me to be some big impactful person. He has given me a gift that fits me.

  11. Rebekah DuBois says:

    Pasted Michael Todd at Transformation Church preached on this on June 23rd, 2024 in his message Overflow From Obscurity: Are You Hidden Or Hiding?
    You can watch it on YouTube.

    Are you being hidden or are you hiding? In this message, Pastor Mike reminds us that overflow comes from obscurity, off the platform and in the secret place with God. If we’re not careful, we can confuse obscurity with isolation – one comes from God, and the other comes from our own selfish desires. We pray this message causes you to no longer cover up but come when God calls!

    Scripture References:
    1 Samuel 10:20-23 NLT
    1 Samuel 16:13b

    1. Tami says:

      I love him! So many amazing teachers out there!

  12. Mercy says:

    I thank God that He is the author and finisher of our faith. I thank God that He is the Creator and Giver of the diverse spiritual gifts to enrich and build up His church (us). And I especially thank God for the gift of intercessory prayers (amen Rhonda J, this is such a hidden, faceless, nameless ministry. I could never thank enough people who have prayed for me. Prayers have so much power in the covering, that any of us can do in any capacity to petition to God on behalf of another paralyzed friend. I use this image as I always think of the 4 carrying the paralyzed friend through the roof to find the Lord, that is how prayers carry the wounded person through the roof, the obstacles, the distance, to find the relief, the Savior. And prayers from faithful friends can set us free. On that note, I am in need of your prayers. This morning I got attacked again in my eyes, in my sleep. It might sound incredibly strange. It started with an eye infection that my toddler passed to me a few days ago, she recovered fast, mine has been ongoing- despite eyedrops. This morning the scratches came back (the corneal erosion). My eyes were swelling like ping pong balls, red and teary. I texted my team lead to take a day off, but I was not appreciated to take this day off at this time (we are in a busy time). I felt incredibly sad to feel like this. The hidden resentment was very strong. I could be over sensitive, I don’t know, from past treatments perhaps. I made a job application to another department in our company. I was in the middle of it, to finish there are several steps, and this happened and I couldn’t see. Thankfully my husband was home and could help me to proof read, type out and submit the application this morning. Sent off. Praise God. In God’s hands. I sat and thought about this. The attack was strong, and timely for this moment. The devil is not playing, he aims to kill. I remember a joke of a dear teacher (Andrew Wommack) that God blessed me with, Andrew always says, “If you never bump into the devil, it’s because you’re going in the same direction”. This came to my mind today and I feel encouraged that many of us are out there, standing strong despite the arrows shot at us, to keep going, to cry out for back up, to keep on defending Truth and to speak Truth. I would appreciate your prayers that I can land a job interview by God’s grace, and recovery from this eye issue, overall… just a complete deliverance from attacks in many frontiers. I thank God I have you, this community by the goodness of God. I don’t take for granted your kindness, or the Lord’s. Thank you dear shes for your love and sweet covering in times of hardships. Be blessed dear sisters.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I pray in the name of Jesus, healing for the eye, and the job for my dear friend Mercy!! I love praying for my She’s every night and when it comes across my mind in the day! This is a dear community!

    2. Laura Dianne says:

      Praying for you now, Mercy. May your eyes be healed and your job application go through and a job interview invite come in a timely manner. I LOVE this quote, “If you never bump into the devil, it’s because you’re going in the same direction”. I am writing it down because I have felt this way so many times and this just says it perfectly.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Mercy, sweet sister, I pray for healing for your eyes and in your workplace! May you be granted the desired interview and land the job! Father, Mercy needs Your touch in a mighty way. Please strengthen her and grant complete healing. In Jesus Name, amen. ❤

    4. Adrienne says:

      I am praying for you, as well, Mercy.

      I love. Love. LOVE that quote… so very true.

      The paralyzed man and his friends were our Bible story at VBS today!

