When I was a young girl, I loved to visit my father’s elementary school. He was the principal, and being the principal’s daughter made me feel special. I especially loved the times he sent me on errands. I would walk into the cafeteria or library, looking like any other student. But when the staff learned who I was—and that I’d been sent by my father, the principal—it made all the difference. All that he represented was connected to me.
I love that the book of John sets itself apart from the other Gospels in the way it showcases Jesus as the Son of God. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke together have a handful of instances in which Jesus refers to Himself as “sent” by God, John records more than thirty. As Jesus talked to the crowds—and in particular, to the Jewish leaders—He used some version of these words: “Him who sent me” and “the One who sent me.”
Jesus’s choice of words was purposeful. The Jewish people knew that God had promised to send a Savior. It’s amazing to me that Jesus would tell them so plainly, so many times, that He was the sent One. In chapter 7 alone, those words appear five times:
“My teaching isn’t mine but is from the one who sent me” (John 7:16).
“…but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is true…” (v.18).
“ I know him because I am from him, and he sent me” (v.9).
“I am only with you for a short time. Then I’m going to the one who sent me” (v.33).
And this one: “I have not come on my own, but the one who sent me is true…” (v.28).
God the Father had been true to His promise. He had sent His Son for the salvation of humanity. Yet, many who walked and talked with Jesus—who heard Him repeatedly testify that He was the sent One—did not believe.
So many precious truths are repeated this way throughout the Bible, and I can’t help but wonder at just how often I’m slow to believe them. For instance, while some version of “do not fear” appears hundreds of times throughout Scripture, there are still countless circumstances arising in day-to-day life that tend to stoke fear deep within my heart. The Bible is replete with assurances of peace and joy despite what’s happening around us. But how long does it take to believe those assurances in a given situation? God trumpets His love for us, unconditional and eternal, a love unsurpassed by any human love we could ever experience.
God keeps His word. If a promise is given just once in the Bible, He is faithful to fulfill it. By His grace, He often repeats those promises, giving added assurance to our hearts. With faith, we can stand on those promises and believe because there is another promise that’s often repeated: our God is true (John 7:28–29).

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71 thoughts on "The Unlikely Messiah"
Thank you Lord for sending us you Son to save us from ourselves ❤️
Fear not! Every time anxiety or fear reaches me. I stop everything and seclude myself to praise and ask for the holy spit comfort. It works! Fear not! ❤️ I love you Jesus ❤️
Amen! Our God is true!
I completely agree! So many times God will tell us what we need to hear, yet we aren’t fully listening & so we miss it. It’s the difference of what we need to hear vs what we want to hear.
So very thankful for Jesus and the way He was not afraid to speak Truth.
Sad that his brothers did not believe in Him.
Thank you for the insight! I was just going to look up the festival of booths! Similar to all the times the Israelites doubted God in the wilderness once saved from Egypt.
I can only imagine how awe-inspiring and impressive Jesus’ words in the temple were, to the point they were afraid to arrest him
God is always talking openly about what is going to happen. The people around Jesus weren’t listening. Their ears what not open to hear. How often does that
Thank you lord for being a promise keeper
Lord, help me to believe on whatever you say and live according!
What a difficult crowd was Jesus facing! Yet, He taught them, spoke about the Law, spoke out loud at times, spoke privately (Nicodemus). His teaching was the means of accomplishing His mission. Let’s become better teachers of the gospel as we also face a difficult crowd during this time of uncertainty, fear, prejudice and opposition. Let’s be brave for He has sent us and has provided His powerful Spirit to accomplish the mission!
This devotional helped me in my study of Johnn, i’m very thankful for this community ✨❤️ Praying fot the team so you can keep doing this amazing job!
The commentary in my ESV Study Bible for Leviticus 24:33-44 says that the Feast of Booths celebrated the people’s salvation from Egypt. In Exodus 3, God says that he has sent Moses to bring his people out of Egypt(v.10) a few times just like he does in John 7! So good! Jesus is the better, greater Moses! I love the parallels between the Old & New Testament!
