Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.
Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.
The Church was established by Jesus, is sustained by Jesus, and rests on Him as its foundation.
Discussion Question: In light of today’s reading, how can you live out the truth that we are the people of God?
Take time to reflect on your Scripture reading and today’s question. Share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.
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346 thoughts on "Established by Jesus"
I think actions can speak volumes. We should obviously still talk about God but if we are not showing God’s love through kind actions and serving others, our words become inauthentic. Jesus although he spoke, was also a man of actions, a man of generosity and love and we should strive to be the same!
This is a good perspective reset. We aren’t just a group of people who gather together for the sake of it, or even because we have something in common – but we gather because Jesus has gathered and established us as His people.
This changes how I see my brothers and sisters in Christ. I can see them as family. I can see them as Jesus sees them.
I can be a reflection of God in the world by my words and actions
You’ve said it perfectly. Thank you
This is beautiful, thank you for sharing.
i just started!
understanding that Jesus IS the church and His people are the body, not the building, makes Him seem so much closer.
I can let go of my expectations of others and trust that Jesus will remake his church on his timing.
Knowing that the Church is a reflection of Jesus causes me to live in a way that also reflects Him. There is a great pull to represent a particular church, denomination, or doctrine, yet they all are to be rooted in and point back to Jesus. If my life and my church are not reflecting Christ then our foundation may be faulty.
It is the greatest promise the Lord has made the end of the reading today talked about how we are in the new covenant. That Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. That is the most powerful thing that is what empowers me to be and do more to act in this world with these crazy things going on but with integrity. Because I think we are called as the church to show his love and not condemn to be grateful and not bitter
By being consistent. Not allowing wavering emotions to control me, but standing strong on what the Lord says. How he would handle a situation.
I can live out the truth by showing love and kindness to everyone around me. I want to make people feel and see the goodness of Christ through me.
I can trust in his promises and let him work in me and through me for His glory and purpose.
It is sometimes hard to honor the church in the way I want to. For someome who’s felt like an outsider for a long time thanks to my beliefs, understandings, and even identity, the church can be a complicated place to be. However, I find comfort in the core truth of what the church is: a new convenant in Christ’s blood, not established by human hands. A community of faith where each person has the indwelling spirit. A place were the outsider is welcome, drawn near by the great goodness and mercy of Christ. I can live this out by extending that welcome, that trust, and that heart of humility to my brothers and sisters without fearing their rejection.
Beautifully stated
By showing my family and friends where my life is focused.
I can live out the truth by knowing WHO i am in Christ and cultivating the fruit of the spirit in my life daily.
You can’t show God without showing love. Show that God changed your life and that He is you savior.
It’s showing me to be humble in knowing that I was adopted and that without His grace and the blood of Jesus I will be nothing in His kingdom today … I am so thankful for Jesus and His act of redemption which welcomes sinners like me into His Kingdom… I need to now let His words and the Spirit of God move through me each and every day to be obedient to Him and to live fully in His covenant
I can live out the truth that I belong to Christ by being peaceful. When the world is in turmoil and everyone else is full of anxious worries, I can show the Peace of God the transcends all understanding. I can use peaceful language and ask that the Lord help His peace shone through me like a light to others.
I came up with a couple of points! Show love, grace and patience. Treat people equally. Ask myself what Jesus would do in a situation that I need help with.
We can live out the truth that we are the church by dying daily to our sins and asking Christ to work through us each day.
I can rest assured that he has a plan for his people and move confidently in what he calls us to! He hasn’t just called me but all of his people.
I am so thankful for God’s Grace! I try to love others and show grace the way God loves me and shows me grace. It can be hard for sure, but I keep working at it each day.
Let Jesus be your rock your foundation!
We can live out the truth that if we are the people of God if we, like Peter, confess that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, the rock on which our foundations were laid.
“I will make you a light…that my salvation will reach the ends of the earth.” He has given us the message of reconciliation to take to the earth in his name. This is encouraging, convicting, and challenging for me! I long to bring this message of reconciliation on his behalf and in a world so divided, I struggle to do that well. He’s been teaching me that I don’t need to CONVINCE others that he is good, I need live out his love towards others while allowing His love for me and my love for him to be known.
This is beautiful. Thank you!
How can we live out that we are God’s people? We, as the children of God and the church, must allow the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out and make us more like Christ. In our actions, conversations, and thoughts, we must constantly be aware of the Spirit’s leading and allow him to fully take control. We are a vessel of Christ and must be a light to all around us!
How can we live out that we are God’s people?
To live as set apart from rest of the world. A beacon of hope and light to all we meet.
Being intentional and remembering I AM is the creator of all things. He made us who we are so we should lead by his example of what he is to us. Be kind, be generous, have faith, love more and be thankful. He’s our deliverer so we should deliver his same characteristics.
These scriptures make me so grateful for God’s mercy on us to call us His own is the greatest blessing that we do not deserve.
I let fear control me a lot more than what I need to and it is exhausting. Just know you’re not alone, and I’ll be praying with both get over this hurdle ❤️
By showing others grace the same way He has shown us. And by showing what the love of Jesus has done in my life.
By showing others grace the same way He has shown us. And by showing what the love of Jesus has done in
Inviting people into our lives. I believe that we can share the love of Jesus by showing people love and treating them as better than ourselves.
To be set apart from the rest of the world as the salt and light of the earth we were created to be. I know I need to be reminded what am I reflecting, like am I reflecting Christ like love, or jealousy, anger, etc. I know these are human things that we all do, but I know it’d do me and others some good if I were being more conscientious of what/Who it looks like I’m living for. I find hope in knowing it is God working through me, and not my own strength
I think it can be as simple as really considering what would Jesus do. After that trying to live your life (also pray to be lead) to do as he would.
By showing more of gods love through by truly loving all others and acting as a witness rather than a judge or jury. And also by seeking god In all I do. I can only show others Christs love once I allow him to work through me daily.
I’ve learned that in order to serve the Lord I first need to bask in th love and mercy the Lord has shown me. From there comes obedience and a desire to share His glory! Also more importantly comes a desire to know Him
In light of today’s reading, how can you live out the truth that we are the people of God?
I can live out the truth that I am part of the people of God by loving others the way I want to be loved and by pursuing God in all areas. I believe to know God is to be Christ-like.
I must not only spread the Word of God but also invite Christ into my heart at all times, so I may be a light for all nations in the name of Jesus.
I must also remember and believe God’s Grace to redeem me—I had no part in my own redemption.
Humbling myself and remembering that I would not be here without Jesus. Also extending grace to others.
Being intentional about my relationship with Him and accepting His forgiveness.
I was convicted this morning that I really need to live out my life with faith in “how much more will the blood of Christ”. So often my fears limit what I believe God can do in me and my life and then I don’t walk with the confidence that I could have as a daughter of the King.
I completely agree and need to do this more as well!! Well said friend!
Simply by loving others. And by loving them, that means telling them about Jesus, inviting them to church, etc. I know I personally need to do better in this area.
I feel like if we try to love and be more forgiving the world would be a more christ like place!
I feel that I can live out this truth by not only seeking Jesus daily but working to die to myself as to be more Christ like in all of my actions, toward others.
“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, with good works, which God prepared ahead of us to do.” (Eph. 2:8) I can use the talents I have been given to allow others to see Christ, and be transparent enough that others can see the grace when I don’t do that well. We have all been called to love God and love others… my prayer is that I do that each day by embracing Christ’s love and sacrifice for myself and others. I want to remember to extend grace and love
The best way to live our the truth of being the people of God is to strive to act like Jesus. Give the grace that Jesus gave us in the cross!! His mercies are new every morning and we should be live each day full of grace
Allow people to see Christ in us!!
Be an example of Christ to people
Allow people to see Christ in us!!
I can live out the truth by being open daily to the Holy Spirit to teach me, lead me into more intimate connection with Him and
Grace. Receiving it and sharing it.
I can live out this truth by actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus every day. It is so easy to be a lazy Christian and take the sacrifice Jesus made for granted. There is no work/time intensive sacrifice and atonement we have to make. BUT, that is not who God calls us to be and what he asks us to do. Being in the word and relationship with Him is most important and what holds us together as children of God.
Salvation and restoration through Jesus is for all people. I want to tell others about this completeness and peace that is for them too.
The way I live out that I am a person of God is by spending time learning, listening, and obeying
I can live out this truth that we are the people of God by displaying to those around me where my confidence truly is, in Him. This is also a discipline for me. Where do I
I can live out this truth that we are the people of God by displaying to those around me where my confidence truly is.
me too greta! that’s so powerful
Daily celebrate the gifts of God. Acknowledge and glorify him by trying your best to follow Jesus and his good works; yet remember it is a gift of God given through grace, by faith. Abide and keep the faith.
That we belong to him. Knowing he is a good good father and instead of worrying handing it over to him. To stop focusing on our works, start focusing on his people and worshipping him!
As the Church is founded by Christ, we should live out the truth that our life is founded in Christ as well. This is through living under the presence of Christ, acknowleding that we depent and trust in Him, showing the world the grace of God.