  13. Marina S. says:

    Hello sisters. I have been in this preious community for two years and it truly has been such a blessing. I comment once in a while, but I did have two prayer requests to ask for. 1)My mom is having a hysterectomy on Friday. On the paperwork it says there is a cyst on the left ovary that is suspicous of being cancer. Please pray that it’s not and if it is that it is contained there. 2) They found a 4 cm mass in my brother’s lung area. Pray that it is not cancer, and if it is, that it is small, treatable and not spread. He had been diagnosed with stage 2 lymphoma in 2020, so praying it hasn’t come back. I’m in a season of so many unknowns, but know that I have a loving and sovereign Father who knows what He is doing. His plans are far better than mine. Thankful for this community for helping me stay in the Word, especially during times like this.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Prayers for your mother and brother, and that your fears are covered as well Marina!! Glad you felt to ask and comment!

      1. Marina S. says:

        Thank you, dear sister. It means so much to me. It’s been a battle with my flesh to not fear and trust God and have peace, with whatever the outcome. I know His plans are better.

    2. Heidi says:

      Keep us posted – and know (as I learned a couple of years ago from this sweet group), people are praying who may never even comment about it. You and your family are covered – peace to all of you in the name of your Savior who is with you!

      1. Marina S. says:

        Thank you, dear Heidi. I will keep you all posted. As I was praying this morning, I was thanking God for all you dear sisters. What a blessing to be able to lift one another in prayer, even if we have never met. We are all one family.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Marina, I will be praying in agreement with you and praying for you as you minister to your mom and brother! Please keep us posted! Sending hugs ❤

      1. Marina S. says:

        Sweet Cee Gee, thank you so much! I will keep you all posted. I truly appreciate the prayers.

        1. Cee Gee says:

    4. Adrienne says:


      1. Marina S. says:

        Thank you dear sister!

    5. Victoria E says:

      Praying for your family Marina S

      1. Marina S. says:

        Thank you sweet Victoria E. I truly appreciate the prayers and all the love.

  14. Gwineth52 says:

    Heart check. Head nod.
    Lord, make me mindful, not fretful, in mining “the importance of ordinary days”.

  15. Mari V says:

    “…there’s a seat at the table for everyone in God’s kingdom.” LOVE this Bailey! Thank you! Needed to hear this today! Gotta run..VBS!!!

  16. Allison Bentley says:

    “When I slip into doubt and discouragement it’s because what I really want is to be seen using my gifts… since our culture is so visual, the message we often metabolize is that if we’re not seen, then we don’t matter” @BaileyGillespie that is a word!!! I have been feeling the pull to back off social media for a while- it gives me all kinds of anxiety FOMO syndrome, MBN syndrome, and often times like I’m not good enough if I’m being honest. Lord I ask that you continue to guide my steps in the social media world and remind me to see the beauty, goodness and truth of your world! So thankful for the body of Christ and even more for the Holy Spirit – may your voice be the loudest! Amen and happy Tuesday She’s- ☮️❤️ to you all!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! That was a word!! Love today’s devotional! I definitely think we all spend too much time scrolling! In agreement that the Holy Spirit will be the loudest voice!

  17. Donna Mitchell says:

    Diversity is key to building a strong body of Christ. We are are too busy conforming to the world by treating diversity as a horrible thing. We all are wonderfully made by the hands of God. How glorious this world would be if we embrace diversity in unity. Hallelujah!

    1. Heidi says:

      RIGHT?! My word – God uses our body-complexity as an example of how DIVERSE the body of Christ is on this earth — yet we compartmentalize, saying “you lead here, you sit there, you can’t worship like that, you can’t minister like that…” It’s so sad to me when I think of the countless voices for Jesus we have missed out on in this world, for generations, because those voices belonged to women, to young people, to people of color and from different backgrounds than those holding the leadership space. It is a disgrace to his kingdom and (while this is STILL. a problem) I’m so glad that more voices are being given attention to share about Jesus in every capacity possible :)

  18. Donna Mitchell says:

    Amen and Amen

  19. Melissa says:

    Sometimes I grow weary in using my gifts. When things are difficult or adversity strikes (especially within the walls of the church with other believers) I am ready to throw in the towel as I think “God, if I am causing problems, then just take me out.” —can you tell I am going through this currently? My eyes need to be kept on him rather than man.