One thing that stands out to me is that no one touched Him. Why?!? Because it wasn’t time yet. In today’s climate, it’s hard for me to not tell God how to fix the injustices that I see every day. I forget Who is in control, and Who has perfect timing. God give me grace to remember that YOUR ways are perfect.
I have found it fascinating to research the festival meanings/purposes anytime John had mentioned one. The Festival of Shelters mentioned on this reading is also known as the Festival of Tabernacles or Booths. It’s 7 days long and is meant to be a reminder of the journey the Israelites had through the wilderness and to be thankful for God’s provisions. It’s so ironic that during this festival they were listening to Jesus and doubting His word. They were seeing Him in the flesh and still did not believe.
This devotion was so helpful to me in my study of John to point out over 30 times Jesus listed as the one sent by God. I see it so much continued in chapter 8, and I may go back to see that in the first 6 chapters.
I guess it’s true what was said in the Bible that they didn’t have ears to hear with. Because if people was really listening you think they would’ve know Jesus was the one sent by God.
They talked about the Luke verse at church this Sunday. The crowd was so quick to move from being amazed at Jesus’ words to wanting to throw him off a cliff!
Jesus – please remove any false ideas that I may have of you. Open my eyes to your truth. Amen.
Oh Angie, you are a marvel. Blessed to “know” you. You’ve got my prayers for sure.
K Swenson, I often say the same thing! I believe, yet help my unbelief. Amen!
John 7:16-17 stood out to me today. Jesus said it again and again – He is the Son of God and the Messiah. Yet many did not believe, and even I, with my overthinking brain, question it sometimes. But my heart KNOWS and is certain that He is the Saviour. Because I want to do His will, have submitted to Him, and dedicated my life as a living sacrifice, God has planted this Truth in my heart. I’m so grateful.
Thank you for sharing your hearts and I’m praying for all the requests mentioned. As for the reading today, I so often pass judgement on the Pharisees and other Jews who didn’t believe Jesus, but do I believe Him as I should? Would I have believed that He was sent by God if I grew up a few blocks from him? I don’t know the answer to that, but I want to believe Him more. “I believe! Help my unbelief!”
WOW!!! So much AWESOMENESS to take in. I’m learning so much in this study of John — like starting with verse 21 through 24 when Jesus states how it’s okay for them to circumcise a baby boy on Sunday but not okay for Him to heal on Sunday. I don’t know that I’ve ever read this part before and it just grabbed my attention when I read it. Then starting with verse 50 when Nicodemus tells the others it wouldn’t hurt to investigate. Their reply just “floored” me, ““Are you from Galilee, too? Search the Scriptures and see for yourself—no prophet ever comes from Galilee!””. And then Kim’s final two paragraphs really “hit home” with me. I don’t know exactly what it is about them but they just really caught my attention and made me think.
Be blessed and go out talk about “this Man from Galilee”.
Two things struck me today: What stood out was people’s fear of their own religious leaders. I once heard that a good litmus test for answering that “Am i in a cult?” question is, “Am I allowed to ask questions without fear?” Second: “The crowd was divided.” The truth can be divisive. Let no one tell you that your questions shouldn’t be asked because they are divisive.
Praying for all. Angie, Arina, Melanie’s father, our loved ones with covid and health issues and surgeries. Thank you K Swenson for sharing about the BEMA podcasts. I love finding new teachings. Prayed for Brook earlier today as I listened to this week’s SRT podcast with Jeannie Cunnion. If you have some quiet time to lIsten, I found it very beautiful, uplifting and comforting. Once God has you, he will never let you go, you are born again, just have faith.
This community truly warms my heart. Thank you all so much for your prayers and for sharing your wisdom and prayer request. Lifting you all up to our Lord.