I want to live a life that has hope and chooses peace even when my circumstances are uncertain or not what I would have planned, and I feel anxiety creeping in. I want to act in such a way that others can see the peace and gentleness I have in these times because of the way I know and am known by God.
Amen! I struggle with extending grace to others when I should not; Christ did even more for me!!
I love this!!
To live out the truth that we are the people of God, I think we should share His word to others along with our personal testimonies. I think God makes His gospel personal so we have stories to share with others; these stories can touch others and help them be saved as well! Not by works but by grace through faith are we saved. Amen!!
My response to how I can live out the truth that we are the people of God feels too simple to me, but it’s the first that comes to mind: I can trust Christ as my firm foundation regardless of what is happening around me in my life or in the world. And not only trust Him, but live my life in such a way that shows that I do. That makes others ask how I can have such peace and confidence despite what I can see in the natural. It’s so much easier said than done! But is certainly my goal.
As I read today’s scriptures I was struck again by His amazing grace. For once I was dead in my transgressions and now I am alive through His blood (saved by grace). Always an amazing transformation to me. Lord, teach me to extend more grace to others as you have extended grace to me.
I think through understanding that we belong to Christ. We are not just associated with Him—we belong to Him! In light of that, I want to represent Him well to the world. I want His words to be written in my heart and mind so that I can share truth with others, as well as remind myself of His truth.
The church (read all of us) are unified under Christ and are to be a light to the world
I’m struck by how scripture notes we are created in the image of God. That struck me – and is the best way for me to live out the truth. Remembering I was created in His image and to proclaim His truth.
Ephesians 2:4-5 pretty much sum it up for me. Because of his great love and mercy for me, I am made alive in Christ in though I am a sinner. We are all saved by grace thanks to love and mercy of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!
Walk in the FREEDOM that the price was paid once and for all with the spilling of His blood. There is nothing I can do but accept the gift of His blood covering our sin and walk with confidence that He will help me to live a life pleasing to Him. Jesus will be there to pick me up when I fail. We can look at everyone the way Jesus did. As someone worthy of His sacrifice and love.
Walk in the FREEDOM that the price was paid once and for all with the spilling of His blood. There is nothing I can do but accept the gift of His sacrifice.
I can live out the truth through my words and actions; keeping Him in my thoughts with everything I do. Knowing He is always present.
I loved the verse in Isaiah and the verses in Ephesians, that talk about the Gentiles. I have been thinking on and thanking God for that inclusion, because in Ephesians it even mentions that before Christ, Gentiles had no inheritance as God’s people. From Eph. 2:12 “remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.” Without hope! How awful a thought to be without hope. I live out the truth that we are the people of God by being filled with hope because Jesus died once and for all to draw me, even me!, nearer to God. Thanks be to God!
Remembering I am forgiven and saved by grace no matter how many times I mess up. How much more did Jesus’ blood save us than the “old” way of reconciling us to God- I loved this today
Persevering with joy is my biggest challenge.
I want to trust even more. Trust that Jesus’ life is my hope, His death my salvation, His resurrection my life, my walk with Him is my sanctification. All my striving is for nothing, His grace is everything.
I can live out the truth by simply let him in. Even though his always with me I have the hardest time right now to let him in to my mornings, in to my days and nights,thoughts and actions. But every time I come back to the word I feel home. Safe. Just like I always am in his everlasting presence, even if I’m letting him in or not.
We share the same principles as others who follow Christ and we need to share love with the unbelievers as well.
Forgiving other people. Not repeating things that have hurt us but instantly forgiving. My goal for this coming school year.
By being a light in this world. Not succumbing to the ways of this world but by persevering through trials with joy. Bearing fruit and serving others
I have been saved by Grace through faith and I can live out this promise every day by remembering that Christ died for my transgressions and I can live with hope of eternal salvation. I can share this hope.
Live by example, that being Christ!!!
This is my goal and daily I strive to show Love. I’m not perfect by any means- therefore I must rely on The Holy Spirit to shine through me to others.
I can live out the truth by spending and devoting time in the word of God so I can truly know Jesus better and know who He is and so I can resemble his character and be an example to others. I want to follow His commandments so that others can see the impact He has on my life and be drawn to Him through that.
I think the more we can share our testimony with others the more we can bring others out of that darkness into His light too.
I think we can live out God’s truth by walking in the assurance of knowing who and whose we are. We should walk with confidence, because we belong to Jesus. Often, we let the world define who we are and give us our identity. Sometimes this identity drags us down and doesn’t let us see who we really are in Christ.
My Bible has a highlight reminding me that “good works do nothing to help us obtain God’s favor, but they follow naturally as we experience the love of Christ”. One of my goals this year is to slow down and allow Jesus to pour into me, so hopefully my cup can overflow into others!
John 13:35
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
By grace we have been saved….we have been drawn into this precious relationship not by our own efforts but through & by our triune God….Father,Son and Holy Spirit.
.Even our Faith is a gift from God. …. I have been drawn near and NEED to stay NEAR to reflect his love, grace and mercy to the people around me, to hear his word to me & to live out this great Salvation in humility and confidence that He who began a good work in me will complete it !
We can live out the truth that we are the people of God by being the hands and feet of Jesus! Praying for you all!
I think that I can live the truth of Christ but just reading the Bible everyday and just enjoy reading the word.
We can become more like God by loving like He loves us!! AMEN!!!
Our identity in in Christ. Daily, I am called to be like Christ. I am His image beared to the world around me. To that end, I need to encourage and uplift my brothers and sisters. I need to show the world that the Church is a place of refuge; a place of hope.
Christ’s sacrifice has covered us completely, and we do not do anything to earn his love or sacrifice. We can live out this truth by doing good works in the name of Jesus, not because we have to, but because we are so full of Christ’s love that it just overflows through us!
I think that I can do that at this time by continuing the pursuit of love for my Lord and savior. To continue trying to learn what that means by reading the word and to understand that I named to leave room for a improvement of my knowledge when I encounter different versions of his Love, instruction, or even correction.
We have been saved by grace through faith! We are all sinners, and that is not going to change until Jesus comes back – we are going to make mistakes, we are going to stumble, and we are going to fall – but, as believers, when things happen, we need to immediately lift our eyes to Jesus, fall to our knees, repent, and ask forgiveness – then get right back up and try again!! Being the hands and feet of Jesus is why we are here! Being bold in His name, unashamed, reaching out to those who don’t know Him and planting that seed! Living a life, so that others can see Christ in us!
We can represent God in our daily life by following his word being humble, kind, and
We are who we are because of Christ! Hallelujah.
I like the way Ephesians 2:10 was worded for our kid’s camp one year.
‘For we are God’s masterpiece, made new in Christ Jesus to do the good things he has planned for us “. That is what I strive to do each day!
Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God…. ❤️✝️
We need to be in the Word daily, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in our inner thought life first of all…from the heart comes all that we say and do. Then we need to depend on the Holy Spirit to fill and guide us in all we say or do. That’s with family, neighbors, jobs, community, and in our churches.
God has raised us up to display the riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Jesus. What kind of display am I? What is the church displaying to the world? Live my life in such a way that those who encounter me can see Jesus.
We are saved by grace through Faith, not from works. Be His light walk in grace, love one another, be kind, humble, serve our living God.
By showing the fruit of the spirit
We can live out that we are God’s people by imitating Jesus and listening to the Holy Spirit. I am still learning to hear the Holy Spirit when He speaks to me, as well as understanding what He says. Praise God that He loves us when we’re learning!
“We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God ordained ahead of time for us to do.” This is the main verse of the VBS my kids are in this week, so I was thankful to read it in my devotions too. We are created and equipped to work in God’s Kingdom. There is no greater or more fulfilling mission. We have purpose individually and together.
The first words that popped into my mind were GRACE AND MERCY. Living a life full of grace and mercy for ourselves and others I believe shows that I am a person in Christ.
The sermon that we had on Sunday was about hospitality. It focused on this verse: “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Romans 15:7 ESV
We were far away and then Jesus died for us because he wanted to bring us close. We can lay down our own lives for those around us because God did it first. This brings glory to God! Hopefully through acts of hospitality and servant behavior we can draw people to their Lord who loves them so much that he died for them before they knew.
Amen! Exactly what I was going to say!
By loving as He would love, and being careful of our words—both by what we do and don’t say. The world is watching and listening: “Love God. Love others. The end.”
We can be secure in our relationship with God because of Jesus Christ.
Walk confidently in His light and reflect Him in the day-to-day mundane things. Shine, extend grace, rejoice in the hope we have in Jesus.
Amen sister
We also should be filled with grace as we walk in light of what Christ has done for us. But we can only do this through the uniting power given to us through the blood of Christ.
We don’t deserve this gift not have we earned it . It is our duty however to cherish and perserve it and be a light and example to others in knowing the word and for others to see Jesus and the Spirit within us everyday
We can live out the truth that Jesus is our foundation by reflecting His love to the world…
He is everything. It can be easy to get caught up in what I need to be “established” but the TRUTH is when we find out foundation in Jesus regardless of the good or bad that comes our way we can be sure of our hope.
