What is your promised land? We all have one deep inside us. The roadmap of our hearts leads us there, to the place where our treasure is found—the place where our hope, wonder, and worship reside.
God had promised to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and bring them to a new home, a land of freedom and abundance. But His bigger promise was this: He would bring them back into relationship with Him, back into His presence. He would dwell among the Israelites and be their God (Exodus 29:45–46).
But God’s people put all of that in jeopardy by building the golden calf and inciting God’s anger with their idol worship. Now, they were set to experience separation from Him again. Yes, He would still bring them into the Promised Land, but He would not accompany them there (Exodus 33:1–3). Because of their sin, Israel could not be in God’s presence—but Moses could. “The Lord would speak with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend” (v.11), and so on behalf of the Israelites, Moses pleaded with God to reconsider:
“If your presence does not go… don’t make us go up from here.
How will it be known that I and your people have found favor with you
unless you go with us?” (vv.15–16).
Moses knew what was really at stake for the Israelites: the true promised land, God Himself. Moses knew that God is not merely a means to an end, not just a path to blessing. God is the blessing, and His presence was the very identity of His people. If He wasn’t in the new land, then there was no point in going. Without Him, there would be no real blessing, no peace, no rest. You see, in confronting Pharaoh for the release of God’s oppressed people, Moses had learned that he was not enough; he understood that God’s presence would “be the sign” that He was the one who’d sent them (Exodus 3:11–12).
So what does your promised land look like? Where do you go when you’re overwhelmed, and who do you ultimately trust?
Mine looks like a land of abundant provision and unity, free from shame and fear, melancholy, sickness, and loneliness. But Scripture tells me all of these needs and more are met now in God, though He is far more than a means to an end. He is Alpha and Omega, beginning and end—and everything in between (Revelation 22:13).
He doesn’t just provide. He is our provision (Genesis 22:14).
He doesn’t just inspire unity. He is our Triune God, whose very nature is communal (John 17:11–23).
He doesn’t just make us righteous. He is our righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6).
He doesn’t just give us peace. He is our peace (Judges 6:24; Hebrews 13:20).
He doesn’t just heal us. He is our healing (Exodus 15:26; Isaiah 53:5).
The very real truth is that, if we know Jesus, we are never truly alone. He is always with us (Matthew 1:23; 28:20). And God’s promise to each of His children is this: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).
It’s in His attributes that God reveals more of Himself to us—more of His character, His nature, and His heart. Like Moses, we can boldly ask to know more of God, to see more of His glory and His goodness (vv.18–19). This is why God delivered the Israelites, and it’s why He sent His Son to deliver us. God came near so that we could truly know Him and never be separated from His presence again.

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512 thoughts on "Trust When the Challenge Is Overwhelming"
God is my all in all !
What an amazing reminder that Gid doesn’t make or inspire (or more), He IS all if those!
A beautiful reminder. Give me Jesus!
Dear God, please let me see your glory! and know that you are with me always. I love you and am thankful for you!! Amen.
❤️❤️ The journey seems to be getting harder and harder but I know patience and faith is the only way I will get to my own promised land!
Lord, please help me to fully give you control and stop putting my agendas onto you. To truly leave things and people in your very capable hands.
Lord please help me truth you when things are not going my way. Help me understand and trust you when life gets overwhelming and challenging! Amen
God, I want to know more of you. Allow me to see your glory and goodness!❤️ Amen.
Amen glory to El shaddai the Almighty God and Jehovah rapha thank you God for your presence and strength and comfort
Amen, praying for you all!
help me to trust in You when the challenge is overwhelming
Your hand covers and protects us. Lord, let Mr seek you when overwhelmed or frightened
Amen. God, you are my God.
God is our promised land ❤️
Lord with you I’m never alone. I your presence there is fullness of joy. I have my plans that I think will bring me joy but if You are not in it then I don’t want it. Lead me and help me trust your plans are always better than mine ❤️
Lord, may you show me more of your righteousness and glory Amen!
With God, I’m never alone. Amen.
Normally wen I get overwhelmed or life becomes to hard I call my sister. I have a bad case of anxiety and she is always there but it’s times she can’t be there n idk what to do. I do now. I know to fully have faith n the lord and everything will
Be ok
Great message. I like to think of this as two sets of footprints that appear in a line in sand. Suddenly, one set disappears and only one set of footprints remain. The Lord carries us when we do not have the strength to carry ourselves. He is with us always. ❤️
Thank you Lord. This was on time because I’m having a hard time letting go and trusting, but I need too because I receive my strength through Jesus Christ.
God’s faithful to His people. I see it every day. I wish I would remember that when I’m in the depths of suffering and sorrow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Even when I forget, He is always faithful to His people.
Jesus, we go when we meet you there.
God can fulfill his promise and bring you to the promise land and still not be with you in the promise land ..
I am currently going through some overwhelming times. This was a good reminder that God is always there. I just need to lean into Him for guidance through the trials.
His presence is with us wherever we go!
He. Is. Our. Healing. ❤️
“He doesn’t just heal us. He is our healing.” God knew l need to read that. I’m so thankful for Jesus!
Thank you lord for being there always. Even when I don’t feel you are, you have picked me up and put me on solid ground. You always have my back and I thank you for that. You are my trust and will always been my shield.
Like the song “Trust in God” he’s our peace and our steadiness and anything else won’t bring the same thing as God will. He is so Faithful.
I’ve had this plan for I don’t know how long. God knew this was exactly what I needed at this time. I am so thankful that His Word never returns void!
Not sure what this would look like I’ve been in survival mode for so long
He does not bring peace, he is peace!!
HIS presence is how we truly experience rest!
His presence is the promised land ♥️
He will never leave you, even when you’re overwhelmed and hurting!
“He does not heal us, he is our healing.” Thank you lord for reminding me of this today.
I feel as though I am in the winter of my life. Deliver me, oh, Lord! Amen!
I’m in a season of so mich overwhelm…praying for you..all while trusting in Him.
leave all worrisome in gods hands amen ✨
Thank you for letting me find my way back to you and for never forsaking me
Lord show us your face as we seek you
“…from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”
“… From everlasting to everlasting you are God.”
Thank you for your constant presence ❤️
He doesn’t just provide. He is our provision (Genesis
He doesn’t just inspire unity. He is our Triune God, whose very nature is communal (John 17:11-23).
He doesn’t just make us righteous. He is our righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6).
He doesn’t just give us peace. He is our peace (Judges 6:24; Hebrews 13:20).
He doesn’t just heal us. He is our healing (Exodus
15:26; Isaiah 53:5).
I know of fact that icon do nothing without God,i depend on fully
May God show us all his glory!
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14
I needed that.
God, please give me the strength to hold onto your words. I trust in you and am thankful for your promise of peace and rest. There are better days ahead, I know it.
