Text: Matthew 6:9-13, Isaiah 53:10-11,
I have a notion that what seem our worst prayers may really be, in God’s eyes, our best…
For these, perhaps, being nearly all will, come from a deeper level than feeling.
– CS Lewis, from Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
I can’t pray out loud without crying. I have no idea why this is or exactly when it started, but ask me to pray aloud – in front of one person or 100 – and there will be puddles in my eyes by the time we reach Amen.
If you’re thinking this makes me super holy, you’re totally right. [If we were texting, this is where I would insert one of those cry-laughing emoji guys. In other words, sarcasm alert.]
But I know me, and I know my auto-tears don’t mean what you might think they mean. I know how hard I struggle with prayer, how the concept of talking to God has always made me feel intimidated, disoriented, strange. I know how my tears are less often tears of belief and more often tears of “I believe, help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). And while some days prayer flows like breath from my lips — Thank you and Please Lord and Help me — most days my prayers start more like a grocery list than a love letter. Here are the things I know I need. Here are the things I need to remember. Here are the people I ought to pray for.
It’s no wonder I was relieved to read CS Lewis’ comment that “prayer is irksome.” Or, as my handy thesaurus might say, it’s frustrating. Exasperating. Disagreeable. Prayer doesn’t always come naturally. We were made for communion with our Heavenly Father—but so long as we are being sanctified here on earth, we’ll struggle with this tension of praying for a Kingdom that has come and is yet to come.
Jesus knows we’ll need help in prayer department when teaches His disciples how to pray, saying clearly, “Pray like this.” What follows, now known as The Lord’s Prayer, is not flowery or overly emotional. It is bold. Intentional. Concise.
Father, Your name is holy.
Bring Your Kingdom, Lord.
Your will be done, not mine.
We depend on You for our life, our everything.
Forgive us and help us to forgive.
All glory is Yours, forever. Amen.
“Thy kingdom come.” Only Jesus could truly understand the weight of this simple prayer. Only He knows how difficult the act of prayer can truly be or what this Kingdom-to-come really looks like.
Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer…
– Isaiah 53:10a, NIV
Just as we saw in yesterday’s reading when Jesus “set His face to Jerusalem” knowing full well what it would mean, He also knew exactly what He was praying when He petitioned for God’s Kingdom to be ushered in. The coming of the Kingdom of God required the current, real-life sacrifice of God’s only Son.
I want to pray those words like Jesus prayed — not because I feel like praying but because I know and believe in the goodness and holiness of the One to whom I pray.
I want to give God glory in each and every thing, even when it hurts.
I want to desperately depend on God for my provision on the great days and the awful days.
I want to seek God’s will above my own, even when I don’t understand it.
I want to pray for God’s Kingdom to come — both in the Now and in the Not Yet.
“The petition, then,” says Lewis, “is not merely that I may patiently suffer God’s will but also that I may vigorously do it. I must be an agent as well as a patient. I am asking that I may be enabled to do it. In the long run I am asking to be given ‘the same mind which was also in Christ’” (emphasis mine).
Oh, how I want the mind of Christ! Oh, how I long for my prayers to be worshipful breaths of obedience and my tears always sincere. I want to not just pray “Your kingdom come” but to seek to vigorously do it!
I want to daily lay down the banner of my kingdom and pick up the banner of the Kingdom of God.
Friends, in the spirit of praying for the coming of God’s Kingdom and the nearness of the Son (and because it’s Saint Patrick’s Day!), let’s close our time today praying these beautiful words from St. Patrick’s Breastplate:
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
May it be so, Lord.
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95 thoughts on "Thy Kingdom Come"
Amanda, THANK YOU for your honesty here. I feel alone sometimes anytime I struggle with my faith and it is so validating when someone whose faith I admire says “me too”.
Does anyone know where this version of the Lord’s prayer originates from. It is by far my favorite version but I don’t know where to find it in any bible or text. Please help!
praying is also my down fall. it’s as if my mouth doesn’t know how to move whenever i go to pray, even in my still time. i’m able to write out my prayers but can’t speak them back.