Isaiah 49:6 tells us we are to be a light for the nations- proclaim Christ!
Ephesians 2:1-13 tells us that we now have a hope because of Jesus shed blood.
Matthew 16:13-18 tells us to speak truth to those around us.
Hebrews 8:6-13 tells us The Lord is merciful towards us and remembers our sins no more.
Hebrews 9:11-15 and 1 Corinth 3:11 tell us all we need is Jesus! Let’s go out to our mission field and proclaim these truths. So EVERYONE can know they have hope in Christ, only need Christ, and it’s not about our good works it is all about what He had done for us!! Thank you Jesus!
Isaiah 49:6 tells us we are to be a light for the nations- proclaim Christ!
Ephesians 2:1-13 tells us that we now have a hope because of Jesus shed blood.
Matthew 16:13-18 tells us to speak truth to those around us.
Hebrews 8:6-13 tells us The Lord is merciful towards us and remembers our sins no more.
Isaiah 49:6 tells us we are to be a light for the nations- proclaim Christ!
Ephesians 2:1-13 tells us that we now have a hope because of Jesus shed blood.
Matthew 16:13-18 tells us to speak truth to those around us.
Isaiah 49:6 tells us we are to be a light for the nations- proclaim Christ!
Ephesians 2:1-13 tells us that we now have a hope because of Jesus shed blood.
Isaiah 49:6 tells us we are to be a light for the nations- proclaim Christ!
Something God has been renewing my understanding of is how little I can do ony own. I need Him and His might every moment of the day. The same with the church. The Church needs God more than ever.
In the This is the Gospel study, one of the topics was Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected. It seems so simple but without the truth of that statement, none of us would be here. No life, death, or resurrection of Jesus, no church. We may be from different denominations, have different political opinions, read different translations of the Bible, go to morning or evening services, but we should all hold tight to this truth together. The world is watching, and if we let our differences divide us, we minimize what unites us – that we are God’s people, saved by the blood of Jesus, the foundation of the church.
Wow!! Hebrew 8 answers today’s question for me. “I will put my laws into their minds
and write them on their hearts.” before I started reading today’s scripture I was praying for understanding of God’s word and hear in this scripture He tells me that He has and will do this. This is His new covenant to me!! Talk about knowing what we need before we even ask!! So my answer to today’s question is that I will keep on reading God’s word for understanding so that I can share it with others.
I do not know what part of Omaha you live in but look up Calvary Chapel – I think that there are two or more of them in Omaha
I can love Jesus & be grateful and amazed at what he has done for me!
I think the biggest “grow” for me as I live out his truth can be in the way I minister to others and my community. I sometimes find that my relationship with our Heavenly Father is something that I keep to myself as a young person sometimes for fear of judgement or just personal selfishness. I want to be intentional about living my truth in a communal way and striving to live in Christ’s image
We can live with grace for other just like He had abounding grace for us!
Love this
Understand Grace is what saves. The gift of grace is for everyone
We can live out truth by intertwining God in our actions. Serving others and acting in a way that reflects Christ gives others a glimpse of his traits.
We are to be different set apart, to resemble the one who shed his own blood to save us. May we strive every day to be more like him
I need to stay in God’s word and be a light to others.
Showing spreading His love and word to all who we meet. Being an example of love.
To live out the truth that we are God’s people my daily prayer is to let me be a light in this dark world and ask God to use me to show His love and his light through me as vessel I want to stand out so people will ask what do you have or got that gives you this peace and joy and I can tell them His name is Jesus
We should live in a way that magnifies God’s glory and love. We should seek Him each and every day. And we should shine His light on the darkness of the world, just as Jesus shines his light on the darkness within each of us.
Live in obedience, taking every thought captive, our minds need to be transformed. I’m learning that a lot of things come out from reacting, becoming offended easily. I’m learning that I need to pause and extend grace always. It doesn’t matter what other people mean by whatever they say, giving grace is the way. Those seemingly small moments I choose to react offended are feeding bitterness. Christ forgives us, He died for us. I should give grace when I’m offended or hurt- it’s so little in comparison
Holy as You are Holy. Is this world, which is not our home, may we continue to be a “city on a hill” for You. .. it is true.. Amen
I love each of you my Sisters in Christ Jesus. Lord, please continue to refine me to be set apart, to
We can live out our lives as children of God by growing in relationship with Him, by loving His people, by allowing the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and transform our minds for the glory of God. He calls us to love and serve other people.
I’m so grateful he called my name while I was far off. His love for me is across time and has no bounds. His love for me is so great there is nothing that can get in the way. He will do whatever it takes to keep me close. There is no one else like Jesus. Amen
We are to live out God’s truth with everything we have, because he gave everything!
Hebrews 8:10 I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people! I love this. I feel for me, it is so important to stay in His word daily. To remember just who we are in Christ. To show love to all. Not always my greatest accomplishment….I need to remember that. To forgive others as God has forgiven me.
Thank you all for your beautiful suggestions of how to live out the truth of being God’s people. I agree with everything you all say that it’s about letting God’s love flow through us to other people. May God help me to love Him first and others as myself!
Three things that stood out to me during this reading, for how we can live out the truth that we are God’s people:
1. We can be a shining light for those around us. (Is. 49:6)
2. We can live in the knowledge that we have been brought close to God. (Eph. 2:13) If we live as a reflection of having a close relationship with God instead of a distant, impersonal relationship, this will be clear to others and will bring others to draw closer to God.
3. We can forgive others as we have been forgiven. (Hb. 8:12)
Three things that stood out to me during this reading, for how we can live out the truth that we are God’s people:
1. We can be a shining light for those around us. (Is. 49:6)
We can live in the knowledge that we have been brought close to God. (Eph. 2:13) If we live as a reflection of having a close relationship with God instead of a distant, impersonal relationship, this will be clear to others and will bring others to draw closer to God.
We can forgive others as we have been forgiven. (Hb. 8:12)
Three things that stood out to me during this reading, for how we can live out the truth that we are God’s people:
We can be a shining light for those around us. (Is. 49:6)
We can live in the knowledge that we have been brought close to God. (Eph. 2:13) If we live as a reflection of having a close relationship with God instead of a distant, impersonal relationship, this will be clear to others and will bring others to draw closer to God.
Three things that stood out to me during this reading, for how we can live out the truth that we are God’s people:
We can be a shining light for those around us. (Is. 49:6)
Three things that stood out to me during this reading, for how we can live out the truth that we are God’s people:
Live set apart- for His purpose. Be a royal priesthood- who helps others reconcile & restore with God. Love people.
The only way to show the truth is to show the love of God. God is love, and there is no greater truth.
Amanda, I too want to know the study Shannon is doing!! lol Sounds like one I need!
Loved reading these responses! Oh the blood of Jesus!! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus!!
We can live out being the people of God by reflecting His Spirit into the world. I believe that we are called to allow Him to clean us and shine us that we may reflect His truth into a dark and hurting land. So that He may call others to Himself through our lives of obedience, worship, and surrender.
Isaiah 49:6 – we’re to be the light for all people! The way we act sets us apart from non-believers, so it’s important for us to treat others well, show the kindness of Christ, and do things differently.
220 comments already today!! We are the church!! By our love they will know!!
They will know we are Christians, the people of God, by our love for one another. Actions speak louder than words so its important to imitate Jesus and act like Him.
The first thing that comes to mind when asked how to live out the truth that we are God’s people is love. To live a life where I love people. Not just the people that are easy to love but the people who are hard to love. I have to admit that sometimes I struggle to love those who are very different from me. I pray the Lord gives me the strength to love all people.
I pray every day that God’s love and light would be so apparent in me that I can become a beacon to others for Him. Being in His truth everyday, knowing that my identity is in Him alone, and surrendering my desires, attitude, thoughts, actions, words, everything to Him.
Shannon, what is the name of the study you are doing on “my thoughts about my husband?”
Knowing we are God’s daughters changes everything! We don’t have to walk in insecurity, fear, abandonment, etc. we ca. walk confidently, knowing we have a place at His table and are one of his family. It can be so hard to live out, but it makes all the difference when we remember
Knowing we are God’s daughters changes everything! We don’t have to walk in insecurity, fear, abandonment, etc.
