Treasures of the Kingdom

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:19-34, Matthew 7:1-6, Matthew 13:44-45, Psalm 147:7-11, Luke 12:32-34

Our priority is to seek the kingdom over earthly possessions, replacing worry with trust in God’s provision.

I thought I was a relaxed hostess until I began hosting playdates with toddlers, a fun time where order and clean surfaces go to die! I tell myself that my belongings don’t matter, but when it comes down to it, the chaos of a group of three-year-olds can feel like a personal threat to my home and self-preservation. 

As I read today’s Scripture from Matthew, I paused and asked myself, What does it mean to store up “treasures in heaven”? What is Jesus actually asking me to do? The Scripture seems to focus less on actual possessions and more on the posture of the heart (see Matthew 19:16–22). Anything that stands in the way of us fully following and trusting in God is an area of our hearts we ought to examine. Matthew writes: 

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, 
where neither moth nor rust destroys, 
and where thieves don’t break in and steal. 
For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:20–21). 

What is “treasure” in heaven, from a kingdom perspective? It’s living for God’s glory and the good of others (Hebrews 6:10). Because God provides for His people and “delights to give [us] the kingdom,” we are free to pursue the good of other people, to focus on relationship with our Heavenly Father and those He has surrounded us with (Luke 12:32). No thief can steal love that has been freely given (v.33). 

My heart’s posture toward loving and serving others in my home takes an ugly turn when I begin to focus on my possessions, my appearance, and my control. Perhaps it’s a simple example, but it’s very real to me. When I become angry, bitter, and frustrated with my son for making a mess, I know it’s my comfort and my possessions that I’m actually concerned about. When adults are invited into my home and feel welcome enough to casually move furniture around without asking, my heart reveals its desire to control and maintain order. The sin in my heart gets in the way of hospitality, of pursuing the good of others. I want to offer a space where people feel comfortable and loved. When I’m too consumed by the outside mess, how can I possibly minister to the mess we all bring with us? 

So, yes, even little people in my sphere of influence (the home) need to know the patience and gentle instruction of God. Friends need to see the generosity of Jesus when we serve them in our home. I should worry less about shoes on the couch when our family is rich in relationships. God knows what we need to get through this physical, day-to-day world. He provides the necessary things for us, so we can focus on making the kingdom of God very real to the people here on earth. Couches fade and, believe it or not, you can get diet soda out of your rug with just hot water (and silent prayer). But ultimately, being present with people and sharing Jesus’s love with them are the kind of treasures I want to store up.

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71 thoughts on "Treasures of the Kingdom"

  1. Mercy says:

    Such sweet devotion Bailey. I am also like you. I relate to every detail ;) . As a mother with young children, I too value cleanliness, tidiness and an orderly home. It is a luxury during the current season, but many moms say, this too shall pass. The Lord has his amazing purpose when building us women the way we are, leaning towards a well-maintained home rather than messy, for He himself is also the God of order. Our service to others comes at a cost to us. And our God is the rewarder for such sacrifice.

    Churchmouse, such wisdom wrapped in your beautiful words. I fully agree.

    Sherry, you touched me deeply with what you shared about your daughter. How incredibly sensitive that you see how she sees. I struggled with my mom about the same issue sometimes. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

    May your weekend be filled with good rest, abundant joy and peace.

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love how Bailey reminded us in this devotional what it looks like to serve people on our homes. I love and appreciate her honesty about the times when her perspective needs some tweaking. I know that I all too often focus on the mess instead of what God may be doing on my house. I pray I would be able to focus on the kingdom work, instead of all the cleaning that will need to be done after everyone leaves.

  3. Caroline says:

    Beautiful song about Matthew 6:25-34
    By Keith and Kristin Getty…

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    I love this study! It hit me once again on how particular I am about my surroundings. I like order in my house. I actually feel like I cannot think when it is in disarray, so it rarely is. I need to relax. I’m getting better, but not there yet. I want to seek Him first. I get up and go to my emails before my study! What am I doing?? I want to feel fully awake so that’s how I do it. I need to get up and put God first. I want my treasure chest full not a meager stash as Churchmouse put it.

  5. Kristen LeighEllzey says:

    I struggle with the desire to have a magazine picture worthy home. I love everything clean and neat. This strong, human fleshy desire can overpower my focus on heavenly treasures if I don’t let the spirit lead. I’ll think things like “if I can just get my kids grown, it will be clean then” or “one day I can have something look nice”. Isn’t that a terrible heart? Sigh. The thought hit me recently “work for the kingdom here and your next home will be more than you could ever imagine”❤️ have a great day working for the kingdom ladies!!

  6. Dawn Bahr says:

    Needed to hear this this morning. Having family on Monday for a birthday. So needed to hear this.

  7. D says:

    Wow, Bailey…That was a powerful word I felt was somehow meant for me today! Friends, while not a physical “life or death” request (as some are currently, profoundly experiencing), I’d ask your prayers for me to understand God’s best plan for me and how he wants me to proceed. In summary, I am (blessed to be) currently in a well-paying job, but one that prevents me from doing volunteer work which has long been on my heart and frankly, one that causes me much distress because while I am not witness to illegal activity, I am witness to almost daily lack of integrity/“abuse” of a system, over which I have no control. I believe the Lord puts us where he wants us, so I am torn or confused as to whether I should stay in this position (where I am also able to provide significant financial support to a variety of Christian organizations and where maybe he has yet to reveal his purpose to me) or if I should seek other employment (likely available) where I could pursue (needed) volunteer work and still make an adequate though smaller salary, as well as support other Christian organizations. Thank you in advance for your petitions on my behalf. God is faithful.

  8. Victoria E says:

    Jane K, your love for your daughter is so evident ! I am sorry you have been struggling with worry over this. I wish I had something so insightful to encourage you with, all I can say is I have struggled with worry , anxiety, and fear my whole life and I get what you are saying. I pray that we both put today’s Scripture reading deep in our hearts where it can continue to speak to us.