Text: Luke 9:43-45, 51-52, John 10:14-18
When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.
Luke 9:51, ESV
My in-laws live in Michigan. It’s a solid 9-hour drive from our house in Tennessee to enjoy their mild, midwestern summers and wonderland northern winters, but it is absolutely always worth it.
Well, almost always. There is usually a moment—at about hour 7.5—where we’re past Cincinnati but still super far from Toledo and the kids have both used up all their charming travel puzzles and games, they’ve gotten whiney from too much screen time, and we’ve cut them off from snacks because snacks make them thirsty and drinks make them potty and we have made enough stops already forgoodnesssake.
That’s the moment when we front-seaters exchange exasperated-slash-desperate looks of “why did we think driving was a good idea?” and “couldn’t we have left the kids in Tennessee with friends and enjoyed a quiet drive just the two of us?” I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t go over very well with the grandparents.
But once we finally get there, we’re always so glad we came. We know it the moment we make that right turn onto their street to see Granddad and Groovy waving and grinning, with the pool all clean and heated and good things cooking in the oven. The being there always makes it worth it, but the getting there just about kills us.
Enter my brilliant and blessed son, Oliver. I guess he was probably five at the time he invented the “Rocket Boost”, and it is now everyone’s favorite way to travel. The Rocket Boost is simple: close your eyes, force yourself to sleep, and next thing you know, you’ve completely slept through Kentucky! (Or Connecticut, or wherever it is you’re passing through.) Rocket Boosting is the best basic travel trick we know; even I have been known to sneak a Rocket Boost in the passenger seat from time to time!
Friends, today we are doing a little Rocket Boost of our own. You may remember our Lent study is divided into three parts: Return, Repent, and Remember. We left you on Friday repenting and lamenting in 586 BC with the Israelites, worshiping and crying out amid the rubble of the destroyed Temple. Today we Rocket Boost about 600 years forward—past the Babylonian Exile, the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls under the leadership of Nehemiah, and 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testament—and when we open our eyes, we will see the in-the-flesh Promised Messiah prophesying of Himself, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19).
So, let’s stretch our arms, sit up straight, and renew our focus on the road—it’s time to “Remember” the narrative of our Savior’s last days. Over the next 3 weeks we will follow the Son of God from the moment He sets His face to Jerusalem, to the time the New Holy Temple—the One the Israelites cried out for in Lamentations and the One who forever eliminated the need for a curtain of separation between us and God—is indeed raised again in three days, just as He said.
As we begin this time of remembrance with Jesus “setting His face to Jerusalem”, let’s acknowledge the gravity of this moment. Jesus was setting His sights on the place where He would die for sinners in accordance with the will of God. He knew what awaited Him. As John Piper put it, “Jerusalem meant one thing for Jesus: certain death.” Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem out of obedience to the Father and love for sinners—you and me.
The world was under a curse of death, and our only possible rescue required a Man who was both Offerer and Offering. He couldn’t come as an Offering only, served up by an angry crowd as He fought tooth and nail to escape, or doing everything in His power to avoid Jerusalem altogether. No—He had to be the Offerer as well. Jesus’ life was His to give, and in turning His face toward Jerusalem, He was setting into motion the final days of our Great Rescue.

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112 thoughts on "To Jerusalem"
How great is that love!
Be praise and glory wisdom and thanks. Honor and power and strength. Be to our God forever and ever!
Certain death… He faced not with fear but with obedience. What love the savior has. Refusing to turn back he calmly rode the streets Into Jerusalem while the people hailed him victor….yet they did not know what kind of victor they were saluting !! Over the dark domain…lies…prisons we’ve made for ourselves he reigns victorious over death itself!!! Who is like him???
Thank you Jesus for being our willing Rescuer!!
I don’t want to die. Like the person in the first comment, I’m getting tired of my little Lenten sacrifices and want to fall back into indulgence and laziness and self centeredness. I don’t want to set my face to crucify my flesh, to die daily. But I need to fix my eyes on Jesus, who FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM ENDURED THE CROSS, DESPISING THE SHAME, AND HAS SET DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. Jesus, help me see you. Help me see the cross this week. I know that I can’t truly be filled and led by your Spirit until I identify with your death. Help me to let go of these rusty, earthly trophies to which I so desperately cling, and cling instead to the old rugged cross.