The verse that spoke to me (and to many of you) today is “And I say also to_____ (fill in your name), you (yes you) are the Rock, that upon you, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (my church). Wasn’t Peter’s name Simon before Jesus renamed him to Peter? Don’t we all have different names before the Lord called us by His Name (and His Name is the Rock of Salvation -Psalm 62:1). He renames you and me to the Rock (His Name). I will look at myself in the mirror today and remind myself repeatedly that “you are the Rock of God, you are the Rock, God has chosen today to be His Rock”. He is looking for you, women/mothers/wives, who will say yes to Him today so that upon your life God will build and establish His church. I got reminded of the four faces of God: the lion, the ox, the son of man, and the eagle. God is always looking for people who will bear His image (His characters/nature) to take on leadership and to overcome, the lion (strength, courage, to roar with power causing the enemy to tremble), the ox (bear the sacrifice of being a servant and of humbleness, one who labors, lowly), son of man (able to empathize with human beings/others in suffering), eagle (God many times compares Himself to one with mighty wings to protect (Psalm 91:4) and He calls us eagles as well in Isaiah 40:31, showing signs of strength, swiftness, far visions that He gave to us, and eagles make their nests/homes up high on the cliff (the Rock), we are living on the earth for now but our nest is in Heaven resting on the Rock of our Lord Jesus Christ. So many figurative meanings hidden in the Bible, and may the Spirit of Revelation continue to bring them to light for us as we continue to seek Him daily in the Word. So heartwarming to see all the comments imparting wisdom and strength here today! Please keep them coming. Love it. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters!
I just loved Ephesians 2:13: “You who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” I think it is critical that I include everyone into the family of God as He has done for me. Have a blessed day, She’s!
I can live out the truth of being one of God’s people by living as salt in a bland world. In a world where everyone wants to be just like the next person. I can live differently. I can allow God to transform my mind and renew my heart. I can allow God to help me treat others with justice, love, and mercy. I can live as a light in a dark world. I can live my life in a way that points people to Jesus and draws them to Him. I can do what I can to live as Christ lived and glorify God in all I do.
There are of course plenty of ways to live out the truth that we are people of God, but the first thing that comes to mind is humility. through my years of walking with the Lord (today marks six!), I’ve seen in real time the power of placing others above myself. I was so very prideful and thought living in a way that showed I was smarter, cooler, funnier, more intimidating, etc was most important–oh so wrong! the Lord showed me through His actions that to serve and have a forgiving heart is much more valuable than the things previously listed. there is something supernatural about presenting yourself to God and others in a way that communicates, “hey, I desperately need grace.” have a great day, SHES!
We are His people, we are not “not His people”. How much more beautifully can He say I love you than that. He is telling everyone that you are HIS! The scripture from John prompted a memory of where the people began walking away from Jesus and He ask, Do you want to go away also? Every time I read Peter’s response tears well up….”Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life and we have believed, and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God”. Where would we go???? Where do people go when seeking help, hope, healing…to the church. Not the building but the church, where someone can tell them about the Healer of ALL things.
I love that God puts his laws into our minds and writes them on our hearts. He will be our God, and we will be his people. As I go through each day, keeping in my mind that he IS my God , and I am his person/disciple/servant, allows me to have joy that shines on my face and in my actions. I can live my life in a way that tells others I am a Christian, even without opening my mouth. I saw a quote on social media yesterday that speaks to the way we live as Christians: Sometimes the only testimony that is needed is to say you’re a Christian, and then not behave as a total jerk.” God, may I always live in a way that shows your love and mercy to everyone in my world.
Today was a great reminder that God made a new covenant. That we are his people and he is our God. I know memorizing scripture and having other believes to walk through life is helpful to living a life with God.
I think we should reflect that we are “different” as the people of God. Whether that’s how we speak, handle ourselves in tough situations, how we react … I’m not always the best at this as I’m sure I often look the “same” as someone who doesn’t know Christ. But I pray that God would continue to mold me into being more like HIM and less like the world.
A few years ago I didn’t know what it meant to be “bought with the blood of Christ”. But now I KNOW! And I’m so grateful! It means that Jesus is the reason that I am saved. That I could not save myself. The thought that I needed to “hold up my end of the world”, whole God helped others, was what brought me to my broken point. And then Jesus showed me what he died on the cross for! For my perfectionism, for my pride, for my fear! And he has REDEEMED me! Thank you Jesus!
Christ is the foundation and very core of the Church. He gave us an example of how to live during his life on earth. Everything else, living under the law, works etc etc, is secondary and should come naturally when we live according to Christ’s example of loving God and loving people.
Walk worthy. Live by faith. Be filled with the Spirit. Love. Show the fruit of the Spirit, but not from ourselves. Meet with other believers. Not giving up on our sisters and brothers in the faith.
Share and serve.
Spending lots of time in the Word helps as we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Know our position – in Christ & seated in heavenly places. Increase in Christlikeness – allowing God to do the work He needs to do in us for that to happen, not always easy:-) Thankful His mercies are new every morning.
I can live out the truth that we are the people of God by remembering what Jesus has done for every single one of us and treating each believer as someone who has been lovingly brought near to God by His choosing. By treating each believer as a redeemed new creation that is part of the best ministry and the best covenant ever! Along with not expecting more from them than what God has called us all to be, His servants and lights of salvation.
To radiate the kindness, goodness, and mercy that Jesus personified. Be a light to others.
I can live out the truth that we are the people of
I can live out the truth that I am part of the People of God with my actions, with my words, with what I view on social media and TV and lastly how I treat others and myself. I believe the old saying “actions speak louder than words” is very true. I goes along with how you treat those around you. Even if your day started out bad that doesn’t mean you should take out on those around you, I’m guilty of this at times — I try not to. My words need to convey that I’m who I say I am. In other words I shouldn’t tell people I’m a Christian and then walk away and start cussing and yelling at someone nearby. Now days, TV and social media are so full of violence, cussing, and many other things that are not of a Christian image that I only really only look at my Facebook once every week or two and I’ve gotten away from many of the violent TV shows. I think though one of the main things is how I treat myself, shows those around me how I feel about my Christianity. The Bible says we are made in God’s image, so therefore if I disrespect myself in any way I’m disrespecting God and Christ and the Holy Spirit — because we know they are all one entity. I have been trying to get better at caring for myself first because I am no good to anyone else if I am sick — physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.
Father, help us to care for ourselves first so we can then care for others better. Remind us we are made in Your image. Amen.
I received a phone call this morning from my son, my dil is sick w/ a fever and diarrhea; please pray for her.
Kaylee, my other little girl I care for, is at home again. YEAH!!!!
Be blessed and care for yourself because YOU ARE SPECIAL AND ARE GOD’S DAUGHTER AND MADE IN HIS IMAGE, sisters.
To live out the truth I believe I need to build a strong foundation first, by being in the Word of God daily. I need to Love the Lord above every thing else and then love my neighbor as God loves me. I need to give Glory to God always in my words and actions and acknowledge the Lord daily through prayer.
Living by God’s truth, rather than the worlds version… showing love, empathy, respect, to those who come across our path each day.
To be and show that we are people of God we must Love the LORD our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. With everything in us we are to love the LORD above everything and everyone else and seek him and his ways above all else. And then… love our neighbors as ourselves. Too many times we get these out of order, but Jesus said to Love the LORD was the greatest commandment.
We must also be women in the Word every day. If we love him we must also obey his commands, and how can we know what he commands if we do not read his word!
Thank you SRT for your faithfulness to the WORD! ♥️
To be and show that we are people of God we must Love the LORD our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. With everything in us we are to love the LORD above everything and everyone else and seek him and his ways above all else. And then… love our neighbors as ourselves. Too many times we get these out of order, but Jesus said to Love the LORD was the greatest commandment.
We must also be women in the Word every day. If we love him we must also obey his commands, and how can we know what he commands if we do not read his word!
To be and show that we are people of God we must Love the LORD our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. With everything in us we are to love the LORD above everything and everyone else and seek him and his ways above all else. And then… love our neighbors as ourselves. Too many times we get these out of order, but Jesus said to Love the LORD was the greatest commandment.
Absolutely! What a great perspective!
We are to be a light, image bearers for Jesus everywhere I go. I think God teaches me this daily, when I’m out in traffic, or at the grocery store. So often little things annoy me, and I don’t always respond the best. But if I am representing Jesus then I need to choose a different response. A response that gives grace like confetti, and reflects back Jesus’ love. Something I am trying to keep in mind, is that every interaction I have with someone is a chance to either turn them toward Jesus, or it could turn them away. If I am responding the way I want to respond, that’s often going to turn people away, because my selfish nature is to protect me and get what I want. These passages remind me to look upward in these moments, rather than inwards.
Before reading the Scriptures I ask the Father to send His Holy Spirit to open my eyes to read His Word, open my mouth to speak His Word, open my ears to hear His Word, open my mind to know His Word , open my heart to believe His Word and open my spirit to trust and obey His Word. This prayer helps me focus on His Word and I pray it blesses you all to do the same. ♥️
To be people of God, we must live by God’s truth rather than the “truth” of the world. Instead of using the societal lens to interpret the Bible, we need to use the Bible as the lens to interpret the world.
These thoughts came to me this morning.
Together, we are the people of God. Created to do good, to live in His presence, to walk in the light,to live in love with His Laws in our minds and hearts in a dark, hurting, broken world that is not our home. Better together. Reflecting His love and light. Image bearers.
In Him we live and move and have our being.
His presence, our life
Living out the truth as God’s people looks like establishing Jesus as my foundation.
That’s an awesome thing to work on. I know working with kids I have to have this reminder all the time… thanks for sharing!