Beautiful. Thank you, Amanda Bible Williams, and thank You, Lord.
This was one of my favorite posts! I can relate to crying whenever I pray… Hahaha. It’s a struggle! But I love everything about this post.
AMEN! I'm late, but THIS IS MY HEART! Thank you so much for speaking what I feel. It's a struggle… but with GOD ANYTHING is possible and I'm going to continue to stand on his word. I love the Christ before me….I will recite it every night and day.
I believe! Heal my unbelief Jesus. Thank you for rescuing me and teaching me to love Your kingdom. I am weak and pray to be strengthened. Amen
“I want to daily lay down the banner of my kingdom and pick up the banner of the Kingdom of God.” Love this devotional and this sentence above. To focus my heart, mind, & soul on living to love Jesus and not myself!
Dang.. I don’t comment on these much. But this one blew me out of the water. So humbled. Thank you for your gentle convictions sweet sister. ❤️
Every time I read something from Amanda Bible Williams it’s as if someone wrote out my life more eloquently than I ever could. I can relate to her so much! This was so refreshing, as prayer has always been the hardest part of my walk with Christ. Sometimes I just want everything to be so neat and tidy it’s hard to be honest with God even though he sees every single inch of my whole being. It’s refreshing to know that I might not be alone :-)
No news yet on my nephew but I am so thankful for everyone’s continued prayers! This community of praying women has been such a blessing to me since I found the app and joined @sherreadstruth! We are spread far and wide and don’t truly know each other yet pray daily when needed… Thank you so very much! Please continue to pray and God bless you all!!
Praying for your family and nephew, Allison.
Is he still unresponsive? How old is he? We are praying… Loving you from afar.
“[Thy will be done] … I want to pray those words like Jesus prayed — not because I feel like praying but because I know and believe in the goodness and holiness of the One to whom I pray”. It comes down to, “How do I see God?” Do I evaluate God’s character against the failure of men? Do I believe that God is NOT love, NOT faithful, and NOT good because those who are closest to me … those who “love” me are unfaithful? Or do I see the unfaithfulness of men … and then acknowledge that God is far superior? That He is good, love, and faithful because the Bible says He is?
Please pray… My 2 yr old nephew fell today and fractured his skull and was unresponsive. He is now being transported to a larger hospital to see a neuro surgeon. Please pray for God’s grace and mercy!
Praying right now!!
Praying for your nephew lady.
Oh Allison. Praying!
Praying also!
Praying right now! So thankful you shared this
Praying Alison for your nephew and your family…x
Allison, praying right now in Istanbul for your nephew. James 5:16 comes to mind…praying for “powerful, effective prayers” on his behalf as the body of Christ around the world prays for him!
You got it.
Allison, continuing to pray for your nephew and the whole family.
I really appreciate that SRT is an interactive online community. I am used to reading online devotionals and then going on with my day, but that tends to be isolating if that’s all I do. Here, we can pray for each other, bravely type our words out and hope that it encourages someone or that someone encourages us or prays for us…I love reading through the comments and seeing the way conversations and prayer for each other develops.
I do have people in my life that I can talk to about Christ and how he is pursuing, always has pursued us. But these are new people, people, I’m not as comfortable sharing with, although I have the desire too…Christ is stirring me yet.
One another thing-the past two days have been kind of amazing. I hope to write about it soon, but I think it has to do with this Lenten study, the SRT community, and most importantly, Spirit of God moving-
May his kingdom come, His will be done, in our lives and in. This. World.
In prayer, with you, my sisters and brothers.
the verses from Matthew made me think of my grandpa. that was his favorite prayer! he helped me to memorize it
Hey everyone! This is the first time I have ever posted here I just became aware of SRT at the beginning of Lent. I have so enjoyed this Lenten study. To reflect on my ways of how I forget about the Lord in the busyness of life and the things I need to do to stay in him, by learning scripture, reading his word, quiet time and then repentance – the darkness and the soul splitting wide open, dying to self, the guilt and shame that keeps me from repentance and leaving them at the cross. Now making the journey to the cross. So beautiful what he has done for US and I know that I don't deserve!