He doesn’t just provide, He IS our provision, He doesn’t just inspire unity, His very nature is communal as the Triune God – woah that was a mind blowing awe moment reading over those lines!
Glory be to God! he is peace! Amen!
beautiful. God is everything good we want and it is in Him that we have such richness in life… how I long to want Him all the more – keep teaching me of You, please, Lord.
God is not a path to the blessing, He IS the blessing. Wow. Thank you Lord for being our blessing!
God doesn’t just provide, He IS our provision. Beautifully said.
Amen! I love you Jesus so much!
Thank you for your glory ❤️
Amen! Thank you Jesus for glory and honor❤️
Gods presence is the sign!
Thank you Heavenly Father for your word
“God is not merely a means to an end, not just a path to a blessing. God is the blessing.” This is such an important reminder!
Working on bettering my relationship with God so that I can truly feel his presence and know that I’m not alone in my everyday life
God is truly with us every step of the way. Through our accomplishments & failures. With confidence in God we can fulfill His purpose and His will.
Amen , I thank God for sooo much in my life . he does me wonders and he forgives me so much because he knows i’m trying. Lord i ask you to continue to hold on to me so that i can feel your glory , love , and feel your presence ! I love you the most and I thank you for everything!
we can always ask to see more of his glory!
Lord I now know I am never alone. My prayer today is to see and feel Your glory❤️
My safe space is in adoration looking at my love♥️
God I want you to reveal your glory during all seasons❤️.
My Promised Land is God. Please, God, come!!!
Thank you lord for reminding me I am not alone
Amen! If you aren’t there, don’t send me!
Today I am so struck by God’s incredible tenderness and gentleness towards Moses, when Moses asked to see Him.
So good! My takehome from this devotion that I’ll hold onto today is that God isn’t just my provider and he won’t just provide, he is our greatest provision!
In this time away from my family, I am not alone. You have provided the perfect scenario for me to find rest, comfort and a deep relationship with you. Thank you Lord for this opportunity.
God you are so good!
How amazing it is that Gods presence goes with us wherever we go and we can trust in the promises that God has for us!
How grateful I am to know you, Lord.
I give it all to Him no other help I know
I really like and know that God is always with us and we should rest on him. AMEN TO THAT
God I want to know more of you. Please show me your glory. Less of me and more of you.
He is my peace, my provision, my healing and I am not alone.
God is good, all the time.
GOD,please let me siento your glory, your eres,your face,.I want to truly know you
Amen ❤️ God is good.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6
Such power to live by! Thank you God for Your Word that guides our lives.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6
Amen. He is good. ❤️
“God came near so that we could truly know him and never be separated from his presence!” That’s powerful!! ❤️ Thank you Lord! Oh, how he loves us!
God is not just a means to an end. He is so much more than an answered prayer. He is the Alpha and Omega ❤️
I loved it. It was very encouraging
There is no promised land without God’s presence. Good reminder.
His glory. These scriptures have blessed me. The importance of Gods glory being in our presence is the evidence of us being favored in HIS sight.
He has to be the treasure that our soul is looking for
“God doesn’t just give peace, He is our peace”. Thank you Father for never leaving us ❤️
We are never alone, God is with us!
❤️This makes me very happy, to know our Heavenly Father loves us this much!
I started this study some time ago. Thought to finish it. I kinda forgot that we are able to ask God questions eg to know Him more. It’s hard though as He will push us out if our comfort zones… but then the lessons taught are so much more better. Blessings in disguise.
I started this study some time ago. Thought to finish it.
wow. wow. wow. < what a good reminder that only true peace comes in the presence of God && a life that seeks after Him!
Knowing God is always with me and that He loves and forgives me is an absolute blessing.
Praise God that He has delivered and saved US through His son, Jesus Christ! Jesus’ Resurrection was the parting of our Red Sea!!!
Give me new vision of your promised land Jesus
Praise God for being everything we need and more. The comment made about God is not a means to an end really hit home with me today.
I forget and when I read over the things He has once said to my heart I get it- what this life is all about. A true relationship with God is the end goal, not the conversions or big “I got promoted” but the ultimate goal of true relations with my creator who never forget me or lead me away
Wow such a blessing to know that I can put my trust and faith in who God is.
verse 14 is powerful! trust even when overwhelmed
Perfect timing for this one around Passover! 2022
loved the writing that really explained that He sent His son for us, so we could see and truly know Him in all of His glory ❤️
Let me see You and everything You are. Let me desire You above anything else!
Learning to lean more into Christ
couldn’t agree more i tend to forget too
It’s comforting to know that the Lord is always with us, and He gives us peace that surpasses understanding
Beautiful reminder to trust God, and that He is our promised land. Sometimes I tend to forget that He is the blessing and provision, because we get so used to asking for blessings. Wonderful read, hits home
God is the promised land
You are my great reward, Jesus!
God is the promised land. Because heaven without God wouldn’t be heaven at all.
Lean not on your own understanding ❤️
God is with us in all of our challenges! We never face our challenges alone.
What a beautifully written post- such an important reminder to always have the Savior with us, helping us through every trial. He is the space and the space between spaces.
I love all of the truths stated in the devotional; definitely going to be writing these down for future reference!
I needed this inspiration—thank you. I spend too much of my relationships selfishly airing frustration and worry. Yes, praise the Lord for always being with us.
My goal for 2022 is to run to God when I am overwhelmed instead of others. Praise the Lord for always being with us!
Who do we ultimately go to and trust with everything? ❤️
While we seek our “promised land”, how often do I miss Him as MY promised land. Rich
Lord, I know you are near me in the good days and in the challenges. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Please, let me see your Glory. I never want to go somewhere you are not going with me. I never want to take a step that you have not gone before me to take. I want to go where you go and do what You need me to do. Less of me Lord, and more of you!
God is everything I need Him to be. He is always near and always present.
He promised he would deliver his people from slavery and into the land of milk and honey, but his bigger promise was back into a relationship with him. He returned me from the slavery of my sins and wickedness and brought me back to him. To
God is not just a means to an end. Lord, help me to love you for who you are and not for what you can give me
This is so good!!! The part where is asked “where do I go when I am overwhelmed and who do I ultimately trust?” Had me thinking. Yes I run to God but I often times also run to people I trust to pray for me, and I guess I am more challenged to press into God in those moments and trust Him even when my feelings don’t always change right away. He has everything that I need and it is found in Him.
Pray for our Lird to reveal more to me
Opens so much more in depth of God’s word and how we can apply it in our lives.
God is indeed the beginning-between-end! He is everything!
God is the promise land. For the Israelites it was being delivered out of Egypt to draw them closer to the Lord. For us it is being bought with the price of Jesus shed blood to give us eternal life but the real promise is God himself. All that He is!
