Day 3

United in Christ

from the This Is the Church reading plan

John 17:20-26, Ephesians 4:1-6, Galatians 3:28, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Philippians 2:1-4, Romans 15:5-6, Revelation 7:9-17

BY She Reads Truth

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Followers of Jesus Christ are called to pursue oneness as we remain connected to our Triune God, the source, sustainer, and perfect example of unity.

As you reflect on Scripture today, take time today to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe. Share what you are praying for the global Church along with your response to the reading in the comments. 

Post Comments (207)

207 thoughts on "United in Christ"

  1. Ruth Howard says:

    I pray for unity of the worldwide Body of Christ, for an awareness and love for one another. Though distance and cultures may separate us, we are unified in Jesus. This is the radical and supernatural unity that a dying world needs to see. May our love and concern for our brothers and sister only grow and increase. Amen.

  2. Tasha Riddell says:

    I am praying for unity within the global church

  3. Madison Hogg says:

    Praying for an awareness of the global church. An awareness that we truly are surrounded by thousands of saints, a diverse array. Praying for the areas where the church is new (Japan especially). Praying that the church in America will truly be known for its love and unity, not its politics. I pray that my love will increase, even for those I disagree with.

  4. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good

  5. Keeta Y says:

    Today I pray that the church comes together as one to lift up the holy name of Jesus that we will stand together as one. And that we will be like the three breaded cord that is not easily broken in Jesus Name. I pray that as we come together as the body of Christ that we will have a Pentecost experience same as when the disciples went into the temple and was filled with the Holy Spirit. That we will not only receive a the Holy Spirit but the same as they did that we will experience the fire of the Holy Spirit and that fire will never burnout in Jesus Holy Mighty Name.

  6. Kyle Hopkins says:

    My prayer is that people will recognize us as followers of Jesus by how we all love – unity in our love for God and our neighbors.

  7. Georgia Frimpong says:

    Today I am praying for great redemption to happen in America.

  8. Veronica Rice says:

    Today I’m praying for my friend Nata and her church in Ukraine. My world, and the American world have really moved on from being aware of their war, but they are still in the middle.

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