The Word of God

Open Your Bible

John 1:1-28, Isaiah 55:10-11, Hebrews 1:1-4

I have loved the music of Harry Connick Jr. for more than twenty years. “We Are In Love” has been our song since Ryan and I were dating in high school, and so many others have been the soundtrack to our story over the years. From “Lofty’s Roach Soufflé” to “Bourbon Street Parade,” Harry’s musicianship has kept him at the tip-top of the list of concerts I’d love to one day attend. 

For my birthday this year, my concert-going dream became a reality when Ryan surprised me with tickets to a Harry Connick Jr. show in an outdoor amphitheater just south of Nashville. We looked forward to it for months, but when the day finally arrived, a sudden-onset thunderstorm threatened to cancel the event altogether. We sat in our car outside the venue that night, waiting and hoping as the lightning crashed and the rain poured. More than an hour later, after the worst of the threat had passed and most of the concert goers had given up and headed home, we heard the update: “Harry wants to sing!”. Braving the still-pouring rain, we ran from the car and found our seat among the remaining guests scattered sparsely throughout the amphitheater. 

The opening number was spectacular, but it couldn’t prepare us for what happened next. “Assigned seating is out the window tonight, folks!” Harry announced. “Come on down and let’s have a good time—I’m going to give you everything I’ve got!” Through the rain the remnant came, filing into seats we didn’t pay for at a show we didn’t think would happen, greeting each other with the same kindness we’d been shown by our generous host. In the middle of the storm, Harry beckoned us to “come and see” the good thing that was even better than we’d hoped it could be. 

Friends, the book of John is your invitation to “come and see” Jesus—up close! John’s Gospel tells the story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, showing Him to be the divine Son of God and compelling us to respond by putting our faith in Him. This reading plan will walk you through all twenty-one chapters over the course of five weeks, along with supplemental passages connecting your reading in John with the rest of Scripture.

John’s Gospel is an open door into the life-changing ministry and message of Jesus. We’ve all got seats we couldn’t pay for if we tried—all the more reason to make room for strangers and friends to join us! So invite a friend and settle in. Let’s read the true story of the Son of God, and let’s be different because of it.

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360 thoughts on "The Word of God"

  1. Kristen Hudman says:


  2. Amy Espina says:

    Day 1 done ! Excited to dig into this gospel ! ❤️

  3. Nancy Kautzman says:

    I love the podcast commentary.

  4. Kristi V says:

    Excited to join in!

  5. Holly Hester says:


  6. Alexandra Dent says:

    Prayers for a blessed year ❤️

  7. Celin Rodriguez says:

    Is there a cost for each day of study?
    I’m starting so late and can’t pay for everyday.

  8. Ulla M says:

    Started today, this is one of my favourite books in the Bible! Jennifer prayed for you and your children! God is good and loves you so much! ❤️