United in Christ

Open Your Bible

John 17:20-26, Ephesians 4:1-6, Galatians 3:28, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Philippians 2:1-4, Romans 15:5-6, Revelation 7:9-17

Since 2012, She Reads Truth has maintained a singular mission: to be women in the Word of God every day. Ten years later, our community includes “Shes” from across the globe, but our mission hasn’t changed.

Reading Scripture together is the centerpiece of what we do at She Reads Truth. As we spend time as a community reading This Is The Church, we encourage you to start by reading the daily Scripture on your  own. Then join us here to engage and encourage one another as we respond to what we’ve read. Each day for this series, we’ll include a brief summary of the reading along with a prompt for conversation.

Followers of Jesus Christ are called to pursue oneness as we remain connected to our Triune God, the source, sustainer, and perfect example of unity.

As you reflect on Scripture today, take time today to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe. Share what you are praying for the global Church along with your response to the reading in the comments. 

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207 thoughts on "United in Christ"

  1. Melanie ❣️ says:

    My prayer is for full unity across the globe. That we are able to point at scripture more than pointing at one another. How upsetting it must be for God to see His children divided.

  2. Ellie Wood says:

    I pray for us all, to be one in him ❤️

  3. Abigail B. says:

    I pray for the persecuted church, that those who believe in Jesus and claim the promise of salvation would also draw strength from that promise, though it may cost them their lives. I pray that the global church would be united in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ Jesus, the truths found in Scripture, and our calling to go and make disciples. In the powerful name of my Lord and Savior Jesus I pray, amen.

  4. Paula Mullinax says:

    I have prayed this a lot lately. 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. – John 17:23 I have been praying repentance and salvation for many around me because I know that He is the answer that they need. I want to see their face when they come to the Lord and experience the greatest love and acceptance they have ever known! I want our hearts to be one in Him and enjoy the time we have left worshiping, serving and loving others so that He can come sooner rather than later. He intended so much more than we can even imagine. I have been shown in Ezekiel 37:3 and now in Revelation 7:14 that “He knows.” For me it speaks to my anxiety and impatience. He knows…exactly what we need and when we need it. He knows just how long things can remain until His justice is poured out for those that He loves. He knows our next steps. He knows! Like Nathanael, under the fig tree, He knows everything and He is working it all out. I am glad that He is in charge. I’m glad that I can exchange anxiety for trust! He is faithful. He holds us and the universe. I have also been praying to be able to meet people where they are at. To be immersed and filled with the Homy spirit to let Him invade and take over more of my soul to be able to minister. To be able to speak His words because they do not return void. I have praying for His presence. To remain in His presence at all times and to be fully aware that I am walking side by side with Him to accomplish the mission of reconciliation. To just make His name present and great among others.

  5. Julie says:

    I am praying for unity among Christians around the world and across all denominations so that we may experience such perfect unity that the world will know God’s perfect love (John 17:23).

  6. Jessica Koneful says:

    They will know we’re His children by our love. Our unity as the Church is important for the world to see to draw them to Jesus. ❤️

  7. Cindy Basnett says:

    I am praying for the preservation of unity in MARRIAGES around the globe among our brothers and sisters, starting with my own. Only by subjecting ourselves to Jesus can we find this unity. I struggle with resignation of unmet hopes in my own marriage and loneliness, but know this is not a great testimony to what God has for us. Teach me Holy Spirit.

  8. Paige Eliasson says:

    I am praying for unity in my work, my community, my state, my country, and globally. Lord Jesus, we have dug our heels in and drawn lines in the sand. Please allow us to listen objectively to others, pray with and for others, and most importantly, to love others, even when they are different than us. We are all made in your image, and we all need your love. Amen.