Undoing and Restoration

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 2:1-22, Isaiah 24:1-23, Isaiah 25:1-12, Isaiah 43:16-19

After reading today’s passages, use the guiding content below to help you reflect, respond, and engage with one another.

Part of the new creation process is God dealing rightly with evil, corruption, and anything that is not aligned with the goodness and flourishing of His creation. Right judgment against sin is part of how God makes all things new as He deals with all things that have gone wrong (Isaiah 24). God also makes all things new through restoration. He takes the pieces of what has been broken or distorted and restores them to Himself and to what is good, beautiful, and true (Isaiah 25). 

In prayer and in the comments, reflect on how God’s righteousness leads to restoration and where you need that in your life now. What images of celebration and restoration did you see in today’s reading?

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139 thoughts on "Undoing and Restoration"

  1. B A says:

    Restoration mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  2. Elizabeth Marsh says:

    Before I came back to Jesus, my life had no purpose and I was beginning to spiral in almost every area of my life. Jesus restored my life through fellow believers who showed me Jesus’ love and mercy.

  3. Caitlin Freeman says:

    I feel as if though the Lord started my restoration and undoing before I even followed him. My life was so unbearable and dark. I could only go to his light. I feel the restoration in my life. Thank you Jesus. You are my king!!!

  4. Erika Rodriguez says:

    Right judgement against sin- is how we can acknowledge our wrong doings and that is how God can move through us to restore and make all things new, good and beautiful. We just have to open our hearts and listen to him, he speaks to us! ✨

  5. Ulata Moors says:


  6. Kelli Green says:

    I can’t help but reflect on my own life.how The Father has always welcomed me with open arms. He has restored me and through the Holy Spirit, daily renewal and discipleship is what makes my heart beat!

  7. Kate Naftel says:

    Restoration from my former self

  8. Sarah Henderson says:

    “The earth is utterly broken, the earth is split apart, the earth is violently shaken.” This to me is how sin destroys a person; it makes sense that this is how God will restore humanity to Him. While the thought is terrifying, it is also humbling and necessary. To become new we have to rise from the ashes; the earth has to be reborn.

    1. Rebekah Mann says:

      Amen, I have to remind myself of this often as I see the “utterly broken”-ness around me!