Lord this gives me goosebumps. And I need this so much! Over the last few days I’ve started slacking in my Christian walk because it was so exhausting. And my flesh was just plain screaming that I needed a break. A little break from the world and the constant need to die daily to sin. What a selfish mindset for me to have, especially in this season of remembrance of what Jesus did for us. And this devotional just brought it into a whole new light for me. Jesus didn’t want it. He was incredibly afraid of it (to the point where he sweated blood) but through it all. Your will be done oh Lord. Thank you so much for the encouragement and straightening out.
Thank you for this post. I am looking forward to this part of the study.
“Jerusalem meant one thing for Jesus: certain death." Our Savior came for us… to save us from ourselves… He did that knowing that He would pay the ultimate price of His life…I am in awe of Him when I think about just my sin on the cross. He paid the price that we should be paying today. When I think of how much He loves me, I have no humanly words that can express what I really feel. His obedience led to our (my) freedom. My Savior, My Father, I love Him so.
Ahhh Jesus how I love his name and the comforting peace it brings to my heart and mind- Jesus my savior
Thank you Jesus!
I am so very grateful for His sacrifice. Thank you Jesus for setting your face towards Jerusalem. It changes EVERYTHING. Not only does it change my life, but my eternity. Not only does it change my eternity, but my life.
Our pastor preached the message of John 10: 14-18 this Sunday. Jesus is our Shepard and we are his sheep. He loves, cares, and protects us.
so so thankful that we've returned
and very very thankful we moved through repentance
but now to remember…..
Lord, help my returning and my repentance make me ever more thankful as i remember….
I love that this reminds us that Jesus is the one that “bridges the gap” because he died for us as an offering we no longer have to live seperated from God!
He knew what He was facing. And He still went. He wept. But He still went. How could He?
I'll be honest: sometimes the love Jesus has for us still astounds me. I wonder if that feeling ever goes away, or if it's something that stays with us until we meet Him.
I hope it always astounds us.
Thank you for facing our rescue with obedience to the Father.
Jesus was so awesome in his fearlessness, his embracing of death + pain (because he knew the purpose, and that God was sovereign)– I dont mean to be morbid, but I often wonder why we often don't follow his example in that. We bemoan our pain and allow our fear of it to cripple and keep us from his purposes for us! I am so guilty of that, and I actually consider myself a pretty calm, fearless person. In regards to my gifts specifically, I am terrified and figuratively running from Jerusalem– while deep inside I know that I was designed to ride in calmly and embrace those fears, like Jesus did. I am so thankful for both his sacrifice, and for his calmly courageous example.
Just makes us realise how little our struggles are and yet even with His massive struggle he doesn't belittle ours… He is such an amazing God!!!
I usually forget that Jesus went to the cross and went through so much suffering out of obedience to his father! It puts my own obedience (and when I feel like I ask my toddler to obey me countless times a day) into a whole new perspective!
I've been in a very difficult period of life… a season of caring for my elderly mom. I have just come back to SRT after taking a break and doing some other study and devos. I am CONVINCED that Jesus led me here specifically and intentionally. Today's words and Words were much needed. God Bless and thank you for your candor, Reneè. Candacejo, praying right now for your Dad, his Dr and you and your fam. Nana, lifting you up too. ….pause to pray…. love you all, ladies. Have a Blessed day, and may Yeshua flow in and through you. May your thirst be quenched by His Living Spirit, and hunger be satisfied by the substance of His Word and Person.
failed to convince her to invest in an assisted care place. So ultimately, I will continue to have to help her to live independently. A task that I SHOULD be happy to do… but I'm so overloaded these days with cleaning up after her, helpng her get to all her appts etc… and not much from her in return. She just has that elderly self-involved thing.
Barbara, I have been where you are in caring for my elderly grandparents and I feel your exhaustion. I am praying for you. For your spirit, strength, grace, and refreshing through God Almighty because I truly know that where we can't He can! Always and forever, willingly and perfect He is our sustainer and deliverer. He blessed me by allowing me to care for them before they passed, I only wish I had relied on Him more and myself less throughout. I'll be praying for his refreshing restoring hand on your days.
Our senior pastor resigned a week ago yesterday, and yesterday we received word that two more of our elders have resigned. While the remaining elders have handled these difficult situations Biblically, seeing people leave is painful. I need to learn to look back and remember what the Lord has done in the life of our church more often I these hard times and trace the hand of God in these painful circumstances.