Not just having peace, He is peace
Not just having love, He is love
God is the promise land. For the Israelites it was being delivered out of Egypt to draw them closer to the Lord. For us it is being bought with the price of Jesus shed blood to give us eternal life but the real promise is God himself. All that He is!
Not just having peace, He is peace
God is the promise land. For the Israelites it was being delivered out of Egypt to draw them closer to the Lord. For us it is being bought with the price of Jesus shed blood to give us eternal life but the real promise is God himself. All that He is!
God is the promise land. For the Israelites it was being delivered out of Egypt to draw them closer to the Lord. For us it is being bought with the price of Jesus shed blood to give us eternal life but the real promise is God himself.
Thank you for this. It is a blessing that I came across this app. I have struggled the last 4 years due to getting cancer and losing all shots of being a Mom to losing my Mom my best friend and my Grandad back to back last year. This truly has opened my eyes.
Great read ❤️
I think I’m struggling with the same thing. I pray you and I and everyone else find trusting in God is worth more!!
This was an amazing passage and I’m thankful to call God my God
I think sometimes my promised land is in earthly things when I should be turning to God. Working on ending that and trusting in the Lord
Amen ❤️
Amazing devotional!
I needed this because I have been trying to lead my own life instead of trusting God.
Definitely something I needed. This really helped me. Thank you God.
Love that we are never truly alone in this sinful world.
I’ve always asked God to give me peace, it was eye opening to realize..he IS peace. And as long as I believe in him and have him in my heart, peace is there.
When we dont get what we ask for, its better to just trust the lord as he is helping us in his own way
He is our peace
He is our healing
God is amazing ❣️
If we have God, we have everything. He is our true blessing. ❤️❤️
Come to me you who are weary, and I will give you rest. He provides everything we need.
God loves us so much that he calls us by name and not our sins. ❤️
what i loved was how it emphasized that God’s bigger promise, in comparison to their deliverance from Egypt, was that He promised to be in their presence if they kept His commandments. God wanted to be with them so badly, He delivered them to bring them to Him, not the other way around. i think people lose that message or never truly get it; i didn’t until i read it. :)
Thank you ♥️
He is our healing and our peace
Loved this one! Give your challenge to God.
Give your challenges to God! Amen to straight paths!
We should trust that God is going to be there even when we don’t want him to be. He IS our promised land. He will be our comfort.
Loved what was mentioned that God is our promise land! He is all we need!
So so good!
Even when we feel like we are stuck and can’t see the end of the storm God has a plan!
He never gives up on us even when we do!
To trust God is to know His heart
God is always right beside us through thick and thin just wanting us to be close to him!
“The true promised land is God Himself”
His presence should be what we want MOST in life.
He is what He gives us.
Only Him
Beautiful. God is our everything, we lack nothing with Him!
I want to become more aware of the Lord’s presence in my everyday life, and not just at Bible time!
This is just what I needed today. My marriage is overwhelming and I feel oppressed emotionally. It’s very difficult for me to maintain hope and trust, but this is encouraging and
God’s perfect peace is my resting place
Nowhere is worth going if God is not there
❤️ beautiful reminder we are never alone.
I’m so glad in uncertain times, he directs my path still!
There are days where I live with heavy stress and fear but this was a great reminder to give it to God and he will provide rest and peace. ❤️
It has been so overwhelming working as a health care provider in this pandemic. This message reminds me God is with me always and through him I can have peace/ rest despite my circumstances
God has been gently showing me that I alone am not the one who provides & cares for the people around me.
Then the Lord said “I have observed the misery of my people … I know about their sufferings and I have come down to rescue them…” Ex 3:7-8
This reminder could not have come at a better time for me. God is truely amazing and definitely in control!
Yes!! A great way to think about that message is that while you think God provides or gives you something he doesn’t…he is the something…he is the provider ❤️
God doesn’t give us peace, He is our peace. I love that. The more I draw near to Him the more peace I have.
Awe what a powerful passage !
Yes. My favorite verse from today.
Love this !!!!
I want my promise land but like the Israelites I keep wandering in the same circle
I just had a bad panic attack, one that left me physically and emotionally drained and I read these verses and this is exactly what I needed. For God to show me that he is always there and that his favor is with me, even when it doesn’t feel like it. It still blows my mind to think that God never leaves my side, never turns his back, never gets angry or annoyed he simply loves me and wants more of my heart and attention. ❤️
1Lord, you have been our refuge
in every generation.
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest” ❤️
Always with us…❤️
Holy Spirit, I love that You live in me. May I trust You whole-heartedly.
Feels good to be apart of this ❤️
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding.
Yes! I’m giving it to God so He can make my paths straight! ❤️
Wow! I needed this today!!
Thank you for the reminder!
This was SO good, God is not a means to an end !! We so often forget that, thank you for reminding me <3
Gracious and loving, God – renew out minds that we might see and know YOU ARE WITH US. Let us live out of the confidence that you are our strength; our hope; our joy; our peace; our trust, and nothing and no one can take your place. Amen.
“He doesn’t just heal, he is our healing” I can’t imagine the pain that you’re feeling, losing your husband. I’m praying for you Kaye.
There are no words, Kaye. He is close to the broken hearted and comfort those who
I am praying for you Kaye.
Shane and Shane posted a song on Psalm 90 it’s only on Facebook that I can find right now, but it goes perfectly with this devotion!
thinking about my promise land brings me to tears!
I lost my husband November 29th. Your devotion is so helpful this morning as I pray for all the after effects of a loss. Loved: God doesn’t just provide, He is my provision.
In tears. Needed this so bad tonight ♥️
Mind blown
Amen! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with what life throws at us. I love the reminder that God is with us in every moment and every step of the challenge! ❤️
What a beautiful way to put that!
I used to think that the “Promised Land” was a geographical place that was God-ordained to belong to the Israelites. Now, I’m also interpreting the passage to not necessarily be a physical place but the promise that we can one day be reconciled with God. We will not be reconciled to God while on Earth due to our sin, but in Heaven.
I think it’s a metaphor for anything our hearts long for @isabel
I think it’s a metaphor for the things that we long for!
God is not merely a means to an end, not just a path to a blessing. He IS the blessing!!! ❤️
Trust in the Lord with all your heart!
I tried replying, but it just posted it at the top of the discussion board.
Our promised land is God. It isn’t a safe and secure place. He is the safety and security that can only be found through him. As Moses said, it wasn’t worth going to the land God has promised if God wasn’t going too. It was God they needed there in order for it to be the wonderful place described.
I agree. I am returning to God as well.
Just read John 1 yesterday for Christmas about the Word becoming flesh and living among us – that is our Promised land! So encouraging for my weary heart this morning as I wander in the desert.
I feel as though I strayed from God and now I am having to learn to search for him again and I know I will be better for this but it is much harder a search when you’ve walked away and been of the world.