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Hello Melissa
      Heard it said, shifting perspective:
      “Gaze upon Jesus…Glance at problems.”

  20. Kris says:

    I am so thankful I don’t have to be responsible for EVERYTHING – that God has many “parts” doing many different things. What a relief!! It’s very easy for me to think I am responsible for all the things, and I can get very stressed over it – until I hear that little voice telling me I don’t have to do it all. Nor do I have to look like anyone else. I am free to be uniquely me, serving God the way He wants me to.

  21. Cee Gee says:

    “Ephesians 3:20-21 Biblegateway verse of the day goes well here!

    “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.”

    May that ever be our aim/desire and may we trust His mighty power to strengthen us always!
    Praying for little Wyatt and others. Praying for each of our hearts as we seek God’s Truth through His Word each day. Love y’all! ❤

    That previous comment was for HEIDI and it reposted below. Apologies!

  22. Cee Gee says:

    I just love your ‘sermons’! Thank you! ❤

  23. Carol M says:

    Dear Beth… My ♥️was touched by your post… I SEE you…Jesus SEES you… and your dear son. Yes!! You ARE serving, as you empty yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to pour through you and minister His love where your son desperately needs it… This is a type of service that does not go unnoticed by our Lord! Praying that your ♥️is filled with thanksgiving for the gifts that God is giving you… Hope thiis encourages your ♥️

    1. Beth E says:

      Thank you so much Carol. ❤️

  24. Rita Ann says:

    AMEN! “ Rivalry only happens when my heart craves its own glory more than giving glory to God”. Lord help me remember to give you all the glory.

  25. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love this! We are all part of the body! No one is insignificant. I think about after Covid how I lost my sense of smell. Our nose is not something that we think a lot about but when I could smell it affected so many other areas of my life.

    We are all needed in the body of Christ.

  26. Karen says:

    Thank you Bailey for your faithful insight. God has used your words in me.

  27. Searching says:

    All different, and yet we are all children of God. I look at myself and my siblings – raised by the same parents and yet all different from each other. We don’t look the same or think the same, or have the same personalities or skills. Yet when we all need to work on something, we each grab the tasks that fit us and everything comes together.

    SUSAN JOINER – praying for little Wyatt and family
    CASSIE, RHONDA J & others – praying for your/our husbands to draw closer to the Lord & communication to improve
    SARAH D – praying as you draw closer to the Lord and seek His guidance
    TAMI – so sorry to hear the news about your brother. Praying for him and his medical team, and for the best choices for effective treatment
    LINDA IN NC – what a day you had yesterday! Praying for a smooth day today :)

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Great analogy! Adding my amen to your prayers! ❤

    2. Tami says:

      Thank you for the prayers. I love the ananlogu of you and your siblings! Same with mine!

  28. Beth Edwards says:

    I struggle with feeling like I don’t do anything to serve. And I don’t, not in our local church. But I feel God reminding me that serving takes many forms. I need that reminder to see my years of mothering as serving, particularly because I have a son who is on the spectrum and requires so much of my time and energy. I need the reminder that caring for him is a way of ministering and fulfilling what God has called me to do – it just may not look like it to others (or often even to me).

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      Dear Beth, dutiful daughter of Our Lord.
      Your mothering is ministering most majestic.

  29. Laurel W says:

    Bailey’s message hit home. I continued to be humbled and strengthened by the insights shared by the women on this platform. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  30. Heidi says:

    I think it is so important to remember the difference between our giftedness and our mission. Our gifts (teaching, preaching, exhortation, prophecy, etc.) can be used in any setting and any circumstance any moment of any day. Our mission is the use of those gifts in an intentional direction. We all have a calling and privilege to live our lives in rhythm with our giftedness, AND we have the opportunity to channel it into a specific space. For some it will be occupational, others voluntary. One of the most valuable questions I was taught years ago to ask myself was: What breaks my heart? The list can be endless, but taking the time to ask what IS IT about each of these things on my list that breaks me and makes me want to bring change? It took a L*O*N*G time before I found the common thread that connected the things on my list, but once I did, I felt so much more empowered and directed. I say all of this to say – we can get so discouraged in figuring out “his will” and “my purpose” – and in fear of doing the wrong thing, we do nothing. But we already know his will/our purpose, really. Our purpose? To glorify him – always, in all things. His will? That we love God and love others as he does. Based on what brokenness in our world really breaks YOU (and you’ll know it- it will cause a visceral, emotional response when you see it/hear about it) can help flesh-out your unique area in which you can use your intentionally-given giftedness missionally. For so long I misunderstood “calling” as someone ELSE will always initiate and I have to sit and wait until they do. NOPE! :) STEP OUT! Where in your church can you volunteer? Where in your community do you see a need? There is zero need to reinvent the wheel – so many organizations are already out there, functioning, ready to go and just need YOUR gifts to help move them along! The point is – I want to encourage anyone in this – You are here for just a hot-minute. We all are. Don’t wait on others to approve where you feel deep in your spirit to be serving. God is your authority – where HE calls you, you go. If you find resistance, always take that up with HIM, and allow him to direct your steps because quite often, it may just be in the other direction of those who try to limit where and to whom you may have influence for his kingdom… Go read those passages on handing out of gifts and abilities – none of them are racially, economically or gender-specified. He gave YOU what he wanted YOU to have. Period. He’s strengthened you, gifted you, promised to be with you and told you to “go” – even if it’s to your neighbor’s house to hand over an unexpected plate of muffins and a note of encouragement! :) May we ALL see our steps of obedience in how we use our gifts today :) :) :) :) :)

    1. Carol M says:

      Well said, Heidi! We, “the Body of Christ”, need to utilize those gifts… to allow the Holy Spirit to move through us, (in spite of us), allowing Christ to reach and serve the world THROUGH us!! Even the most menial task is important when we see it through His eyes!! ♥️

    2. Melani Fryer says:


    3. Arlene says:

      That’s a great question Heidi, “what breaks my heart”. Thanks for your insight. I will have to ponder this and prayerfully consider this question. Because I struggle with mental health challenges my heart is tender for others in the same situation. I tend to think that God has to heal me before I can help others but maybe helping others is part of my healing.

      1. Heidi says:

        ARLENE, idk if you ever come back to posts, I hope you see this..
        But just thinking, Isn’t that just (one of) the best thing about knowing Jesus?!?! WHO ELSE could any of us trade in our hurts/brokenness/disappointments to and be handed back HOPE?! It’s such an off-sided exchange, and yet it’s our promise. You are gifted in something monumentally helpful to others, because you can actually say, “yeah, I understand EXACTLY what you mean” to someone who is hurting as well. The difference is YOU can demonstrate what struggle can be like while walking hand in hand with your Creator. The struggle may not go away this side of heaven, but you can trust and know that your God is full-on in it with you, and live that example out so others may have hope too. You are so uniquely purposed – what a wonderful opportunity you have! :)

        1. Arlene says:

          Thanks for your encouragement

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes Arlene! Don’t wait! I love being part of starting a pain group because I have chronic pain! Usually, like Heidi said (HI HEIDI…good to see you!!) your passion and what you need is away to help others that need that same thing!! I like to say Jesus has already healed me..not physically YET (will in Heaven if not sooner!!), but he has healed my Spirit, from death to life!! Amen!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      I just love your ‘sermons’! Thank you! ❤

      1. Heidi says:

        HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! OHMYWORD I literally laughed OUT!LOUD! My “sermons”!! Oh dear… SMH… I hope they read as encouragement – thank you for YOUR encouragement… :) ❤️

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          Soon right Heidi!? You will be official?! But yes, we love your sermons!! :))

        2. Cee Gee says:

          Oh, HEIDI, they do! ❤

    5. Tara B says:

      So good! I love this! What is it about these things that breaks me and makes me want to help or change? But through it all, knowing it is for God’s glory and not my own.

  31. Susan Joiner says:

    So needed to hear this.

