The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Open Your Bible

John 14:1-31, Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 11:25-27, Acts 4:12, Hebrews 10:19-22

I don’t know about you, but I tend to overanalyze things. Sometimes even a small decision can lead to an overwhelming list of pros and cons. I know I want pizza for dinner in my heart of hearts, but maybe I should want the soup, or the salad…or the chicken. You’d think dinner would be a simpler decision. (The answer is pizza. Always choose the pizza!) When it’s so easy to complicate the tiniest of decisions, how do we come to any sense of peace and assurance about the bigger matters in life?

The Christian faith is simple and complicated at the same time. We are called to have faith like a child (Matthew 18:3), and also to grow toward maturity (Hebrews 6:1). In some places the Word of God seems so straightforward, and yet the psalmist declared some knowledge too wonderful and lofty to grasp (Psalm 139:6). The seeming contradiction between this simplicity and complexity speaks to the mystery of the gospel. But when it comes to our salvation, Jesus doesn’t want there to be any confusion.

It’s funny—and oddly reassuring—just how human the disciples were. By the time we come to John 14, they were well into their ministry alongside the Son of God. You would think after all the miracles and face-to-face teachings from Jesus, they would have learned the basics. But when Jesus talked about the way to heaven, the disciples seemed totally and utterly confused!

So, once again, He spoke clearly, telling them:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
—John 14:6–7

Jesus spells it out for His disciples—and for us, too—so that there can be no misunderstanding. He is the way to freedom. He is truth and life.

There are parts of our faith that are truly complex because we love and serve an infinite God. Some questions don’t have simple answers. The gospel is like an intricately woven tapestry, with threads intertwining in hidden places, forming the most epic story of all time. God gives us minds to think and question and analyze these mysteries with humility so that we might grow in our understanding and love.

But, some parts of the Word are crystal clear. 

Jesus came to our world in the form of a man so that His followers could see, know, and touch the love of their Father. In a world full of confusion, God wants His people to know exactly who He is.

If you know Jesus, you know the Creator of all and the way to salvation. As you “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), may you find peace in the straightforward declarations and promises of our Lord.

(68) Comments

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68 thoughts on "The Way, the Truth, and the Life"

  1. Claire B says:

    Lynne, I pray all went well

  2. Jackie Witter says:

    I have a lot of favorite scripture, but John 14:1-6 is truly at the top…this is the first chunk of scripture I memorized as child. I teeter between two strong desires, one for Jesus to return and make all things right and the other to be more obedient in the path he laid before me. This scripture just moves me forward in my my desire to do His good works as He instructed.

  3. Natasha R says:

    Thank you, Lord, for coming down to my level, just as how a human father squats down to speak to his little child. Thank you for helping my limited mind understand the Way. I may not get it all, but because I trust my Father, I take Your hand and let you lead me. Off we go! ❤️

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:

      Love this!

  4. Natasha R says:

    Thank you, Lord, for coming down to my level, ,

  5. Natasha R says:

    Salvation is both simple and complex. After all, we serve an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God whose thoughts are unfathomable. Thankfully, the core Message is simple. Because He speaks to my heart and not my head, and the language of our hearts is love, I get it. He showed us that love (loud and clear) by sending us His Son in human form to die for us. I can’t explain it completely, but I get it.

  6. Natasha R says:

    I love today’s reading and devotional. I have read those passages many times, yet it speaks to me differently every time. It is indeed the Living Word!

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi Everyone! Dorthy, I recommended that episode of The Unfolding as well, so good!! I listened to them every Friday, they have all been such inspiring testimonies!

    I also listened to a great message today on grief and loss of a baby during pregnancy on Focus on the Family and wanted to recommend that to
    @ Victoria E, and think you could really relate, and it was helpful to understand those that have this grief and heartache.
    Thanks for all the great comments and wisdom today!

    Can’t remember who asks, but we all just know each other through commenting and reading them, but yes, it feels like we do!

  8. Indiana Elaine says:

    Read this from daily sapphires and thought it fit yesterday’s and today’s readings: “A king adopts a beggar child, takes him into his mansion and says all this is yours. The child takes the candlesticks and jewels and puts them in his pocket. He takes the paintings down, puts them in a bag. The child still has the mind and heart of a beggar. He doesn’t really believe he’s rich, adopted or loved. As long as he clings to it, he’s not. If we’re clinging to money, that means we’re really not rich. If we’re clinging to possessions, that means we really don’t have much. If we’re clinging to the love of people, then it means we really don’t have love. If we’re clinging to anything in the world, it means we really don’t have much in heaven. You’re a child of God if you’re born again. You’re a child of the king. Whatever He has is yours. He has gladly, freely, given you the kingdom and all His blessings. You don’t have to cling to things anymore. If you’re His child, you’re rich. Receive it, and stop clinging. Let go and be blessed. In God, you’re no longer a beggar. You’re a child of the King.”

    Today’s Mission
    Give to those in need and help the ones who have lost hope; love those who need to see, and feel God’s love. Doing these things, we store up heavenly treasures and His blessings.