Angie: praying for wisdom for you in this situation. That you will be able to love this person and God will bring healing.
Mari V: So good to meet a fellow runner! Hopefully, you’ll be able to go back to running soon. Praying for your work situation too.
Nads: praying for wisdom and a blessing for you. That you may feel God’s peace today. Margaret W: praying for your boyfriend, that he may get to know how big God’s love for him is.
Abby: praying for God’s blessing over your co-worker and her husband.
Melanie: praying for safe travels and for your father in law. How is your recovery going after your surgery? Thank you (and Kristen) so much that you are willing to sponsor! I think I can’t share links here, but if you go to muskathlon . com / en-us /events /88 /africa . html (removing the spaces), you can find me under ‘View participating Athletes’.
ANGIE….. as I read your comment I felt you were talking about me. I am in a similar situation. I am not a teacher but I do work at a school. And I have felt and feel exactly like you do. And sometimes it is hard to be Christlike when you’re the “Target”. I’m not going to get into detail just know that I know exactly how you’re feeling. At the same time I feel or my eyes were opened after having a conversation with a good friend, that this could be a mission field for me. There’s a young woman who loves the Lord, I need to set an example for her. I love her very much.
Praying for your school Angie.
Arina!!! I’m praying for you! We have a lot in common except I think I’m old enough to be your mother. I’m very excited for you to run a half marathon in Tanzania. How exciting! And what an amazing mission! As a half marathoner myself I can relate to you. And I too, am recovering from an ankle injury. I fractured and dislocated it Labor Day weekend. I’m sad to say I have not been able to run since. And I’m currently doing physical therapy to strengthen it. I’m hoping to run a half marathon in the fall. Not out of the country but it’s a Peace Officer’s Run. We shall see. Meanwhile you can count on my prayers for you.
*linger (not longer)
Thank you to Everyone for your prayer REQUESTS because the grace with which so many of you have written is truly blessing my heart…and that many requests are not for you personally. Still I am praying for YOU, your request and for all the beautiful sisters in this community praying.
TAYLOR, God made me longer on what you wrote. Today, (long story) I cannot attend my lifelong best friend’s father’s funeral; the whole family knows my heart and my circumstance but, I cannot see God’s will in this. This man is like a father to me. His body was transported 5 hours by car so that all his loved ones here can attend…and I can’t. It is a small thing in comparison to so many, but please still say a quick prayer for wisdom and blessing today.
“Can I really say (and mean) “Jireh, you are enough.”? Can I really say and mean “I will be content in every circumstance.” “.
Thank you Jesus for your peace. ❤️
OUR GOD IS TRUE! What a great devotional and Scriptures. Jesus sets a good example of what to do under peer pressure! He stuck with what he knew to be true and God’s will.
ANGIE, I have had lots of experience with bullies and unfortunately none of them responded to attempts at loving them. I pray that the teacher will respond to yours. Prayers for her heart and whatever hurt has made her this way and that things will be better soon. This prayer request is not insignificant because these situations whittle away at our peace and can open the door to stress and bitterness. Big prayers for you!
Also, praying for other requests and especially for the expectant moms, teachers, and medical workers.
Amen Michelle Sundman and Kenya Rafferty. Arina and Angie, praying for your decisions/ situations. Brooke P still praising God with you ! Continuing to pray for this precious little life.
I love that God repeats his promises so often for those of us who are slow to believe his love for us. I ask your prayers for my boyfriend, Henry, who grew up in a cult and was shunned. He believes in Jesus, but I feel like he has a hard time believing that God loves him in a personal way. That is a healing message I am seeking to show him.
Praying for you Angie that God turns this teacher bully into a testimony of his saving grace. That she may come to know who he is through you and her interactions with you.
Praying for you Arina- that God brings peace in your heart regarding going to Tanzania and healing to your ankle so that you may run your race.