Matthew 16:15 “But you,” he asked them, “who do you say that I am?”
When I read the first 2 words, “But you,” I had to stop. Can you imagine Jesus turning to you, and saying, “But you?”
Would He not have our full attention with those 2 words?
It’s a good reminder for me to be ready with my answer at a moment’s notice.
I recently began practicing Shabbat (sabbath), which was scary at first because I already feel like I don’t do enough “good works”. But it feels like an invitation to accept God’s hospitality and to trust him with my time and work. I feel like this whole passage today is pointing to the same hospitality God offers us in holy rest. God has done this good work for us and in us, as a gift of love. More than anything else, more than striving and fretting to do MORE good works, I think that celebrating and giving thanks for the gift of salvation and new life is what will truly reflect all this to a hurting and rejected world.
Today’s reading reminds me that we can live out the truth that we are the people of God by embracing our calling, by saying yes to it, and going forward in it by faith. These passages stood out today: “It is not enough to make you a servant… I will also make you a light,” and “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of timed for us to do.” I love the idea that God created me for a purpose. I believe God created me to be a writer and a teacher, but I’m struggling to finish my first book and to get back into teaching English after staying home with my kids for a season. In reading this I remember that God put those skills in me, and I need to keep moving forward, so I can glorify Him!
Before I can even hope to live out the truth, I must first be immersed in the truth, soaking it in, filling up with it, “less of me, more of Him,” before I have any hope of living it out! If I am not, if I am fooling myself into just using the “goodness” I have gleaned from a Christian upbringing, being a “good person,” than that is just a prideful way of negating any chance of others seeing anything but me. The taking for granted that we were a church-going family that will show others we are Christians and, in turn, be a light to them based off of the box-checking we did in life. And that truth is heartbreaking. I have been a believer since I was 6 years old – but it has taken 30+ years to die just a little bit to myself and be raised in the newness of life, and new way of seeing things I was so conditioned in.
This thought I got from a recent health and wellness podcast hit me in the gut for my spiritual mindset, too; my getting into the word in the crazy busyness of raising 4 homeschooled kids, and all the other excuses:
“One trick I learned a long time ago that really hurt but also really helped was this. So if there’s something that I want, but I’m using excuses like oh, the kids make it so hard, or oh, I don’t have time or Oh, it’s not the right time. What I want you to say instead is that’s not a priority for me.”
Mic Drop…. that’s what I was really saying to God when He longed to just be with me, teach me through His word and our time together.
How refreshing to have been a church goer all my life, and to now be in a season where we aren’t active in a local church due to so many things, and to finally be learning and living what Church really is. The impact on our home and our neighbors has been miraculous and it was all because we followed God by taking a sabbatical from what we have both (my husband and I) always known and taken for granted in “church.” It was intimidating at first, but realizing the sole responsibility of teaching our children TRUTH is on our shoulders, and not the Sunday School we were allowing. I want my children to know what the true Church is before we settle into a “church.” In time I know God will bring us full circle to corporate fellowship, but right now it is so peaceful finally accepting where HE has us and stop worrying about what others think of our lack of “church” going. That was a big turn off was the constant “reminding” we got from both sets of parents to find something, anything. We are in a season of owning our own faith, and trusting that God is faithful and will complete the work He has begun in us, and our family!
May we reflect God’s great love for us and the people around us in the way we live our lives each day.
Jesus is our one and only foundation. Our whole life should be lived out in that way. I should love and forgive those the way Christ does with me, read and learn scripture, and continually talk to God.
We can live out the Truth by always pointing back to Jesus, standing firm in the one Truth rather than the culture’s “my truth”. We can lean on God in all things, and they way we live our lives should lead people to Christ.
My takeaway is that since Jesus is our foundation, everything else we do should flow from there. No person, no thing, no power can we build our lives on except Jesus. Lord, may I always remember that you are my solid rock, my foundation that doesn’t crumble or fail.
Two things stuck out to me as I was reading. I can live out this truth by
1- exercising kindness to everyone I meet, remembering that I am displaying the “immeasurable riches if his grace.” 2- actively listening the Lord. I love the passage where Jesus asks Peter who do you say I am. Peters response came from a revelation from the Father. When Jesus says on this rock I will build my church I believe he is referring the the practice and lifestyle of leaning into the Father for revelation. We do what we hear and see the Father doing. Have a wonderful day She’s! Let’s be the church!
Two things stuck out to me as I was reading. I can live out this truth by
The readings today revealed to me the importance of focusing on Jesus, our foundation, versus a list of dos and don’ts. As people of God, Christ is in us not because of who we are, but because of whose we are. How amazing is that?!?! In response, I will strive to love my life with gratitude and extend the grace He has given me to myself and others.
I need to do a lot more work on tempering my irritation. Be more deliberate with choosing my words and quelling my impatience!
I can live out this truth by giving glory to Him for all He has done, and doing my best to live my life following His example the best I can.
I believe spending time daily in the word is the best way for me to live out the truth of God. Also by surrendering to the Spirit and following his leading.
I believe spending time daily in the word is really the best way for me to
I love out the truth of God by leading with love. Loving those who think, believe, and act the same as me but more importantly loving those who are different. Jesus is the embodiment of love and our greatest commandments are to love god and others. There was never spoken of condition to that love so loving and accepting others as they are no matter my personal beliefs is the greatest way that I can reflect God and Jesus to others in this life
To live out the truth that we are the people of God, I must live out the truth that I am His. I must strive to follow the ten commandments. I MUST love my neighbor…I find this the most difficult as a human. It is so easy to love those we like and cherish. It is so hard to step above and love those that have wronged us or seem to not like us. The struggle is real and I pray daily to overcome these obstacles.
I must strive to be like God in my everyday life. Do good, love all, forgive all, have patience, speak with kind words, etc etc. The list goes on and on.
Over the years, my relationship with God has grown and grown. He is finally the #1 in my life with my family coming up very closely behind. It has taken me some time to get there but grateful for God’s grace.
I can live out that I am a person of God by doing life with folks inside and outside of the church building. By making time to sit with someone over coffee or a meal shows believers and non-believers that they matter.
by living a life that represents God and his character. for so long i struggled with just reading my bible/devotions and not actually practicing what i was reading. recently i made it a goal for myself to start talking to God more and to practice the things that he wants me to change. it’s been rocky, but it’s also been an incredible journey, and i’ve gotten so much closer with Him than i ever was before. always praying for you sisters!
I love the comments on being intentional everyday with getting into the Word and my “everyday agenda”. I recently left my job to pursue more time with God, my husband and my adult children but admittedly haven’t done it the way I “planned”. Prayer is where I need to start everyday! I’m doing another study on “my thoughts about my husband”. It has been impactful already – showing me to honor the man God created for me that is His son, based on his position not his behavior! God created us and through faith and grace I pray I can focus more on that instead of my fleshly desires and emotions.
A few years ago, Ephesians 2:10 was my “verse of the year” with my chosen word being “Create”. I was determined to use my gifts to create beauty in the world as our Creator did with all of us. Reading it in the context of the other passages today brings me back to that. Living out the truth that we are the people of God means writing his words on our hearts and taking them into the world every day!
(Also a voting of accidentally -posting) …he has done I would see my world every day through this new lens. Like that day long ago when Kathy and baby Rebecca died, my life would be forever changed in noticeable, undeniable ways.
Ephesians 2:12-13 “You lived in this world without God and without HOPE. But now you belong to Christ Jesus”. We can cling to the hope of Jesus and share this hope and the gospel of Christ with the hopeless around us. We can look up and see our neighbors, the people in the market place and love them and build relationships with them so that they see Jesus.
My heart is filled with love for him.
I can live out the Truth that we are the people of God by loving God and loving my neighbor as myself. In a self-revolving world, this should look drastically different. It’s something I definitely need His help with!
When I was 20 my, also 20 year-old pregnant sister-in-law was killed in the ambulance rushing her to the hospital to give birth. This event forever changed the way I saw and still see the world. It sharpened and refocused the lens of my life. I have understood the fragility and fickleness of life since that day. I think that if I understand what my God is and his action of love for me through what h
I wrote today’s question and response in my study book Notes page. My response: By being more patient with God.
There are two things that stood out to me from the comments of fellow She’s. I need to be intentional about getting back into a church community and praying for my daily agenda ro
I can live my life by reflecting the grace and forgiveness that God has given me to others. I can also give God all the praise, sharing His love with others in my daily walk and stand strong in my faith no matter what this world throws at me (with the help of the Lord).
I can strengthen my faith by continuing to seek out the truth in the word ! Focus on the promise and inheritance that was gifted to be through the blood of Jesus. Hoping that others see in me that Joy that has been put in my heart ❤️ by that faith, those promises, and inheritance that they to will seek after the same !
Loving my neighor as I love myself
I can live out the truth that we are God’s chosen people by standing firm in my identity as His daughter. I often tend to believe the lie that I am an orphan having to earn for myself, but Ephesians 2 says that we are saved by Grace through faith and that is something we cannot boast of in ourselves!