How much grace to be found in Jesus. The way He walked through those last days both inspires and humbles me equally. He did what only He could have done , in perfect obedience. And she did it for me. I just can’t believe it. I am not a new believer, yet the realization gets me, confounds me, makes me marvel when I think about it.
He did it for me^ spell check changes my words all the time
I think it’s so cool the way this lent season is lining up with the seasons…when we began, it was so dark & cold & frozen. And now, warmth is springing up, tiny green buds are appearing on the trees & we are reading & watching our Savior’s life- leading up to true life offered to us. Oh it’s getting so exciting and hopeful. I couldn’t help but literally feel the despair over the past few weeks- and now SO.MUCH.HOPE. I’ve decided Easter is most definitely my favorite favorite season & time to celebrate. We have so much hope!!!
I Love your analogy Mary-Lindsey. So true!!
This is so true!! I felt the same hope and joy today as I drove home from work with my windows down and felt a warm breeze! I could almost hear Jesus whispering “a new season is here, rest in my grace and love”
How many of us can say that we turn towards that which will kill us, or ridicule us, or condemn us? It’s amazing to me that Jesus turned purposefully and lovingly towards the city where his death was waiting. More amazing still that he had such patience with his disciples as they were oblivious to what lies ahead and then that he loved them through their betrayals. It is so good for me to read scripture and see myself in the disciples, the Israelites, the prodigals, the people who fail and return again and again to find the forgiveness and love of God waiting. He can love Gideon, and Paul, and Peter, and David, and he can love me.
I agree 110%…Amen to that! There are often times I reflect on this very same thought. Especially when I’m upset about something so minute. When I think of all the things my savior endured for me. It gives me the strength to be obedient and the motivation to be all the more loving towards all the people on my path. Thank you Jesus.
I’m so ever grateful he set his sights on Jerusalem and the cross. Thank you Jesus!
Amen! Even though he knew what he was doing (dying), he did it with grace and power that saved US, meek sinners.
Yes, Libby, totally with you there…THANK YOU JESUS…THANK YOU…X
Even knowing the outcome of this story, it’s still a blessing to read it page by page.
I feel like this is the last leg of the race…we've built up our endurance through returning to Him, repenting to Him, and now…we get to feel all of the excitement as Jesus finishes it all. It is a difficult story to remember, but I can't help but feel excited. Through all of those Lamentations readings, I was beginning to feel weary and helpless, crying out as they did for God to save us all. But now, it's happening. I feel like I am in the story…I guess we really are part of the story!
I love this analogy, Stacey! I'm excited too!
love this stacey!!
I know for sure I couldn't set my face towards something that meant certain death. And I'm so glad I don't have to because my Savior went before me. Praying that we all draw nearer to God as we remember all that He did, intentionally, to save us.
I am new to SRT and obviously a few days behind, but I’m so touched by the rawness of this post. Thank you. May God show you his nearness in this journey.
Welcome, Madi! We are so happy you're here!
“For the JOY set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame and set down at the right hand of the throne of God…” Thank you that you set your face like flint because of us, your Joy. Help me to know my belovedness and live in gratitude out of it-each moment. (Heb. 12:2)
I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit led me to this community of women (SRT). I also give thanks for the One who willingly gave Himself for me and that His mercies are new every morning. I am humbled by this journey called Lent.
Thinking of the resurrection and all the joy and hope it brings, my heart calls from the back seat, "Are we there yet?!" That Rocket Boost is good to get us to this point, but no Rocket Boosting allowed during the walk to the cross. It is painful as I watch Jesus, innocent and full of life, take the punishment that should have been mine. I need this journey every year so that I remember that the cost for my sin is great, the payment has been made in full, and I have a hope that cannot be quenched.
“I need this journey every year so that I remember that the cost for my sin is great, the payment has been made in full, and I have a hope that cannot be quenched.” Kelly, you and I speak the same language! I am clinging to this unquenchable hope. It is all too easy for me to fast forward past the pain of the cross, to jump to the joy of the resurrection. But I need to face it. I need to see what my redemption cost my Rescuer. Because it is only then that my all-too-selfish heart, surrenders. A life for a life. Dying to self, I live for Him.
I love that thought—> "a hope that cannot be quenched." It reminds me of lyrics by Clarensau that talk about finding the "love that will not leave" in Christ. :)
This past week we have moved my 90 year old Father in Law in to live with us. It was quite a struggle to get him to leave his home and travel cross country to our home. He wanted to bring all of his "stuff" including many items that reminded him of his dear wife who has passed. I tell you this to encourage you to not "rocket boost" through your day but to appreciate each day and make a memory of your blessings.