  32. stephanie johnson says:

    Lord, help me remember today to give all glory to you and not seek any for myself. Amen.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      YES, simple and sweet! Small and impactful!

  33. Rhonda J. says:


    I love today’s scripture..all different parts of the same body! I don’t need to try to stand out, I can be a ear to hear, a foot to step, or an eye to see! OR I can be the heart behind, or the hands for skills, or simple a bone that you can’t see do anything but is needed for a sturdy piece of the whole! I remember a time period when I SO wanted to do something useful for God..and nothing was available. (Little did I understand God was using me in my home as a new wife, a mother, an ex spouse…a new grandma!) but I wanted to serve. And I realized later that God wanted me to be with Him and get to know him better, like never before…to be in the word. I had never read my bible before in a real way, as in, being in the word daily to be with God daily, for my morning fill. So I started. One daily step..and found SRT 10 years ago! So it wasn’t until years later that I new finding a new church, that I’m a part of now, that it needed to be a serving the community church. And boy have I been serving…but I constantly refer to scripture, truth of biblical stories and examples, the Holy Spirit prompting…all needed from knowing my Father and Jesus!! He was my Savior from early on in my life, but he has been my Lord of my life just in the last 10 years!! I will follow him, listen to him, and go where he calls me!!
    One of my favorite “gifts” that I didn’t know I had, was to write these dear ladies in jail. Something about getting to encourage them in their hardest time in Jesus is beautiful for my soul. I even see a vision of a book of “letters from Jail” in the future. Not that I could ever invision writing a book…but maybe in blog form or something where other inmates could find it and draw strength from ones that found their Jesus encounter in their weakest moments?! Put encouraging and Scripture of HOPE throughout?! They just encourage me so much I know it would bless believers and non alike?!
    Someone mentioned the gift of Prayer! I believe that is one powerful gift! Intercessory prayer and being able to pray out loud for others is a wonderful powerful gift. I often say..some us have the wonderful gift of being a prayer warrior, yet we are ALL CALLED to pray for and with each other! We are talking about Prayer in our class tomorrow at jail!

    1. Heidi says:

      Love it… you are gifted and impactful and furthering his love and presence into the hearts of those so many have forgotten (or, sadly, don’t even care to know). He is so glorified by your obedience!! :)

    2. Catherine McVey says:

      Rhonda J. I think your gift are amazing. Just in the last few years of reading SRT alongside you I have seen such growth. I remember when you first started helping with the prison ministry and how nervous you were andnowhearing about you leading them and loving on them and all the other “things” you are doing. When I pray for those ladies, i see your heart ministering to them and helping them. You are definitely being used by God and that’s fabulous. God Bless You! Keep it up! ❤️

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Thank you Catherine, Praise God, He is so amazing how he equips us to be used for his Glory!! I could have never imagined all the ways I have grown and been used in the last couple of years! It is so true that you are blessed when trying to bless others!

        Heidi…I often think of you and driving to see your niece when she needed your love and devotion, it impacted me by thinking….wow..would I do that?! And I prayed for her a lot and now pray for her and the baby! (When is she due?) It is amazing to see prayers answered, can you imagine when we see the full impact in heaven!!??

  34. Laura Dianne says:

    I was always an upfront gal. I loved a good spotlight. I loved the attention. And I was good at it. Could talk and talk, no problem. But God! He convicted me HARD as I got older and saw that even though He may have gifted me with certain gifts, it didn’t mean I had to ALWAYS use them. Over time, He got to my proud heart and started to really work on it. I had to learn to let others step up, to let others be in the spotlight. Sometimes I still am, and I don’t mind doing it. But when I do, I bow my head and ask God for a big ol’ heart check. Because I find it hard to be up front and humble. It’s not natural for me. And the upfront people do get lots of accolades and recognition. (which I love, I’m not going to lie). So for me personally, I find it harder to be an upfront person AND to be a humble servant at the same time.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      So true, we all like the accolades for sure! If we are good at something it’s hard to be humble and even beg God to help us! I try to remember to beg for God to help me…non-stop!!

