The Woman at the Well

Open Your Bible

John 4:1-42, Jeremiah 17:9-13, Revelation 21:6, Revelation 22:1-5

I start every day with either a cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice, or a cup of tea. The variation depends on a few factors—weather, season, and hour—but the principle is the same: a quick beverage before I get my day started. But when I’m really, truly thirsty, the only thing that will satisfy that craving is plain old water. I prefer mine chilled, while others prefer room temperature. And some people will tell you that bubbly water hydrates you all the same, but I’m not convinced. I just want water.

The woman at the well might have thought the same thing when Jesus came to her as she was drawing water; she just wanted to get some water to drink. Jesus, exhausted from His travels, wanted the same thing. But the water that Jesus offers the woman is different from just normal water. He tells her that if she drinks this water, she will never be thirsty again (John 4:14).

It’s hard to comprehend a water that quenches thirst even more so than what we’re used to. But the woman, tired of coming to draw water from this physical well, is eager to hear what Jesus has to say about His water. According to societal norms, as a Jewish man, Jesus should not have even been associating with this woman, a Samaritan—and one who has had five husbands at that. But Jesus, in keeping with His way of reaching out to those who are cultural outcasts, sees her and offers her eternal life. Jesus, the Messiah, offers her living water.

Have you ever seen a child come in from playing outside, grab a plastic cup of water, and gulp it down ferociously, with deep breaths after every sip? There’s nothing quite like that quenching of thirst. It provides almost instantaneous relief, and gives the child enough energy to run back out the door and keep playing. That’s how I imagine the promise of living water to be: instantaneous relief, courage to keep going, and knowledge that the thirst will not creep back up on you.

The living water of eternal life is offered to us now because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He has extended this grace to us, promising to never again leave us thirsty again. There will be a “well of water springing up” within us (John 4:14). When we drink from it, we experience the joy found in life with Christ. Come and drink, friends. Let us share in the goodness of living water.

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47 thoughts on "The Woman at the Well"

  1. Bessie H says:

    “I who speak to you am He”. Can you imagine? Here this woman goes to the well in the middle of the day and encounters The Messiah! I don’t believe anything Jesus did was a coincidence. He knew he would encounter this woman at the well.
    I read one time that this is the longest recorded conversation that Jesus had in the Bible. Of all of the conversations He had, this one was the longest recorded. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a coincidence either. A Samaritan woman who had 5 husbands. I love how Jesus cared for the least, the last, the lost. I am renewed today to go and do likewise.

  2. Sally Burkholder says:

    I’m not so sure the verse in the photo to share is accurate?

  3. Rae says:

    “Come, see a man…”

    Some of my favorite words in scripture

  4. Melanie says:

    Amen! The thought that Jesus knows everything I ever did and still wants me is mind-boggling and yet so freeing. I believe it and yet it’s hard to live it out.

    1. Holly Darley says:

      I love and hate the fact that Jesus knows every little intimate detail of my life. Every little secret I’ve ever tried to hide. My every thought, and feelings in my heart. But at the same time, I am so ecstatic that He knows these initiate details because he knows my heart. I love that when I haven’t got the words he knows what I want and need to say. I am so thankful to have Jesus in my life, without whom I would be hopeless!

      Thank YOU Father in Heaven for loving me so. For giving the world YOUR ONE AND ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, so that WE may be SAVED and live for eternity in Heaven with YOU! Singing to and worshipping YOU forever! Thank YOU for YOUR unfailing love. Thank YOU for all YOU have done and all YOU will do. I love YOU, I praise YOU, and I lift YOUR HOLY NAME!! For without YOU, I would be lost and nothing! I give
      YOU the praise, the honor, and the glory forever and ever.

      1. May D says:

        Holly this brought tears to my eyes. Worshiping with you in Spirit.

  5. Churchmouse says:

    The woman at the well had had five husbands and the man she was with was not her husband. She seems to have had a bit of a reputation, not all good. This reputation caused her some embarrassment as evidenced by the fact that she changed the subject as soon as Jesus brought up her relationship history. Yet when she went back to town, leaving her water jar behind, she testified that “He told me everything I ever did.” She brought up her past, no longer ashamed. A single encounter with Jesus released her from shame and embarrassment. She was set free. Just as she left her water jar behind, she left her past behind as well. Now she had a new story to tell, a new reputation just beginning, a fresh start.
    Pondering today what I need to take to Jesus, willing to discover what He would reveal to me about myself that I’ve been trying to cover up or minimize. It seems a good time to listen and have an honest conversation with Him Who knows everything about me. It seems a good time to leave my particular “water jar” behind and embrace a fresh start. It seems a good time to share my encounter with Jesus. May I pour out His living water to another. Now is a good time.

    1. Casey Hicks says:

      This is what I see when I read this story. She goes to the well alone, maybe expecting no one to be there. Because she knows her shame. I think her shock, at seeing a man, one who is clearly a Jew and not even knowing her shame, she believes he will judge her for her cultural believes. She even talks to him about how they believe different things. This poor woman, living in shame, to the point she imagines judgement from everyone. I imagine she lived a life of shame, avoiding others to avoid judgement and whispers of who the world says she is. And after encountering Jesus, after encountering love. She goes back home, asking people to believe her, and come see! I picture her going back into town, loudly and confidently telling those who whispered about her the Truth. I like to believe like you say, her life was changed by Jesus, He set down her shame and filled her with confidence, and it brought more people to Him and to the Light. What a great story today!

    2. Alexcia M.Lewis says:

      This was so good!

  6. Kristen says:

    I know I’m posting a lot today, but I thought I would share this. I searched waist does Jesus mean by Living Water, because I wasn’t sure. I didn’t know that He was referring to the Holy Spirit. Here is the link:

    1. Shannon Lowry says:

      Thank you for your insights I really appreciate what you wrote:-)

  7. Kristen says:

    I found this version of the song I mentioned above too:
    This one has the lyrics in case you never heard it before. Either way It is a beautiful song.

  8. Kristen says:

    I don’t always do this, but I read the Scripture from John in the Message version. I recommend doing that. I have heard and read this passage other times before, but I wanted to get a clearer understanding about certain parts. I’m glad I did. Here is one part:
    “Believe me, woman, the time is coming when you Samaritans will worship the Father neither here at this mountain nor there in Jerusalem. You worship guessing in the dark; we Jews worship in the clear light of day. God’s way of salvation is made available through the Jews. But the time is coming—it has, in fact, come—when what you’re called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter. “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.””
    ‭‭John‬ ‭4:21-24‬ ‭MSG‬‬
    The part that stand out above is in adoration.

    When she was talking about thirst, I remembered a time that I was so thirsty and my mouth was so dry. I remember there was an uncomfortable feeling in my mouth. I longed to drink and I needed to keep drinking to satisfy this thirst. I still remember how I felt and that thirst and it’s been 7 years. What if I longed for Jesus, God the Holy Spirit, and Kingdom minded things like I longed for those drinks? God, please help me to understand how to worship You in spirit and truth. May I love You and revere You more each day. May I give You the honor, adoration, and praise You are due. In myself, I am selfish and weak. Please help me and change me to what You want me to be. I am thinking of the song where it says: “As the deer panteth or the water, so my soul longeth after thee. You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship Thee.” Please let that be true of me.