With God all things are possible❤️
The promise land we should long for is God. A true, intimate relationship with God. This was a good devotional.
Amen ❤️
Yes! Was just thinking some of these same thoughts as I read today. Life has left me longing for a closeness with Him, and I don’t want to leave His presence!❤️
He is our promise!
The true promised land: is God himself. Hallelujah!
This is amazing
What a beautiful reminder that God is not just my provider but my provision too. As a single mother, I am often guilty of trying to make things happen and leave out God’s presence in my decision making and raising my kids hence overwhelm has become a very familiar emotion that not only threatens my peace and joy but also how I parent my kids too. May we always remember that God’s presence is enough!
Love this ❤
This was just what I needed. After overcoming a lot these last few years I’ve realized I don’t know what my promise land is anymore. But I know the Lord has one for me and I will lean into the joy of that as I continue to heal and move forward in my life.
This was just what I needed this morning as I am taking a big test at noon. It’s always humbling to set my priorities in the right place. He is with me today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my days. No circumstance or pathway could be our provision alone. He is the provision. We’ve already won.
Haha he works in so many crazy good ways! :) I’ll pray that all goes well for you.
This is very fitting as, I know it’s silly but, I’m getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, and I’ve never been “put under.” This just reminds me that He’s got me, and won’t let anything happen to me that’s not for His glory!
Without the promise of god the promised land is not the promised land. It took a few read-throughs to fully get the message of today’s devotional. He is my way. He is enough for my identity. This reminds me of how those snarky online comments about ‘liking (tacos, the Office, dogs) doesn’t count as your personality’ make me wonder what personality actually is. What does it mean to base my identity in God? What does it actually mean that He is my provision, He is my inspiration, He is righteousness, He is my healing, He is our peace and unity. He is both the journey and the destination. My goals of peace, knowledge, security, preparedness, stoicism, patience, acceptance, and depth of spirit are meaningless without God. At the same time He has given me a full portion of himself now and forever. Today is the same as the end. Without God all of my achievements and goals are empty promises, getting to the promised land without it being the promised land. His presence is the sign (direction) I have been looking around for and if I take the time to know Him better I will find my promised land. Neither my heart nor my actions reflect an ordered path toward my promised land, but I want them to. I want to move closer to God today.
God is in control
Father God, I need more of you!
Love the distinction that He doesn’t just give us peace, He IS our peace. Need to hear and know that. Praise God for his presence with us.
I so needed to hear and be reminded, God is always with me.
God is so good!!
God IS our provision. From Him are all things and to Him are all things. What a necessary reminder for me this week.
such a good message about His everlasting love
God isn’t just a path to the things we desire, He IS our desire! He IS the blessing! What a great reminder :)
God is not merely a mean to an end, but He is the Blessing, indeed!
He doesn’t just heal us. He IS our healing! What an important and big statement. Jesus’ life. god’s goodness is the healing we are searching for
love this
God is not the path to the blessing he is the blessing. Wow. What a great reminder!
God our very promise land.
Good reminder that God is always with us.
Walking through a wilderness season, I keep coming back to these passages and this devotional, and it continues to be what my heart needs to hear over and over again as both conviction and encouragement that when I am overwhelmed what I need is His presence.
God is our provision. Such a good reminder. That he is our healer.
Good morning! What a great reminder this day.
God is our provider, our healer, our righteousness, our peace… and so much more!
God is our provider, our healer,
God IS our blessing!
God is our true promised land! Amen!
I love where it’s says if we truly know Jesus, then we would know we are never alone!
Thank you God for never leaving us in spite of us
19”And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. “ this whole study was amazing. Feeling very encouraged and loved by our Lord.
Amen ❤️
Yes. His presence is EVERYTHING!
I love the fact that God is not just a means to an end, he is the end. He’s not the path to a blessing, he is the blessing. Heaven is not the goal I don’t think, it’s just getting to deeply know our creator, and once we do that we get to spend eternity with God in heaven.
We are never truly alone. The Lord is always with us. Amen.
Amen ❤️
this one was SO GOOD, and i feel like it is so simple! the world is full of so many distractions but as long as we make Him our promised land, we make Him our end goal, we will never be alone, we will be healed and peaceful. it’s so simple yet we make it so complicated. i needed to hear this.
Thank you God! Chief of sinners though I be…
Thank you Lord
this one hit close to home!
Amen ❤️❤️❤️
This is exactly what had been on my heart today. I needed this ❤️
Really relating to this! I have been reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan and that plus this study are reminding me how vital the presence of the Holy Spirit and our dependence on Him is. God, I need your presence most of all!
The blessing ❤️
I love that you reminded us that we can also ask to see more of God and His glory and goodness as Moses did.
Only on the second day and loving this! Going through a hard time and it’s getting hard to trust His plan. I’ve grown away from Him and trying to get back into the Word. This is exactly the kind of devotion I’m needing right now.
He isn’t the path to the blessing, He is the blessing. Love that
I love this part: “Without Him, there would be no real blessing, no peace, no rest.” Even if i got everything i wanted in life – the marriage I want, the career, the health. it would be so empty without God. He makes life meaningful. it would all be hollow, empty, meaningless, unfulfilling. JESUS is the meaning to life.
Turn to Him through it all because He is all we need to get through.
I love that we can boldly ask for more of God to be seen and experienced, like Moses did. Please show me more of Your glory, Lord!
Thank you for the reminder that God IS the blessing!
Yes exactly!
So good! The reassurance, the love, the guidance & the company. We are never alone, God is with us always ❤️
God is peace
I understand that I shouldn’t see God as just an ends meet but as my provider, my provision and so much more.
I tend to always look for answers in life
Thank you Lord for loving us so much!
Desiring God’s presence more than God’s promises. So simple yet so profound!
Just speechless ❤️
Wow! May God bring you all to him today who is our peace, our helper and soul’s companion!
God isn’t the means to the end. He is the end. “help me want the healer more than the healing”
Thank you Jesus for being our comforter and protector!
God is our resting place and the one thing we can fully depend on.
Not just what He does but Who is…His names tell us who He is…His character…His promises
Wow. Being going through an insane situation with work and this shed a whole new light and perspective on trusting God!!
This is a great reminder that we all need to seek comfort in God. He does not give us comfort he is the comfort. He is our peace.
Love the question of “what is your promised land?” it’s important to know what God has promised you, to know that whatever God has promised WILL and HAS to come to pass because we serve a God who doesn’t lie.
“Man shall not see me and live” WOW. That verse put me I awe. I don’t often think about what it would be like to really see His face- in all of His glory and majesty✨ We could not live in the sight of it
Thank you Lord for the gospel, and that we can trust you. We can trust your heart. For those in Christ you took care of our greatest problem which was sin, so how much more can we trust you with everything else? We can trust you in everything!