  35. Kristin Palmer says:

    So good! This was just the reminder I needed today. Sometimes, the things I do in obscurity can seem meaningless. I love writing cards to encourage others and offering my skills as an esthetician to the women I know who need to be refreshed and reminded that they are seen and loved. Often, these actions aren’t lauded by others, but today’s reading reminded me that it doesn’t matter what accolades I receive; what matters most is the posture of my heart and that I’m obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in my life. With the Lord’s help, I’m learning to follow his leading and not let the desire to please others overpower my desire to honour Him.

    Lately, the Lord has been reminding me in various ways that no matter what I put my hand to do, I need to commit everything to Him.

    “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for human masters.”
    – Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

    Sending lots of love and a great big Canadian hug to all my fellow she’s. Happy Tuesday, friends!

    1. Adrienne says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:


    3. Cee Gee says:

      Kristin, you never know the impact of your quiet service! My mom did something that has stayed with me for over 60 years. A lady in our church had her a portion of her head shaved for surgery to remove a brain tumor. As her hair started slowly growing back in, Mama made an appointment and drove her to a beautician to get her hair done. We had a very limited budget so that spoke volumes to me – love in action. Keep serving, sister; you are affecting lives! Thanks for sharing your heart today! ❤

    4. Catherine McVey says:


  36. Adrienne says:

    Serve the way that you serve best, sweet sisters… “There’s enough ministry for us all…”

    Amen to that… so much to be done and ways to do it!

  37. Tami says:

    I am a behind the scenes person but sometimes I so crave the to be “seen” like those that are out front. Thank you Bailey for putting to words where my heart can be. “The desire for impact can blind us to the importance of the ordinary days.” I want to set aside the need to be seen by others for validation of who I am and rest knowing God has given me my own gifts.
    Ladies if I may ask for prayer for my bother BJ. After 4 years his cancer came back and he is now on a new chemo cocktail. Today is week 2. Thank you!

    1. Adrienne says:

      You got it, sister! ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for BJ and for you! ❤

    3. Catherine McVey says:

      Praying for BJ!! ❤️

  38. Aimee D-R says:

    Thank You Lord that you love and see us all. Amen

  39. Lanie Hefferly says:

    “The desire for impact can blind us”

    Oh my has God been teaching me this. Fun fact I actually wrote a blog article on this chapter of Scripture several months ago when God began this work in me and it still hits the same today. “the parts we think are less honorable we treat with special honor” oh I love that. The upside down kingdom of God. A teacher once told me, “you are someone who needs to be affirmed” I was SO OFFENDED at the time. And then one day I said to God, I don’t feel like I’m doing anything, and I just want to hear well done good and faithful servant. And it hit me. I am someone who wants/needs affirmation. And God taught me on that day that my affirmation from him does not come from what I do, but what Christ has done for me.

    1. Adrienne says:

      I struggle with affirmation too, Lanie. That is so helpful at giving it perspective. ❤️

    2. Kebrina Vinglas says:


    3. Catherine McVey says:


    4. Gwineth52 says:

      “Not what I do. But what He’s done.”
      (Which is huge! More than imaginable!)
      Thanks for putting this truth out there, Lanie.

  40. Linda in NC says:

    Just a quick thank you for yesterday’s prayers! Later in the day I caught Gene eating the chocolate bars that were to go in my dessert Thank goodness I caught him before he had eaten too much!
    Got to run. Busy day. Will check back later.
    Love you all❤

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Sounds like my house! ❤❤❤ Enjoy your outing!

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I laughed out loud reading him eating the chocolate! Was he the culprit for the whip cream or no?! lol

  41. Debby Blake says:


  42. Diana Yelverton says:


  43. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Rivalry only happens when my heart craves its own glory more than giving glory to God. There’s enough ministry for us all, and there’s a seat at the table for everyone in God’s kingdom.”
    So true…like Tina, I’m much more comfortable with serving behind the scenes! I used to help with the sound/AV department and a good Sunday was when no one realized we were there.
    Praying for your requests

    1. Searching says:

      Me too, KELLY! I liked being mostly invisible:)

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Ditto, but sometimes ministry feels kind of like musical chairs! Lol Gotta be ready – prayed up/filled up- and go with the flow.