Today’s reading is reminding me of something I read yesterday on Instagram, “The only way to actually live is to treat everyone knowing that God actually died for them.” Ann Voscamp. Have a great day she’s!!
I really appreciate your thoughts so much! I too believe our lives are a wholistic presentation to others of living a different way than the world. May our lives be a long term consistent testimony of having peace during hard time, restoring broken relationships and building genuine community.
Be like Jesus.
Acceptance and trust have been big parts of my 22 year walk with Christ. There are lot of goals and accomplishments that I wanted in life that weren’t part of His plan for me, but I stubbornly held onto them anyway. I also went through a lot of hardships that were unique enough that people around me questioned my integrity. Spiritual abuse from the church, accusations from legal systems, unusual illnesses, etc. The stubbornness helped in those times. I’m now facing a genetic early onset Alzheimers diagnosis and realizing that He must increase as I decrease. I’ve started blogging and drafting a book so that I can document all that God’s done in my life, and all that He hasn’t, because both of these reflect His mercy.
I can live out His truth by striving to be more like Jesus everyday. I want others to see Jesus through me and the way I love them.
Shining the light of Jesus in our lives comes in many forms. Our face can reflect joy and love, we can keep our words clean and uplifting, we can act like we have the answer for a hurting world(because we do) filling our minds and heart with His Word like we’re getting from these devotionals but also searching His Word for a specific need we or someone else has. Pray like we have faith but then after the prayer speak like it’s true. Don’t join in on activities that are on the devils playground
One way I can live out the truth that I am one of God’s people is to love more and judge less. I need to worry less about what others are doing and focus more on what the Holy Spirit is guiding me to do.
I can live out the truth that we are people of God by loving God and loving other people every day. Also by having joy that I have been saved by grace and remembering to keep my heart and mind on things eternal! I think living from this posture will help me better follow Christ and shine his light to others, who will hopefully see something different and become curious!
I love that the scripture tells us “I will be their God and they will be My people because they will all know Me.” When our pastor gets up to bring us the word he always says “Good Morning Church!” We are the church!! The church is not the building but what is in it. We are to be the example and live our lives each and every day showing His love!
I want to be full grace and patience with my children today (as I remember that I am blessed to get to be home with them today).
Remembering 1 Corinthians 3:11- Jesus is our solid foundation! Build upon the truth of our foundation.
I can live out that I am a person of God through regularly reading the word in order to stay close to His desires for me. I can pray unceasingly, which I need to work on, to stay close to Him at all times! I can share with others about what God has done for me! He is good!
Our church has the motto “pray for one” with the prayer of “Lord, please give me one person to share your love with today”. I have many ‘ONES’ but each day it may be a new ‘one’ that I may share His love with. I have to be open to how God is leading.
I want to stand out and be a light of Jesus by being more patient and loving in hard circumstances
I’m loving reading your answers, women in the Word! As I ponder this question in light of todays reading and considering the Church, I think about the “we”. We are the people of God. I want to live in such a way that I treat each one as a member of Gods family – as one in a new covenant, forgiven, with His law in them, sharing one heart, with an eternal inheritance, and doing the works God prepared for them. Seeing each one and treating each one in this way will really be God in me. WE are the people of God. That includes me, you, all those who believe and all those who WILL believe. I want to treat each one as such. And I want to remind myself that that’s who I am, too.
For me I need to work on trying to live out God’s will for me without worrying about judgement from others.
I can live out his love and mercy by “showing” up for the people he places in my path today. I can listen without distractions, I can do my best to fulfill my promises and I can forgive over and over again. These are the ways Jesus “shows up”for me and I desire to do the same for others.
I’ve always felt the best way to show people who you are and what you stand for is live it out throughout your entire life. Be positive and be the light of the world Jesus wants us to be. People gravitate towards the light and want to surround themselves with people who make them feel included and loved. When they see that in you it can open a discussion on why you are that way.
Good morning, I can live out the truth that we are the people of God by submitting to the Holy Spirit and listening to His prompts and shining that light for others to see and then being ready to share the good news
This might be off topic. While reading Hebrews 9:11-15 , I was struck by the thought that as Jesus walked through the city on his last night and on his way to Golgotha to be crucified, he would have, quite literally, sprinkled the city streets with his blood.
How do I respond to these truths. My life should reflect a detectable change. I should be different. I shouldn’t be a mirror image if the fleshly world around me. There should be a humbleness in light of this great sacrifice. I should radiate love for others. Patience should be evident, because God has been patient with me. Hope even in the face of darkness.
We are a beloved daughters, called by God under the new covenant. Purchased at great price. Praise God in His goodness. Thank you Jesus for rescuing us.
This is beautiful!
In Light Of Today’s Reading, How Can You Live Out The Truth That We Are The People Of God?
I need to take deep breaths before I respond to my family, not have nasty gut reactions to things. I don’t fully live out God’s truth because I am quick to anger with them. I am rude and impatient, too. God please help me love and heal.
We are the people of God, his representatives on earth. As God’s people, we (I) must be careful with how I behave toward those who are lost. Am I sharing and living the true gospel of Christ to my friends and unsaved neighbors?
We walk with God in our minds and in our hearts daily. Showing others Grace, love and servitude. Without grace we would not be children of God. Love is what sets us apart.
I can live out the truth that we are people of God by having his word and laws in my mind and heart to the degree that other people know I follow Him without even having to tell them.
It’s important for me to remember that the Church exists to be the evidence of and show the grace and mercy of God to those who need hope. I pray that I can be used to do that.
Daily I NEED to watch myself and the words I use, what I watch on tv, what I listen to and how I react on social media. Just scroll on by and not be confrontational to others and watch what I share
I really like the idea of “praying for my agenda to be the Lord’s agenda.” To literally look at my plan for the day, and pray that it would align with what the Lord has for me. Thanks for sharing!
As the people of God we should pray and care for others. We don’t all have to believe the same things. Jesus called us to treat one another as we would want to be treated.
The first passage in Isaiah 49 that describes Israel as a “light for the nations, that my salvation shall reach to the ends of the earth” has me thinking of the children’s song “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine”. As a part of God’s Church, He has crafted me, by His grace, to be a light to show His love and salvation to the nations. I’m feeling a bit convicted this morning as I realize that I haven’t done a very good job of letting my light shine, especially around my family and friends who I know don’t believe in Jesus.
I can live out this truth by praying for my family. They may not all believe exactly the same as me; they maybe in different stages of their walk with Jesus, but I can pray daily for them. And in the process, I pray that my love for them will increase, and I will see what unites us more than what divides
Yes!! I love this. We are the church of God!
As I’ve grown into adulthood, I have spent more time alone worshipping Christ and not in a community. I’m seeking out a church with my fiancé since we just moved to Omaha, and we are committing to finding a community, a physical church but also the church of God and knowing that Christ set the foundation of the church (people) that follow him. Seeking out fellow believers and friends and women in the Word❤️
I’m blessed to work with mostly Christians. I feel that God has been working with me on so many things regarding my mouth, watching what I say and learning to build others up rather than tear them down. And not to just ramble on with no thought to what I’m saying.
I pray that I will continue to be the light to those who do not know Christ.
12 For I will forgive their wrongdoing,
and I will never again remember their sins.
13 By saying a new covenant, he has declared that the first is obsolete. And what is obsolete and growing old is about to pass away.
How amazing is our God….this give us the freedom to live without guilt and with great gratitude. I want to share this with everyone
I was snatched from the jaws of Satan. I am safe in the healing arms of Christ. I am grateful for God’s rich mercy and love. Unbelievable yet true. As believers, we are walking testimonies of His great power and intention to save us. Together with Christ we have good things prepared for us to do. Brought near by the blood of Jesus, we are God’s Church. Built on the solid rock foundation of the Messiah, the Son of the living God. And the gates of Hades will not overpower it (Matt 16:17). How can I live out this truth? By keeping the memory of who I once was as I too followed the course of the world (Eph 2:2). Walk in love (Eph 5:2). Love selflessly as Jesus loved me (John 13:34-35). Learn what is pleasing to the Lord (Eph 5:10). Oh sisters let’s go down, down in the river (Jesus) to pray, studying about that good ol’ way! That’s how we do it. Together in Christ.
I pray daily that I can be the hands and feet to show God’s love to those around me.
I am convicted by Ephesians 2:2 the ways of this world according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit now working in the disobedient. That is Satan – he is ruling the air – we can battle this by being mindful of what we post on social media – our words fly thru the air as never before on so many platforms – I want to be a light in this present darkness not add to the destruction
I think living out truth looks a lot like living a life of gratefulness to the Father. Through Christ Jesus, we have been brought near and in him the Lord forgives our wrongdoing and never again remembers our sin. This should fill us with joy and gratitude. And out of that out flowing of the spirit of gratefulness, we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the good works that the Father has prepared for us to do.