The Lord is always providing a way even when we cant see it and right now I’m really struggling to see the way because of all the things on this earth that is stressing me out
I need this reminder – that I am never alone.
I’m tempted frequently in my current season of life to put my hope in a lot of things that are not God’s Presence. My promised land in my heart and my head isn’t the true promised land. Good reminder of what I’m actually seeking this morning.
So good and so needed. I need God to tell me which direction to take and to go before me to make a way.
Truly an eye opener
Amen. I’m definitely struggling at the current moment with anxiety, and a bit of depression honestly. But I know he has never left me, and he never will. He is my promise land.
Wherever I go, God’s presence is with me
He is the alpha and omega and more than a means to an end. I need to go to Him for more than my marriage struggles. I must not position myself to see only His back
I must ask for favor to stay in his presence face to face in the midst of my pain I need to be steadfast in my belief like Moses. Trust first. Favor. I need your favor!!
Marriage can be so fulfilling, but such a challenge! I will be praying for you & your husbands marriage. My husband is suffering from an addiction & these past 5 months have been full of sorrow & feelings of emptiness. I know god is here & giving me enough strength for each day.
My husband decided he wants a divorce. We seem to struggled every year right before our anniversary.
Sorry not the most positive tangent here…I’m really struggling with these types of messages. In seasons of grief and pain, what in the world does it look like to rest in Gods presence? One reads the Bible, prays and pleads for miracles and healing, but the idea of Gods presence still feels like an idea once experienced when things were different? So you’re just left yearning to experience that presence instead of overwhelming pain, and confused and heartbroken when it feels like everyone else is experiencing the peace in his presence besides you.
I’ve had a few times in my life that were so painful, that I couldn’t feel God’s presence and certainly not his peace. I felt forgotten and forsaken. In hindsight, I realize that God was there just like he is during the good times. He carried me through, even when it didn’t feel like it. It’s in times like that when I think it’s important that we KNOW that God is good and he never leaves us, and not to rely on our emotions and feelings (which are fickle). Those experiences, while painful bring about perseverance and growth. Hang in there, He hasn’t left you ♥️
Great thoughts everyone. When I have had moments of pain and grief, it was difficult to feel God’s presence. The beauty of the gospel is it is not based on our feelings, but in the truth of who God is. In those moments where I may not “feel Him”, I choose to press into the truth of God’s character based on the Scriptures. Jesus sits in that grief and sorrow with us, and carries us through it in due time. Our suffering is not in vain or wasted, even though it feels like it’s killing us emotionally in the moment, or in a very long season.
I’m encouraged to look to what my ‘promised land’ is… I’ve been so caught up in the day to day off motherhood that I haven’t looked at the bigger picture and how I can prepare my heart for where God is leading me.
God is the light on your darkest days.
I’ve been struggling trusting in God during my season of grief. Last year, we sold our first house, moved to the ‘burbs, lost my first furbaby and best friend, and struggled with infertility for the 2nd time. I feel like I’ve been wandering the desert and rather go to the Promise Land without God. I can relate. I’m trying to search and look for God instead. Trying to change my mindset from negative to positive. Trying to really grasp that everything is going to be ok.
Sorry to hear it’s been such a tough season for you. Praying you know God’s love and presence more than ever before. I loved this verse in the devotional and pray it speaks to you too. Exodus 33:14 And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
I always love reading the story of Moses and seeing His closeness with God. It truly shows me how much God is very present, very much a friend, yet very much the Savior, Creator…very much God who never leaves me, yet is always present.
I can rest in a His presence knowing I am never alone
Amazing and fulfilling
Sometimes the biggest battles I face are in my own head. I pray that I learn to sit in the desert with God during these times, and know that I am not alone. It’s okay to let God see our messy parts, he wants to be there for us during them. We just need to let him.
Yes, very true
Moses knew it was better to remain in the desert with God then to go to the Promised Land without him. Too often I prefer to get out of the desert than to sit with God.
That really spoke to me as I feel that way now. Thank you for sharing that!
Wow! Well said, Sara. Thank you!
Just perfect! I’m never alone!
I needed this study. Thankful for you, SRT ❤️
Where is my promised land? It is where God’s presence is. Whether I am praying, singing, or just being quiet, I am filled with His peace. The cares of the world fade away as God gives me His prospective. Going to my promised land is my choice. I just don’t know why I don’t go more often.
I can relate to God being the journey. It’s difficult to trust, but getting easier.
I struggle turning from God in fear- but I love how Moses boldly asks God to see His glory, please!! He is our righteousness, our peace, our healing, our provision. He is always with us. Lord, let this be my anthem today & all the days of my life.
I struggle turning from God in fear-
In all that I’ve experienced God has proved faithful, and yet I seem to still rely on my own strength, which gets me nowhere. Surrender is hard, even when I know that what God has for me is so much more and better than anything I could even imagine. Sometimes hard for me to seek God because I’m reminded of my own unfaithfulness but I know that’s a result of guilt and pride.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding;…I felt this one truly.
I spent and still spend so much time turning from God in fear – it’s hard for me to trust all powerful, and I prefer to be in total control. But I never am, really, and I have to accept that God has control, and know that He does right and is right. My job is to pray, in words and in action, and to have faith in God.
Anyone else struggling with trust in God? This is so encouraging, but yet I find that trust so hard to do. Anyone with a story keen to share a bit of their trust journey?
I am definitely struggling during this stressful time-where I do not feel in control of anything (because technically we really aren’t in control of anything). BUT when I look back on my life, during every blessing and every hardship, God has always remained faithful to me. His promises never fail, and ultimately through it all He is always with us. I’ve struggled with anxiety most of my life, so trusting in Jesus is not my natural bend… but when I surrender my troubles to him, I’m giving Him all the stress and emotion that goes with that trouble. It helps me to clear my head and my heart and actually TRUST HIM with the results. Hope this helps in some way! This study is just what I needed to be reminded of God’s sovereignty!
I love that we can rely on and draw upon and walk in peace in the midst of fear and anxiety
God is all we need everyday.
Keep leaning on HIM
we only need god
God is everything we need.
My takes aways:
God is the true promised land.
God is not just a path to blessing, but is the blessing.
Without God there is no blessing, peace, or rest.
God is the blessing! Amen ❤️ I’m so thankful for this message this morning.
He’s true and faithful and has said – I will never leave you or forsake you. So we stand on His Word.
Do you really think that when we sin God abandons us? Is not present with us? I don’t believe that.
Sarah, I’d like to suggest you read the study again. Ask The Lord to reveal to you what the message truly is here. That’s not what is being said at all! I did not hear a message of abandonment here. It is instead that if you’ve committed your way to The Lord, He is ALL you need. He made us, loves us and lives in us. Even when we slip and fall He is ‘faithful and just to forgive us’ and help us move on.