  44. Sally B. says:

    Another of those behind the scenes gifts that comes to mind is prayer. Not flashy or out in front often, but oh don’t we want to know our brothers and sisters in Christ are lifting us up when things are hard! Grateful for your prayers, sisters!

    1. Lanie Hefferly says:

      I love that you said prayer. God has been teaching me this is where he wants me right now. And prayer is so so powerful, can make a huge impact, and yet we get no credit on this side of heaven. It is really an unseen gift. I was once renting a summer room from a girl who was adamantly against Christianity. She told me on our last week that she had a miscarriage a week before I got there and hadn’t gotten pregnant again. That night in the silence of my room I prayed over the house, her, and her husband. I left and we never spoke again. A year later I saw her birth announcement on social media. When I calculated it, it was very possible she conceived on that very night!

      1. Catherine McVey says:

        Love this!! ❤️

  45. Tricia C says:

    This was a heart check for me. I need to remember that as long as God is directing my steps, then it doesn’t matter what the job is. If I am doing it for the Lord, then He should be the One to get the glory, not me.
    Thank you, Bailey, for the check-up!
    Have a great day Sisters! Tina, I will take a bit of that rain here in northeastern Pennsylvania. Maybe it would cool it down a bit. Going to be 90+ degrees (>32 degrees Celsius)!

    1. Carol M says:

      Agree with your post, Tricia… ♥️ check for me, too! AND we NEED rain in Southeast PA, too!! In the middle of beautiful Lancaster County farm country… sad to see the crops drying up… please Lord, send rain to replenish your crops!! (And I do realize that this drought is widespread, and include all areas in that prayer)! Thanks in advance, Lord Jesus!

  46. Mary Ann Graves says:


  47. Tina says:

    There’s enough ministry for us all, and there’s a seat at the table for everyone in God’s kingdom.

    This had me jumping and shouting YESSSS!
    So very true!
    I have a fear of standing in front of people to speak, even on subjects close to my heart..
    I am not made to stand at the front, I think I am a behind the scene person! And I am happiest there..
    In the job I do, I am often called on to be thanked, or presented with something, it is one of my worst nightmares! I like to be in the shadows, in the wings, encouraging, loving and being to the best of my ability, Jesus’s hands and feet! No fuss!
    Here’s the thing, when I am doing my job, I am at peace, and in Communion with the Father God..there is a feeling of worshipping Him. I can only do whst I do ‘through Christ who strengthens me..’ I never do it alone..
    A quick story..
    I recently was asked to cook a meal for a theatre group celebrating their 25 years of productions. I asked for help and she told me that one of the young men wanted to help. He had played the part of Jesus in the production of Jesus Christ superstar.. I told a friend what I was doing, and she asked if I needed any help in the kitchen.. I said no, I was okay because I had a young man coming to help.. she pushed me for a name, I couldn’t remember his name so I said.. Jesus was coming to help me in the kitchen!
    I know the REAL DEAL, JESUS, is/does every day, it actually felt amazing to say.. JESUS IS COMING TO HELP out loud.!
    I have my quiet ministry to do, afterall All God children need feeding, right? Spiritually and physically.. and from where I stand I can do both.. by and in His grace.
    BUT GOD..


    A wet Tuesday here, so, sending warming love and hugs to you, dear hearts, wrapped in prayers for you to know His presence, whatever today looks like in your neck of the woods..
    Happy joyfilled Tuesday!♥️

    1. Kelly (NEO) says:


    2. Sherry says:


    3. Sherri says:

      Thank you Tina. I feel the same way!! Put me in the “back” and let me serve. I’m so glad there’s a place for everyone. I so appreciate you here everyday!

    4. Searching says:

      Love that! And you ❤️

    5. Kebrina Vinglas says:


    6. Cee Gee says:

      Sweet! ❤❤❤

    7. Catherine McVey says:

      Love that Tina!!! ❤️