I struggle with my self worth and confidence. I know in my brain who I am but I struggle to believe so in my heart. I am the daughter of the Lord of lords, King of kings, the only God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am His… yet I struggle and allow satan to tell me otherwise. But today I am reminded that He loves me and I am truly His. I am worthy because my worth comes from Him.
I am currently on a mission trip in Puerto Rico. Isaiah 49:6 really resignated with me today. We had the opportunity last night to spend time with missionaries who live here and discussed the heavy spirit of oppression that resignates through this island. They encouraged us to be obedient to God in order that He may reach the people. They shared several stories of how small gestures turned into divine appointments orchestrated by God. And how small changes turn into major changes over time.
Recently I have been feeling a nudge to go deeper into the word so that I may better witness to the secular school I work at. Although I can not preach the word, I can witness it through my actions and love.
I think there was a severity in todays reading expressed by God to know His people. A sense of desperation to do whatever He could do make sure we knew Him as much as He knows us – therefore, the greatest sacrifice of all time. The one thing God could provide that was greater than anything else just so I could be left with His name etched on my heart. So, how do I treat this gift? With gratitude and grace? Or do I take it for granted and turn to/rely on myself like the wickedness described?
The line that struck me in this morning’s reading was when Jesus was speaking to Peter…”on this rock I will build my church, AND THE GATES OF HADES WILL NOT OVERPOWER IT”. WE are the church! WE are the people of God! Knowing this and living this means that evil will NOT overpower US! Thanks be to God! In today’s world, this brings peace to my weary soul! “Rock” on sisters!
With the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ; the true living God. I am His and I am blessed and forgiven through His sacrifice and I will walk in His light by His Spirit.
From the reading today, I am reminded that I have been redeemed through Christ’s sacrifice and not through my works. I am to live in that freedom with boldness.
I’ve been convicted lately of the need to live as a woman of God by confronting the seemingly “small” daily sins I commit. When I use an unloving tone with my kids, use unkind words to describe a person or group of people I don’t agree with, speak critically of my husband, gossip about a family member, allow bitterness to grow in my heart–anytime I don’t treat someone with the respect God gave them when he created them in his image, I remember my need to be continually brought into alignment with God’s will.
Living out the truth is waiting and listening for others. Be patient and kind. I always tell my kids you don’t know someone’s story, and we’re created on this planet to just sit and listen, because that’s one form of love. It’s also bringing a meal or a helping to whoever is in need. It’s a quick text or call to make sure whoever is on your heart is okay and reminded that they’re loved and prayed for. Walking out the truth is needed on this planet, it’s what God has called us to do!
For me it is to try to live in gratitude, to love as I have been loved, and to emulate the heart he has for us onto others.
Good morning! I know that today I can live out the truth that I am one of God’s people by choosing to love people like Jesus loves us.
I can live out this truth through showing love and kindness towards all people through my words and actions. I can live out this truth by following God’s purpose for my life. Immediately before reading this, i was given a speaking point of how to start a conversation to help lead a change in bullying in my community. It literally came out of no where and is contrary to my personality, but I plan to listen and be led. The reading and the question for today line up with it.
Walking in his grace daily, I know days when my intentions are pure and good and things still go sideways- leaving me feeling “out of control” what a funny notion since GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL. I am hold my head up high knowing it’s not up to me, I am his beloved daughter and he will guide my steps. Thank you Lord for loving me, for loving all of us.
Living in the truth and freedom that I am a reconciled child of God – that His once and for all blood sacrifice took care of what I once was, a stranger and enemy of Him. Choosing not to believe the lies of the flesh that I’m bound to messing up or going day to day just trying to be holy, but believing that I am who He says I am – which is already made holy and that I was created for His good works.
I am so truly thankful for the new covenant and that Jesus is the foundation! Living out the truth that I am established by God can be tough when the circumstances are chaos around you. For me, it’s taking time to focus on Him and choose to not hold into the chaos.
I like how Lauren Woolum puts it: ‘doing what he’s called you to do in private so that you can be who he wants you to be in public.’
By speaking Truth in love without compromise.
First off… WOW!!! What a day for SRT yesterday!!! Happy 10th to them!!! And YAY for this incredible community!!! I was so incredibly blessed by each and every comment!! Yes, I read almost all of them!!! SO Awesome!!! ❤️
@ KELLY (NEO) awwww!! You’re so sweet!! I was blessed to read your comment as well!!! God is doing great things my friend!!! ❤️
Today’s question…
The first thing I thought of was.. we may live in a physical world but we exist in a spiritual one!! It’s important to be aware of and not lose sight of that!!
…Then I thought of a reflection and ripples… in a mirror we see our fleshly reflection staring back at us… it’s when we look beyond our flesh (use our spiritual eyesight) that we see God!! And it is HIS reflection that is the most important!!! His reflection causes ripples!! And ripples spread, changing the entire environment that they’re in!! God changes EVERYTHING!!! SO Thankful for eyes to see and ears to hear!!! For we are NOTHING without Him!!! Let us reflect and ripple Him always!!! Amen!
As I continue to learn more about the Father, through His Word, I realize that I can only offer Him my life each day. Each morning that He allows me to wake and get out of bed, I go to my knees and ask for His guidance and help to do His Will. Sure, I end up doing things in my own will at times, the devil set just the right trap to snare in. If I stay close to the Father, close enough to hear His gentle whisper, I will be ok. If I forgive others and let the Father stand up for me when I need protecting I stead of defending myself, I will be ok. if I look to the Father for my motivation rather than in camparison to my neighbors and coworkers, family
What a blessing! To be released from the Old Covenant and to be invited to join the New Covenant! To be saved by the grace of Jesus and His love for us, what a gift! Something that’s easy to squander. So thankful for the reminder that we have a choice and once we make it, we have been saved.
Being such a goals-oriented person and box checker, it is good for me to be reminded that it’s “not by works of righteousness which I have done …”. God’s grace is such a gift.
I think that, as the people of God, we need to be a balm to our hurting country and world. Just an encouraging word or an unspoken act of kindness toward a stranger can go very far. We can also be solid friends to people we know who don’t believe (talking to myself here!). We have so much power through the Holy Spirit since, as our reading says, God lives in US – we need to listen to Him!
By walking as a dearly loved child of His and reflecting His light in the dark places.
For me, I need to draw close to Him, humbly seeking His wisdom and guidance, along with His empowerment, confessing my self reliance and self righteousness. I need to be grounded in His word, always ready to give an answer for the hope that is within me. I need His heart for the lost and dying, I need His eyes for the one who needs to be seen and I need to act on all of that. To be His ambassador. My home should be an embassy for the Kingdom of Heaven. I am His image bearer. The world needs the hope only we have. In all of this, I need to remember I am not a lone ranger, but I am a part of the body of Christ. Locally I need fellowship and accountability of other believers and globally
Good Morning! Such a rich selection of scripture this morning. Understanding the fact the we are God’s people at the depth of what it truly means to be restored and redeemed is legit mind-blowing! We carelessly live as ‘people if God’ but we don’t live as redeemed people of God. I think for me as I consider this for myself and the church I have the opportunity to lead, Hebrew 8:10 and the promise of this new covenant is our actual respond and how I/we can live as God’s people – I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts. Boom! But it goes on – Each person will not teach his fellow citizen … because they will KNOW me, from the least to the greatest of them.
We are the Church • Our foundation is Jesus • His Word is on our hearts
Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not complicated, technical, or flash.
Our job? To live, breath and move according to His Word. We need to know His Word. Let it be etched on our hearts. I am responsible for this – not my pastor, not my small group leader, it’s me.
That’s how I can live as a people of God.
My favorite verse (both convicting and uplifting) comes to mind:
“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2
By seeing myself as He sees me , and living as who He says I am – reflecting Him . Knowing that I cannot earn points as the sacrifice for my sins is completed , but desiring to live better anyway through Faith , and live for Him .
When I look at today’s scripture and understand the root foundation of what I bring vs what He brings, my dependence on His lavish, grace saturated provision of Christ is the primary foundation of my faith. Thankful for the solid cornerstone e
Living out that truth happens a million times each day in the tiny little moments. For me, it’s stopping and recognizing that I don’t have to give into my flesh. God has called me and redeemed me, which means I’m free to live for Him not enslaved to my sinful old self. Some moments are easier than others but that’s the struggle and wrestling of sanctification!
By grace and through the Holy Spirit. I cannot do anything on my own, it’s only by His power that I can live and move and do anything He has called me to!
Do Justice. Love Mercy, practice kindness and walk humbly before our God. (Micah 6. ) Not a perfect recitation of the verse but “hands down” the best advice on the way to live as Christ followers.
I need to turn God when I struggle. We are made for community and I need to be growing in that, but as Christ is my foundation, I need to seek Him. Them from his outpouring of love and forgiveness I need to share them with others. Our world needs to see the love of God in us to them.