We can not let our thoughts and understanding control us, we have to know in our hearts that God is eternal and we have to have a firm foundation with him and he will protect us.
Wow!! Such a beautiful lesson of truth and trusting God with our ever aching need for more. He is enough.
Amazing!❤ Amen. God is OUR blessing.
The idea that God is not a path to the blessing; He IS the blessing….wow. Something about that really struck me. I often look to God for the blessings that I am looking for him to give me, instead of focusing on our relationship as the actual blessing!
That is exactly what got me too! He IS the blessing! Love it
I was struck by this too… God is the promise land❤️❤️ This was so good, We tend to get focused on a destination a
Loneliness has no place in the presence of our Jesus- our Redeemer, Comforter, Giver of Peace. ❤️
God is not merely a means to an end, not just a path to blessing. God is the blessing.
It’s just amazing how when you really need to hear something, God leads you to the right place at the right time. It’s so easy to make an idol of our heart’s desires and turn away from Christ – our protector, refuge and strength.
Thank you Lord for first loving us and going before us and giving us Your Favor. We are not worthy of it, but we are SO grateful!♥️
Grateful for the blessing of Jesus Christ
Our one and only
I was trying to force my own path after graduating from college and now I am in a place I thought I’d never be, but now I’m wanting to be intentional. If God’s not with me, I don’t want to go.
I can totally relate! The emphasis on not leaning on our own understanding in the scripture and God making straight our paths if only we trust him is something I need a daily reminder of.
what a great reminder. the Alpha & Omega, a loving and communal God. where His presence is gone, I will not go. Thank you Lord for your provision and tender love.
I love the exodus history. I love Moses’ boldness with God and God’s desire to lovingly teach not just Moses but the Israelite children also. I wonder if the Israelites would have taken every opportunity that was offered to them to know God better what could the Exodus history looked like?
I know that even for myself I don’t always come so boldly or even as often as I should before God, but I love that in verse 3 of Ex. 33 when God tells them He will not be going with them to the promised land because of their stubbornness verse 4 says they mourned. I read that and realized if I always remember what I am without God’s Presence I will have a better understanding of how much I need Him. I believe also that God wants me to remember who I am without Him, because there is nothing better for us as sheep then for us to realize what we sheep do when we are not looking to the Shepherd’s Presence in our lives. He is good and sometimes we need to stop like Moses and say if You, Lord, don’t go with me then please don’t make me go because we need Your grace and we need Your presence.
Thank you Jesus!!
God is NOT a means to an end. He is NOT the pathway to blessings. He IS the blessing.
❤️ this. Amen
Wow amazing. I was quite taken aback by Moses’ boldness in talking to God and interceding for the Israelites.
But, how incredible that we too because of Jesus’ gracious intercession for us that I can boldly approach God’s throne. And ask to know more of His glory and His goodness so that I may love Him all the more.
Praying for you and your family Holly!
This devotional really challenged my perception of god. I am convicted of thinking of god as a “path to the blessing” but “he is the blessing”. Wow so powerful. Jesus is all I need.
Love this
Same! ❤️
Moses asked for his identity to be confirmed, and for worth. He received the promise that God would be with him, and that God knew Him by name. When he asked for God’s glory and rest, He got a shadow and a glimpse. And it was enough. Like Augustine says, we are restless until we find rest in Him.
Oh lord I pray as Moses prayed “oh lord, show me your ways so that I may know you.” For your ways are not our ways . I pray you will continue to change us to be more like you in Jesus name
A reminder to always trust God knows what he’s doing. I had a long day today, didn’t even think to read my lesson this morning because I had overslept and my whole schedule was off. I came home, after being in a town that’s about an hour and a half drive for me, to a card from the children and family services… As if this week hadn’t been hard enough, my 7 year old pushed my 6 year old out the window… I know how it sounds, but it was an accident. The figured out how to unlock and open the windows. Kids are smart little things. I took my son to the ER told them what had happened and the next thing I know I get a call saying I’m a neglectful parent. I’m not, it’s just hard keeping up with them and everything else at the same time. So right now, I’m in a challenge. I’m worried, and scared. My family is across the country, my husband is out training with his unit, and my mother in law is honestly just as much of a child as my two young children. My mother in law lives with us now that her husband passed last august. I have a lot going on. I take care of my family, I love them dearly. I really needed this reading today. It was perfect for what’s going on in my life. Or, well, I felt it was. Thank you SRT, I really enjoy the lessons and devotionals. ❤️
Praying for you Holly!
Praying for you, Holly.
Praying for you!
I just sent up a prayer for you Holly!
Amanda— Whilst I am praying for your tiny boy to heal and recover fully, I’m also welcoming you to the Lucky Few.
My youngest son has Trisomy 21 (DS) and though it was a shock, he has certainly changed our lives for the better.
Take your time to grieve and process. Just know that there is joy coming.
If God does not with me, I don’t want to go! He is all I need. Nothing is worth anything if He is not at the center.
Really great timing for this one. So many hearts are crying out to see God’s glory in the midst of pain and confusion! So thankful that He not only reveals His goodness to those who are looking for it, but protects us from becoming completely unraveled and overwhelmed.
Trust, don’t give up!
In Him we find rest, grace, and mercy!❤️
Today’s reading had perfect timing for me. I couldn’t get to it until this afternoon and I’m glad it happened that way. I was frustrated with my adult son and an interaction we had. I’m trying to help him put on weight. He is 5’8” and 106. He has a rare illness, Cystinosis. I felt good about a meeting and he did not. I understand his lack of fight at times, but as a mother I’m fighting tooth and nail to save him. I need God’s strength and endurance. Patience and love. To know He is with me during this and everyday there after.
I really enjoyed this devotional today! Love that….He just doesn’t give us peace, He is OUR PEACE! What a great reminder! Thank you!
The only way we can trust God through challenging times is by relying on his presence. May you be my ultimate treasure Jesus.
I ordered a slightly imperfect Poppy Seed Color She Reads Truth Bible from christianbook.com. I am reading a book called 100 days to brave right which recommended this website.
Welcome. I finished 100 Days to Brave earlier this year, such a great book.
Without God’s presence, the Promised Land is worthless. All the milk and honey in the world can’t fill that void. Reminds me of the futility discussed in Ecclesiastes. We can have everything, but without Him we have nothing.
Yes, I thought of Ecclesiastes too! I love how God reveals to us the many ways His Word is connected.
This week my son was diagnosed with trisomy 21. Initially I was devastated and mourned the loss of having a “normal” child. God has recused me, and giving me peace through this situation I never thought I would see myself in. Ezra is currently in the NICU with liver and spleen issues. We are praying for a miracle, that the issues resolve and we can take home our baby. We are trusting that God gave us this special boy for a reason and I will not let fear of the unknown steal away the joy of having a newborn baby. He is 11 days old today. Please pray.