I tell you, there is so much I love about SRT! I am actually praying before reading – I am actually reading the scripture before the daily reading, reading comments and saving the weekly scripture on my phone and learning it each week. It is so funny each week, I say I will never learn this scripture, by weeks end I have it memorized. I so need this community! I read the comments to each reading and on many days they have helped me understand what I wasn't understanding…lol The hard part for me is coming and commenting to be a part of the community!
I had an episode Sunday that hit on one of my dark places and all day yesterday I couldn't find my way to prayer or to pray for that person that trespassed against me. I was feeling resentful! I was suffering because I was more concerned about my humility and about my kingdom and not his, and prayer wasn't anywhere on the map! I performed a loving act for this person yesterday and his kingdom came shining through. I was able to love others as he loves me. I have such a hard time saying prayer when I am in crisis!
Thank you SRT for reminding me how to pray!
Sandy, Your excitement pops off this post. I too enjoy the lockscreens for my phone and memorizing. I think of this commenting area as a bonus. It is not mandatory in the least. SRT has thousands of participants, yet daily there aren't that many posting here. I use it as an extra tool–especially on days when a I'm confused about what that days devos connection to the scripture is (yes I sometimes don't get it :/). Those times the other comments help me along.
Blessings ~Val
I've recited the Lord's prayer many times, and I thought that I understood what it was I was praying each time. But not until you broke it down and simplified it into today's English did I really understand how simple it is. I'm always doubting myself that I'm not praying "the right way" or not saying "the right words." I often say things in my prayers like "I can't imagine how this circumstance could possibly be your will, when it goes against everything I know to be true about you and words I've read in the Bible, but…" I realize now I need to leave that phrase out. Sometimes I'm not going to understand God's will and that's ok. I just need to keep it simple and pray "Your will be done, not mine."
Love this beautiful devotional. This is my prayer too– “I want to not just pray “Your kingdom come” but to seek to vigorously do it!”
I’ve also had several prayers of “Lord, I don’t know how to pray.” Now I’ve been praying with my two year old son and feel like we’re both learning together. We start with “Papa God, thank you for….(a million little things).” It helps me see the joy that can come from simple prayers.
This is such a blessed Word!
Ahh, I didn’t know where that prayer came from but it’s one of my favorite songs from The Brilliance. Beautiful.
This post, with the prayer from St. Patrick that I absolutely love, reminded me of the song "My Tribute" by Andre Crouch. Honestly, I don't love this song, but it's message, THAT, I love completely. One line in particular…"If I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary" resonates with me all the time.
Any credit that I get for anything that I do, any praise, should be directed at God because it is through His will that I am here to do what I am being praised for. His will, His plan, is what gets me where I need to be to do what I need to do.
This is especially important as I face things that are difficult. "You're really handling that well…" "I don't know how you have the strength…" "That would have pushed me over the edge…" Praise in difficult times. It's not ME who handles things well, or has strength or who doesn't slide over the edge into something unrecognizable, it's is my belief in God's will guiding me, and my faith that He has great plans than this for me. (And here are my inevitable tears as well…) God has more. He has more than this for me. In good times, He still has more. In bad times, He still has more. He is leading me somewhere and this is not it. I will continue to follow His will, through success and failure, through war and peace, through pain and through triumph…He has more. Until the day that His Kingdom Come, I will follow and all praise will be His.
Praying for our sisters who are struggling today…with diagnoses, with relationships, with kids, with money, with jobs, with homes, with feelings, with life…there is still more. God has more. "Christ behind me, Christ before me…"
Thank you Samantha..x
This was a timely post. I too struggle with praying and feeling inadequate when I do. Your words touched me and brought tears to my eyes. Thank You!!! So Blessed to have found SRT a year ago, it has changed my life!
I can't express how much I needed to read this.
Yesterday, I learned my sister-in-law, who is in her early twenties, has been diagnosed with cancer. My family has already lost one of its younger members to cancer, and in my shock and anger, I've found myself unable to pray, knowing first hand that prayers don't always bring the result we'd like. Thank you for the reminder that we have been told how to pray, that praying doesn't mean petitioning, and that we can believe but beg for help with our doubts.