He did it on purpose. For us. My rescuer. Amen!
This morning I come to my quiet time with an anxious heart. In just a few hours I am to have a very difficult conversation with my employer, I know God has led me here.. Over the past few months I have felt myself loosing my passion and feeling..empty . With no purpose. This is a big faith test for me because I do not have another job lined up … But I have a weird calmness that God will open a door. God has a plan for me. I pray that my fear and insecurities of this conversation don’t keep me from really sharing my heart. Today’s passage was so perfect for me because no matter how difficult the road ahead of me is today… It doesn’t compare to the road Jesus had ahead of him. I need to be obedient today and have the talk that I have been running from for months.
prayers for you today! for continued peace and for grace for your words during your conversation!
Praying for you today to have confidence in your words and what you are set to do day
Prayers will be with you today! Tough times are not as bad when Jesus Christ is giving us strength and peace :)
Praying for you today, Sara. For wisdom, clarity, and affirmation, for boldness in your conversation, and for favor from your boss. I am walking through a similar process, and I am hopeful for both of us that God will lead us exactly where he wants us to be.
Praying for you, that you would be filled the the "peace that passes understanding", that the Holy Spirit would give you words, and that God would reveal the awesome plans he has ahead for you once this door is shut. Hard conversations lead to peace friend, I so admire your resolution and willingness– he's right there with you. :)
Sara, I pray things went well for you yesterday…and that your conversation with your employer was as you prayed it would be.. Blessings..x
I seek your prayers this morning sisters. The past weeks I cannot seem to find rest or piece. Frustration and upset seem to have become my closest companions.
I pray for a cleaner heart and it’s like the walls of self loathing have surrounded me.
It’s affecting my work and attitude in general.
I do look forward to Easter. It feels like the light at the end of my tunnel.
Praying for you Nana, may you feel the physical presence of Jesus today – overwhelming you with perfect peace that can only come from Him.
Praying for you! I know that feeling of self loathing. Praying for you to find that much needed rest and peace.
Dear Lord, please give Nana the peace and comfort that only you give. Help her to have a clean heart,and know that you hold her by her right hand. Thank you Jesus,in your name. Amen.
Praying that frustration and impatience would be released from you now in the name of Jesus! Praying that His spirit would overwhelm you today with love, peace, joy, and hope!
Praying for you Nana!
Keep reading with us each day, filling your heart with Jesus' words is the best medicine!
I am lifting you up Nana C. That self loathing you speak of is so destructive and I hope that you feel freedom from it today. You are not alone in this, many of us have had or do have those moments. The ones that seem to last for an eternity of that wiley snake whispering absurdities into our ears. My prayer is that today when you hear him speaking these untruths, that you hear Jesus whispering His great love and opnion of you in the other ear….telling you that you are righteous through Him, loved by an Almighty Father and that you are precious and special. Adored by the most high. There is nothing in this world, no sin, no hurt, pain, or contempt that can seperate you from the promises of God. He wants so much for you and I am so prayerful Nana, that you walk into this today…..in Jesus great name! ~ B
Nana, holding you up in prayer and thankfully to our Lord God that you are here to share with us that we might pray for you and live you as we are called to do.. praying this feeling of self loathing goes away in the mighty name of Jesus, and replaced by the love of God, which is already yours.. as Stacy said…keep coming to this table and to His Word..He is here….God be with you.. Nana..x
I'm thankful for the chance to spend a significant amount of time thinking about this reality – that Jesus actively walked toward death. It's so important to try to understand what the difference is between what Nehemiah experienced and what we experience now on this side of the cross. It's so easy to miss the significance of the temple and the sacrifices when we've never known anything else. Jesus, draw us toward you as we consider anew the gravity of your final days and the freedom it has awarded us.
Good morning, my beautiful sisters.
I do hope that this morning is treating you all well. CandaceJoe I do want to lift up you and your family as you travel to the hospital this morning full of sleepiness and awareness of life and it’s ticking clock. I pray for safe travels as well as peace for everyone sitting in the waiting room. From the rambunctious children (up early and filled with pent up energy) to you and your husband who are such wonderful children to be willing to sit in a cold waiting room while your father undergoes this procedure. I pray for the doctors themselves as they perform this procedure. I pray for clarity and focus. I especially pray for your father. All will be well, of this I have no doubt because the Heavenly Father is sitting right there with you as you sip your hot coffee in attempts to stay warm and alert. I cannot wait to hear stories about what a wonderful time you and your family are having in the coming days once this is all behind you. Those days are coming so just sit back and let God take over.