Praying for you Amanda
The God who is our healing will come through amen
Praying for you Amanda. I know that God does have amazing plans for your son. I pray you can take him home soon!
Praying for your comfort & strength.
Praying for your son! That he heals and is able to come home soon!
Amanda your sisters here are praying 
Amanda, praying that you would know God’s presence throughout the journey you are on. Praying for your precious baby!
Andrea Simpson, I’m praying for your husband and you. May he stay safe and thank him for protecting his area.
Praying for you Sandy Yanes.
Rhonda Harden, I’m praying for you and your family. I too know how it to feel God’s presence when a dear one dies.
Joanna Gross, I’m praying for you and your father, God is watching over both of you.
Amen, Churchmouse, Rebekah C., CeeGee, Jennifer Sporin, Lizzie, Taylor, Quipper, Angie, Elisha Anne, Diana Fleenor, Jasmine Mitchell Farrel DeBaltzo your words are such an encouragement to me, Amen.
Praying for you Melissa Graves and thank you for your words of encouragement. May I pass them on.
Praying for you Mari V. that all goes well in court Friday.
This was an absolutely beautiful devotion. Our God is our reward. Our greatest gift. Our Promised Land. Without Him, there is no true life at all ❤️
This writer really spoke to me because I woke up today and even when reading this have just felt like crying. I don’t know why. I don’t know if some of it is because on the 20th of this month I’m moving to my new place and leaving all the bad memories of this place behind; maybe it’s that my sister is really struggling with all of this and I can feel her pain because almost 17 years ago I went through the same thing; maybe it’s wondering what the future holds. Lord, I know You are there for me, I know all I have to do is ask. Lord, help me through these next few weeks as I bring to a close one season of my life and open another. Remind me You are a shoulder to cry on, the arms that give me the hug I so dearly want. Lord, You are the One and Only, and I know that You are with me always. Amen.
Keeping you in my prayers Dorothy.
I’m thankful for my oldest daughter introducing me to She Reads Truth. I know the presence of God in your heart is the only thing that can bring you peace. Through so many things the loss of my husband, the loss of my oldest daughter, the loss of a job, the one thing I know is that God’s plan is always better than my plan. I’m thankful for plans like this that help keep me in God’s word.
I found myself running from my calling because of fear of the unknown. I thought I was fine, but as time went on and recent events occurred in and outside of my bubble, I found myself seeking peace. I wanted everything but God in my physical, but my spirit was crying out from suffocation. I was in a stuck place, straddling the fence, but my heart never wanted to straddle. It felt like death was approaching me and I was stuck. But after taking a weekend trip with my best friend, and having the unfortunate event of my car breaking down, my dad, uncle, and brother showed up and got it straight. Over lunch, I broke down and understood the struggle within my spirit, and I knew I wanted peace. I embraced it. That day I fully accepted God for the peace He is. I still find myself not wanting to be patience in my processes because going through can feel like hell sometimes. I understood that it will, but if I have God, my promises will come, and He will cover me in my storms. I wanted something to protect my heart, and now I’ll never let Him go.❤️ He’s so sweet yall. ❤️
I am grateful for the amount of time I delve into His word more than ever and want to keep this going. Amen!!
This pandemic has forced me to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I cannot lean on anything other than God right now because everything is so uncertain.
In Ex 33:21-22 God has an appointed cliff for which Moses to stand. God Himself puts Moses into a cleft in that cliff and covers Moses with the palm of His hand to protect Moses while God is showing His glory. It is comforting to me that God has an appointed rock on which we stand and that He is the one that puts us in a cleft in that rock. Interesting that He put Moses in cleft in rock. It would be reasonable that Moses could not get out of that cleft in the cliff by himself.
Very encouraging to start the day with!
I love how this devotion points us to the Lord as our true treasure. While I am grateful for the blessings he does give us, I desire for my heart’s ultimate treasure to be God Himself rather than earthly things. In personal suffering and watching many in their own afflictions, I find myself in the tension of crying out for help and for justice, and as I sit in the lament learning to patiently wait for the deliverance of the One who has promised to never leave or forsake us. We can do both, pray for help and find peace in his presence. In fact I believe we NEED to do both! What a gracious God we have!
Rhonda – your parents…both of them are Home. This Sunday will be a year since my mother-in-law passed away of a quick cancer. It has been hard on everyone, but obviously especially, daily, for my father-in-law. Losing them both so close is hard for all of you and I am sorry for your loss. At the same time I think what a blessing that they went so close. They are with Jesus. And as a Christ follower, you have the promise that one day you will see them again.
Joanna, praying for you and your dad…his strokes and possible heart surgery.
Jamie Butler, you have a lot right now. May you be able to lean into the strength of our Savior and may His provision and protection surround you and your children…especially your daughter.
Kirstyn – I pray if there is an answer that will help you and baby Colton, God will guide you to it. I pray for His sustaining presence upon you. I don’t begin to understand…but I pray God’s hovering over you will bring you peace.
CeeGee – Praise God for His care in your family situation and for you as you worship and praise His name.
Sandy Yanes – My husband had Covid. He was very sick for 14 days. Other men at his work got it also. Some had mild cases where they were only sick a few days and some tested positive with no symptoms at all. I pray you will get the benefit of having it done and over, either without symptoms, or with few.
Nurse friends who work in the Covid centers of Washington D.C., Kentucky, and Indiana gave us this advice:
If you have a fever take Acetaminophin (NOT ibuprofen) every 6 hours (even through the night).
Take 1000 mg of vitamin C twice a day.
Take Zinc twice a day.
Drink lots and lots of fluids and rest/sleep as much as possible.
Take Lysine once a day (only the Kentucky nurse said they have their hospital employees doing this).
They said: those are the things they do for patients at the hospital.
They encouraged if you don’t have trouble breathing, to stay home and isolate yourself from the rest of your family as much as possible.
However, they also were emphatic that if breathing becomes an issue at all, go directly to the hospital. We purchased something called an Pulse-Oximeter for about $50 from Amazon. It measures your oxygen level. My husband never had trouble breathing. When we weren’t sure if I had it or not I would think…am I having trouble breathing, and then I would think I was. That little finger checker was a great comfort. We received so much conflicting information from the health department and local doctors…the above information was what seemed to be the same from everyone…and what we did. I pray you have someone to help care for you if you do get sick.
You will be in my prayers in many ways.