I am so sorry to hear that. I am praying for your sister in-law today! ❤️
Eek, my clumsy thumbs accidentally down voted instead of up, but thank you dearly for your prayers!
Hi! I’ve been really enjoying these studies! I can’t thank you enough for hosting a place where women can be in the word together & learn from one another! I debated & prayed about sharing because I didn’t want to seem as if I was coming off against the writer of this study. (I think its a great study!!!) but since we’re all women in the word, trying to grow in our relationship with God I figured I’d share! As I was reading today’s scripture in my Bible I was stopped by something I had scribbled down from church. I had written “the model prayer” beside Matthew 6:9-13 my Bible has a title/heading that also reads “The Lords Prayer”. At church a few months ago we were finishing our study of the book of John- where we go verse by verse through the whole book. My pastor made note saying that here in John 17 is the actual real prayer of Jesus. He noted that many say Matthew 6:9-13 is but that there in Matthew he was instead telling the disciples & us what they should pray. He went on to say that Jesus wouldn’t have prayed “Matthew verse 6:12 and forgive us our debts” because Christ was sinless. I had never seen it in that way before, but it makes total sense! In John 17 verse 1 it starts off saying “When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said Father the hour has come, glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you.” & he continues to pray for the rest of the chapter. I hope this coming off lovingly! keep doing what your doing ladies at She Reads Truth this verse makes me think of what you all do here! Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation who says “Your God reigns.” much love! -Marie
Marie, thank you! How bold and obedient you are, I am so glad you shared because I am truly reminded we are of One Spirit and the spirit that is within you is also the spirit within the writers, which serves to challenge, exhort, and confirm the truths of God. And tension always leads to growth if we allow it to! Thank you again for sharing!
This is my first time posting here. I don't really have an opinion on whether Jesus' prayer in Matt 6 or in John 17 is His "real" prayer but I think that the language in Mt 6:12 means Jesus is telling His disciples how THEY should pray. Because clearly they are not sinless, even though Jesus is. The Lords Prayer is a model of how we are supposed to pray. Well, that's my two cents for what it's worth! Blessings to you.
I utterly lack words today to frame my thoughts. God’s work the last week has been astounding to me and my prayers have become briefer and more concise in their wonderment. This was so timely in helping to frame direction. Thank you, Amanda!
Thank you for your transparency! It’s good to read that I’m not the only one! Today’s post connected to me and one of my challenges as a Christian. God bless!
My story with prayer is three-parts fold. When I was first beginning to accept Christ my bible-study buddy recommended I try to pray at night… My first prayer to God went something along the lines of, "God, I have no idea how to pray." That Sunday the church service was a step by step of what the Lord's Prayer actually is and how to pray. OKAY GOD.
Flash forward 3.5 years and I'm in a church that lovvveeessss prayer, and specifically direct prayer over people. During the last song of service you could walk up toward the stage and someone from the prayer team would come and provide immediate prayer over you, it's amazing. I foolishly think I can be on this worship team (rather, I knew God was calling me to it because it would be me stepping out of my comfort zone). I go to the first meeting and learn the importance of prayer and then ditch out on the practicing meeting (but slowly start to help pray for others in my small group).
Like many others I have clung to the words of C.S. Lewis, and also relied on God knowing what is in my heart so that when I come to him with raw emotions and no concrete verbiage he still knows what I need. Luckily I now work for a Christian nonprofit and we often have to pray aloud, either before meals we take as a group or in front of a group of volunteers.
God has been leading me toward a life of open prayer for a lonnnnggggg time, and todays study was one more step in that journey.
I have been weeping much this last week or two. So much is going on and I feel like I'm spiritually drowning. Our church is grieving the loss of 3 elders, I can't write to my brother (my best friend) who is at boot camp right now, and God has been closing doors to full time ministry. How I desperately ache for his kingdom to come.