Arina, my daughter is a missionary in South America and I understand the fear of fundraising. But I have seen countless times where God has provided a sponsor and funding for her to stay and do His good work. Pray! If it’s meant to be and if it’s His will for you to go, then it will happen. God will provide!
Yesterday asked for prayer for my co-worker and her husband who was having an aortic aneurysm repaired. The surgery had to be postponed as my co-worker tested positive for covid. Please continue to pray for this situation, that God will use this delay as a blessing.
Thank you for sharing Angie.
Sisters, do you notice how many times they try to seize Jesus and fail. God’s timing, God’s might. His will and His plan can not be thwarted. They do not truly know where He, Jesus is from, because they do not know the One who sent Him. They know where he grew up, where his family resides, but He is from God Almighty. He was in the beginning, with God and was God. Praise God! Praying for you Arina, that God will reveal His will for you. I love Compassion, and it sounds like a great oppotunity, if it is your plan Lord, please strengthen Arina and heal her ankle that she would know in her whole being that You are sending her, and if not that You will show her what Your plan is. God you are so good. In Jesus name I pray. Angie, it is in these challenges where we grow indeed and where you who are full of His grace and I have no doubt will, and have already shown it. Praying that God will reach the depths of the anger, the hurt, and the chains that this colleague is bound up in and break them that she can release all her weapons and lay her heart before our Healer. Breathe deep my Sister, He goes before you and He is beside and behind you. Speak truth as I know you do. May God be glorified in all He is doing in and through you. Lord Jesus we know the power of your Holy name of Your love that forgives our sin and pray for an end to this battle that seems to be so long, and that has hurt many, break through all that is not of you Lord. Tear down these strongholds, free the prisoner and flood this situation and school with Your light. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Melanie, praying for your Dad, strength and rest. Munchkin, trust, He provides. Praying for a loving and caring friend ride to church for you. Hugs Sisters. He loves us, Each and Every One.
My heart breaks for you Angie. Having to deal with this situation amongst the stressful environment of teaching during a pandemic. Praying for you, your principal and for the “bully” teacher. God’s will be done!
Angie, praying for you.
Jesus says, “follow Me…”, Lord, help me follow. He slips away, unharmed. Help me follow. So many examples of how to slip away from what seems impossible to escape. Because of Him we have sanctuary. A place to return home after all the weary battles. May I be a faithful follower and do the works of Your hands. Thank you Jesus. I love Your ways. Amen.
Angie, Ariana, Brooke P. Praying for your individual situations and specific requests now.
How many times has God tried to tell me something, yet I only looked at what my limited vision could see? Jesus tried to tell the crowd about the resurrection, yet they did not understand, because they were thinking of their limited experiences. How many times do we try to fit Jesus into a box when he’s so much more than that?
I have been trying to figure out what to do about church. I feel God leading me to a certain church in my area, but I don’t drive, so transportation would be hard to come by. God keeps telling me He will handle it. I just have to trust him. But I am so use to doing things for myself that dependecne does not come easy. May I just let myself trust in Him. After all, he has been vision than I do.
So thankful that God remains the same & true & steady even when nothing else ever does. He is so faithful
In verse six, I love this “… but your time is always at hand.” Let us live today as saved people… sisters who believe that it is always the right time to proclaim His love for us.
This group of SRT women! I so appreciate the requests we share so we can pray and support each other and build our faith step by step. The insights we gain from each other are precious too! The comment about God knowing the hairs on our head and when one of them drops off stopped me! We don’t know when one of our hairs drops off (we just see them later on the bathroom floor) but God does! We can’t begin to fathom how much He cares for us and wants to be involved in every detail and decision we make. We have all that we need in Jesus! Step by step we walk with Him!
The verse that stands out to me is John 7:24, “stop judging according to outward appearance; rather judge according to righteous judgment.” I’m feeling convicted by this, and also more kinship with Jesus realizing that HE was judged by SO MANY, and judged incorrectly, ultimately leading to the cross. I love looking for Jesus’ humanity, and seeing how he handles different problems that we face every day. His example is always one to follow. We are here how Jesus handles judgement by others, and I think there is something there for us all to take in. Praying that I will see people the way Jesus sees them, and respond to judgement in the ways that He did.