Now, for the rest of you wonderful ladies I just want to say thank you. I still have yet to respond to each and every one of your comments to my honest confession this past weekend. Please know that I have read through each and every one of your heartfelt words and your input and dedication brought me to tears in the best way possible. I simply cannot thank God enough for this community. You are all such precious women and I am blessed to be able to communicate with you, no matter the distance, on this platform. I do plan to take the time over these next few days to respond to each of your comments, but I cannot promise that I will be able to respond to every single comment today. Rather than sending out a blanket ‘Thank you’ I want to spend time responding to your individual words. Please accept my apologies for the time delay.
All that being said, I just wanted to share with you how your words and His heart helped me this past weekend. I was not only able to enjoy a calm (mainly guilt free) Saturday picking strawberries here in sunny Florida, but I was also able to relax and enjoy a productive Sunday preparing my meals for the next few days as well. This morning I woke with a little tinge of guilt over my intended meal plan this week and the fact that I have a weigh in today with a new doctor, but I do not plan to let this throw me back. In fact, as I sit down to each and every meal today, rather than focusing on the amount of calories I am consuming, I plan to focus my attention on praying for and Thanking God for you. For you who happened to be struggling this morning with the stress that comes from a busy week ahead all the way to you ‘newbies’ here on SRT. You will not regret signing in or setting aside time to read through each day’s study. These ladies are incredible and I am so excited to welcome you in (as I am sure we all are) as one of our friends.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and that we all remember that due to His sacrifice we can see beyond Jerusalem to our new and glorious home with Him.
Much love to you all.
I do want to apologize for my ‘wordy’ responses. I guess I just get so caught up in how much joy the ability to communicate with you all brings me that I sometimes lose control over my thoughts and my fingers. Haha. Oops. It’s all out of love.
No need for apology Renee. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was blessed by reading your note today : )
I am blessed through your openness too! I have been an avid SRT reader for several months now, but yesterday was the first day I ever read the comments from my dear SRT sisters. Like I said, I feel so blessed to be a member of this community! Thank you for your words- know that I am praying too. :)
Renee~ I love it that you are praying us all!! THANK YOU!! And I’m proud of you for prep’ing your meals! I’m on a pretty strict regimen right now and somehow the attention to myself vacillates between being a spiritual analogy of how much attention my spiritual appetite needs and despair over all the time going into physical needs. But praying that you persevere in Christ! ❤️
Don't apologize! We are blessed by your encouraging words today, friend! Thank you!
“The being there always makes it worth it, but the getting there just about kills us.”
I am a grad student and full time student teacher. Many days I feel like 24 hours just isn’t enough. Then I am reminded that God made the day just long enough and intended for me to sleep for 8 of those hours. He is good to help me when I feel like the journey is tearing me apart.
“Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem out of obedience to the Father and love for sinners—you and me.”
His love for us drove Him to the cross. Oh to know how much we are loved!!
Anna- I was in your situation for 3 and a half years- grad school and working full time, then student teaching the fall. I graduated in December and the weight off my back was unbelievable! You are almost there!!!! Make a list of al things you’ve already completed and what you have left, crossing them off as you go. We’re all rooting for you! #teamSRT!
“His love for us drove Him to the cross.” Yes! Not shuffled, not reluctant, but passionately journeyed!
i just love that I am loved in such a huge unimaginable way by Jesus and that even though i will probably never totally understand the full sacrifice Jesus made. i don’t need to understand to still receive my rescue by my King.
How merciful He is to love us in our frailty!
“Ransom payer” Sheree I never thought it that way. Love it.
This always makes me squirm. The realization that Jesus went to Jerusalem, knowing full well what would happen….as you inicated, Raechel, not kicking & screaming or fighting tooth & nail, but so incredibly willingly. Makes our "hard things" pale and our willingness to do them pitiful. This portion of scripture screams at me the reality of this world. One in which, we complain all too often about what is "unfair", how we should have more money, more love, a larger home, a better car ~ we envy our neighbors and pitty ourselves for what we physically lack or the ailments we suffer. I know it is human nature, but moving forward I am prayerful that I will make a choice; when I face hard things (and there are always hard things), when I struggle with following through in obedience, when I feel that pull to pity for what I lack, I am going to stop. I will acknowledge my pain, but I will stop and remember the image of Christ on that donkey riding into a "fruitless fig", knowing betrayal, abuse and death would come. Whatever troubles I face or uncertainties that lie in front of me are nothing in comparison, my fears are unjust. Though life may not be the way I planned or dreamt it, my trials will end! And not with my body on a cross! ~ B
Amen. Thank you for that. I needed that today…
Thank you and amen!
oh, how I needed to hear this today! how I want to wallow in pity over my “hard things”! thank you for this reminder.