I’m Sorry for all of your grief Rebecca. And for all the trials you’re facing around your life. Although I can’t pretend to relate to everything you’re going through I think at one point or the other we can relate to the feeling of spiritually drowning. Hold steadfast to the word. Our savior carried the biggest burden of all for us. Jeremiah 29:11 helps through my times of doubt. I will be praying for you…
this was beautiful! I needed to hear this today. Right now I’m trying to pray about going on long term missions. It’s what I feel called to do, but I really want to be in step with what He wants for this time in my life and I feel like I hit a brick wall when I try to pray about it. I believe we’re all made for communion with the father and that’s what I want the most right now, just deep, simple communion with Him. prayers appreciated :) xx
Praying for you Grace! I totally understand that desperate plea for guidance into the mission field as I too am preparing for an indefinite trip to Cambodia. It’s my prayer that in your patience He will open and close the doors to lead the way. He is the best orchestrator. But I strongly believe that in the right time He will guide your willing heart. You are in my prayers sister!
thank you so much! ❤️
Praying for you, Grace. My husband and I just became long term missionaries a little less than a year ago. It is a tough, tough thing to pray about. The Evil One is shaking in his boots that you are even THINKING about long-term missions. And he will do ANYTHING to keep you from going. Even distract you from prayer. Praying that you are able to push through and experience closeness with our Father as you contemplate what He might have you do.
Take comfort. If He has called you, He will clear the path. If you ever want someone to talk to about all of this, I would love to chat since I've gone through it myself. I can pass along my email if you want. :)
wow, thank you so much. I would love to talk!! :))
Sorry it too me a bit to reply. If you want you can email me at [email protected]
God doesn’t “need” our prayers, yet he invites us to participate in communing with Him. He knows our need and that prayer has the power to change us. Power to connect us to Him, change the atmosphere around us and grow our faith. Such a privilege!
I'm not much of a weepy prayer, but I don't feel like a very good prayer:/ I do tend toward a laundry list, and it doesn't feel like the conversation I know it should be. I get the feeling I'm missing something in prayer that others ar getting, and I'm unsure how to remedy that. Does anyone else feel this way?
I do love The Lord's Prayer, though. Even when my own words fail me, I have Christ's words to say, which remind me what to petition God for, what's truly important.
I feel as though I’m missing something when I pray as well. And my mind can tend to drift off also and I don’t even realize it.
I always feel like I come to God with the emotions in tact but the words lacking. It helps to know that God already knows what is in your heart. I would recommend, if you can, finding a way to get away, my best prayers have always been when I'm hiking or driving alone (eyes open!) or just in a place I can't really find any major distractions.
Grateful – for my Lord and Savior and for the SRT community. Grateful from an undeserving heart filled with the love and peace of a Holy Father who finishes every work He begins – even me.
I am new to this community and felt like I found a kindred spirit in the first lines of this post!
Another weepy, leaky pray-er here.
It all began when I accepted Jesus at 21 and I have not been able to pray out loud without crying ever since. Yet, prayer is such a struggle for me. Thank you for sharing your struggle and the victory that awaits if we will push through! I know that, no matter how hard the struggle, intimacy with Jesus is worth it.
Thank you for such honesty!! As I was settling in to read the bible passages I was thinking I should have spent more time in prayer. God knew what I needed, and He supplied your devotion today.
It's all about His will and His kingdom. Why do we have such a hard time taking the focus off of self (made a huge assumption that others relate to this)?
Forgive me Lord for all the "selfies" in life; I need my focus to be about You and Your kingdom purposes. It's all about Christ and only then should I see myself through Him not separate from Him. My "selfies" should become "Christ-with-me".
“Christ-with-me” I love that. May we be a portrait of Him rather than self. It’s not common in our current society, but if we each reflected Him that’s a lot of “Christ-with-me’s” and fewer selfies.
This devotional today just brought me unexplainable peace. I have always loved the Lord’s Prayer and for me it is very special because Spanish is my first language and I can speak English fluently except for prayers and creeds. For some reason I cannot memorize the prayers and creeds I grew up with in English except for the Lord’s Prayer. But thankfully I know He hears me in any language. :) I’ve never heard that prayer from St. Patrick. It is so beautiful in its simplicity and meaning. Thank you for sharing.
