The Ways of Wisdom and Folly

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 2:1-22, Proverbs 8:32-36, Proverbs 9:1-18

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

The foundational truth in Proverbs is this: to deny God is to walk in the way of a fool, and to follow His ways is wisdom. Wisdom is not just the accumulation of knowledge. It is a way we walk through life, seeking to know and live out God’s truth. Folly, in the biblical sense of the word, is to hold the pursuit of truth in contempt by choosing to make our own path. A life of wisdom or folly comes from more than the individual decisions we make; it comes from how we approach the journey of life as a whole. 

Reflection Questions:

What do today’s verses suggest are the goals of growing in wisdom?

Read Proverbs 9 again, paying close attention to the personification of wisdom in verses 1–12 and the personification of folly in verses 13–18. What stands out to you? How are the two different?

What fruit do you hope a month of studying God’s wisdom will produce in you? 

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281 thoughts on "The Ways of Wisdom and Folly"

  1. Bridgett Hood says:

    “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learner” Proverbs 9:9
    – perfection isn’t the goal, instead always being willing to grow and to learn from the Lord.

    My prayer for myself is that God would reveal to me through, scripture and prayer, where I’m lacking and where i need to grow.

  2. Monica James says:

    I pray that going through proverbs will help me grow in wisdom. To become a kinder person. And to be able to show Christ more when I interact with people.

  3. Shannon Holland says:

    I pray that I will gain wisdom and follow Gods path for my life the way He has laid out for me.

  4. Sharmaine Domingo says:

    I hope that this journey will bring me understanding of the why’s in my life. To gain wisdom of God’s love for me, and to regain how to love myself again

  5. Lisa Stang says:

    I pray that I can rest on His wisdom and protection by following his Word. That I will not choose my own path, but faithfully walk His for my life.

  6. Nicole Smith says:

    I pray this will help me become more fully aligned, all the parts of my life, with God’s plan and with his Life in me

  7. Autumn Stamps says:

    I pray that this study helps me to be wiser, kinder, and more understanding. Truly being able to treat the people around me with a more kind heart.

  8. Mary-Claire Black says:

    I hope to gain wisdom from God’s word on how to get my life back on track and how to treat and help others around me. I hope I gain wisdom on how I approach others so I can spread the gospel and spread God’s love to everyone around me. I hope to regain my relationship with God and strengthen it to the way it once was. I don’t know what my path looks like but I hope to learn how to listen to God and to obey and follow the path he intends me to take, not the one I want to take.