Totally needed to hear that today, B! Our fears ARE unjust, and not just because our lives won't end on a cross, because the One whose life did, overcame death–and our fears–for us. What do we have to fear when the Rescuer, the Conquerer, the Almighty, is for us?
Reminds me of my favorite quote from To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus says "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." The great Victory. Thanks for sharing, B, always a pleasure to read your reflections.
Amen and thank you B…embedded to hear and read that this morning, I'm a tad struggling to 'walk with the Lord these past few days…being overwhelmed by life…but you are absolutely right…Jesus knowingly and lovingly, without question…order into Jerusalem to carry, and if that wasn't enough, to then hang on that awful cross, that should have been mine.. that I would be freed…today..Thank you Jesus…Thank you B , for the reminder.. Love you…and love to the family…xx
thank you
Looking forward to this next part! The last was difficult, but necessary. Praying for your dad Candacejo.
So am I, Tricia! Grateful we get to "Remember" together!
It’s Amazing all the focus on Jerusalem in the old testament was just a preparation for the new covenant that start with Jesus death. Pity Nehemiah didn’t know the whole picture for his hard work.
The Rocket Booster….so adorable! I confess I am a professional Rocket Booster. Just ask The Sweetheart! We travel extensively and he LAMENTS constantly that as soon as the car is in drive, my head is on my travel pillow and my seat is in recline.
My only problem is I miss so much, lol. I never know where we are (or where we have been!). I think this might preach too, or make a good blog post :)
Looking forward to the next few weeks in study with you all.
Blessings to all of my SRT sisters on this Monday morning. Heading shortly to the hospital with my father for a heart cath. We know there is blockage that they are concerned they cannot accomplish with stents this time. Appreciate your prayers for his nerves and the doctor's hands. In Jesus' name. ♥
Professional Rocket Booster! Love it! ~ B
Thank you for your note. ❤️
We will be praying for your dad!!
Thank you so much! I will try to update if needed. Blessings!
Praying now for your dad…
Prayers sent, Candacejo!
praying for you, your father and your family!
Prayers to guide the Dr.s hands, and calm Candacejo’s Dads nerves. God bless.
Me too, a professional rocket booster. However, now I need to do some of the driving. Therein comes the problem, solved by having a glass of ice to keep me awake.. Praying for your family Bless you all .
praying for you dad candacejo….my dad had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago…praying for the both of us as we love our parents well….hugs to you :)
Thank you and a complete recovery is being prayed for your father too! Blessings! ♥
Candacejo, sorry to hear your news…praying God peace over Dad, and yourselves, and the family…praying skilful precision of the surgeons hands, guided by the Great physician Himself.. and restoration….and wholeness to dad…Love you Sis…God be with you..xxx
Thank you all so much for your prayers for my dad…he received another miracle, even after the doctor came out half way and said they were very concerned and he kept saying "I don't think you understand how serious this is." By then I was plenty concerned. One hour later they came back with dad and said, "Well, that was easy! We just put in a balloon and opened up the artery. Went great." I admit we sat there with our mouths open. Why are we always surprised at God? :) He did fine, collapsed in tears when he finally understood what had happened. He was sure it would be a different outcome.
Later that day, the nurse got Dad up to walk around the room, thought he was doing fine when she got a call to go somewhere else so she just walked away from him and left. He turned around to go back to his bed and fell!!! They did xrays yesterday afternoon and nothing was broken although his hip and neck were really bothering him. He is home now, resting. Thank you all so much.♥ Love this commUNITY!
The Offerer and the Offering…so true and so good. Thank you.
“He was setting into motion the final days of our Great Rescue.” I love this. He is our Rescuer, Redeemer, and Ransom-payer for our souls.
I love that…Ransom-payer for our souls! Thank you Jesus for being all 3 of those and so much more. May my heart be humbled as I walk along your journey over the next three weeks.