Many people have different ways of praying – but my most heart-felt, convicted, passionate prayers all come while I am sitting in my driver's seat of my car (parked of course!). I imagine Christ is beside me and it is just us two as he hears my deepest needs, desires, petitions. This truly helps me feel as though I am surrounded by Christ in prayer and that it is an intimate moment being shared in a very personal relationship.
It is so refreshing to hear someone else say the words I think so often- that prayer doesn't come naturally. I struggle often to find the words and when I do find them, they too sound like a grocery list or jump all over the place (I'll pray for someone which will remind me of someone else and then I'll go back to the first person because I wasn't done yet…). Being in "the now and the not yet" is hard. Seeking God's will even when I don't understand it is hard. Forgiving myself and forgiving others is hard. I am so thankful a Savior went before me and is within me to help me when words fail me.
With the Lord’s help, over the past few years, my life has been stripped bare of everything I was clinging to instead of Him (my idols). And now, as I look around at the desolate – even humiliating – places I still hear the unholy whispers enticing me to use all this space to build my own kingdom. Fresh. From the ground up. Falsely promising life and beauty. But, I’ve been there, done that. Building my little, hopeless kingdoms are not pretty and lead me nowhere and feeling miserable. And that past evidence – lest I forget – is what I need to remember to give me the courage to seek Him, to return.
Because I believe that God has cleared all these places in my life so that He might fill them up. Make them new, overflowing with His goodness. His pleasing and complete and more than I can imagine goodness.
So, on these days when the despair over the empty looms and threatens to take over – I need simply to remember (thanks, Amanda!) it is and always has been about His Kingdom. I need only repent of my little kingdom thoughts, and as sure as the dawn, He is with me to refocus my mind and realign my wandering heart.
Thank you, Lord for your relentless grace and love and patience. Thank you, Christ that you are with me, within me, before and behind me. I am hemmed in. And eternally grateful.
I had never thought of His Kingdom coming in the Lord’s Prayer quite this way. So amazing that He prayed it – and taught us to as well. Wow.
At my church (which is online) we have a Live Prayer button where we pray with people about their needs. It seems so easy to pray with/for others but when it comes to prayer for me my mind begins to wander to the days to do list or the next agenda item. When I read the St. Patrick prayer I thought how beautiful to partition to be surrounded by Christ and prayer.
“And while some days prayer flows like breath from my lips — Thank you and Please Lord and Help me — most days my prayers start more like a grocery list than a love letter. Here are the things I know I need. Here are the things I need to remember. Here are the people I ought to pray for.”
I love how honest she is about the difficulty of prayer!
“I want to give God glory in each and every thing, even when it hurts. I want to desperately depend on God for my provision on the great days and the awful days.”
I love the way this devotional about pray included a lot of prayer!
Amanda, I also cry every time I pray out loud. Good to know I’m not the only one…
Amanda, you always ‘get me’ right where I need it. So thankful for SRT and the thought provoking messages, the work you all do to prepare them, and that you reach us old dogs and young pups alike.
Good morning, ladies! Thank you so much for this, Amanda! And yesterday's…. I just couldn't wrap my mind around what to say about yesterday's, so I never commented, but this has been such a wonderful Lenten study!
Today reminds me of yesterday in that Jesus was not just our Sacrifice, but also our Offerer. Just as He didn't go kicking and screaming toward the cross, we are not to simply dutifully pray and then sit back "hoping" our prayers are answered to our advantage. We are to seek to enact those prayers boldly, vigorously!
So much more jumbling around in my head that I'd love to get out, but I guess I'll have to stop with this. The Lord seems to not be clearing it all up just yet to put into written word. Have a great day, ladies!