God is with us. He is with us even when we cannot see Him at work. Often times, I feel we simply do not see Him at work in our lives because our prayers are not answered in the way we think would be best or things are not going according to what we want to happen, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t WITH us. It doesn’t mean He isn’t working in our lives. Do we see Him? Are we actively looking for the ways He is working in our lives OR are we like those in his hometown who doubted because the Savior wasn’t what they thought he would be? God, let me SEE you. May I live my life so that others SEE you too! Amen
Thank you Angie for your prayer request. I’ve been in education for several decades and there have been times where I would seek the Lord with great earnestness for a situation. I will be praying mightily that the Lord will turn this around and that your light will shed great joy in the darkness. To God be the glory! I’ll continue to pray for you Angie!!❤️❤️❤️
Some of the Jewish people didn’t see Christ as the messiah because he didn’t fit the narrative they had been told and believed for so long. It makes me wonder what narratives do I have and I’m holding onto that I’m missing God’s blessing. We need to release our expectations to God so we can have eyes to see.
Father increase my faith. In Jesus name, Amen
I love how Jesus didn’t act in response to the crowd but kept to His Fathers timetable. His brothers thought this festival would be the opportune moment to display His miraculous abilities and gain recognition and popularity. Jesus didn’t fall prey to their prodding. Jesus trusted His Father to let Him know when the time was right. He came to do His Father’s will. His words, His declarations, revealed Who He was. The miracles He did were confirmation of His identity. I pray that I would walk in my Father’s will, trusting His word and patiently accepting His timing. I pray I would be fully surrendered.
Our God is TRUE.
Praying for your situations @Angie and @Arina! The song “Jireh” also comes to mind from this passage thanks to someone who mentioned in the comments about how God cares for the sparrows, how much more does He care for us? Can I really say (and mean) “Jireh, you are enough.”? Can I really say and mean “I will be content in every circumstance.” Most of the time the answer is no. Lord give me a heart of contentment in this season and that even though I want or wish I had x,y, and z that I would trust Your timing and know you have only my best in mind.
Have a blessed day everyone! <3
How many time has God showed up in my life and I don’t see it because it’s not what I’m expecting? Probably more than I know. There have been so many treasures of his presence in my life that I have probably overlooked in my busyness to see something else or my desire to see Jesus in another way. Praying for the power to see His presence in all the little moments, not just the big ones.
I spent some time this morning typing out a situation at school that needs prayer. I wanted, and started to share the details but erased it because God knows the details. I could use prayers though. Less specifically, I am presently the “target” of a teacher-bully. I am trying to respond and not react to situations and cruel words. I am trying to love my enemy and do good to those who persecute me. Easy to say, harder to do. Great principal’s over the years have tried to stop her without luck, they usually contain her at best. Our present principal is a godly-good man, but not strong.
Here’s the thing, what if loving my enemy helps her see Jesus? What if when she is evil, I give her back good? What if my response plants Jesus seeds in her soul? What if she is a Saul, that could be a Paul? But it is hard. When I have to deal with her, when she messes with my student, or comes into our classroom…it is hard.
I God lays it on your heart, please that I will respond to this situation in a way that glorifies Jesus? Honestly, I am also praying that she will be stopped from doing this to so many people.
Jesus, the “unlikely Messiah”, can…and I trust will, use this “likely evil situation” and turn it for good, IF I lay it before Him and respond with humility and grace. But.It.Is.Hard.
So many people have much more important requests. I know, this too will pass, but oh how I pray that God will take this situation and once, and for all involved, heal it; starting in me. Please Jesus, I ask it in your holy name. Amen.