To live out the truth that I belong to the family of God is to lay down my will, my expectations, my hopes, my aspirations, and compare them to God’s will for my life. When God called me to move back to Delaware after grad school, I felt like Jonah being sent to Nineveh and tried to run. However, when I finally came to a point of surrender, I can look back and see in the last year how the Lord has provided. In my current season of singleness, when I feel anxious or hopeless, I need to look back and see how God has been faithful and provided in the past so what makes me think He won’t provide again in His timing? We are all constantly battling against our flesh, but the Lord equips us each day with His love, grace, mercy, and spiritual armor to fight the good fight!
Thank you all who prayed for my roommate and me! My roommate is still feeling pretty bad so I would appreciate prayers for her! I feel fine and am going to test again to be sure, but would also appreciate prayers that I continue to stay well! I hope everyone has a blessed day <3
I must rest in the knowledge that Jesus has taken care of my sins and it’s nothing that I do or strive for
I have a higher calling than simply making it through the day. Being the people of God means that on a daily basis we are kind, forgiving, and gracious, even when the world around us is cruel and frustrating. Being a person of God requires me to stand firm in my theology, even when it is difficult and the world tells me it is “outdated” or “intolerant”. I must, as part of the people of God, seek to bring others into this family; it is not enough to be satisfied that I am saved and forgiven, but I must actively seek opportunities to share this news with my neighbors and do my part in taking it to the nations.
By the grace that was given to me. By the grace that has saved me I can live out the life He has given me. Knowing His love for me is how I can live and that allows me to let His light shine through me.
I need to meditate on the fact that I’m saved by Grace, all sins forgotten. Nothing I do , because we are all human, can change His love for me.
I heard someone once describe ‘The Great Exchange’: Jesus gave up his life for me [this is the gospel and my identity] so I will give up my life for him [my response]… ❤️
Run, don’t walk, into His presence every morning in Scripture reading and prayer. Then nurture and exercise that communion with Jesus throughout the day- “not my will but Thy will because I know you will do good things.”
For me, it’s spending daily time in the Word, caring for and showing love to those around me, talking to my kids about Jesus, and simply being kind to everyone I encounter.
I have been forgiven so I must forgive. That starts everyday in my home. My husband and I forgive each other our shortcomings. Tempers can flare and angry words can be said. When we have a forgiving attitude, patience and kindness become easier to obtain. This carries into our workdays…how we interact with coworkers. Christ and His love shine in our work when we do it for Him.
Love God. Be obedient to His Word. Love others. In this broken world today, I believe we are called to shine the love of God into all the darkness.
I feel like the Ephesians reading really begins to answer this question – “how do we live out the truth that we are the people of God?”
In the passage, the flesh is mentioned a few times. Before we knew Jesus, we gave in to the desires of the flesh – we allowed the flesh to rule us. So in order to live out the truth of Jesus, we must remember that the old flesh is dead – we are a new creation. Living like one day to day may look slightly different for everyone, but I think that ultimately, what was being said in Ephesians is an excellent mantra if you will:
8 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—9 not from works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of timed for us to do.
For me, it is to live more Christlike. Spending time in the word of god. Praying. Loving and living like Him.
Love as Jesus loved. From the lowliest to the most righteous. “Love one another as I have loved you. Love thy neighbor.” That is the mission.
By living in the freedom that is ours in Christ-our consciences now free from dead works-we have nothing to lose in serving him. Because of His love, we are freed up to radically love others in service to Him, making us look different in this world.
I can live out the truth that I am a person of God by my actions and responses to those around me. I can shine the light that now lives in me so others can see and question where my joy comes from even in the not ideal circumstances of life. I can pray and spend time with God daily, asking for forgiveness and guidance. I can live a life that shows others I know where my worth comes from and that is by being a child of the King who was redeemed by Jesus and living my life as a reflection of who He is.
Knowing that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus gives us great hope, courage, and thankfulness. These characteristics unite us as a people of God and it should be evident by our behaviors that we are not motivated by the things of this world, but are storing up treasures in Heaven. We as the Church should be always showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
I am realizing that I need to be much more active in sharing God’s word and love to others. I often am very quiet on things, rather than standing up for what I know from the Bible to be right. It isn’t an easy thing to do, but I feel that our world needs all Christians to be more, much more, so I am trying to change and live what I believe.
My mission is to be and live a “Christlike” life.
Living out the truth that we are a people of God begins by following Jesus – obeying Him in all that we do. It is dying to self and living for Christ. We were once dead in our sins, but by grace through faith we have been saved – a gift from God! We are created in Christ to do good works – those that God prepared, before the creation of the world – for us to do…be the light of Jesus, love others, pray for others, serve others – be the hands and feet of Jesus. Do it willingly and lovingly.
How can I live out the truth that I am established by God?
For me, it is a lot of things. Reading the word. Praying.
How can I live out the truth that I am established by God?
I can live out the truth that I am one of God’s people by spending time with God & in His word, trusting in Him, and sharing His word.
I’m challenged again and again to live like Christ. I no longer think the goal of our lives is to walk around preaching to others (although that has its time and place). Instead, live like him. Love like him. Be like him. People will find him through it.
We are created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God has planned for us. Therefore we need to walk in step with God so we can know what He has planned for each of us and do what He has for us to do.
Live a life that is pleasing to God. ❤️
Be kind and be present; let His light shine through me and let me see others as children of God.
The reminder that we were all far from God and have been made near to him ONLY because of the work of Christ should unite us as the Church. He is our commonality in a world that wants us to focus on our differences. I need to daily live in the perspective of being saved by grace through faith in Christ and show that to those around me. That it’s his work, not mine, that makes me who I am. Loved that today reminded us of what binds us together as the Church. Jesus!
How can I live out the truth that I am a person of god?
Every day I present my sins to god, ask him to fill me with the holy spirit and I pray that the spirit guides me throughout my day so others can see god through me.
Jesus said “ blessed are you , Simon … because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father in heaven “
With the holy spirit we are given wisdom, inspiration, guidance, and everything we need to live out the truth that we are his people.
How can I live out the truth that I am a person of god?
Every day I present my sins to god, ask him to fill me with the holy spirit and I pray that the spirit guides me throughout my day so others can see god through me.
Jesus said “ blessed are you , Simon … because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father in heaven “
How can I live out the truth that I am a person of god?
Every day I present my sins to god, ask him to fill me with the holy spirit and I pray that the spirit guides me throughout my day so others can see god through me.
How can I live out the truth that I am a person of god?
As a former “child of wrath,” to reflect the grace, mercy, and forgiveness I have in Christ to the world around me is my biggest mission amd challenge to live out the truth of the gospel.
Showing the love and compassion I have been given to fellow broken and fallen people is definitely counter to the “cancel” culture we are in today.
May the Lord have mercy on us.
Side note 1 – ERB I was so excited to see your post! ❤
Side note 2 – it was mentioned that there was almost 1000 posts yesterday yet I see only 779 as of this morning…wonder how many I don’t see every day.
Side note 3 – there were 17 posts (that I could see) on HRT! Glad the Hes did make their side crash ;-)
TAYLOR – praying for you and your roommate
BRI – praying for your request
Have doublely blessed day!
Reflect the nature of Jesus – be a servant to our family and strangers. Love on others who are both the same and different from us. But, also take time to rest and reflect as Jesus did.
Christ unites us to be an example to others that we are a family and through His guidance and love we are able to go out and be His hands and feet.
To me these passages emphasise how it’s all Jesus. He made us alive when we were dead in our sins. He brought us near. He builds His church. He made a new covenant, putting His law in our minds and writing it on our hearts. He cleanses our conscience so that we can serve Him, the living God. He is the One who died to pay the price. Christ is our only foundation. Only standing in this truth can we start to live out what He has done.
The one bit of scripture that stuck out to me today is “and I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” Matthew 16:18. In light of all the “bad” we see going on in today’s world, this gives me comfort in knowing that evil will not have victory, but God will. Yes, we can and should grieve when we see and/or hear of such things, but we also should have confidence that God will overcome and we can find joy in that knowledge.
According to Ephesians 2:10 I can live out my faith by being alert to the opportunities God provided for me to „simply“ act. That means I have to stay close to him in order to see those situations and then go forward with his help.
This is a gospel summary, isn’t it? Once we were far away, now we have been brought near. Once we are not a people, and we were condemned by our bloodline. But now, we are not condemned either by birth or by deed. The new law is “written in our hearts”.
What does this day’s reading say about the church? I guess that no one of us has more right to be here than another. We are a disparate group, and that is in the design.
The unity in the body of Christ bears witness of His saving grace: individuals brought together, redeemed by the blood of our Saviour and offering this gift to a dying world.
I think this may be slightly different for everyone as we all have different spiritual gifts, but it all comes down to the same reason why we live this truth and that is Jesus. The way I live as a daughter of the King is through my actions on the field, in the workplace, and college. I try to reflect Christ and honor Him in all I do. I fail a lot, but His grace fuels me to spread His word and never give up. :)
I think this may be slightly different for everyone as we all have different spiritual gifts, but it all comes down to the same reason why we live this truth and that is Jesus. The way I live as a daughter of the King is through my actions on the field, in the workplace, and college. I try to reflect Christ and honor Him in all I do. I fail a lot, but His grace fuels me to spread Hid