Ah, how I needed to read this devo today…I have been struggling these past few weeks…with prayer and just generally walking with my Saviour…I have done it almost reluctantly, and probably without heart…not really…I have been overwhelmed by life, by the frustrations of situations that have a knock on effect on others, and they in turn on something else…These past weeks, I have shouted, screamed, stamped my feet…moaned…
Ah, I feel ugly…I truly do…especially in this season we are in…in the words we read from the bible, in the walk we are taking and moving towards…how can I, who is still standing, by the FAITHFULNESS, LOVE, PROTECTION and PROVISION of God, have anything to complain about, let alone be disgruntled…but here I am confessing this rotten truth….I am so sorry Lord…Repenting of all the trouble and heartache I have caused you my Lord, when I should have been praising and thanking you for all you have done and continue to do Lord….I ask forgiveness Lord God in the mighty name of Jesus..
I want to give God glory in each and every thing, even when it hurts and I don't understand
I want to desperately depend on God for my provision on the great days and the awful days.
I want to seek God’s will above my own, even when I don't understand it
I want to pray for God’s Kingdom to come — both in the Now and in the Not Yet….
Changing, this way of thinking that has me spiralling ..my body posture, that says I have given up, my mind set, that is believing I am not worthy…to align with the Lord's..
Thy Kingdom Come Lord…Thy Kingdom Come….Amen..
Amanda, thank you…
Sister's, each and every one of you BE Blessed this day the Lord has made, with His Goodness and Grace and Love and Mercy and ALL things God…Love to you all…xx
Praying for you, Tina. May this season you are in not last long. May you grow closer to our Lord when it's over. Like a tree, dormant through the winter, may you bloom in His glory when Spring arrives. Bless you, dear sister.
T, I will be prayerful over you friend. I am so sorry you're having these days, I understand what you speak of, even in this season and have, at points, been overwhelmed myself. The last 4 days have had their challenges and there are moments I have little hope over a particular situation, but God has softened my heart to remember that I need not concern myself with the things that seek to pull me down. My eyes need to be lined up with Jesus, like I'm walking a tightrope, high above a pit, Jesus in front of me, walking it with me and so long as I am eye to eye with my Savior as I shuffle my feet, I will make it to the other side. And just yesterday was a tough day for my SG. At one point I told her how special she was, she looked up at me and said, "I don't *feel* special". So for you T, my prayer today will be that as you shuffle along, feeling "ugly", you remember that how you feel isn't how you *are*. Those are lies. If a lit lamp is covered, does it still shine? It does. It's just overwhelmed in cover. All this to remind you that your human-ness these past weeks don't make you less. They just represent an area God wants to walk out in you. I know, because He's is still walking out so much in me. And I know you know because your faith and walk are such a light in this world. Prayerful that your burdens ease and that your pains lessen. That God bring healing and hope for those awful days and that He washes you with a peace over His will both "in the Now and in the Not Yet". Love you T! ~ B
Praying for you, dear Tina. That He will wrap you up in His love and grace. Hugs.
I want to give God glory in each and every thing…even when it hurts. Love, love, love this entire post from someone who has struggled with prayer. Never feeling worthy enough (I can’t be) but knowing HE is worthy is all that matters and He invites me into His presence.
Corrie ten Boom said, “Don’t pray when you FEEL like it, have an appointment with the Lord and keep it.” SRT makes it easy to keep that appointment with Jesus every single morning (or whatever time of day you choose) for devotion and then conversation with God. Most important thing we do all day! My blog post yesterday was on this subject too. (And an old Andy Griffith episode!) Two Chairs, No Waiting… http://www.hopeinthehealing.com/2015/03/15/two-ch…
Blessed Tuesday and thank you all for praying for my dad yesterday. He received another miracle that has left us speechless. Even during the procedure we were told it was very serious and it seemed inevitable he would be having open heart surgery. An hour later they wheel him back like it was nothing! They just ballooned his artery!