So much has changed, but then? not so much, right?? The ppl back then could not seem to get their perspective away from the culture around them to see The Messiah in front of them. And today- we have opportunity to work in His power and live the life He’s directed on a daily basis, but we let the culture around us convince us that there are other/better ways of living. I had to remind myself almost out loud the other day, I do not belong here- I’m a visitor. I’m sent on a miraculous “errand” to bring good news of love, forgiveness, peace, and healing to the people in my path. If I never achieve “fill in the blank” it doesn’t matter- because even if I DO achieve it, it’s not lasting anyway.
God, His love, His truth- these things last. Praying that I can keep this perspective and not get so incredibly misguided by the culture that is continuously around me.
Hundreds of time we read ‘do not fear’ in the Bible? Yet we worry and stress every day about something. I bet we are the most anxious society God has had to deal with. Yet God is true, God is just and He is for us not against us.
I remind myself all the time that God will provide, God has got this. Why do I worry? Am I not more valuable that a sparrow? If God knows how many hairs are on my head at all times of the day, they fall and he notices; will He not see every single thing that happens to me? Will He not be prepared for it?
Things may not go how I want them to, but do I know better than God? He will always provide for me and for you, He sent us a Savior, so that we would not have to fear.
Jesus taught us, it’s recorded so that all generations after Him would know that God loves us and will work things out for our good.
Arina I would love to sponsor. I love compassion. As I read this I always wonder why Jesus didn’t say I am from Bethlehem. I was born their with the animals. Tomorrow I travel alone with 3 of my 4. Please pray for safety and a lot of grace. Also my father in law is still struggling. He did receive the kidney transplant however he’s had many complications. Currently he has to go to the hospital every day and get an infusion he’s tired and weak
Sometimes I wonder that if I had lived in Bible times , would I have seen the signs?? Would I have believed? Or would I be the one questioning? Because so many times today I question and wonder. Precious Jesus , help us today to see You. To be aware of You in our midst, in our everyday messes, in our everyday wondering and in our everyday beauty.
Praying, Arina!!! How terrible to hear what is going on there, but so good that organizations are working to help. I know that Compassion is a Christ centered organization and they and we all need Him! Praying for this trip and for His peace for you and His will to be done. Is there a way any of us could sponsor you? God bless!
ARINA – praying for God’s wisdom as you make your decision.
When considering those who did not believe who Jesus was they all had the same problem – Jesus did not meet their expectations. To be fair, at that time they could not have understood that there would be TWO advents. Yet when Jesus was fullfilling so many of the “humble” prophecies they wanted the “glorious and powerful” ones to be fulfilled.
We so the same today. May the Lord open our eyes to see Jesus for who He is and how we have scewed expectations.
There is so much confusion in this passage. Wrong expectations of how the Messiah would be. But it also looked like Jesus didn’t fulfill all the promises of God. He wasn’t born in Betlehem, they thought, so how could He be the Messiah? Still, they could trust God. He will fulfill His promises even when everything around us seems to prove Him wrong. Our God is true to His word.
I need to learn to trust God more, to take His words as true. An opportunity has been given to me, and while it is very exciting I’m also a bit scared. I can go to Tanzania in a few months to run a half marathon and to raise awareness and money for Compassion. Hearing the stories of how Covid has affected the people there, it’s just heartbreaking. People who lost their income. Children who haven’t been able to go to school for almost two years. Violence in homes… But there are organizations who keep fighting to change these things. So, it’s amazing that through this I’m able to do help them, even if it is maybe in a small way. It’s exciting, but I’m also a bit anxious about it. I’d appreciate prayers for all the preparations that I need to do, especially in the fundraising. Also, that my body will keep up. I’ve been struggling with an ankle injury for a while, but I would really like to run the half marathon. And pray for the people in Tanzania and all over the world who are in need. Our God is a mighty God and He can help them. Sorry for all the rambling, this is just what my mind is all about now. Have a blessed day today!