14And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Love this. He wants to give us rest, if His presence is with us we will have joy and rest. His glory is His goodness, May we bring glory to Him by always living a life worthy of the calling ♥️
When I read Exodus 33:12-23 I wrote beside it in my Bible, someday, we will be able to see God’s face. Someday, we will go Home. Home, where we are favored and God knows our name. Home, where we can know His goodness, and every other part of His being. Where He will speak His name before us and we will have the honor of bowing in worship before Him. We won’t need a crevice or His hand-shield to protect us. Home, His arms will open wide. His hands will reach out, palms extended. His eyes will shine as He sees the righteousness of His Son in us. And His smile will fill us with the warmth, love, and completion that is only filled by Him. As He, our God and King, welcomes us Home.
Angie your words brought joy to me. Tears of joy.
Life is and can be so overwhelming BUT God promises to go with me. Exodus 33:14. God is so good to me. I will say it again.The timing of this devotion is perfect as I’m going to need God’s promise that HE is coming with me. He will be with me in court on Friday.
I Will be praying for all to go well Friday Mari and that God will be beside you.
Rhonda and Joanna praying for you.
I always knew God passed by Moses but I don’t think I realized He spoke His name to Moses as He passed by. That is such a tangible sign along with seeing the back of zGod from the crevice of the rock.
Lord tune my ears to hear you among the noise of the world.
The LORD God! Our Promised Land! Please, let our lives reveal Your Glory, LORD God…through testimonies of Your comfort…Your constant presence in times of trouble.
Thank you, Kara for leading us to this truth today.
I have a fear of being alone. Not sure where it came from (well maybe I do), but deep down I think the worst possible thing in life is to be alone. HOWEVER, the Lord has been teaching me time and time again that in Christ I am never alone. I am united to God at all times through the Holy Spirit living in me. Following the devotion’s pattern I wrote in my journal “The Lord doesn’t just satisfy. He IS our satisfaction.” He takes away my loneliness. Lizzie I echo your prayer that the Lord keeps us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed on trusting in Him. Amen to that! In Christ, I am never alone. His Presence is better than any human presence of interaction I could have. While I’m not completely over my fear of being alone, I know the Lord is walking alongside me through this journey, and I praise Him for this season because He is teaching me so much <3
You will never leave me Lord. You love me. You will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you trusting in you. Please give me victory. I will trust you with all my heart because you are good. You are my salvation. I will aknowledge you and you direct me. Please give me victory. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory in our Lord Jesus Christ!
“I will certainly be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I am the one who sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will all worship God at this mountain.”
We are a blessed people of God! We have the Indwelling of the Holy Spirt, Christ in me!! Everyday Jesus is with us! Everyday He gives us His rest! O What a Savior! Hallelujah ✝️
This Scripture came to mind as I studied these passages:
Matthew 6:31-33 So don’t worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
SEEK FIRST GOD! I love the words to Natalie Grant’s song, “Help me want you Jesus more than anything.” The name of the song is “More than Anything” if you want to listen.
I truly believe that God intends this time to bring this world to its knees and that it is a purifying season. As patterns, habits, routines are stripped from our lives we should be drawn ever closer to Him, not in seeking what He can give us, but just to SEEK HIM. God bless each of you ladies as we all walk this road together. I pray along with each of you for your needs and I thank God for your insight and prayerfully sharing your hearts. As our pastor mentioned this weekend, though, we don’t need to turn to a friend or mentor or any other person. We just need to turn to God and He will walk us through … He alone will perfect our faith! God walked my family through an unusual and very stressful situation the past few days and He answered prayer in a huge way yesterday. That act broke down some walls and drew me ever closer to Him. May you experience the same in your lives. Love and hugs
Rhonda and Joanna, I am praying that the Lord gives you a settled peace and comfort in your souls as you walk through your respective valleys. So much loss all around us…my mother in law also passed away in April…and yet our God never leaves or forsakes us and comforts us in all our afflictions. He is a very present help in trouble. Hallelujah! All our hope is in Him!
God is the destination, the promised land.
Yes. That’s all we need. That’s all I need is Jesus.
Rhonda, I’m so deeply sorry for the loss of your parents. I will be praying for you and your siblings. I remember when my own father passed away from cancer, the absolute peace that washed over me as I sat looking out the hospital window at the sunshine and clouds…I felt such a real connection to Heaven in that moment. God’s peace truly is beyond understanding. There is nothing better than His presence.
“Moses knew that God is not merely a means to an end, not just a path to blessing. God is the blessing, and His presence was the very identity of His people. If He wasn’t in the new land, then there was no point in going”. Wow this is so what I need to be reminded. God is the blessing and to be WITH him is everything.
So beautiful!!! I love this as well!! Be encouraged today and let us go forth and love on others as Christ loved us!
Praying for Joanna & her father. Praying for comfort for Rhonda & her siblings. Thankful that the Lord is our source of strength, wisdom, peace & comfort in every kind of difficulty.
The Israelites’ sin kept them from the presence of God. God permitted Moses to be a mediator between Himself and His people. How grateful I am that by the blood of Jesus, my sin has been forgiven and so I have access to God’s presence at all times. How grateful I am that the presence of God is always with me because the Holy Spirit lives in me. We have the new covenant. Praise Jesus for this great gift!
Yes! Thank you for your wise words!
I’m getting ready to walk that road of saying goodbye to my father. I’ve been blessed to have had a God fearing father. He had a stroke 2 weeks ago and now he’s a candidate for open heart surgery. So much stuff it’s overwhelming. God is my All. Always.
“Be still and know that I am God”, he is faithful and his love for you is perfect. He will see you through every stage and never will he forsake you. May his presence give you the comfort and peace during this uncertain journey, choose faith over fear, in Jesus name. Amen.
Oh Rhonda my heart aches for your loses do what you have gone through. I can feel the presence of the Lord in your words and thati you are leaning on our Lord to give you strength. When we do as you are doing, relying on Him for peace and strength in situations like this it makes it so much easier to get through each day and what it may bring. Rest in His arms my friend, rest.
Rhonda, I am so very sorry for your losses… praying God continue to strengthen you and give you the peace, His peace, that absolutely surpasses everything.. that He continues to wrap His loving arms around you.., and in doing so know His presence without a doubt..
‘He is near to the broken-hearted.’Psalm 34:18
Sending love wrapped hugs and prayers to you and yours. ❤
As I read this scripture pertaining to Job I was reminded of a very tough time in my life just three months ago. My siblings and I lost our father on 3/18/20 and our mother on 3/20/20. During this time, I prayed for strength and a peace that can only come from my heavenly father and God sure delivered on his promise to comfort me and lift me up during this very tough time in my life. I am still at peace when I think about my parents and I know this peace I’m feeling is from God and I am so thankful.
Amen, he surely is our peace and comfort, God bless you and continue to remind you everyday that he is your steady hand. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Yes so sorry that you experienced this loss but so glad God’s peace has kept you lifted up. Praying for you
Rhonda – hugs to you in this heartbreaking time. I’m sorry for your loss.