He cried tears of joy and thankfulness when he realized what had happened….a repeat of last summer when the doctors were amazed. God is good and we are giving Him praise. Will be praying for each of your needs today as I check back. On my way to catch a plane in these wee hours ❤️
Candacejo, thankful, alongside you and the family for the miracle of your father's healing…praising God in His faithfulness, Grace and Mercy..Thank you Lord God that you heard our prayers…Amen…
Blessings dear sister..safe journey home…Love to all..xx
Praising God for this miracle in your life N! I can't imagine your father's ovewhelming emotion in it. I am so thankful you have more time in this world with him and look forward to hearing more about his wellness and continued healing. And I loved your post. As I indicated yesterday, it was imagery I needed. Thank you! Safe travels! ~ B
Amen. I’m not sure why, but my soul needed to read this. Abba, let your kingdom come. Amen!
tonight I am needing to believe in a Kingdom come. as a teenager preparing for the rest of her life sometimes challenges arise. tonight for example, I ended an unhealthy relationship with a man who did not share my faith. out of his anger he took to slamming me on every form of social media he could find. he even found the nerve to message my mother. at this point I felt like my world was crashing down. I realize the sun will rise tomorrow and I will find my faith renewed. I struggle to understand how such horrible things are allowed to happen to god’s people but I realize now it’s only to make us stronger and to make us turn to him. I feel regret that this man will not ever know the love of God or the love of anymore. I know I have the promise of a kingdom come❤️
Hannah, thankful that you had the wisdom to end this relationship, sorry to hear he did not take it well, and proceeded to 'slam you' on social media…the sun surely will shine in the morning…but here's the thing…it will shine on both of you…yourself and this man…God loves you both, and although this man does not know God ..yet..might I ask…you pray for him…having walked with him for however long, Hannah, you may have planted a seed, that may one day grow into a faith and love of God, like yours and mine…continue to love him, as a brother, and it will be hard…as he has done things against you….but remember, you have Christ in YOU, and we are called 1) to love one another, as I have loved you…Jesus said…2) to forgive…Hannah, you could be the Kingdom come to this man…x
i could write paragraphs about how awesome I think you are for doing this but I will sum it up like this…..i can only pray with all my heart that when my children (now 11 and 9) ever finds themselves in a situation like this that they will do what you have done.
Stay strong, Hannah! I went through something similiar when I was 21. We were together 2.5 years. When I broke it off, he did many things out of anger. His last words to me were to curse me out. A little over a year later, I received a lengthy letter in the mail from him. He had received the Lord as his Savior! He couldn't talk to his friends about it, but knew he could talk to me. We became great friends. It was amazing to see the changes in him. Sadly, soon after, he was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. There is hope to see my friend again one day!
Keep this man in prayer. Continue to be an example.
If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. (1 Pt 4:14)
Oh dear girl. I am so thankful you had the Spirit and wisdom about you to know this wasn't a relationship for you. In this world, that is big. Remember who you are in Christ, no words can negate that. So thankful for your strength in this. Walk tall through it, God is with you and Him. As Tina said….God loves him as well. Be prayerful, it will help to soften your heart in the pain and perhaps continue to share Christ "behind the scenes". ~ B
Hugs to you, sweet Hannah. Encouraging you to hold tight to your Father and have courage. He is mightier and full of so much love. Saying a prayer for you now.
thank you so much. ❤️
I'm so sorry that you had to go through this because I know how difficult it can be. I'm a teenager as well and know how difficult breakups are. Although, how amazing is it that you realized that it wouldn't work out because he didn't follow the same religion? I recently went through a break up similar to this and I will tell you that it DOES get better. God is SO happy that you are following His path for you and when the time is right he will place an amazing man in your life who will lead you spiritually. Try to focus on your relationship with God because He's the one that can heal our hearts. Also if you can try to read Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Also, this video is SO amazing for looking at relationships -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5cs679RYpU
Hi hannah, i know that God will heal your wound, and i want to give you an advise as i would give it to my children ( idk how old u r): pray for your future relationship, pray even when you think that you are ready again to open yourself to some one. Do not rush feelings and events, just faithfully pray. God will find a fit just for you if you pray that his will is done and not yours. Pray for you, my dear sister.
You SO did the right thing! I did the same thing when I was 18 and it broke my heart to do it, but I often look back and thank God that I did. My life would have been so much different…so much harder if I had stayed with him. It was hard when I did it and hard for the next year or so, but I knew in my heart it was right. I truly believe you will look back and thank God that He has a better plan for you. I am 31 now and I have two little boys with my husband, and I am so thankful that he is a believer. Thank you for sharing.